
"I Promise"

              She sat up and immediately regretted the decision. The walls seemed to close in on her and then simultaneously expand out again. It made her gag again. With the very little strength in her body, she observed the room she was put in. With the recent events of the last... she didn’t even know how long she had been out... hours, she assumed, she would have thought that she would be waking up in a musty dark building.

              Instead, she was met with the opposite. The bed she had been passed out on felt like a cloud and her pillow stuffed with marshmallows. The walls were painted a brilliant white that caused her to squint as light from the open window bounced off. The chiffon curtains billowed in the spring breeze and beyond them she could see a stretching field of green. Inside the room, there was minimal decor. A chandelier (of all things) hung in the middle of the large bedroom with a dresser parked against the wall to her left. There were three doors. One opened slightly ajar to reveal the corner of a toilet ‐ the bathroom. A second which had its light closed so was shrouded in darkness in which she deduced could not mean the exit. That left the third door.

              As she came to the conclusion, the door flew open and a man stepped inside. “Ah, here wakes Sleeping Beauty. I was thinking you were never going to wake until Prince Charming’s kiss. That prince being me,” he said loudly, announcing his arrival.

              The buzzing returned. She cupped a hand to the back of her head and groaned.

              “Hoseok, get out of the way,” a second man entered the room. He was taller than the first, his black hair gelled up which added to his height. He had on a stripped polo shirt that made his broad shoulders seem wider than they already were. Kim Seokjin set down a bowl of soup with a sandwich on the side beside her bed.

              He gestured to both items and her stomach grumbled audibly. He chuckled and brought the tray onto her lap instead. “I wasn’t sure if you were up for eating solid food so I just made you both.”

              Her mind finally registered just who was standing in the room with her. “What the ....?” her eyes flitted back and forth between the two men.

              Hoseok was wearing a fitted white shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. He had let his hair fall in front of his face, a boyish look that caught the hearts of many females. A pair of circle frames perched on the bridge of his too perfect nose. When he saw that she was looking at him, he sat at the edge of the bed and took her hand into his own, “I’ve missed you sweetheart. You look exquisite by the way.”

              She realized that the sheets had fallen to her waist and it revealed that they had not bothered to change her out of the outfit she wore to the club with Seohyun. Seohyun...

              Before she had her opportunity to ask what happened to her friend, Seokjin roughly grabbed Hoseok and got him off the bed. “Hoseok, out. I need to talk to Daeun.”

              Hoseok could never disobey his hyung’s words so he winked once at her and then left the room. He closed the door behind such that it was only Daeun on the bed and Seokjin standing above her to the left. There was a very heavy and awkward silence that hung in the air between them.

              “Eat,” he offered her the food again, “You’ll need the strength. We’ve got a lot to discuss.”

              Daeun stood in the middle of the living room and glared down at the five men who had been lounging before she exploded out the bedroom door.

              Min Yoongi had been typing away on his laptop, nearly spilling his ever present coffee beside his arm over at the sound of her screaming. Kim Taehyung had been on the floor, playing a game on the PlayStation with Jeon Jungkook. The two of them had their headphones on and didn’t know that she was standing on front of them until she kicked the console off. Park Jimin was returning from the kitchen with a bowl of chips but that was now on the floor as he dropped half the bowl. Jung Hoseok. He was just lying on the couch, taking a nap. He did not shift once in his seat even as she stood there. Seokjin finally appeared behind her.

              “Daeun, calm down. Just listen to our explanations,” he approached her slowly, like one would towards an enraged tigress.

              “Calm down?!” Daeun raised her voice. She had still not recovered from being knocked out for twenty four hours by BTS. She wheezed and her breathing rate increased. Jin came from behind to try and move her to take a seat. Pushing him away, she remained standing on her own feet. She refused to sit at this moment. She took a deep breath and the words tumbled out in anger, frustration and confusion: “You knew I wouldn’t want to come so you stalked me outside the club, waited until I walked out, drugged me with chloroform, then proceeded to kidnapping me and brought me to New York?”

              She had always trusted Seokjin more than the others. He spoke firmly but with a calmness that made the listener want to stay and agree with his side of the argument. He never made her feel uncomfortable and the buzzing that was heightened around the other members was the quietest around him. There had been on instance where she had to excuse herself from the room due to the pain, but his lie was not completely irrational... His voice did not help in the situation this time though.

              There was red dancing in front of her eyes and she was angry beyond words. Seokjin had tried to start to explain why she was in this strange place with him and she had first listened. However, she lost it when she realized that it was them who had drugged her at the club. Not only had they drugged her, they even had the nerve to keep her sedated for the whole plane ride (private jet of course; they did not travel anywhere on common airplanes) until they touched down. And for what reason they had to go through all this? Because they believed that she wouldn’t have wanted to come otherwise.

              Jungkook didn’t know it himself but he spoke while holding Taehyung’s hand, “We didn’t mean to, Noona. Believe us. We would have done it any other way if we could.”

              She spun furiously to meet him. “Who the doesn’t mean to kidnap another person, Jeon Jungkook?” she spat.

He sunk further away, wishing he could melt into the sofa at this point. Taehyung gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. His eyes read, “I’m here for you, brother.” A light snore came in the direction of the sleeping Hoseok. Yoongi slightly kicked the other guy and the sound disappeared.

              “Jimin, get Daeun something to drink. She’s going to be dehydrated after all this talking,” Jin commanded the younger male. Jimin stared with wide eyes at Daeun before leaving. He returned in moments and offered the water to her; a peace offering of sorts.

              She didn’t want to take the water, but her body betrayed her. She gulped the water down and her body thanked her for the decision. She set the cup on the table with a long crash, causing Hoseok to open one eye lazily. He looked at her.

              “Is this what you think we’re doing, Kim Seokjin? Talking? Cuz I don’t feel like that’s what I’m doing. I feel like strangling each of you right now, flying your dead bodies over America and then dropping them into ocean. No. That’d be too soft an impact. I want to drop you over a tower and hope that it’d spear all of your bodies like a ing kebab,” her voice raised even higher than before.

              Hoseok spoke for the first time. “Wow. That’s morbid.”

              If looks could kill, Hoseok would have died right there on the spot.

              “Daeun,” Jin said with his soft voice, “Could you at least give us a chance to explain? I hope that our time together has at least allowed you to understand that we would never do anything to hurt you.”

              As furious as she was, Daeun was not unreasonable and she had realized she barely gave any of them the chance to talk. She looked around the room and saw that Yoongi was staring at her with wide eyes. Jimin had taken a seat beside him but he looked far from comfortable. The two youngest members were still huddled and holding each other, shaking their heads in unison to agree with what Jin had said. Then there was ing Jung Hoseok. He had gone back to sleep.

              Taking her silence as a go to speak, Jin started, “We were asked to come here for a job.”

              Daeun knew what “job” meant. The boys were here to shake up some sorry son of a who (usually) had sold information for the gang who hired the boys or had done something else that offended their employer.

              “His name is Hong Jung Yee. He’s the one in charge of international business - particularly here in New York. He’s worked for The Boss for years – decades maybe even – but the Boss thinks that the giant messup of the last job wasn’t just a mistake. He’s asked us to eliminate Hong Jung Yee as he thinks that perhaps Hong Jung Yee leaked information,” Jin said.

              Daeun needed to take a seat. Trying to still look angry, she stomped over to the closest chair she could find and sank into it. She still had the itchy feeling of not being able to breathe and she wasn’t sure if it was because of the top she hadn’t taken off since last night or the drug in her system. “So why do you need me here?”

              “The Boss insisted upon it,” Jimin finally spoke. He was the quietest out of all of them and so when he talked, Daeun paid special attention.

              “The Boss?” this name was unfamiliar to her.

              Jin had taken a seat across from her and for the first time, he looked uncomfortable while talking. “Our Boss. Nobody really knows his real name or even where he is so that’s the name we use to refer to him. He’s the most influential name when it comes to our type of business. He is the one who dictates who can do what, who can own what, who can kill whom.

              I know I take on the leader role from time to time, but I’m not actually the one who calls all the shots. The Boss sends me jobs when he thinks appropriates and He’s the one in whom we report back to. In a way, since this request came from the Boss himself, you can call it a personal vendetta.”

              Daeun knew that his words were meant to impact her someway. Perhaps stress how important it was that they had brought her here. Perhaps how important it was that she stayed and not disobey “The Boss’” commands. She knew she was supposed to feel something but all she could think about was how loud Hoseok snored. Drawing her attention back to Jin, she said, “Fine. So The Boss or whoever wants me to be on your job this time as well. But why me? You have all completed jobs before without me. Hell, you guys were doing completely fine before you met me. I don’t get why he insisted that I be here with you guys this time.” The instant the words left , she knew she would hate the answer.

              Jin scratched the back of head before addressing her observation, “Well, the Boss doesn’t want to eliminate anybody without knowing that there is concrete evidence that Hong Jung Yee has actually betrayed Him. So he asked us to present Him with something before we carry out the ultimate task. We know you don’t like talking about it and you forbade us to do it – ” She knew what he was talking about. She had not asked much from BTS when she started “working” with them. The only thing she had insisted upon was that nobody knew about this ability she had for figuring out the truth. They understood. If news got out about it, her life could be in danger. So what he said next caused her to want to bash her head into the wall.

              “- but somebody told the Boss about your special skill.”

              “We didn’t tell him, I swear on behalf of everybody!” Jungkook insisted. He had the worried look in his eyes again.

              Daeun sat with her eyes closed. That was why this boss guy wanted her. He wanted her to make sure that BTS were going to make a “justified” kill on behalf of him. She rubbed the back of her neck, wishing that there was the familiar buzzing but there wasn’t. In fact, there had been no buzzing at all throughout the whole conversation.

              “I know,” her voice sounded defeated and extremely tired. She had no choice but to stay. In the back of her mind, she still wondered why they had known that she would reject following them but she did not want to press further in fear that they’d reveal more bad news.

              “So, you’ll stay here and help us?” Jin sounded hopeful.

              “I don’t have much of a choice, do I? It’s not like I can afford a ticket back to Seoul anyways.”

              There was a collective sigh with her words.

              Jin clapped his hands together and stood. He had dreaded her answer. While he knew that the probability of her saying “no” was unlikely, that probability still existed. He didn’t want to force her to do anything she didn’t want to but since this job came from The Boss he had planned for the worse. “Well that’s settled then. Let’s go out and have some food. I’ve heard that we’ve got to try New York style pizza at least once.”

              The members were definitely more cheerful as they discussed what toppings they wanted. Daeun shivered in her seat and asked, “Tell me you’ve got clothes for me.”

              Hoseok sat across the table watching her. Ever since she had yelled at them back at their suite, she wordlessly followed them around. Nobody knew if she was still angry and tried to cheer her up as best as they could. They were all sitting in a private room at Bravo Kosher Pizza and stuffing their faces with single pies worth on average $50. He could feel a slight uneasiness in his heart as he knew they had not even revealed the entirety of their plan to her.

              Daeun stuffed another piece of whatever was on this expensive piece of ketchup slathered dough in . She knew they had taken her to this place and treated her to the most expensive items on the menu to cheer her up, but she didn’t feel happy. She felt miserable. It wasn’t that she wanted to return to Seoul. She didn’t believe she missed Namjoon or Seohyun but she just didn’t want to spend it here. She was content with the simple crappy life she had. It was scaring her that it might all be taken away.

              Although everybody was talking and joking with each other, there hung an awkward silence. They still had not talked mentioned to her what the full plan on tracking Hong Jung Yee down was nor how they were going to get her close enough to hear him talk while they interrogated him. She reached for a slice of pizza that had what she could only hope was eggplant. Her arm stops midway as she feels a different tingle down her spine. Hoseok was looking at her.

              “Is there something you want to say?” her voice knocks him out of his internal thoughts. He scoffed and reached for the exact same slice of pizza she was going for and stuffed half of it in his mouth. She looked at him, disgusted.

              “I was just thinking that you looked a lot better when we picked you up. You should wear more outfits like that,” he smirked while she glared at him.

              Taehyung nodded and patted his lips clean. “I’ll have to agree with Hoseok-hyung on that one. You looked hot.”

              She did not have the energy to follow up on the comment. Her mind wandered back to the night with Seohyun. She wondered if the other girl was alright and whether she was high on their couch or out partying. She wondered if Namjoon had noticed that she was missing. Did her boss even know she wasn’t going to be in for work for a while?

              Hoseok could see she was unhappy. He thought that maybe with his usual teasing she’d turn back to normal but even that didn’t seem to change her mood. “I’m going out for a smoke,” he announced to the table.

              A lot of people who knew Hoseok called him many names. Playboy. Smoker. Rude. Drunk. boy. He didn’t particularly care for any of them except for one: liar. That also happened to be one of the first words that Daeun had ever said to him. He knew he wasn’t the nicest person to be around and that nobody thought he ever cared about anything. They were wrong though. While he often was disinterested in the things happening around him, Chae Daeun had always been an interest. He didn’t know what it was about her that made him think about her so much since that night she had rejected his advances after trying to sleep with her friend. There had been physical attraction between them but she always played it off and scowled at how he made her head hurt a lot.

              The rest of the members did not know the full explanation of how she always sensed the truth. He didn’t know it all either but from the bits and pieces he gathered while they worked together, he knew that she had a feeling behind her head. That was why it bothered him so much that she always said her head hurt when they were together. The rest of the members inside were all trying to tell her that everything was going to be okay but he wanted to be that one person who would not lie to her about all the crap that was about to go down.

              The door behind him creaked open and Yoongi stuck his head out. “Hey. We’re going over the plan for Hong Jung Yee right now.”

              Hoseok crushed the cigarette beneath his foot and followed his friend in. 

And there we have it! A new chapter! Man, I feel like it's been forever since I updated and I'm so sorry. :( I hope you enjoy this one! Also, thank you for your lovely comments! A little late to the replies but: 

@Zuzuuu7: thank you! I hope you've been enjoying the updates!

@propheaker: maybe you've started reading my now? haha. Enjoy!

@inspirit7ifnt: tbh, Hobi would probably never be like this irl (well this is an AU LOL) but I could see him as a bad boy ;)

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{08/11/17} I'm finally back! Enjoy this new chapter and the ones to come :)


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OMFGD so much s happened in one sitting idek where to start cursing first
I can’t even be happy from the fact that Hoseok confessed
Please don’t kill Hoseok, it’s my last wish in this storyㅠㅠ
This chapter is so nervewrecking too many gunshots to endure
If Hoseok is so sure that Ryukwan won’t show up why doesn’t he insist to forego the current plan?
And Robert is still a big fat misfortune for Daeun and the others
BilliePark #3
Chapter 33: Life is just too cruel and bitter for them.
simple99girl #4
Chapter 32: Amm.. I just can't.. No..
Why soekjin? Why him? Why?! Why do you have to do this to me? And does he have to be like that?
I mean..
simple99girl #5
Chapter 31: The last sentence... Are you going to kill the man? - crying -
I really would like her to be with hosoek but I want Namjoon to be super fine too. No PLEASE!
Chapter 31: As much as I love Hoseok the last sentence was like a bad premonition for Namjun, please don’t tell me you’re killing him off or somethingㅠㅠ
The only thing left to do for daseok ship to sail is Daeun jumping into the boat lol
She’s slowly realising her feelings with the help of her ability which is making a comeback
I wonder why she couldn’t detect lies for a while?
Maybe Hoseok has been truthful lately but all the other mobs around her would have been full of lies
I’m getting so emo over this story.........
The meet up is gonna be intense, can’t wait for it :)
Chapter 30: YOU’RE BACK! I miss you, and Hoseok.
Well the chapter is a bit dull, but nevertheless I’m so glad that you’re back and I’m kinda sad you said this story is drawing near the end :(
As a hardcore daseok shipper the major thing I noticed that Namjun said Daeun was spending her free time with Hoseok! Aww <3
Does it mean that she bonded even more woth Hoseok after ther heart to heart talk about her sister?

Bte, you mistyped Daeun’s name almost throughout the entire chapter, you wrote Dauen (I think) instead of Daeun.
Chapter 31: Ooooooo well I've been gone so I didn't know you updated XD I kinda forgot most details but I promise I will reread the whole thing when my exams are over. But...
WTF is with that last line, don't mess with me, I'm getting a really really bad feeling from it. Gahhhh I want my Daseok TnT I will ship them to the ends of Earth. I don't really remember details of her relationship between the two men (which is why I really need to reread), but I want my two broken children to be together so that they can be whole. If I remembered correctly I think I just felt that Daeun seemed more relaxed and herself when she's with Hoseok, she doesn't have to pretend like she's alright or give a damn about anything. With Namjoon it's just like she'd rather play it safe, BUT IT'S SO BLATANTLY FREAKING OBVIOUS THAT DASEOK IS MEANT TO BE BUT THEY'L HAVE A ROCKY LOVE STORY BUT IT'S OK
Looking forward to your next update :3 (please don't break my heart it's very fragile)