1004 (03)

Guardian Angel
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One more hectic day at the cafe. Jong Suk kept it cool and calm, while his boss was stressing out, yet he didn't move a finger. It was always like that.  Complaining did not work.

"Jong Suk!" His boss yelled.

Jong Suk rolled his eyes before turning around to face his boss with a smile on his face.

"Yes?" He then said.

"Table four is still waiting." The boss said. "After you finish that go help in the kitchen." 

Jong Suk nodded his head and walked off. He was screaming inside of himself and he just wanted to punch him in the face. His boss wasn't always like that. There was a time when he was a cheerful guy and he liked to joke around, but ever since his wife and kid left him he changed and whenever something was wrong he would start yelling at innocent people. He has mood swings like a girl in her PMS. 

Talking with him became impossible and at some point, Jong Suk gave up. It came to the point where Jong Suk was like a robot. Wake up, go to work, go home. Every day was the same and it wasn't fun anymore. It would be if everything stayed the same, but his boss screwed up. 

Jong Suk took a deep breath and sighed. Table four. High school students always sat there and manly girls. His favorite. He rolled his eyes, forced a smile on his face, and headed over to table four. 

"Here he comes." One of the girls said and giggled.

"He's so cute!" The other one added. 

"y!" The third one said. 

Jong Suk acted like he didn't hear anything and just continued with his business. 

"What would you girls like to order today?" He asked with a smile on his face. 

The girls ordered what they wanted and Jong Suk left their table and went back to the counter. He gave the list to his co-worker and waited. Ji Hoon joined him and pushed him a little.

"Don't," Suk said.

"Man you are popular!" Ji Hoon said.

"Are girls all you think about?" Jong Suk rolled his eyes and looked back at the counter.

"I have needs." Ji Hoon added.

Jong Suk shook his head and closed his eyes. He was already annoyed today and honestly he was in no mood to joke around. Once the food and drinks were ready he went back to table four. He put everything on the table and took a step back.

"Enjoy." He smiled and bowed a little before walking off.

The girls giggled out of joy as they watched him walk off. He entered the kitchen and looked around. There were plates everywhere, and it was all a big mess. It seemed like none of it has been cleaned for a few days. He sighed and put on an apron. 

"You got to be kidding me...." He said out loud. 

The cook looked at him and pointed to the corner. In the corner was his boss sitting and reading the newspaper, his usual routine every day. 

"Get to work." He said without looking at Jong Suk. 

Jong Suk started cleaning the dishes and just tried to ignore the fact that his boss is there. He hummed and tried to calm down and not think about his crazy day. 

"This Sunday I will need you here." His boss said.

Jong Suk looked at him. "Why?" 

"Birthday party and you are the best I have." He said.

Jong Suk nodded his head and turned back around. 

"And you are the best slave master." He said under his breath.

The cook tried to hold back but he couldn't stop himself from laughing. 

"Say something?" The boss asked and raised his eyebrow.

"Maybe I have, or maybe I haven't." Jong Suk replied and continued to clean. 

Many of the workers were on their holiday so Jong Suk and Ji Hoon had to help around with pretty much anything and everything. Ji Hoon never complained, but then again he always joked around with his job, so his time always flew by fast and it was not like he did the cleaning every day, only when it was needed. Jong Suk yawned and looked around. The kitchen was now done and his boss was nowhere to be found. He relaxed and sat down to rest a little. Ji Hoon looked at him and threw him a towel.

"Thank you." Jong Suk said putting the towel over his neck and closing his eyes to relax for a bit. 


Finally, the day was over and the guys could leave. Jong Suk was next to his locker getting ready to leave. He checked his phone to see if someone called aside from his father no one. He put his phone back into his pocket and left the locker room. Ji Hoon was waiting for him. 

"You sure you don't want me to drive you home?" Ji Hoon said.

"Yes. I need a walk." Jong Suk said.

Ji Hoon just nodded his head. He knew where Jong Suk was going. He needed time for himself before meeting up with his father tonight so the young boy didn't ask much. There were times when he really wished he could help Jong Suk, but he knew there was nothing he can do. The only two people who could be gone. One of them was Jong Suk's mother who was killed by his father and the other was Sora.

Jong Suk walked down the road with his hands in his pockets. He was tired that was for sure, but he didn't feel like going home. There was a place where he wanted to go.  It was an hour away but he didn't want to take a cab or go by bus. He preferred to walk there. He took a left turn and entered a small dark ally. It was a shortcut to the place where he was going.  As he was walking down the alley memories came flowing back.


"It's dark! I'm scared!" The little girl said.

"I'll protect you." Young Jong Suk replied.

"Promise?" She looked at him. 

"Yes!" He smiled.

The girl nodded her head and they walked down the dark ally. 


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 9: Ji Changwook was also their childhood friend? And he's with Sora now? Does he remember these guys or even he has trouble like these two? If that's the case, wonder what's the back story for them all to forget things. Anyway, this chapter was nice. I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 8: Wait he knows that she has lost her memories?? I'm kinda confused now. Also, what did they mean by four of them? And why did that confuse Ji Hoon? Anyway, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 7: The much anticipated encounter is here! But what's happening??? What happened there? Also, how did she managed to strike a conversation with a stranger when she's a super introvert? By the way things ended, I even forgot what I was gonna comment. Anyway, I can't wait to see how things are going to develop herein. So I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 6: Wait, they didn't meet when they were so close to each other? That's sad! Also it was a nice touch how there was a special thing when angels came in contact with each other. And talking of angels, I'm curious of one thing though. You kept mentioning Ji Changwook as "Ji Chang" throughout this chapter. It was kinda weird that I wanted to ask you why. Also what did Hoon mean there. He was kinda being mysterious. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 5: Jongsuk's father really ... Other than that, this chapter was nice... I wouldn't have known the lyrics was from an exo song if you hadn't mentioned it. Jihoon is way younger than Jongsuk? Also, she's really introverted, isn't she? I mean, isn't that why she doesn't want to leave her home? And can't wait to get back soon? Also, wonder what's the thing left for her to do. Is it the one which leads her to encounter Jongsuk? Nevermind, np spoilers please. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 4: I laughed out loud and nearly rolled around when I read how she accepted herself to be a dog lady. LoL... Maybe she should adopt/foster a few more dogs before she qualifies for the title :P BTW, the city she's moved in, is where Jongsuk lives right? Can't wait to see how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 3: His dad was the leader of the angel community and yet, he behaves worse than a demon imo. Poor Jongsuk! For a moment I thought Sora has passed away or something (also because of his father) but later realised that wasn't the case. I know she's gonna be the FL or something. But somehow my brain was thinking of reincarnation and stuff and that's why he's waiting for her (Angels live long right?) LoL... Also, I didn't exactly understand the 'master slave' dialogue at the beginning between Jongsuk and the manager(?). Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 2: A glimpse into her life. I wonder why her relationship with her parents (or maybe dad in particular) is not good now, especially given that peek into her childhood memory. Also, her dog's got a really peculiar name. Is his name pronounced Zee or Zed? Just curious. LoL XD anyway, I'm curious of how things are gonna go. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 1: Hi there, I have come to read another story of yours! The plot seemed intriguing and I just read the first chapter. That was an interesting start and I'm curious of their backstory and other stuff. Can't wait to see how the story would go. But will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 27: The ending was so sweet. I liked the proposal scene the best. It was very heart wearming. After everything they have been through they finally have their happy ending.
I enjoyed your story and I'm sad that it's over. But you have more stories to read and this story is one of my favourites :)