♚ Ephemeral Crown ♚ Song Heejin


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AGE — 20
RACE — Elf
CLASS — Arcanist (Magician with magical power who are often characterized with a book as weapon and a familiar )
OCCUPATION — Assistant nurse

STR — 18
DEX — 13
CON — 8
INT — 20
WIS — 10
CHA — 15

FACE CLAIM — Baek Su Min (Link to Gallery)  // Byeon Seo Eun (Link to gallery)
APPEARANCE — While she loves to dress up and wear different kinds of clothes, she always wears a dress in her favourite bordeaux colour. Usually you would find her in an outfit that consists of a white blouse covered by a brown corset wrapped around her stomach and waist. Her outfit is completed with her bordeaux red skirt with white frills along the ends of it. The look is completed with her short cape in the same colour red which is short so walking is no hassle, but it would still keep her warm (Something like this). When she is at the local hospital, carrying out her duties as a nurse, the girl wears her simple white and blue dress with long sleeves that are a bit puffed up at her wrist, creating a cuter look (Here). Her outfits are always completed with her dark brown boots that almost reach her knees, decorated with small belts and her bookshaped bag which she carries with her everywhere. Actually it is only a book, but her most precious item.

(Other dresses: Long sleeved dress for the winter)



♚ Passionate, cheerful, hopeful, positive, whorty, empathetic, clumsy (sometimes!)
♚ Finds it difficult to put her feelings into words and share them, short tempered, overthinker, easiliy jealous, does before thinking, possessive


Song Heejin would be your typical girl next door who is emphatetic and very passionate about helping and caring for people, hence her job in the hospital. Always trying to stay positive and cheerful for people, she lives for pleasing people and making everyone happy and smile which in turn makes it difficult for herself to think and convey her own feelings and opinion sometimes. You could see her personality as a double edged sword where it could be a good and bad trait.

Her folk sticks to the believe that wisdom is more important, she finds herself to disagree with this as she often urges to make her decision based on her emotion than the facts. Heejin keeps this to herself after one time she spoke out her thoughts to her people who quickly disagreed with her. Since then she never mentioned it to anyone and continues to live her life like she always has done; please people and make people happy without mentioning her thoughts and only handling matters with a logical perception.

While she tries her best to do this, there are some times where she flies out and releases her rage as a way of venting to continue like she always has. Her venting is usually done in her safe haven where no one would see her like this, the forest where it is peaceful and quiet where she's not surrounded by the things that make her feel upset and stressed. She rather not let everyone see this side of her becauase she feels it's a burden to show lots of emotion. Only Jungkook has seen her openly whine and cry, making him the person she is most comfortable with to show him every side of her. She doesn't care how he views her. 

People do see her as nice and maybe as successfull with her passion and ability, she does get jealous easily when someone is better in anything than her. It would make her feel down, but it would soon turn into passion to become better and work harder. Her possessiveness is rarely seen as she tries to hide it, but what is hers whether it are trivial items or expensive objects, she always keeps them close so no one would touch it or come near to it. One of them is her book that no one is allowed to read.


♚ Rather follows her heart than her brain, contrary to the motto of the elves.

♚ Always carries paper and pen with her in case she needs to remember something or for her ruins.

♚ Sometimes writes too fast and can't read her own handwriting.

♚ Allergic to so much things (Wheat being only one of the things on the long list, but she eats small amounts of it because Xiumin) which frustrates her. Luckily, she has medicine for it although it makes her a bit hyper.

♚ Chocolate always gives her energy (and pimples).

♚ More than one time she stepped on a ruin which was a trap on the ground which she made herself, because she couldn't remember where she put it.

♚ Jungkook is her canvas to draw symbols on, particularly spells that she uses to heal his wounds and bruises after his trainings. 


FAMILY — Heejin's parents are very conservative and hold true to the typical words of elves; 'Follow your heart but take your brain with you.' True to this believe, they find themselves to be most fit to rule the world they live in now as they are the most intelligent. She is not royalty though. Her parents want the elves to rule but of course it would be a plus for them to rule. Elves wouldn’t just let the royalty take the reign but have a fair discussion to see who fits to rule and not just based on bloodline.

With this idea in mind, she has been raised only to learn and develop her power of knowledge as well as the power to fight. Because of this, her time was mostly spend studying and practising her magic powers; white magic in particular such as healing, curing status and improving abilities.

When she realised that she found her heart more important than her brains and had admitted this to her parents, they had opposed strongly about her thoughts and had forced her to forget about it. Ever since, she had still felt the same but never acted upon it again, keeping it hidden from the world. Never truly thinking about her feelings and only keeping with their beliefs, her relationship with her parents had never been well and consisted of merely raising her as obligation and for their dreams.

FRIENDS — While Song Heejin has been friendly and caring for all the folkspeople whether they were elves or other races, their parents don't despise other races but merely sees them as less than them so she is allowed to communicate with them, the girl also have been friends with them. Though on a deeper level of friendship she could not find who was always as supportive as Kim Minseok. Kim Minseok was  a human, the boy from the bakery where her family always went to for shopping. He always managed to make her smile and relax with his sweet cookies and coffee he would brew whenever her parents were too much for her although he did not know about the true conflicts in her mind. There was however one boy that knew everything from her (I will come to that hehe).

ENEMIES — Song Heejin did not have any names or races that she could label as her enemies. However, she would see the people that were better than her in something as her enemies as they were competition for her. In this sense you could say that the greatest enemy of all would be herself, because it are her thoughts that push her in the deepest of darkness.


Well, I would consider four years ruling very... short? Considering all the time you need to clean up after all the things the goblins have done to the world. Nonetheless, I am curious who had created this system and how we still oblige to this system while there is no one who maintains this rule. While most do not question the origin of this system, perhaps it is better like this to not create any slaughter other than the battle for the ephemeral crown. In short, while I find the ephemerus' four years ruling system quite odd and suspicious, there is only one thing we could do and that is to oblige to this.

One may say that my past was very well. I had a roof on top of my head and I had food, what more did you need than the primary things? Sometimes I would think that I had wished to had lived my life with more love of my parents, but I could not complain about that. They have pushed me to become reliable and skilled. Although these thoughts do come to mind, other times more often than usual, I have had a peaceful life in the town I grew up in with the people who I had come to love and had received love from.

While the primary reason would be because of obligation to my parents who want the elves to rule, I have seen reason in the world as to why elves should take the lead in this world. Goblins may have proved that they could rule, but their mere focus on money had caused the world to change in worse cases than good. While they focus on wealth, they had not been looking at the small satisfactors of the world such as nature. Their future is not liveable world, it is a machine to create money and money only.

Well, my strength would be the power of my spells. With years of training I can recite them at a marvelous speed without any slip of the tongue so there would be no incidents or defects. While my studies were mostly focused on spells of the catergory white magic consisting of healing, curing as well as improving once strength and such, as an arcanist and using a book as weapon I have found rather interesting books that makes me able to cast spells that damages people as well. My book is my ultimate weapon. While learning magic in form of support I also learned how to attack with magic. These spells take time though but do damage. 

Having read and used various of books, there is one book where I stick to for almost six years now. Jungkook had gotten me this book when there were merchants in town and he couldn't leave the book so he bought it for me. It was an interesting book and more diverse than others I had had. Everything was in this book and so I have never let go of this book. I have searched more information about the book like for the author, but there is nothing to find. Unfortunately there are also so many merchants, it's difficult to trace the person. I doubt he still knows where he got the book too.

A weakness is so to say the time of my spells. While I memorised them and am able to recite them without a slip of my tongue, nevertheless it still takes time. Depending on what spell, the time to recite them also differs. Spells dealing damage over time take more time than curing and healing as I have learned those kinds of spells longer and am more experienced by them. The length is also longer. Another one would be my vulnerability during my spells since I would not be able to defend myself momentarily. But! I do not fear as I have my carbuncle named Flappy (because of the cute ears) who will protect me. A carbuncle is a creature that is created by the red gem I carry around as a necklace (which also suits my outfit by the way). The bunny looking creature protects and attacks while I read out my spells so I would not get hurt. 

Two things that could be another strength but also weakness are dark magic and ruins.  While I was gifted a new book I had never seen before, I discovered this book had it all; white magic spells, spells for damage over time. And black magic. Having tried these out in secret I am certainly not an expert in this. Using this kind of magic interests me very well, but I haven't been able to practice it in combat. It is forbidden after all. For the ruins, I have come to the discovery of ruins that could be used with magic as protection spells which I do not need to recite. I can draw symbols, hence I always have a marker with me and paper. Ruins are the most efficient for defence in battle in my case and also for everyday life. While I try to create more symbols for attack, this has not been too effective yet although failed ones also helped. Not being too well with drawing these ruins under stress, I may or may not draw these ruins incorrectly...

My strategies will vary in range. I would set traps with my ruins that explode when people step on it for example. I can cast a sleeping spell on an area and kill them in their slumber. Then again I could do short ranged attack with my Carbuncle. I wouldn't sit silent and only be a supportive ally for sure~!   




AGE 20 
RACE — Wendigo
CLASS — Rogue
OCCUPATION — Butcher's son

STR — 20


Seeing the prejudice against his kind, he is sick to hide who he is and therefore wants the ephemeral crown to put an end to this. Jungkook believes that his parents are cowards to hide their identity and they have lived forever as 'humans', attending their occupation as butchers (it's easy to obtain flesh this way).

He is a muscle pig that always tries to be stronger and trains a lot for it. While he is good in combat with bare hands, his specialty lays in his sword work with his daggers. Charming and deceiving people is his forte in the game, he had done it his whole life.

Jungkook usually keeps to himself, being quiet and speaks when he needs to. Heejin is the only one who knows everything about him, from his selfish thoughts to his frustrations but mostly his most important secret of being a wendigo. He can let his emotions loose with her and in turn also shows her his soft, teasingplayful and smiley side, sometimes cheesy. Recently he has been more open with people though.

The wendigo has a ruin tattooed below his collarbone specially made for him by Heejin. It's a ruin to manipulate how everyone sees his eyes so werewolves can't see that he's a wendigo. There are tricks and practices to manipulate his pupils but this would be permanent so it would be easier for him. This makes him less uptight and wary for his surroundings.

Note; this incident had caused Heejin to stare at him for full hours on so she wouldn't forget his real eyes, because only Jungkook himself could see his true eyes alone now. 


FIRST MEETING — Their first meeting was rather funny to be honest. Heejin and Jungkook had both been quite young, around the age of eight. While Heejin was practising her spells in the peacefulness of the forest, Flappy had fled and therefore she ran around the forest to find it. The sight that she had seen could've been dreadful, but for her it was rather funny. To see Jungkook, the butcher's son chase her carbuncle. Only after her giggles did she notice he wanted to eat her precious friend and she had scolded him instead of being scared. The boy was however petrified. His identity was revealed. Feeling symphatetic and panicking with him, Heejin had promised him to keep it a secret if he never tried to eat her carbuncle again.
It was after their encounter that they had hung out more and more with each other as years went on. Knowing everything from each other, Heejin had to admit she was surprised he had revealed his true identity as a wendigo when he entered the battle for the Ephemeral crown, but she understood. And so their fair battle against each other had begun with their own goals in mind, their feelings tucked away.

RELATIONSHIP — The relationship of Heejin and Jungkook is very playful. Jungkook would often whine on purpose, grin on his face as he talked about his trainings and how he kicked people's butts while he was being nursed by a scolding Heejin who interrupted his tales by teasing him how he still sat in front of her getting treated. Smiles send to each other and small actions of skinship like holding hands was enough for them to comfort the other as they often talked with their eyes when it was too difficult for them to express their feelings in words whether it were feelings of joy or frustrations and more.

FAMOUS LAST WORDS — Eat chocolate~ xD no, but I hope the app is okay >.< I spend a lot of thought and time on it because this idea is just super fun so people who read this and haven't applied yet, apply! hehehe

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — (1) Jungkook keeps Heejin alive as she will be his sacrifice to use magic. Even though he hasn't practiced magic, he has seen Heejin do it so many times and he memorised it as well. The special attack~ (Although I hope Heejin will win and still stay alive :p but it's a suggestion~! heheh) (2) Revelation time between Heejin and Jungkook~! Jungkook already had known about this book and when he obtained it he just needed a safe place to hide it. So he gave it to Heejin so she would protect the book so he would use it later. Feeling of betrayal, sadness, upset, but still feelings of care and love

PASSWORD — I have~ I tried knight because I'm too reckless in battle XD I tried being an archer and mage too but that didn't really work out... loll
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- This may seem like a stupid question, but what is an arcanist? I've tried to google it and it only says "someone who uses arcane magic." What is arcane magic? XD
- So pleasing others is more important than wisdom to her, right?
- To whom does she release her rage to? Is this a secret side of her that no one knows of, or is it known/seen by the public?
- "Sometimes writes too fast and can't read her own handwriting." LOL
- Can you list the things she is allergic of? And anger turns into energy to use magic?
- "More than one time she stepped on a ruin which was a trap on the ground which she made herself, because she couldn't remember where she put it" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA i love this!
- Oh, is Song Heejin from royal family? Or does it mean her parents WANT to rule and become next king of Ephemerus?
- "With years of training I can recite them at a marvelous speed without any slip of the tongue so there would be no incidents or defects." Didn't she need a pen and paper to remember things? So is she forgetful or really smart? XD
- Ooh, please tell me more about this book~
- Do you have a picture of the carbuncle? Does it have a name?
- How long does it take to say a spell?
- "it's easy to obtain flesh this way" love it!
- So they are close friends? And since Heejin seems to be like a personal nurse to Jungkook, what kind of pain was he experiencing?

Okay, those are my comments. You can add them in the app and just give it a different color so I can see the changes. It's quite a lot, I know, but I need more details to be as thorough as possible. Hehehehehe Thank you for applyyinggg after a lot of hard work and battling the internet XD