Chapter 3: Who are you?

Starry Night Love
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Next day, she was called early in the morning by Court Lady Han. Bit Na got nervous since her face became serious all of a sudden.

-Can you please tell me what is wrong?- asked Bit Na desperetly -Have I done something wrong? Did the Crown Prince...-

She stopped from walking

-What about the Crown Prince? What have you done?-

-Nothing, I did nothing. I couldn't sleep last night and went for a walk. I ended up in the flower garden and...-

-You shouldn't go there from now on-

-I understand-

-Let us go- they both start walking again -Why couldn't you sleep?-

-Bad nightmares. But... can you please tell me where we are going now?-

-Some one special has asked to see you personally. While your identification is confirmed, you are working as a servant under me-


-Is there any problem?-

-No, there isn't. I'm glad I've been kindly look upon, I'm just worry not to be trained properly-

-Do not worry, you won't have to serve anyone specially. Just run errands for me instead-

-Thank You for such kindness, but were are we goin now?-

-You ought to clean up and properly dress. You've been wearing your... attire for quite somedays already-

Bit Na looked at her clothing, it was indeed dirty and damaged. Some tears came as she remembered what has been in the past few weeks.

-I am sorry, but I couldn't recover any of my belongings from the sinking ship-

-I must've been hard to lose everything-

-It can't be compared to see how many died in order to save me-

-Many you say?-

-All ship crew and fellow country man -

-I can image those are the nightmares that bother you-

-Yes they are-

As they arrive to Court Lady's stayence, Bit Na was dressed in their traditional clothing. She was unsure and uncertain in how fit was herself in those clothing.

-Here- said Court Lady Han -A special vail for you-

-You are beyond kind - she putted on the cover.


-You are beautiful, it is a shame I'm the only one that has seen you uncovered-

-Its' for my own protection, please, you can't reveal how I look or draw a portrait about my face...-

-You can trust me, I won't do it, even if...-

-Even if the Crown Prince demands you to?-

-I...- she hesitated.

-I wouldn't ask you to do such a thing. But if someone does it by force, they'll disgrace me-

-No one will, as long as I'm here. Now, you have been called by the Youngest Princess-


-Yes. The Princess whom you helped days

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EunSun #1
Chapter 11: You know you're in too deep when you recognize what drama that hankerchief if from
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 6: Wow! Great story, can't wait to see what you have coming up for Bit Na.
Keep up the good work!
EunSun #3
Chapter 6: You updated!!!
I'm curious to see what happens in this fic :)