The Disappearance of Name

         Photo Booth

Photobooth *Max width 250

Anything else? 

Can't promise anything but
request away!

I will respect these the best 
I can, if I can't due to story 
reasons I will contact you 
about it.

Nickname, Activity, Password



                      0:00                                 0:00


about me! name 

FC profile photo


You could put a quote from your character, or some lyrics you feel relate to them. This is meant to replicate a profile bio, so you could even do that! This is basically a section to do whatever with.
 Psum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagi. sum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat so


Citizenship: here

ethnicity: here

plotline: here

faceclaim: here

hometown: here

height: here

back-up: here

back-up: here

Stage Name: - Here + why/who chose it?

Birth Name: - Here

Nicknames: - Here

Birthdate and Debut Age: - Here, having trouble figuring out her DOB? Use this.

Language(s): - Here, include fluency and explanation as well,

Appearance: -  Describe any difference between your FC, including body shape. What is the weight listed on her profile, is it truthful? 
Has she gotten plastic surgery? If so what?

Fashion & Style: - Here, photos / pinterest or description or both! 


New Note                                      Aa  B  U »


Who is she as a person? What is her internal world like? How does she present herself?

At least 3 positive and negative traits.
At least two paragraphs.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu.

Mental health

How was her mental health before debuting? What about after? How would what's in her plotline affect her? What about the struggles of her members?
How would trauma affect her? Would she go into flight/fight/fawn?

                           📄 New Doc - Edited                        

Backstory here
What was her childhood like? Her schooling? How did it shape her as a person?

At least two paragraphs.

Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac imperdiet elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi ullamcorper, ligula at consectetur elementum, lorem erat iaculis enim, quis dignissim magna velit vitae felis.

her story moving forward... 
If you want to expand on any ideas you have around your characters storyline. More important if you choose the Joker plotline. 

   - At least 3
   - Here
   - Here
   - At least 3

   - Here
   - Here

   - At least 3
   - Here
   - At least 1
general trivia 

   - At least 3
   - Here
   - Here


Fears ~  
- At least one
Dreams ~
 - At least one
Career Aspirations ~
- At least one
Regrets ~
- Optional

Special talents:

Optional. I like to create playlists when make my characters :)


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occupation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occupation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occupation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 

  < >                                    

FC Wikipedia Photo
   Occupation Singer
Musical Career
   Origin South Korea


   Years Active 2020–present

Real Media


   Member Of Reel Girls
   Talent Twin  Here
   Back Up  Here
   SNS Handle Here 
   Trainee Years Here

    Stage Name          ____________________________________
           Article    Talk          
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Romance here *Max width 300

This is a section all about ~romance~ The first part should be removed if you don't already have a love interest in mind

Faceclaim Here
Backup Only if it's an OC you've created, rather then someone in the established cast.

Name Here
DOB Here
Personality Sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac 

Love Story Beginning, middle.... and the ending is up to me ;)

Status At the start of the story.

How would they react to them going missing? Here.

 - Here

Backup Do you have someone else in mind? Have her stay single? Or should I match make?

Even if you have a planned LI, the section below could still be useful for me. But is very much optional. You can change the information here if you like, for example, if your character is aromantic or aual, you can adjust it to fit the info you want to put. 

Do you want a LI?
Keep in mind the young age of the cast and the limited time they're  active.  A 13 year old doesn't need a relationship, but it's also very normal for a 13 year old to have crushes and romantic daydreams and I still want to know all about that!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat 

Ideal type
Sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac 

Attachment Style
Sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac 

Sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac 

Sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac 


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Here she is, in all of her (frustratingly difficult to write) glory. Enjoy ^^
so sorry to add another review to your plate but i just have to toss her away from me skasjf absolutely take your time!!
Sorry she took so long to finish~!
You've a lot of new applications, please take your time and thank you!
here you go! I will look at the instagram layout later, I always struggle with those, but here is the character herself
hiyabada #6
I never finished an app so fast haha hope you like her
Okso I know this but before I go on I wanted to make sure that she’s on the right track and it makes sense so I’ll put more info later! Hope that’s ok!

hi! after speaking with you, i suddenly got a burst of inspiration and managed to finish her HAHAHA i hope you like her! and ofc if there's anything that needs to be elaborated/changed, don't hesitate to lmk!
i believe i finished my girl off a while back but i'm not sure why i didn't turn her in so let me know if i've missed something lol ^^
hope you like her (:
guguvixx #11