
Business Only
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A scream echoed throughout Momo's room making the blonde jolt awake. Immediately, Momo started to worry for Sana's safety since the noise came from the direction of her bedroom. Momo jumped out of her bed, not caring that she was only in shorts and a sports bra, and left her room in search of Sana's. The blonde was only focused on checking on Sana and didn't even bother to think about waking Jackson up for any backup if something truly was wrong. 

When she finally made it to the entrance, she stopped for just a moment to listen in through the door. Nothing significant could be heard. She barged through the door and spotted Sana alone, curled into a ball, crying. 

The older contemplated what to do; how to comfort Sana. The blonde sat down on the edge of the bed, her back turned to the younger. She couldn't take hearing the girl cry so hard. Her emotions took control and she pulled the raven haired girl in for a tight hug. Sana surprisingly didn't reject the hug. Momo didn't care that she could feel the heat emitting from the younger, the fact that their bodies were pressed together. None of that mattered right now; Sana was sad and Momo wanted to comfort her in anyway possible, her own wants and needs were last priority at the moment. 

The two stayed like this until Sana's tears subsided and she began to calm down. 

A silence filled the room now. Tension similar to when they first met started to build between them. Momo couldn't bare with the silence between them.

"I'm assuming you had a nightmare," Sana nodded her head, sniffling," do you wanna tell me about it?" the older spoke in a soft, soothing voice. To her surprise Sana actually agreed to talking. This girl was proving to be full of surprises. 

"I had a dream about two people, a man and woman. I know them even though I never saw their faces. They're boarding a plane together. The trip seems to be going smoothly, until the stewardesses start to panic and an explosion occurs. Now everyone is screaming, including the two people,my p-parents..." Sana trailed off, fighting back a new wave of tears. She let out an audible, shaky sigh before continuing," a-after that there are bodies, so many bodies, they're pale, lifeless, some charred from the explosion, others missing limbs..." she couldn't bare to continue any longer. 

Sana gripped at Momo's body tightly, her nails dug into Momo's exposed midriff, causing the blonde girl to wince from the pain. The younger buried her head in the crook of Momo's neck

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kay_socurlly #1
Chapter 5: I already knew why Mina’s mom hated Momo from the start Mina’s mother I ing horrible. I hope the rest of your 2017 was better. 😌
misamotzuuu #2
Chapter 5: oh man really hope there will be an update to this story
1241 streak #3
Chapter 5: Update please authorssi T^T
1241 streak #4
Chapter 5: Is there any possibility for u to update this? :3
NSRBonita #5
Chapter 5: Wow loving the story please if you can update:) <3
Chapter 5: You have to continue this master piece otor-nim.
Chapter 5: This is very interesting <3 pls come back T-T
Chapter 5: i hope you come back and update it, this is good ;w;
Chapter 5: this story's so good omg i hope you come back and update it :o
Akerush #10
Chapter 1: Sana's parents died in a plane crash two months ago."
The actual Duck...!!