HEADDESK(s)! 。 :ㅤ Song Heejin


Sugar daddy

public relations



Choco makes everything better~ <3 


   — Jinnie / by Colleagues from the same department
   — Heejinnie / by Aemi
   — Baby <3 / by Minseok
   — Princess <3 / by Minseok

 birthday  27/10 (#24)
 birthplace  Ilsan, Seoul
 hometown  Seoul

 faceclaim  Baek Su Min
 alternative(s)  Byeon Seo Eun

 height  162cm
 weight  53kg
 appearance  Often wears her long hair in a bun at work, Sometimes wears glasses but mostly lenses,
 style  Usually wears something casual but former to work which consists of a skirt or dress and a cardigan (1) (2). During her free time you would see her in cute but simple outfits or jogging pants when she has a lazy day. There is no in between. (3) (4)

 personality trait(s)  
) Passionate  Hopeful ✚ Emphatic ✚ TrustworthyShy  Cheerful Imaginative  Lovable  Emphatic
() Overthinker  Easily jealous ✖ Insecure
() Clumsy  Absentminded  Ambitious  Predictable   Self-conscious  Awkward
 elaboration  Song Heejin thinks that she is very shy and awkward with strangers, but tries her best to keep a conversation and socialise if necessary. Being polite and have respect for one another are one of the things she values.

Often insecure about herself and very easily influenced by others and what they say, Heejin tries to stay cheerful and not talk about her worries because it would make her forget about the bad things. When she is outside on a break you'll often find her daydreaming or in her own world while reading a book if other colleagues are too busy to have lunch together.

Her heart is scared for rejection, often thinking that she wouldn't be enough and that people will get bored of her and find someone more enjoyable. 

Despite that, when you get to know her better, she will open up and soon you will notice she can ramble quite a lot when talking. Her topics will fly from here to there and back. Especially when she's excited. The girl also loves skinship, hugs and holding arms as a sign of giving or receiving affection. She is very cheerful and laughs easily about lame jokes. Heejin is very passionate about the things she loves, her passion but also the people she cares about. She has a strong sense of emphathy and  feels along with the people she cares about resulting in her getting agitated and upset. Sometimes even more than the person involved. She doesn't hesitate to listen and offer her shoulder to lean on. The girl is a good listener, although she sometimes find it hard to utter the words that could make someone feel better. She'll do her best though.

 background  Song Heejin had a tough childhood as her father left her alone with her mother. Even though she tried to be good and stayed in school, didn't do drugs and such things it still was never enough for her mother as she only wanted better and better. While she didn't excel in her subjects, she still managed to do well and also go to college which she had to pay for herself.

During college years, her mother had gotten a huge debt which caused Heejin to give all her savings to her mother even though it wouldn't pay all. They were still family and she was her mother so she felt obliged to and maybe she wanted some approval as well.

Financial setback had caused her to take a year longer of college and she almost wanted to give up but her friend from the same college (different course) Aemi had helped her and pushed her through. It was because of her that she joined Monster Inc.

 lifestyle  Heejin lives in quite the outskirst of Seoul because the rent there is cheaper. The neighbourhood is a bit more dangerous though so she usually walks fast.
Still having the debt of her mother above her head, she is very careful with her money and tries to only buy essentials even though she is impulsive. Because of this problem she is often reluctant to hang out with people outside because they would go to karaoke or have a drink etc. which all costs a lot of money.

(Is very allergic to nuts.
(Has heyfever so during spring, you can see her often with glasses instead of lenses because her eyes would hurt often.
() Has a stack of cookies in her drawers in case she gets hungry.
) Loves to read romance and fantasy books.
) Started in the sales department but because of mutual decision from Monster Inc. and herself, she has been transferred to Public Relations where she is able to develop herself more.

(Laughs a lot, sometimes when it is not the moment.
(Talks to herself when stressed
(Can't read the atmosphere well
() Has worked many part-time jobs in the past including cleaning and serving
) People love to because her reactions are very animated



♡ minseok
Kim minseok
 nickname  Oppa <3
Minie <3 by Heejin
Sugar Daddy - self proclaimed nickname xD because he loves taking care of Heejin
 and he loves to

 birthdate  26/03 (#27)
 faceclaim  Kim Minseok
 alternatives  Jisoo

 height  173 cm
 weight  70 kg

 style  Minseok has always been one of the men that suits up for work. He does like formal pants and a sweatshirt, but when you have worked with him long enough you can tell that he doesn't fancy the whole suit much. So when a meeting is over you would probably find him walking the corridors and loosening his tie to be finally free (oh my heart can you see this happening!!!! <3) (1) (2) (3) (4).  
When he is out of the office you could find him in more comfortable clothes, mostly sportswear and casual. (Casual) (2) (Sporty)

 character quotes  
— "
The best thing in life is being able to do what people say you're not able to do."
— "Being pretty is different than being loved."

 department  Sales department

 position  Team Leader


() Hardworking, punctual, playful, gentle, attentive
() Blunt, Perfectionistic
() Tease
Minseok is everything good to be honest~ He's nice, kind, caring. If he would be mad, he would calmly discuss instead of yelling or irrational speaking with hurting the other party. He does have some insecurities though as he is often tough on himself and always thinks that things can be improved of him and his job, resulting in him working too hard.  

— During lunch he would occassionally go to the cafeteria and meet Heejin and his/ her friends.
— Most evenings he insists to take Heejin home with his car since her area is kind of far and shady.
— Grocery shopping together and tricks her into letting him pay.
— Small texts and video calls throughout the day.
— Lazy house days and hangouts at his or her house, because she doesn't like to shop and such because of money problems. Usually at his house becuase she finds her apartment not worthy for him and it is bigger for when they hang out with the group and not only the two of them..

—  Doesn't have any people that dislike him that he knows of. He is known for the nice team leader. People that work with him always have a positive view on him for his fast replies and clear ideas and motives for projects and assignments.
— Loves coffee.
— Everything needs to be clean and tidy!
—  Is very sporty and goes to the gym several times a week.
— Met Heejin when she first started in Monster Inc. and has taken an interest in her ever since because of her cheerful  personality, hardworking and sincere, But got even more curious when he could feel there was always a kind of sadness or discomfort around her.
— Later he finds out, she tells him, about her rough past and current financial problems. He wants to help as much as he is allowed to without making her feel too indebted by him. It's one of the reasons he hasn't paid the debt yet. He is working on that.
— Always tries to sneak in presents for Heejin, but only necessary things such as food and clothes or else she would be upset.
— Has been trying to get Heejin to live with him because it's closer to the company which is more convenient and safe. Only that reason really... Really!
— Has learned martial arts and holds a black belt for kendo and taekwando

Doesn't voice his emotions often when he has problems of his own (not work related)
lim aemi
Aem - because it's shorter, but she rarely uses it as they usually start talking and rambling to each other without greeting each other.

 character quotes  
— "That doesn't mean anything."
— "He's just annoying."

 personality  Aemi. 

— Girls night and sleepovers.
— Since they both live alone, they have dinner together often.
— During lunch hours they meet up but always need an alarm or else they would stay together and keep talking.

—   Heejin started teasing her about Myungsoo as soon as she saw the chemistry Aemi herself did not want to admit. 
— They met each other in college during an event, even though they had other majors. Since then they have always been together and been the best of friends.
Shin wonho
Just Wonho, Wonwon

 character quotes
— "Ramen."
— "How am I supposed to act y? I am y."

Passionate that often could come across as too pushy, like his ideas and suggestions for work.

— Since their desks are next to each other, they see each other every day at work. They help each other out when needed and remind each other to have breaks and such.
— Taking silly pictures together (derp), but also 'normal' ones.
— Often asks Heejin to pick out the best selcas since he makes 150+.
— Pokes her to start working out for her health. Sometimes drags her with him for running which results in him carrying her back home because she just doesn't have any stamina.
— Ramen nights when overwork.

— 01/03 (#24)
— 178 cm
— 78 kg 
— Worker at the Public relations department
— Co-worker and one of Heejins best friends.
— Is a strong believer of the saying clothes make the man. He is not a fan of ties but he still wears mostly formal/ casual clothes at work. Usually a shirt with long sleeves and jeans (1)(2)(3). He loves to add accessoires, like bracelets and earrings. When he is out of the office he always wears ripped jeans (1)(2)
— Is addicted to ramen.


 "how were you hired?"  Actually the normal way. I saw an open vacancy when I was job hunting at Kim & co and applied for it. Aemi already worked there and did recommend me and put a good word for me.

 "how's the office life?"  It is good! I love the regular hours. Before I worked in restaurants when I was in college and the hours always varied each week and each day. I love the structure! Also, Monster Inc. does really care about their workers and try to keep the overwork to a minimum or else you will be compensated at least.
Previously at Kim & co I started in the sales department but after working there, it just wasn't for me. I talked with the supervisors and I transferred to the Public relations department once Monster inc. got created two months ago. 
Work can be hectic and busy, but I slowly got accustomed by it. I still get nervous and a bit panicky when they give me a whole new assignment though. I'm relatively fast with my work and always make sure to have healthy breaks in between for some coffee or tea.
Sometimes I do talk too much though and forget about the time during wokr hours ^^'The office scandals and rumours are so interesting to hear~ I think the latest one going around is about Shiyoon only getting her position because she is friends with the ceo! Can you believe that?! I don't think so though... I've seen her several times and she seems very hardworking... Oh no, I forgot the attachment again in the mail!! 

 "on coffee runs, what do you get?"  Oh I love coffee! But I need some sugar and milk with it hehe I can't handle bitter that well... Latte macciato is my favourite! I try to minimize my caffeine doses to one a day though, try... I love tea as well, especially English tea and peach tea. Oh! Also matcha frappucino! For cakes I only buy the new released ones once just to try... Although I love sweets, I shouldn't eat them often! Wonho is going to drag me with him again for running T^T I should avoid that... Ah? Minseok oppa bought me the matcha cheesecake again?!
Minseok: You said you liked it!

 "tell me about your company dinners"  
Oh I love to eat! They don't let me grill the meat anymore because I let it burn... I guess more time for me to eat? hehe
Ahh but I can't hold my liquor... I get even more giggly and touchy because I love hugs! My reaction time gets super slow though... Why are sweet mixed drinks so tasty?! I can't count on my fingers anymore how many times Minseok had taken me under his wings. I try to drink responsibly now. Aemi makes sure I drink water in between as well! 
Since I have food allergies I am a bit scared I'm a burden whenever we have company dinners, but Minseok is always so kind and makes sure I don't eat anything I cannot eat.
 "i heard that you're chummy with Minseok, can you tell me more about them?"  He didn't tell you about the sugar daddy, did he?! Oh he keeps telling that around >///< But Minseok is the sweetest guy ever really! He's such a nice guy that I'm so thankful for all his help. He goes out of his way to bring me home and help me with all kinds of thinks. I try to make up for it and cook him meals or cookies sometimes, but it could never be enough... I may have a huge crush on him, but he doesn't have to know! I mean, he is nice to everyone, right? ... I can't just assume I'm special or anything...  


 comments  I just love this idea and the layout is super pretty~It was a bit of a struggle with the scrolling though ^^' I hope my app is okay T^T I'm nervous heheh I hope I get picked~<3

 scene suggestion  

          — One day when Minseok takes Heejin home and walks her to the door, they notice something is wrong. The door had been picked! There was a robbery and everything has been upside down or stolen, also her hidden savings. Minseok handles the situation calmly and talks to the landlord about this while he asks Heejin to pack the things she still has there. He pays for the last rent and damage and offers her his guestroom for the meantime. This is when Heejin notices most things are here already like toothbrush and extra pair of clothes from the sleepovers. She pays him back by doing chores and cooking (which they always end up doing together) and overtime she forgets she ever was searching for anothe place.
          — Subtle skinships as holding hands under the table during company dinners. Fleeting forehead kisses.
          — Finally officializing their relationships! They never defined what they have after all the time and haven't said their I love you's yet.

 password  Red ~! 



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