
Business Only
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Sana awoke to the sound of her alarm going off. She lifted her head from the pillow and adjusted her eyes so she could read the time, 4:30a.m. She hit the snooze button and fell back to sleep. Five minutes later, the alarm went off again. She slapped it and dozed off once more. 

(In the kitchen)

Jackson checked his watch once again. It was now the second time he heard Sana's alarm blaring in her room. If she didn't get up she'd be late for a very important meeting. He knew she'd be angry if someone came to get her up, but it was the only option at this point. Jackson's eyes landed on a new arrival in the room. He scowled.

"You're late," his words were like ice. The girl-rookie-looked at Jackson as if he had just given her a two hour lecture.

"Only by ten minutes, this isn't exactly a small house. It can't even be classified as a house," the new girl spoke the truth. He'd have to give her that.

"My name's Jackson. From what I've been told your name should Hirai Momo, correct?" The girl-Momo-nodded, "I already have a job for you," Momo's ears perked up,"go down the hall," he pointed to his left towards a hallway, "and open up the second door on the right. Once you're inside, wake up miss Minatozaki." This was Jackson's secret way of punishing Momo for being tardy on her first day.

Momo gave Jackson a curious look.

"Why can't you do it, she knows who you are, "Jackson rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Just do as you're told," Momo bit her lip and nodded, not wanting to cause any trouble. She started to walk towards Sana's door. Momo grabbed the handle and paused for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her growing nerves.' First impressions are the most important.'

She turned the doorknob and quietly opened the door. Upon entering, she saw the outline of a body underneath the covers of a queen-sized bed. Momo cleared and spoke in a calm tone.

"Uh, miss Minatozaki, it's time to get up," the figure under the sheets groaned and turned over on her other side. Momo bit her lip-which she had the tendency to do when she was nervous or in deep thought-and quietly cursed out loud. She moved closer to the bed and repeated herself. No answer. She tried again and still got no reply. Her patience was wearing thin." Please Miss Minatozaki, it's time to get up. You'll be late for your first meeting of the day," to Momo's surprise, the figure under the sheet responded. 

"I hate these damn meetings. Who the hell thinks trying to talk business at six o'clock is an efficient idea?" The sides of Momo's lips twitched upwards. She expected an older, more mature sounding woman to be underneath the covers. If she guessed correctly, the person under the sheets was at least in her 20's- which would be very surprising. 

Sana pulled the covers off of herself and rubbed her eyes. She blinked, trying to examine her surroundings. She had become curious as to who had woken her up. It definitely wasn't Jackson.

Sana's alarms went off when she spotted a blonde haired girl standing at the foot of her bed. She had never seen this person before. Momo was in shock by the appearance of Sana. The girl was not only younger than she expected, but she was also strikingly beautiful-even without makeup and tousled hair. Sana frowned at Momo.

"I-I'm the new bodyguard. I was told to come wake you up," Momo hoped she didn't sound too nervous. Sana knew Jackson put the new girl up to this to try and get the girl in trouble, so he wouldn't be yelled at. Sana's eyes held a cold stare towards Momo no matter the fact.

"You can go now," Sana spoke in a monotone. Momo nodded and quickly walked out of Sana's room as ordered. Momo was a bit surprised with how Sana presented herself. The girl looked like she was a kind and caring person, but she acted so cold towards Momo. The rookie realized she didn't even properly introduce herself.


Jackson and Momo waited for Sana to finish getting dressed. Jackson

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kay_socurlly #1
Chapter 5: I already knew why Mina’s mom hated Momo from the start Mina’s mother I ing horrible. I hope the rest of your 2017 was better. 😌
misamotzuuu #2
Chapter 5: oh man really hope there will be an update to this story
1241 streak #3
Chapter 5: Update please authorssi T^T
1241 streak #4
Chapter 5: Is there any possibility for u to update this? :3
NSRBonita #5
Chapter 5: Wow loving the story please if you can update:) <3
Chapter 5: You have to continue this master piece otor-nim.
Chapter 5: This is very interesting <3 pls come back T-T
Chapter 5: i hope you come back and update it, this is good ;w;
Chapter 5: this story's so good omg i hope you come back and update it :o
Akerush #10
Chapter 1: Sana's parents died in a plane crash two months ago."
The actual Duck...!!