1004 (01)

Guardian Angel
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The alarm went off.

That only meant one thing and Jong-Suk knew it. 

It was time to wake up.

It was louder and louder with every second and it was driving him crazy. Jong Suk reached out from under the covers for the alarm and turned it off. He then turned to the other side and went back to sleep in hopes that he won't get bothered again, but sadly that didn't last long. The bedroom door opened wide and the younger one entered. Jong Suk covered his head with the pillow and tried to ignore him and just go back to sleep. 

Today was one of those days where he didn't feel like getting up or doing anything. He was hoping that he would not be bothered anymore, but sadly no one could read his mind. He turned to the other side facing the window, continuing to ignore and just force himself back to sleep.

"Wake up!" He heard Ji Hoon say.  

"Go away..." Jong Suk replied in a sleepy tone. 

Ji Hoon sighed and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Once he got the glass he walked back into the bedroom and pulled the covers off of Jong Suk. At that point, Jong curled up in a ball and moved to the edge of the bed. 

"I don't like doing this, but you give me no choice." He smirked and took a step closer. 

The young one poured the glass of water over Jong Suk's head. Jong Suk jumped out of bed and looked at Ji Hoon. Ji Hoon took a step back, hiding the glass behind his back, and slowly moved towards the door. A smile formed on his face. 

"Dude!" He yelled.

"What?" Ji Hoon looked at him and blinked. 

"What was that for?!" He asked in shock. 

Ji Hoon pointed to the clock and walked out of the bedroom. When it came to mornings Jong Suk hated them, it was hell for him. He definitely wasn't an early bird and he didn't understand people who were. It was bothersome to wake up early, let alone work in the morning. Ji Hoon knew that very well, so it was pretty much the same story every morning. He was used to it. 

Jong Suk sighed and got up dragging himself to the bathroom and into the shower. He let the water hit his body as he closed his eyes and tried not to think about today's schedule. He worked as a waiter at the famous local bar "Sky". At first, it was all good and he loved his job, but later on, he started to get annoyed with it and mostly because of his boss. 

He sighed and turned off the water once he was done with his shower. He grabbed a towel and got out, before doing his hair he wiped the mirror and looked at himself. He still wanted to go back to bed and sleep throughout the winter. 

He dried his hair and body and then got dressed. Recently his work uniform became something he wore twenty-four hours a day. He became bored with it, but he had no other choice. He had to make a living, money doesn't fall from the heavens. Well, where he comes from it probably does, but that's a long story.

"Stop being a baby." He said to himself and shrugged. 

From the living room, he could hear music and Ji Hoon singing. Ji Hoon was Jong Suk's best friend, or better said he was like a younger brother to Jong Suk. They have known each other for a very long time. Ji Hoon knows all his secrets, and he was always there for him, but Ji Hoon was so-called a troublemaker.

Every time Ji Hoon would get in trouble, Jong Suk would have to step in and save him. It never bothered Jong Suk much, after all, he was used to it ever since they were kids. Ji Hoon doesn't take no for an answer and also doesn't take orders and usually when he refuses something that's when the trouble starts. 

Once Jong Suk finished getting dressed he walked out of the bathroom and went back to his room to make the bed, open the window and grab his phone, once that was done he walked into the living room joining Ji Hoon, who was by now in his own world. 


"Stop, come here, and let’s replace everything

You and me, let’s change up this scene

This rhythm is a prepared frying pan bass and treble, heating your body

Add and multiply your fun, everyone together

Don’t be shy and just shake it, get on the floor, shake that brass"


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2033 streak #1
Chapter 10: Ah... So that happened? I can't believe how Sora and Changwook was related. Definitely didn't expect that. And some of my questions from the previous chapter was answered here. That's cool... I'm pretty excited about how things are going to develop herein. I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 9: Ji Changwook was also their childhood friend? And he's with Sora now? Does he remember these guys or even he has trouble like these two? If that's the case, wonder what's the back story for them all to forget things. Anyway, this chapter was nice. I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 8: Wait he knows that she has lost her memories?? I'm kinda confused now. Also, what did they mean by four of them? And why did that confuse Ji Hoon? Anyway, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 7: The much anticipated encounter is here! But what's happening??? What happened there? Also, how did she managed to strike a conversation with a stranger when she's a super introvert? By the way things ended, I even forgot what I was gonna comment. Anyway, I can't wait to see how things are going to develop herein. So I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 6: Wait, they didn't meet when they were so close to each other? That's sad! Also it was a nice touch how there was a special thing when angels came in contact with each other. And talking of angels, I'm curious of one thing though. You kept mentioning Ji Changwook as "Ji Chang" throughout this chapter. It was kinda weird that I wanted to ask you why. Also what did Hoon mean there. He was kinda being mysterious. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 5: Jongsuk's father really ... Other than that, this chapter was nice... I wouldn't have known the lyrics was from an exo song if you hadn't mentioned it. Jihoon is way younger than Jongsuk? Also, she's really introverted, isn't she? I mean, isn't that why she doesn't want to leave her home? And can't wait to get back soon? Also, wonder what's the thing left for her to do. Is it the one which leads her to encounter Jongsuk? Nevermind, np spoilers please. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 4: I laughed out loud and nearly rolled around when I read how she accepted herself to be a dog lady. LoL... Maybe she should adopt/foster a few more dogs before she qualifies for the title :P BTW, the city she's moved in, is where Jongsuk lives right? Can't wait to see how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 3: His dad was the leader of the angel community and yet, he behaves worse than a demon imo. Poor Jongsuk! For a moment I thought Sora has passed away or something (also because of his father) but later realised that wasn't the case. I know she's gonna be the FL or something. But somehow my brain was thinking of reincarnation and stuff and that's why he's waiting for her (Angels live long right?) LoL... Also, I didn't exactly understand the 'master slave' dialogue at the beginning between Jongsuk and the manager(?). Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 2: A glimpse into her life. I wonder why her relationship with her parents (or maybe dad in particular) is not good now, especially given that peek into her childhood memory. Also, her dog's got a really peculiar name. Is his name pronounced Zee or Zed? Just curious. LoL XD anyway, I'm curious of how things are gonna go. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 1: Hi there, I have come to read another story of yours! The plot seemed intriguing and I just read the first chapter. That was an interesting start and I'm curious of their backstory and other stuff. Can't wait to see how the story would go. But will be back later to read more ^^