
I keep reminiscing and coming back here. Mainly because this blog does not contain those moments.

Those moments that I wrote down while crying and had my tears stained the pages.

Those moments which I smiled so much as I wrote things down not wanting to forget how those moments made me felt but who knew that 9 years onward, it is those very moments that I would want to forget and erase.

Those moments which we could just look at each other and knew what the other person was thinking.

Those moments in which silence was comfortable and I felt like I could take on the world as long as I had you by my side.

Those moments that I truly felt loved without having to change myself at all.

Those moments when you took my wrist in your hands and promised me that I would never scar myself again because you would take care of me and not hurt me.

That moment when I realized that everything was just a band-aid and you never meant to heal me because you couldn't heal yourself first.

That moment when I realized that both of us were trying so hard to hang onto something which was never meant to be ours in the first place.

That moment when I realized you did love me back but it is now too late to go back and change everything.

That moment when I realized that even if we could go back, the outcome would have been the same one way or another.

That moment when I realized I will always love you somehow, someway.

That moment when I realized and regret that you will have always have a piece of my heart somehow but your's will never be mine. 

That moment which is now that I realize that I should let everything go because if it was meant to be, things would have changed 6 years ago but it never did so this is our fate, to have love and loved but always reminiscing one way or another.


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saghirezai #1
Sooooooooooo sad and beautiful:(Those moments that I truly felt loved without having to change myself at all....Love all the sentences but this is soooooooo amazing.