1004 (21)

Guardian Angel
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A few days passed since Jong Suk had the meeting with his dad. For now, it was peaceful but of course, everyone was still careful. Ji Hoon and Ji Chang found jobs in the nearby cafe and Jong Suk did some freelancing together with Haneul. The deal was made to always have someone with her since the danger wasn't over yet and nobody knew when it will be over at this point or when his father will charge.

They were all aware that his father had his people follow them around and it was obvious. They didn't hide but the guys were ready. All three of them trained in their free time and they also showed Haneul a few self-defense skills. She learned fast so it was no problem for her and as a matter of fact, she enjoyed it a lot. She also liked to watch them practice and she would cheer for them. 

Jong Suk had a special surprise for Haneul, but he made sure that she didn't figure anything out. Ji Hoon and Ji Chang knew but they didn't say anything. Jong Suk wanted everything to be perfect so the boys were not allowed to slip up. Jong smiled and continued with his daily routines and from time to time Haneul and he would take a break. Haneul was in the living room editing some articles and Jong Suk was helping her. She was getting a bit sleepy but she wanted to finish this so she can relax later on. Her boss was on her case and it was annoying her so she decided to finish up as soon as possible and just send it to him. 

For the past few days, Haneul didn't contact her parents. She just kept her phone off. There were a lot of things that she had to take in, to understand some actions. She knew there was more to it. She wanted to escape it for now and just be happy. Learn more about herself and find herself. She wasn't angry at anyone, she was just disappointed at certain people. 

They made her live in a lie and the people who cared about her were forced to live by those rules. Nobody asked them if they liked it or not. Ji Chang explained to her that her parents always regretted it, and he explained to her that their father saved her from that hell place and in the process got killed. As for her mother, she had the same fate. They haunted her down and killed her. 

Ji Chang told her a lot about their parents, their life, their personality, and whatnot. Ji Chang left out some parts but he explained that some things can't be said now, but once the time is right she will know. She was okay with that. She realized that the situation is serious, so she didn't push it. She knew that eventually, she'll have to face it all, including her parents. 

At least she now understood why her so-called parents became distant after some time, but that was also okay. She kind of understood that as well. She shook her head and tried to throw her focus back on her work. She had to finish editing before tonight. She took a sip of coffee out of her cup and went back to editing. Jong Suk was in another room, he was searching for some earlier edits she had done that might help her and make it easier for her. 

Haneul talked about her feelings with Jong Suk, and he knew exactly what was going on and what went through her mind at a certain time. They become closer to each other and she was more comfortable around him. Regarding their relationship things were normal and she was happy she remembered all the memories they had. He understood her in many ways and he never pushed some topics with her, since he knew that it wasn't always easy. This was all new for her and it was understandable. Heck, some things were new for him as well. 

Over the years a lot of things have changed, so it's understandable to have fears, after all, everyone has fears. It's normal. When they were kids she knew his secret, and it never bothered her. She was a human child and for humans to know that angels exist was a big risk, of course, everyone believes that they are only in heaven but the reality of it is that they were amongst people on earth. 

Now the question was... if her brother is an angel, why was she a human? Ji Chang explained that after she was born her mother used her powers and Sora became human. Of course, even then as a child Sora never asked why she was different from her family and it never really seemed to bo

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 10: Ah... So that happened? I can't believe how Sora and Changwook was related. Definitely didn't expect that. And some of my questions from the previous chapter was answered here. That's cool... I'm pretty excited about how things are going to develop herein. I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 9: Ji Changwook was also their childhood friend? And he's with Sora now? Does he remember these guys or even he has trouble like these two? If that's the case, wonder what's the back story for them all to forget things. Anyway, this chapter was nice. I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 8: Wait he knows that she has lost her memories?? I'm kinda confused now. Also, what did they mean by four of them? And why did that confuse Ji Hoon? Anyway, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 7: The much anticipated encounter is here! But what's happening??? What happened there? Also, how did she managed to strike a conversation with a stranger when she's a super introvert? By the way things ended, I even forgot what I was gonna comment. Anyway, I can't wait to see how things are going to develop herein. So I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 6: Wait, they didn't meet when they were so close to each other? That's sad! Also it was a nice touch how there was a special thing when angels came in contact with each other. And talking of angels, I'm curious of one thing though. You kept mentioning Ji Changwook as "Ji Chang" throughout this chapter. It was kinda weird that I wanted to ask you why. Also what did Hoon mean there. He was kinda being mysterious. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 5: Jongsuk's father really ... Other than that, this chapter was nice... I wouldn't have known the lyrics was from an exo song if you hadn't mentioned it. Jihoon is way younger than Jongsuk? Also, she's really introverted, isn't she? I mean, isn't that why she doesn't want to leave her home? And can't wait to get back soon? Also, wonder what's the thing left for her to do. Is it the one which leads her to encounter Jongsuk? Nevermind, np spoilers please. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 4: I laughed out loud and nearly rolled around when I read how she accepted herself to be a dog lady. LoL... Maybe she should adopt/foster a few more dogs before she qualifies for the title :P BTW, the city she's moved in, is where Jongsuk lives right? Can't wait to see how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 3: His dad was the leader of the angel community and yet, he behaves worse than a demon imo. Poor Jongsuk! For a moment I thought Sora has passed away or something (also because of his father) but later realised that wasn't the case. I know she's gonna be the FL or something. But somehow my brain was thinking of reincarnation and stuff and that's why he's waiting for her (Angels live long right?) LoL... Also, I didn't exactly understand the 'master slave' dialogue at the beginning between Jongsuk and the manager(?). Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 2: A glimpse into her life. I wonder why her relationship with her parents (or maybe dad in particular) is not good now, especially given that peek into her childhood memory. Also, her dog's got a really peculiar name. Is his name pronounced Zee or Zed? Just curious. LoL XD anyway, I'm curious of how things are gonna go. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 1: Hi there, I have come to read another story of yours! The plot seemed intriguing and I just read the first chapter. That was an interesting start and I'm curious of their backstory and other stuff. Can't wait to see how the story would go. But will be back later to read more ^^