So here's a quick recap of my life:

>I've become a world famous Hollywood star and has recently finish filming a billion-budget film. nah, just kidding. 

>The research company that i was working on had this huge financial distress so i was out of work for two weeks before I luckily got another job as a Senior Financial Analyst.

>I haven't got any real time to upload anything but my workstation in the office is freakingly full of one shots/multichaptered fanfiction and original fics. >_< Yeah. The The Truth Doesn't Make A Noise is finished months ago.

>Okay.Okay. I have a boyfriend now. Yes, my dears. After five years of mourning and grieving for an (ex)boyfriend who died on me I finally admitted that it's time to let someone else ruin my life. 

>Yes akirachan. I know, don't judge me. I'm sort of in-love with a tall, thin, lanky excuse for a human-being.

>I miss my friends from my previous job. Yes that's you akirachan and hammar.

>My new job is a stressful hell-hole. 

>I still wanted to be a published author but time and means still haven't permitted me to do so.

>While I'm typing this, I'm on the phone with my bf and he's watching Shingeki no Kyojin.

>He said I should stop typing now because I have to go to office later and i have a huge tendency to be homicial if i don;t get enough sleep.

>I don't usually listen to him.

>Now he's a bit mad and he threatened to drag a mascot to our home if I don;t sleep now.

>He usually do what he says. One time, last February, he threatened to court me if I don't finish my pancake. I didn't finish it so he courted me unil now. He hasn't stopped even when we became together.

>So i'm going to log of now because God forbid, a mascot.

>Ciao. I'll be back.


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I'm not judging you. HAHAHAHAHAHA! OHMYGODDD!!! Congratulations unnie/noona/atey! I miss you too. so so much. so let's meet up please. I'm rotting here. hihihi. :D if he threatens you with a mascot. tell him that I'm gonna come over and tickle him, and he knows how I "tickle". huhuhuu.

I've been waiting for Henry's story since you posted the foreword. so bilisan mo ang pagpost por favor.

forever waiting! :D *hugs* *kiss* *body slam*
lahdeedah000 #2
Omg. Whut. You're alive. O_O

LOL jk...but has it seriously been a year and a half??? Where has time goneeeee

Haha your life sounds pretty crazy right now...but soooooooooooooooo happy for you too. Seriously. <3