
Business Only
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Sana sat in the backseat of the car, arguing with Momo.

"It'll be fine; it's just Mina and her mom, what could go wrong," it was a rhetorical question," there's no reason for you to me inside." Sana complained.

"But what if something happens and I can't be there to save you!" Momo retorted. Sana's stomach felt funny and her heart fluttered at the words of the other girl. She internally shook away her feelings and berated herself for acting like a lovesick teenager.

"Momo, you're being ridiculous! I'll-" the younger girl was cut off. 

"I'm just being cautious. It's my job to project you and that's what I'm doing. I don't want you to get hurt." The strange feeling in Sana's stomach occurred again. She huffed, why was she even having this conversation in the first place. She didn't have time for this.

"Fine. You can walk me to the door but after that, just stay in the car." She finally gave in. The blonde smiled victoriously and nodded her head. Unbuckling her seat belt, Momo opened the car door for herself. She opened Sana's door as well, this time Sana gave her a small, cute and shy smile, mumbling a "thank you" before heading to the front door, not looking back at the older girl. 

Momo followed Sana to the door and the younger girl knocked, waiting for someone to answer the door. The raven haired girl was greeted by an older looking woman, Mina's mother. 

She embraced Sana in a hug before sending Momo an inquisitive glance. 

"It's good to see you dear," she directed her eyes to the blonde," and who's your companion?" Momo decided to reply even though the question was meant for Sana to answer. 

"I'm Hirai Momo, Sana's new bodyguard." At her words, Mrs. Myoui frowned and sent an ice cold glare at Momo, rendering both younger girls speechless. Mina's mom was was intimidating and scary, but what did Momo even do to deserve that look. It couldn't have anything to do with her being Japanese because the Myoui's were also Japanese, so is Sana. Strange. Sana's cleared to fill the silence that had engulfed the three. 

"Anyways, I came to catch up with Mina." Mrs. Myoui smiled kindly at Sana and let the girl inside. 

"I'll be in the car if you need me for anything." Momo told Sana, but Mina's mother had different plans. 

"Nonsense, come inside and sit down." She spoke, her voice trying to reciprocate the warmth it held, but Momo could see through the facade. Why did this woman have a vendetta against her? There was no way the blonde could deny the offer given to her so she just nodded and entered after Sana. 

Upon entering, a shorter girl practically tackled Sana to the floor with a bear hug. So this was Mina? The smaller girl pulled away. Momo took immediate notice of her appearance. She was pretty, very pretty. She seemed to be shy or, for better words, reserved. Mina looked at Momo then at Sana, giving the raven haired girl a curious look, making Sana reply to her unasked question. 

"This is Momo, my new bodyguard. I believe I've mentioned about her through our phone calls before." She muttered the last part so only Mina could hear, but Momo overheard Sana's last words due to her exceptional hearing. The thought of Sana talking about her made Momo feel slightly insecure. What did Sana say? Hopefully good things, but Momo had her doubts since this was Sana and she didn't seem to be very fond of the blonde. It shouldn't have mattered to Momo, but it did. 

The blonde was pulled from her pointless thoughts when she heard the familiar voice of Sana calling her name. 

"Momo, this is Mina, my best friend since elementary school." She almost seemed to emphasize the friend part. Mina awkwardly offered Momo her hand and the two girls shook hands, nodding in acknowledgment and muttering small, quiet "hi's" to each other." Well, I'll be upstairs with Mina if you need me for anything." Momo flashed a brief look of worry and minute jealousy.

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kay_socurlly #1
Chapter 5: I already knew why Mina’s mom hated Momo from the start Mina’s mother I ing horrible. I hope the rest of your 2017 was better. 😌
misamotzuuu #2
Chapter 5: oh man really hope there will be an update to this story
1241 streak #3
Chapter 5: Update please authorssi T^T
1241 streak #4
Chapter 5: Is there any possibility for u to update this? :3
NSRBonita #5
Chapter 5: Wow loving the story please if you can update:) <3
Chapter 5: You have to continue this master piece otor-nim.
Chapter 5: This is very interesting <3 pls come back T-T
Chapter 5: i hope you come back and update it, this is good ;w;
Chapter 5: this story's so good omg i hope you come back and update it :o
Akerush #10
Chapter 1: Sana's parents died in a plane crash two months ago."
The actual Duck...!!