Maybe If I Close My Eyes Hard Enough, It Will Go Away?

Time passed to a blur.

There wasn't a moment to exhale. To pause and think. I felt that if I stop even for a little while, I'll be left behind and nobody would be around to pull me back. I'm tired, almost drained, it felt like if I hold on a little too loose, I'll let go.

It was scary and sad. Not because of what's happening around me, but because of those little constant reminders that if you were here, I wouldn't be too lost. Why do you have to go where I cannot follow? 

I told myself that counting the days is pointless. But three years, eleven months and fourteen days are still not enough. A lot of things has happened but nothing has changed.  

Maybe if i close my eyes hard enough, it will go away?


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lahdeedah000 #1
If only life was that easy, eh? I think everyone would just be so much happier if we could just close our eyes and wish something away. We can always live in our fantasies, for a little bit at least, but we always have to come back to reality. It's making reality enjoyable to live in that's hard, isn't it? But so many things are just out of our control, not matter how hard we try, rant, cry, and scream. There isn't always hope, but you can always find it, too, in yourself. Be strong. :)