Chapter 4: Clue

Starry Night Love
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She went to her asign room, Bit Na could only think in how lucky she was, being treated nicely when expecting the worse. Court Lady Han explain her some of the common behaviour and protocol expected from her. Bit Na asked for further classes on the topic while she waited for the Kang Minister to arrive to the palace.

-Never look to the Royalty or high rank in the eyes?- said Bit Na.

-No, unless asked the contrary directly by them-

-How different-

-How is it different from where you come from?-

-The principle is there, the basics are the same, but not looking to some one elses eyes means distrust-

-Do you have any more questions?-

-I do have a small petition, if it not too much of a burden-

-Please tell me-

-Is there a place in the palace, or sourranding areas, where I can have a small temple for myself?-

-Small temple?-

-A small place for my privacy, where I can practice what I believe in-

-I'll ask for it, any specifications?-

-It doesn't need to be a close place, if its open, as long as not a lot people can acces it, i'll be more than happy-

It was indeed awkard for her to be follow by at least two maidens. How everything looked, smelled and how people behaved was exciting, yet intriguing. 

She wondered around until a place where there were dozens of maidens walking around doing errands.

-Where is this place?- she asked the maidens.

-It is the servants common corredor-

-They can get out of the palace through that door?-

-Yes, only for carry out errands for the Court Lady or security guards-

-I see. Maid Lee?-

-Yes?- she answered intrigue and awkard.

-Lets head back, but first, do you have an extra pair of clothing?-


They head back to her room with an extra maid uniform. Bit Na change herself quickly and organize herself to look like one of them.

-Please Lady Na- said Maid Lee, who was in charge of her service -Restrain from heading out off the palace-

-I fully take responsability of what will happen from now on, but I need to go -

They did went outside the palace, and headed to the market. For people inside, she was resting.

It was beautifuly chaotic and unique. The differences between the life inside and outside the palace were contrasting and somehow unjust. She wanted to smell, eat and touch, she wanted to experience.

-You better pay me back you wrench!- said a man at the end of the street while slapping a young looking girl.

-I already half way the debt

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EunSun #1
Chapter 11: You know you're in too deep when you recognize what drama that hankerchief if from
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 6: Wow! Great story, can't wait to see what you have coming up for Bit Na.
Keep up the good work!
EunSun #3
Chapter 6: You updated!!!
I'm curious to see what happens in this fic :)