Chapter 9: Forgiveness

Starry Night Love
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-Your Highness- said Bit Na.

He saw how her eyes were somehow red and swolen, there were traice of tears.

- Bit Na?- he couldn't come out from amazement - What's the meaning of this?-


She heard some soldiers coming their way, she panicked and started walking away. The Crown Prince took her by the arm, her eyes became twice the size from shock, something in them made him understand what a big mistake he just made.A bit violently she set herself free and walked away. The Crown Prince followed her silently, it seemed she didn't knew it was the guards time to rotate in surveillance. Finally lost her when she went to her room.
Next morning, when he was ready to perform his duties in the main hall, there was a letter waiting to be read first.

- What's the meaning of this?- he asked the prime minister.

-It was a request from the Young Princess, for your Highness to read it first thing in the morning-

- The young princess you say?-

He opened the letter and confirm it was indeed the princess handwriting.
"Your Highness" she started by saying " I was informed by one of diplomats Bit Na ladies that she is very aggravated by can't come to admit it. I was also told you were the last one she talked to yesterday when a meeting was requested by his majesty. Please apologize me for intruding, but was there anything you notice that may tell us how to proceed?"
- Prime Minister, please arrange a meeting with the Young Princess at once.

And there was a meeting.

- Your Highness- said the Young Princess.

- Is it very urgent?-

- Indeed. She refuses to come out. Her ladies are worried since she hasn't eat for a couple of days-

- She looked weak when we spoke yesterday. Does any of her native ladies know or can communicate something about it?-

- They insisted on law being broken... And a man-

- A man?-

- We can't communicate effectively with them but that's what we understood-

- Oh no- the Crown Prince mumbled.

- Is there something wrong?-

- I might be the man in question-

- What?-

- I didn't

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EunSun #1
Chapter 11: You know you're in too deep when you recognize what drama that hankerchief if from
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 6: Wow! Great story, can't wait to see what you have coming up for Bit Na.
Keep up the good work!
EunSun #3
Chapter 6: You updated!!!
I'm curious to see what happens in this fic :)