1004 (04)

Guardian Angel
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It was Haneul's last night at the house. She had to go back to the city due to work, sadly. Of course, she could have done it from her house but her boss likes her to be close in case he needed something done fast or in case there was an urgent matter and recently there have been a lot of meetings and due to that she had to edit some speeches... Haneul sighed at the thought of going back to the apartment. 

She hoped that she won't have to stay longer than two weeks or so, hopefully by then things can calm down and she can have her peace again, but until then she would have to meet people and she just felt as if she didn't have her privacy. She walked over to the window and looked up at the sky. A smile formed on her face as she saw that it was snowing

"Just for a little while..." she said to herself. 

Her suitcase was packed but she didn't plan on leaving just yet. She had one more thing she needed to do before leaving. She looked over to her bed and saw Z sleeping on her jacket. 

She smiled a little and walked out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and into the living room. She laid down on the couch and closed her eyes. She didn't want to sleep she just wanted to rest a little. Her phone started to vibrate in her pocket but she didn't bother to see who was calling her. Her final hours at this house she wanted to spend in peace. The house was special to her, It had many hideouts and she felt safe in it. Even though she was alone she didn't feel scared.

Ji Chang Wook had the spare key so sometimes he would check up on her just to make sure everything was okay, but that was that. He understood her well and he knew when she wants company and when not. It never really bothered him, because he knew that if she was in trouble or something is bothering her, she can always talk to him and vice versa. 

Out of all the rooms in the house, there was one room that no one ever entered besides her parents. It had a lock on it and her parents later claimed that they lost the key to it. When she would ask what was in it they would always say old papers and similar stuff.  At times the story did stink but Haneul would just brush it off, and even to this day she never bothered with that room, even if she did her parents would probably find a way to stop her, besides it was down in the basement and she never went down there anyway. She had no reason for that.

She yawned and opened her eyes. It was time to get up and get dressed. She walked back to the bedroom and by now Z was awake. He was wagging his tail. She petted the dog and took her jacket. She decided to go to the lake and ice-skate once more before leaving this wonderful place for now. Her favorite time to ice skate was at night. It was dark and peaceful and everything just looked magical on a winter night, especially if it was snowing like tonight. 

Before leaving the house with her dog she packed up her skates and Z's leash. She walked out of the house and down the small path through the woods. She could hear wolves in the distance but she was never afraid of them, in fact, she loved them. There were times when she would spend hours and hours in the woods and just relax, listening to their howls. It felt like a melody to her. 

As she went deeper into the woods it was more silent and the only thing she could hear was her steps in the snow. Her dog was already gone somewhere but she wasn't worried, he'd be back for sure. She started humming her favorite song and her lips formed into a little smile. Soon after she started to sing. Her parents always told her that her voice was amazing but she never really thought much of it. She thought that it was only her parent's talk to give her more confidence.

She arrived at the lake and sat down on a bench that was near it and took off her boots so she can put her skates on. She giggled a little when the cold air touched her feet, to her it felt nice. Like a tickle and it wasn't even that cold to her. 

Once she put her skates on she stood up and stepped on the lake. She closed her eyes and just pushed herself. She knew the lake very well so there was no need t

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 10: Ah... So that happened? I can't believe how Sora and Changwook was related. Definitely didn't expect that. And some of my questions from the previous chapter was answered here. That's cool... I'm pretty excited about how things are going to develop herein. I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 9: Ji Changwook was also their childhood friend? And he's with Sora now? Does he remember these guys or even he has trouble like these two? If that's the case, wonder what's the back story for them all to forget things. Anyway, this chapter was nice. I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 8: Wait he knows that she has lost her memories?? I'm kinda confused now. Also, what did they mean by four of them? And why did that confuse Ji Hoon? Anyway, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 7: The much anticipated encounter is here! But what's happening??? What happened there? Also, how did she managed to strike a conversation with a stranger when she's a super introvert? By the way things ended, I even forgot what I was gonna comment. Anyway, I can't wait to see how things are going to develop herein. So I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 6: Wait, they didn't meet when they were so close to each other? That's sad! Also it was a nice touch how there was a special thing when angels came in contact with each other. And talking of angels, I'm curious of one thing though. You kept mentioning Ji Changwook as "Ji Chang" throughout this chapter. It was kinda weird that I wanted to ask you why. Also what did Hoon mean there. He was kinda being mysterious. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 5: Jongsuk's father really ... Other than that, this chapter was nice... I wouldn't have known the lyrics was from an exo song if you hadn't mentioned it. Jihoon is way younger than Jongsuk? Also, she's really introverted, isn't she? I mean, isn't that why she doesn't want to leave her home? And can't wait to get back soon? Also, wonder what's the thing left for her to do. Is it the one which leads her to encounter Jongsuk? Nevermind, np spoilers please. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 4: I laughed out loud and nearly rolled around when I read how she accepted herself to be a dog lady. LoL... Maybe she should adopt/foster a few more dogs before she qualifies for the title :P BTW, the city she's moved in, is where Jongsuk lives right? Can't wait to see how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 3: His dad was the leader of the angel community and yet, he behaves worse than a demon imo. Poor Jongsuk! For a moment I thought Sora has passed away or something (also because of his father) but later realised that wasn't the case. I know she's gonna be the FL or something. But somehow my brain was thinking of reincarnation and stuff and that's why he's waiting for her (Angels live long right?) LoL... Also, I didn't exactly understand the 'master slave' dialogue at the beginning between Jongsuk and the manager(?). Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 2: A glimpse into her life. I wonder why her relationship with her parents (or maybe dad in particular) is not good now, especially given that peek into her childhood memory. Also, her dog's got a really peculiar name. Is his name pronounced Zee or Zed? Just curious. LoL XD anyway, I'm curious of how things are gonna go. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 1: Hi there, I have come to read another story of yours! The plot seemed intriguing and I just read the first chapter. That was an interesting start and I'm curious of their backstory and other stuff. Can't wait to see how the story would go. But will be back later to read more ^^