
"I Promise"

                Robert Viktor sat inside his car. His palms were sweaty and he wiped them once on his pants before taking a sigh.

                “Mr. Viktor, we are here,” his chauffer announced.

                He smacked his lips and nodded. The car had stopped for a while, but Robert had not taken a step outside. He had received a call from Hong Jung Yee this morning requesting if they could meet. There was without a doubt that Hong Jung Yee had heard about his rendezvous with Daeun.

                Now, it was not fear that was hindering him from entering the building. It was the feeling of the loss of control he felt ever since the incident. His plan had taken an unexpected turn and he did not enjoy the other side of the table: the side where he could not predict what the other party was thinking.

                His chauffer repeated his name again. It was time.

                “Daeun, are you sure you want to be here?” Seokjin asked her once again.

                The whole event had occurred three days ago and although she was physically better, she hid from everyone that she was mentally worse. Sleep was not something that came easily to her anymore. She would stare at the ceiling until the early morning and when her body finally gave in, it would be awoken by nightmares sometimes even just minutes after her eyes had closed. As if insomnia was not bad enough, there would be times when she was only sitting at home and that fear would suddenly grip her heart. Her mind would play tricks on her and she would no longer be sitting on the sofa watching television, but back in that wooden chair with the Heretic’s Fork strapped to her neck.

                Daeun nodded.

                Jimin was holding her hand as she sat in the chair that faced Hong Jung Yee. He gave it a reassuring squeeze in which she weakly responded back with one of her own.

                Hong Jung Yee had been informed of everything that had happened between Robert and Daeun. The group demanded that something be done with him, but Hong Jung Yee would not heed. He felt terrible about what happened to Daeun, especially after seeing the aftermath on her body with his own eyes; however he could feel that Ryukwan was going to reach out to them soon. He had to keep his eyes on the prize.

                “I can still use the Viktor family,” Hong Jung Yee said.

                The members had started to quietly talk amongst themselves while Hong Jung Yee had been contemplating. At his words, all their heads snapped in his direction.

                “Excuse me?” Yoongi took a step forward. Seokjin placed a hand on his shoulder so that he could not proceed any further.

                Seokjin’s mind hurt from everything that had happened this past week. Not once had he the opportunity to relax with the stress building up. He could see, nonetheless, that everybody had been treading carefully around this whole situation and he knew that they had to be careful.

                “Robert kidnapped and tortured Daeun,” Seokjin merely stated the fact.

                “I know. I’m sorry that it happened and I do wish it could have been prevented. But he’s useful to us,” Hong Jung Yee said, “I can still use him. Ryukwan is going to reach out to us soon. I can feel it. Remember, the only reason I haven’t turned any of you in is because you’re going to help me get Ryukwan. You have all made a promise to me.”

                They all detected the threat beneath his voice.

                “Seokjin, listen to him,” Daeun suddenly spoke.

                Everybody looked at her with wonder.

                “Let’s just finish this whole thing and then we can all return home. Hong Jung Yee believes that The Boss may be reaching out to us soon so let’s just hang in there a little while longer.”

                He sighed. Worry lined Seokjin’s face but Daeun had spoken. He wanted to respect her decision.

                “What are you going to do then? You can’t ignore everything that’s happened the past week.”

                There was a slight roll of Hong Jung Yee’s eyes. “I know you all think I’m a heartless bastard, but I’m not happy that Robert had gone behind my back to hurt Daeun. I won’t ignore anything. I’ll give him a piece of my mind.”

                He was suddenly interrupted when the door flew open.

                Robert walked in with a puff of his chest. “Mr. Hong!” He feigned surprise when he noticed everyone in the room. “I wasn’t aware that we had guests today!”

                “Robert!” Hong Jung Yee donned his mask, “Yes, these are Daeun’s friends.”

                Robert drew his attention away from BTS and towards Hong Jung Yee when a loud gunshot caused him to stumble backwards.

                At the instance of the sound, Daeun jumped in her seat. A small yelp bounced around the room and her knuckles turned white from gripping onto the chair. A metallic scent flooded her nose.

                All the members snapped into action and drew their weapons in front of them. They did not know where to direct them at and their eyes flew around trying to pinpoint the danger.

                Hong Jung Yee turned the smoking gun around his fingers. “Damn, I thought I had refilled this,” he commented nonchalantly, “Daniel, did you see me put in the bullets earlier?”

                “Sir, the safety,” Daniel duly replied.

                Robert had fallen to the ground, his hand clutching his chest. He had heard the gun go off and even thought he felt the bullet pierce his body. However, he was still breathing. His racing heart told him he was alive.

                There was a click before he was staring up into the barrel of the gun again.

                “I don’t appreciate when a partner of mine hurts the people around me,” Hong Jung Yee sneered, “Even if that partner is from the Viktor household.”

                It was nothing he hadn’t anticipated. The second he saw all of BTS gathered in the room, Robert knew that Hong Jung Yee had been informed.

                It took but a second before Robert stood. He brushed his shirt off and the smug smile re his face. “It was all a game,” he gushed.

                “A game?” Hong Jung Yee repeated.

                “Yes a game. I do apologize that it went a little out of control and Daeun-ssi had to suffer some misfortune.”

                Someone in the room audibly scoffed.

                “And why was this game even initiated? Might I remind you, Robert, that I am the one holding a gun to your head. I would appreciate the truth.”

                “Truth? I could ask the same of you, Mr. Hong! You’re working for Mr. Ryukwan in South Korea, aren’t you? A rival of my father’s.”

                Silence. “Ryukwan doesn’t know that I’m working with you.”

                Finally. Something of substance. “Oh? He doesn’t?” Robert could feel the control and power of the conversation start its shift towards his side once again.

                “I am dissatisfied with what Ryukwan has provided for me. I want his throne for myself. I merely sought to find someone in whom I could trust to work with me to overthrow him. It is unfortunate that you have turned your back on me.”

                Robert laughed. “I have turned my back? And whatsoever do you mean by that?”

                “Your little game?”

                His laughter ceased. “Like you said, Mr. Hong: just a game. I wanted to test how sincere you were. You’ve passed by the way.” Robert walked over to Daeun who was still seated. BTS immediately stepped in front of her and formed a barrier.

                “Mr. Hong, please,” Robert threw out his hands in exasperation.

                Hong Jung Yee gave them a look but they refused to budge. It was not until Seokjin gave a small motion that they all parted the way.

                Robert approached Daeun like she was the queen. He saw how pale she looked and the bruises that were still visible although she tried to hide them. Each patch of blue and purple made him feel elated. He had been the cause of them all. Eventually, he’d find the day to end what he had begun with her.

                “Daeun, I’m sorry if you’ve felt hurt because of me,” he began, “I hope you will extend forgiveness towards me and my family.”

                There was only a stoic expression on her face as he gently took her hand and pressed his lips on them. Last week, she would have blushed at this gesture, but it took everything in her power now not to jump up and run out of the room.

                “Get away from her,” Hoseok snarled and walked back up in front of her. He hated seeing this man’s face. The first time he had met Robert, he knew something was off about him. It disgusted him to see his speculation being confirmed.

                Robert walked back with his hands held in front of him. He had to play by their rules for now. As much as he was angered with how the results had turned out, Hong Jung Yee himself was giving him answers. This would satisfy his father. Besides, if what he said was true then his father would certainly be pleased to see his nemesis go down.

                “You say you want to overthrow the Korean King,” Robert said, a hint of disgust in the title being used. He cocked up an eyebrow, “How do you plan on doing something like that?”

                “That is for me to worry about.”

                Robert sighed. “Mr. Hong. If you want to be business partners, you cannot hide anything from me.”

                Hong Jung Yee hesitated. Telling the Viktor family of his plans was, well, not in his plans. But he could not go anywhere without their help. If walking right into the lion’s den was what he needed to do, he’d take the risk.

                “Tell your father to accept the deal I’ve offered. That will draw Ryukwan’s attention. This group works directly under his organization back in South Korea. They will be our messenger between him and us. They will tell Ryukwan to come himself to seal the contract when your father agrees, and there we will take him down.”

                “I assume when you say ‘take him down’ you mean to kill him.”

                “Kill him. Dispose of him. Same thing. All I need from you is to get your father to agree on the deal. That will be enough to draw his attention.”

                “You don’t need us to be there the day of the exchange then? I assumed you’d appreciate some back up.”

                “No,” Hong Jung Yee replied, “I will deal with Ryukwan myself.” He would alert the NYPD the day of the exchange. It would be that day he could finally bring Ryukwan in for justice. He did not want to deal with the Viktor family as well.

                “Fine,” Robert leaned against the wall. He studied his cuticles in an act of boredom. “I’ll do as you say, but what will we get out of this? Besides the satisfaction my father gains from seeing Ryukwan gone.”

                “I’ll give you a cut of his wealth. You know how much power and land Ryukwan commands – even to the extent of crossing seas. We will portion it out between our two families.”

                “Oh? So 50/50?” There was no response from Hong Jung Yee. “60/40? Fine, 70/30.”

                “We will discuss that when the time comes,” was Hong Jung Yee’s only reply.

                They continued to exchange terms as BTS watched on idly. When at last Robert seemed to have all his questions answered, he gave a final bow before exiting.

                “I’ll notify my father of this immediately. You can expect an answer from me soon,” he told Hong Jung Yee.

                “And this time, you’ll truly be flying to meet him,” Seokjin took a step forward. These were the first words that they had exchanged.

                Robert sized up BTS’ leader. Kim Seokjin had a pretty face, but Robert knew firsthand how looks could be deceiving. He could read the menace underneath the glare from the other man. “Yes, I’ll truly be flying to meet him,” Robert gave a smile. He received none in return.

                “Then, good bye Robert,” Hong Jung Yee said.

                “Good bye,” Robert returned, “I’ll see you all soon.”

                Namjoon had been waiting outside the door. Nobody had noticed him tailing BTS as they arrived. Nobody had even caught him entering the building behind them. The security guard had only briefly given him a glance before accepting the entrance key Namjoon had snagged off of some worker that had been exiting. There was no other security that was positioned outside the room he knew BTS and Daeun were in. The one guard that had followed the man whom he believed was the man in charge was also inside the room.

                BTS had mentioned they would be meeting up with Hong Jung Yee today, but they had not told him the reason why. It did not take a genius to figure out they wanted to talk to him about what happened to Daeun. And if Hong Jung Yee knew, then he would definitely reach out to Robert Viktor about it as well. Namjoon couldn’t let an opportunity like this pass by. He was angry at Hong Jung Yee for letting this happen, but he was angrier at the man that caused the damage to Daeun. If Robert was really going to show up, he wanted to be the one to hurt him like he had hurt Daeun.

                His prediction had been confirmed when after a while, a flashy man whom he assumed was Robert, had showed up outside the room. His bodyguard had stared uncomfortably long at Namjoon’s hiding spot but then had been issued to leave the premise by Robert. It was then that Namjoon wanted to rush up and punch Robert’s smug face. However, he first wanted to see what Hong Jung Yee would do to him.

                Waiting patiently outside the room, the loud gunshot had caused his heart to race. His mind immediately flashed to images of Daeun lying on the ground surrounded in a pool of blood, or Daeun having a bullet hole through her mind. But, the quick voices that resumed in conversation told him that nobody had really been shot.

                All the while they had been conversing inside, Namjoon took the time to plan out what he would do once Robert exited the room. Namjoon had never taken another man’s life before, but he was certainly tempted to make Robert his first. It was then that he suddenly heard his father’s voice.

                “Justice will prevail and the bad man will eventually get what he deserves, Son. Be patient.

                That conversation had taken place after someone at school laughed about Namjoon’s strange appearance. It had been difficult moving from South Korea to New York. As a child he had been made fun of for his ethnic background and Namjoon’s father had found him waiting to throw rocks at the bully’s window one day after school.

                While the father figure had been absent from his life for a long while, Namjoon still remembered when his father had been there. He had been a good man, throwing his life down for his work. Even until now, Namjoon harboured a small hope that perhaps his father only disappeared for his work; that he wasn’t dead somewhere out there because of it.

                His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the soft click of the room’s lock.

                “Good bye, I’ll see you all soon,” he heard Robert say. His body was poised to attack once Robert stepped out. He wouldn’t kill the man, his father had taught him better than that, but he could definitely hurt the sick bastard while waiting for whatever justice would befall him.

                Robert didn’t see it coming. When he first arrived at the meeting , his bodyguard had insisted to follow behind. Robert promptly told him to leave. He didn’t want to seem hostile entering the meeting. Everybody didn’t trust him anyways. Nevertheless, the instant he felt Namjoon’s punch to the face he wished he had listened to his bodyguard.

                Namjoon watched as the other man fell to the ground. Instantaneously, he leapt onto the man’s body and delivered blow after blow to the man’s face. He ignored when Seokjin yelled at him to get off. He ignored from another guard tried to rip him away, punching him as well. All he saw was red and he directed all of his anger onto Robert. He felt the gun at his side press into his body and he reached towards it.

                “Namjoon!” her voice pierced through his thoughts.

                His fists hesitated and he looked up. Daeun had gotten up from her seat and she had been making her way towards him before Taehyung and Jungkook held her back. Hoseok and Yoongi rushed forward to get him away from Robert who had blood covering his whole face. He struggled in their grasp but the look of horror in Daeun’s face sapped any remaining energy he had.

                Daniel stomped forward and lifted Robert to his feet.

                “You deranged !” Robert lashed. He could feel the blood ooze from his nose and it dripped onto the silk suit he was wearing.

                Namjoon was still being restrained between Hoseok and Yoongi’s arm. “I could say the same about what you did to Daeun!” Namjoon vehemently replied.

                “Get him out,” Seokjin barked an order. It didn’t matter that Daniel was not one of his own men. He couldn’t have Namjoon in the same room as Robert anymore. A silent exchange between Seokjin and Jimin occurred before the latter followed Robert and Daniel out of the room, a portable first aid kid in hand.

                When the room was emptied, Seokjin turned back to Namjoon. “Why are you here?” he asked.

                The time allowed Namjoon’s head to slightly cool. “I followed you all here. I assumed you were meeting with Robert today. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind.” He shook Hoseok and Yoongi off. They resisted at first but after a strong glare, they let him go.

                “It seemed that none of you wanted to do anything here. You talked about wanting to use him so I did what I thought was correct. If I get rid of him, he couldn’t ever be able to hurt Daeun again.”

                Seokjin grabbed Namjoon’s shoulders. “Namjoon, get a hold of yourself. You don’t know half of what is really happening here. This is precisely why I didn’t tell you we were meeting today.”

                Namjoon shoved him aside. “Shut up. I’ve tried to be patient and reasonable with all of you. But this is the last straw. Daeun could have seriously been injured and yet you still want to work with him.” His judgment was being clouded once again at the fact that nobody was taking his side in this argument. “Speaking of which, let me see this boss of yours. Hong Jung Yee, was his name, wasn’t it? Let me look him right in the eye and see how he could live when one of his own has been kidnapped and tortured under his care.”

                Yoongi came from behind him and stood a way beside Seokjin. However, his movement were not fast enough to hide the bright blue of Hong Jung Yee’s suit. Namjoon picked it out immediately and stalked towards Yoongi.

                “Namjoon,” Yoongi started to say.

                Hong Jung Yee had been watching the whole fight at the side. It had all happened so fast. One moment, Robert was about to walk out the door and the next, a black shadow had flown in and clambered on top of him. He had felt anger flare up inside. If Robert was hurt, there was a large chance that he would back out of their agreement. He had started to make a motion towards Daniel to get the stranger off of Namjoon when he thought he recognized something similar about the man who had barged in.

                At first, he wasn’t sure, as he could not get a good look at the face. But the way the man had carried himself; the way he threw each bunch and the aggression that emitted off of him stirred something in Hong Jung Yee’s heart he had buried a long time ago.

                His suspicions were then solidified once Daeun had called his name.

                Namjoon harshly pushed Yoongi aside. He knew his anger was baseless. What good would it do if he were to also hurt Hong Jung Yee? It wasn’t like this man wanted Daeun to get hurt. Yet he hadn’t felt all that much better after punching Robert out.

                The red danced dangerously at the corner of his eyes all the while he walked towards the suited man still seated at his table. A wave of pine scented perfume washed over him and the red dissipated immediately.

                It took a few seconds before the two could register what they were seeing. However when it did, silence fell over the room and neither one of them could move.

                Namjoon stood in shock, staring at a face he had thought he’d never see again.

                “Namjoon,” the single name echoed throughout the room as father and son stood facing each other.

Initiates cackling. 

omg it's been a while hasn't it, everybody? i've just been so busy i never had the time to edit this chapter and post it for you all. hence, half a week became one and then ten days become now. nevertheless, here we are! at last, the two meet and some suspicions have been cleared. 

also, let me take this to officially congratulate our boys for winning their daesung! it's been a while since it happened but whenever i see posts about it, i feel so happy and proud of them <3 

enjoy this chapter! spoil me with your lovely comments and upvotes, please! i'll be replying to each and every single one of them! mwah~

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{08/11/17} I'm finally back! Enjoy this new chapter and the ones to come :)


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OMFGD so much s happened in one sitting idek where to start cursing first
I can’t even be happy from the fact that Hoseok confessed
Please don’t kill Hoseok, it’s my last wish in this storyㅠㅠ
This chapter is so nervewrecking too many gunshots to endure
If Hoseok is so sure that Ryukwan won’t show up why doesn’t he insist to forego the current plan?
And Robert is still a big fat misfortune for Daeun and the others
BilliePark #3
Chapter 33: Life is just too cruel and bitter for them.
simple99girl #4
Chapter 32: Amm.. I just can't.. No..
Why soekjin? Why him? Why?! Why do you have to do this to me? And does he have to be like that?
I mean..
simple99girl #5
Chapter 31: The last sentence... Are you going to kill the man? - crying -
I really would like her to be with hosoek but I want Namjoon to be super fine too. No PLEASE!
Chapter 31: As much as I love Hoseok the last sentence was like a bad premonition for Namjun, please don’t tell me you’re killing him off or somethingㅠㅠ
The only thing left to do for daseok ship to sail is Daeun jumping into the boat lol
She’s slowly realising her feelings with the help of her ability which is making a comeback
I wonder why she couldn’t detect lies for a while?
Maybe Hoseok has been truthful lately but all the other mobs around her would have been full of lies
I’m getting so emo over this story.........
The meet up is gonna be intense, can’t wait for it :)
Chapter 30: YOU’RE BACK! I miss you, and Hoseok.
Well the chapter is a bit dull, but nevertheless I’m so glad that you’re back and I’m kinda sad you said this story is drawing near the end :(
As a hardcore daseok shipper the major thing I noticed that Namjun said Daeun was spending her free time with Hoseok! Aww <3
Does it mean that she bonded even more woth Hoseok after ther heart to heart talk about her sister?

Bte, you mistyped Daeun’s name almost throughout the entire chapter, you wrote Dauen (I think) instead of Daeun.
Chapter 31: Ooooooo well I've been gone so I didn't know you updated XD I kinda forgot most details but I promise I will reread the whole thing when my exams are over. But...
WTF is with that last line, don't mess with me, I'm getting a really really bad feeling from it. Gahhhh I want my Daseok TnT I will ship them to the ends of Earth. I don't really remember details of her relationship between the two men (which is why I really need to reread), but I want my two broken children to be together so that they can be whole. If I remembered correctly I think I just felt that Daeun seemed more relaxed and herself when she's with Hoseok, she doesn't have to pretend like she's alright or give a damn about anything. With Namjoon it's just like she'd rather play it safe, BUT IT'S SO BLATANTLY FREAKING OBVIOUS THAT DASEOK IS MEANT TO BE BUT THEY'L HAVE A ROCKY LOVE STORY BUT IT'S OK
Looking forward to your next update :3 (please don't break my heart it's very fragile)