Then Came You




Chanyeol knew he was going to regret his decision one way or the other. But as he looked down at the boy standing beside him like a lost puppy, he thought it was too late to back out since they were already inside his spacious apartment. Baekhyun had his right index finger between his lips, his eyes curiously roaming the area. Chanyeol thought it was kind of late for the shorter boy to feel shy, too, when it was actually Baekhyun who asked him if he could stay with the young president in the first place. Chanyeol walked left towards the living room, shrugging off his suit jacket on the way and draping it over the back of the low white couch. Expecting that Baekhyun had followed him, he was surprised to see that the other didn't budge from his position near the door.

"Do you plan on standing there all night?"

At the sound of his deep voice, Baekhyun's gaze focused on him and Chanyeol was slightly taken aback with how innocent the shorter boy looked. The other's energy seemed to have waned somehow during the short elevator ride. Baekhyun walked hesitantly towards him, stopping just a few feet away. With his zipped yellow hoodie and light blue jeans, he lent a splash of color to the cold black and white interior of Chanyeol's apartment.

Chanyeol pointed at the couch."You. Sit."

Baekhyun immediately obeyed, sitting in front of the still standing Chanyeol. His hands were clasped together on top of his thighs, the lightstick held between them. He was looking up at Chanyeol expectantly while biting his lower lip. The taller boy's gaze couldn't help but get drawn to the even white teeth worrying the softness there. He could remember how they felt against his because just that morning... Damn. He shouldn't be remembering again and he was annoyed with himself for doing so that was why his tone sounded sharper than he intended. "Can you put that down?"

"What? The lightstick?" Baekhyun waved the thing again and smiled, visibly relaxing.

"Yes," he answered. It wasn't his intention to put the other at ease but apparently that was what happened. He still had the upper hand in this negotiation anyway. They were in his turf.

Baekhyun placed the lightstick on the side table near him. "You shouldn't be so afraid. I wouldn't really turn you into a potato."

"I am not afraid," he replied indignantly.

"Being a potato isn't so bad. You'll be all round and brown and mushy when boiled--absolutely awesome with a bit of salt and butter. More delicious when baked. Don't you like mashed potatoes?"

"I do." Damn, what was he saying? They didn't have time to discuss potatoes, mashed or otherwise. "I didn't agree to let you stay here to talk about potatoes."

"Well, you brought it up," the shorter boy said with a shrug.

Yes, he really was starting to regret this. Chanyeol closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He had to repeat to himself that he was doing this for his lunch date with Kyungsoo. He breathed deeply. He would do anything for Kyungsoo. "Okay. Let us start this again. I am letting you stay for one night, one night, in exchange for information."

Baekhyun threw him a curious look. "What kind information?"

"You told me earlier that Kyungsoo is your idol." The other nodded. "And you also told me that you know pretty much everything about him, his likes and dislikes. I want you to help me set up a lunch... meeting with him." Chanyeol suddenly felt hesitant to call it a date in front of the smaller boy. He shouldn't have bothered.

"Oh, like a date?" Baekhyun's eyes rounded before a wide, knowing smile blossomed from his lips. "You like Do Kyungsoo?"

"It is not a date. I told you it's just a meeting," he answered, feeling a little flustered from the expression on Baekhyun's face. He couldn't say that he didn't like Kyungsoo.

The knowing look didn't falter. "Okay, if you say so." Baekhyun blew air into his cheeks, seemingly lost in thought. "What do you want to know?"

"I just want to know how I can make this da--meeting pleasant." Chanyeol loosened his tie. It was quite hard to talk about Kyungsoo with another person, a stranger to boot.

"Pleasant, huh? Well, what do you have planned?"

Chanyeol thought for a while before answering. "It's just lunch in a nice restaurant. Of course in a private area or else we'll be surrounded by the press in no time."

"And then?" the boy probed.

"That's it." He frowned at the laughing look Baekhyun gave him. "What?"

"If you are to make a good impression from this date, I mean meeting, you have to do something more." Then as if a sudden realization hit him, Baekhyun stood up and pointed at Chanyeol. "But wait. What are your intentions? Are they pure? Because as a Starling, it's my duty to protect our Kyungsoo. In our rule book, Article 2, section 4, We swear to protect--"

Chanyeol held up his hand to stop the other from talking nonsense. "First, I have no bad intentions, okay? I told you, this is just a meeting between... friends."

Baekhyun looked him up from head to toe and back. "Are you sure?"

Chanyeol thought this was ridiculous. "Of course I'm sure!" Why did he have to explain himself to this boy? "And second, Kyungsoo is a childhood friend. We grew up together so if there is anyone here who has the best intentions that would be me."

He pointed at himself.

"Well, if you're childhood friends then you should know everything about him. Why do you need me?" Baekhyun asked, looking confused.

"Because I know him but I don't know what he... likes in guys." He mumbled the last part that Baekhyun had to step closer to hear him.

"What? I couldn't hear you."

"I don't know what he likes in guys! There, satisfied?" he raised his voice. Damn, he could feel a blush creeping up his face. Great.

"Oh." The boy grinned up at him. "Now that wasn't so hard was it? In Article 5, section 7, we Starlings should always speak the truth, we should--"

"I am not a Starling." Chanyeol predicted that he would wring someone's neck before the night ended.

"Well, you like Kyungsoo, right? Everyone who loves him is a Starling," Baekhyun said matter-of-factly.

Chanyeol let the comment pass. He has to or he would go crazy.

"Stop cutting in okay? Or we'll never get to the part where I tell you what to do on your meeting," the shorter boy said the last word with a suspicious wiggle of his eyebrows. But before Chanyeol could tell Baekhyun that he was the one cutting himself off, the boy turned serious.

"You know what? I think what Kyungsoo needs is a little normalcy in his life. I mean from his talk show guesting last month, I sensed that he wanted some rest from all the attention?" Chanyeol watched as the short boy paced in front of him. "So if you want this date to have an impact on him you have to make it not so special."

It was his turn to look confused. "Not so special?" But that was the exact opposite of what Chanyeol thought the date, might as well call it as it is, should be. He wanted it to be special so Kyungsoo could maybe think Chanyeol was special, too.

"Yes. Everybody gives him special treatment and admit it you also probably do. So be different this time. Treat him as if he wasn't a star; treat him not as Do Kyungsoo the celebrity but as Do Kyungsoo, your childhood friend." Chanyeol had to admit, Byun Baekhyun was making some sense. "You do know what his favorite dessert is, don't you?"

Yes, Chanyeol did. Kyungsoo was a er for chocolate pudding. He nodded.

"Great!" Baekhyun exclaimed. "So give him chocolate pudding. I read in one magazine interview that that was what Kyungsoo-ssi misses the most after he got popular. He has to watch his diet, you see. I'm sure he'll appreciate it because it means that you know what makes him happy." Baekhyun stopped pacing and stood before him, placing his hands lightly on Chanyeol's shoulders. "Okay, Mr. Park Chanyeol. You're all set."

There was only about a feet or two separating them and Chanyeol could see the crinkling of the shorter boy's eyes as he smiled winsomely. This Byun Baekhyun guy was really short. With his warm brown eyes, straight nose and fair skin, he was actually beautiful if he would just smile and keep his mouth shut. And there he was again, staring at the other's lips. He couldn't help it, really. Because if Chanyeol was Baekhyun's first kiss, Baekhyun was Chanyeol's first kiss, too. He wanted to cry because he was saving it but look what happened.

He stepped back abruptly and the other's hands fell from his shoulders. He already got what he wanted so the faster they end this conversation the faster he could start going back to his life before this puppy. "Since you already fulfilled your half of the deal, it's my turn. As I've said I'll let you stay here just for tonight. I only have two rules so listen carefully. First, no kissing."

Baekhyun's sputtered. "What kissing? Of course not! Why would you even think--"

"Well, have you forgotten who kissed whom this morning?"

Baekhyun sputtered some more. "Ya! That... that was an accident!"

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. "An accident?"

"You are so immature. Was that you're first kiss or something that you can't get over it?" Baekhyun said defensively, crossing his arms, although there was a telltale blush spreading across his cheeks.

"What?" The shorter boy was quite close to the truth for comfort.

"Let's move on, Mr. Park. What is the second rule?" the shorter boy asked as if he didn't just insult him. Fine, he'd let the comment pass. Again.

"The second rule is you are only allowed to go to three places here in my apartment. One, the living room." Chanyeol flicked his hand above his head and all the lights in the room . "Two, the kitchen." His voice rose louder as he spoke then the kitchen lights , too. "And three, the bathroom." A corridor leading to the said room lit up as soon as the word left his lips.

Chanyeol returned his gaze to Baekhyun whose mouth is opened into a big o, eyes wide once again. "Oh, that was awesome! How did you do that?" His lips twitched as he saw how awestruck the other was.

"Most everything here is voice-activated," he said a little smugly. He was proud of his apartment. He actually wanted to show it off once it got finished almost a year ago but he didn't really invite anyone over.

"Can you do it again?" Baekhyun's enthusiasm was quite infectious that Chanyeol found himself, not only doing the light thing again but also touring the boy around the whole place, contradicting his own rule. He showed him his entertainment area with its large LED screen and state of the art sound system. Then they went to his mini gym beside it. Everything was either in black, white and gray with accents of silver or glass. Chanyeol liked it that way.

His tour was punctuated with Baekhyun's oohs and aahs, clearly impressed and fascinated by the place. Chanyeol couldn't stop from grinning when Baekhyun jumped in surprise at the talking lock device for his home office.

"Aren't you going to show me what's inside?" the shorter boy asked.

Chanyeol shook his head. "No, this is off limits to anyone but me."

"Okay, how about that?" Baekhyun pointed to the last room.

"That's my bedroom." He opened the door. "Come, look at this."

Chanyeol should really be wondering why he was showing Baekhyun his house and why he was being excited about it, too. But there was just something engaging about the boy's eager responses. They entered his room--the biggest room in the apartment. There was a king-sized bed to their right. Chanyeol flicked a switch and the curtains covering the wall in front of them slid to one side to reveal tall glass sliding doors separating the room from a terrace overlooking the city.

"Woah." Baekhyun gushed and walked towards it. "This is beautiful."

Chanyeol thought it was. That was the reason he chose this apartment when he decided to live alone. While the boy was busy admiring the view, Chanyeol walked towards the closet to his left. Another button pushed and the closet door opened to reveal numerous clothes hanging on revolving metal rods, making it easier for him to choose which one to wear without burying himself under piles of shirts and pants.

"Ooh." He was surprised to find Baekhyun beside him, eyes rounded and clearly spellbound with his closet. "Can I just..." Then he paused to peer inside the closet again.

"Can you what?"

"Can I sleep here?" Baekhyun said with a bashful smile.

Chanyeol felt lost for a second as he looked at the shorter boy and had to shake his head to clear it. He was feeling weird. Blaming everything on Baekhyun, he snatched a pair of plain pajamas and closed the doors. "No. You may not. You sleep on the couch." He turned to see Baekhyun take one last longing look at the closet before following him outside. He couldn't understand him. Who would want to sleep inside one?

"Oh, before I forget," he said when they were back in the living room. He disappeared through his room again and came out with a blanket and a pillow which he handed to Baekhyun. "Here. Wait. I'm just going to shower first."

Chanyeol found Baekhyun sitting just where he left him when he came out of the shower. The boy looked tired and sleepy but he still smiled when he saw Chanyeol. He felt disconcerted because how could someone as desperate as Baekhyun still smile like that? "You can use the shower and I've got a spare toothbrush in the cabinet above the sink. Also, there's a cabinet filled with spare things there that you can change into." He gazed at the other's clothes. He remembered Baekhyun wearing them since morning, since he kissed... Okay, Park Chanyeol, don't go there again.

"Thank you." Baekhyun beamed at him.

"Yeah. Fine."

The boy went inside the bathroom. Chanyeol sat on the couch to wait for him. This really was the weirdest day ever. He glanced at the wall clock. 10:32pm. He was supposed to be asleep more than an hour ago but loathe as he was to admit it, it was kind of fun showing Byun Baekhyun around his house. He found himself looking at the other's face time and again when he showed him something new. Chanyeol told himself that it was probably just because he really reminded him of a puppy he had when he was younger who looked exactly like Baekhyun. He sighed. He really shouldn't be thinking so much about the boy since he would be gone tomorrow.

After a few minutes, he heard the door open and Chanyeol's jaw dropped at what he saw. "Where the hell did you get that?"

The damp-haired Baekhyun was wearing a too large pajama top and a too long pajama bottom printed with rainbows, hearts and... Were those unicorns?

"From the cabinet you told me." Baekhyun let out a teasing laugh. "I didn't know you had such a cute taste in night wear."

"That's not mine!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"Oh. But it says here Channie." Baekhyun pointed at the embroidering on the right pocket. Chanyeol's eyes traced the letters. He wanted to face palm himself in embarrassment. It was one of his grandma's birthday presents. Damn. "Well, don't be shy about your preference for pink and rainbow-filled pajamas. It's actually really pretty."

"I don't like pink and rainbows. You keep that and burn it after. I don't care."

"Why would I burn it? I'll just keep it. Although, it's really quite big." Baekhyun almost tripped as he came closer.

He watched as the boy struggled to keep the pajama top in place but it kept on slipping down the shorter boy's shoulder, exposing a bit of his fair skin. Why was he even noticing this? Chanyeol suddenly felt warm so he immediately stood up and walked around Baekhyun, not stopping until he reached his bedroom door.

"Well. Don't do anything fishy." Then he entered without even sparing a look back at Baekhyun. He got into his bed and stared at the ceiling, willing himself to sleep because maybe tomorrow when he wakes up, all this weirdness would go away.

Sometime later, after he imagined how perfect his lunch date with Kyungsoo would be, he heard a knock on his door. Chanyeol was already drifting off to sleep and decided to ignore it but there it was again. Knock! Knock! Knock! With a long drawn out sigh, he threw the covers aside and went to open the door. "What is--"

Before he could finish, he caught a flash of pink pass him by and then he saw Baekhyun quickly spreading a blanket on the carpeted floor beside his bed, putting a pillow on top and curling himself into the makeshift bed.

"What are you doing?" he asked incredulously.

"I'm sorry." Chanyeol paused at the other's tone. "Can I... Can I just sleep here?" He thought Baekhyun sounded small, vulnerable and... Troubled? He looked tiny in those pajamas, lying on his side, hugging his legs close to his chest. "Can I?"

It wasn't right but he somehow felt sorry for him. So even against his better judgment, Chanyeol silently went back to his bed and told himself again that it was just for one night anyway. At the back of his mind, he wondered when he began to be so soft.

"Park Chanyeol? I'm really sorry. Don't worry. You'll never see me again after tonight. But... Thank you." Baekhyun said, the words muffled by the pillow his face was buried into.

"Yeah, yeah." Somehow, Chanyeol felt that the night wasn't supposed to end this way. He didn't know where this absurd urge to comfort was coming from but he couldn't stop it. He kind of didn't want to hear the shorter boy sad so he said, "Just reminding you about rule one. No kissing."

He heard a choked laugh from Baekhyun before an indignant, "You wish."

That brought a ghost of a smile to Chanyeol's lips. There, that was better.







Baekhyun tiptoed towards the bedroom door, careful not to awaken the sleeping giant on the bed. He was still drowsy and the five hours or so of sleep he got wasn't really enough after his, well, misadventures yesterday. But he had to start early if he wanted to accomplish all he had to do today. He had to look for a job, another place to stay and do something about those thugs chasing after him.

He was surprised to see his clothes laundered and pressed on top of the coffee table in the living room. He was more surprised when a female voice spoke behind him. "Good morning!"

Baekhyun turned to see small, grey-haired woman standing by the kitchen doorway. She looked to be in her sixties and was comfortably rounded. She was wearing a cheerful red apron and holding a plate in one hand. "Uh. Good morning?"

The old woman smiled warmly at him. She darted a look at the bedroom door before returning it to Baekhyun. "I hope you... slept well."

Baekhyun nodded hesitantly, a bit confused at the teasing glint in the ahjummah's eyes. "I did."

"That's wonderful! By the way, I'm Nonna, the Park family housekeeper. I am on loan to our Chanyeollie every morning to straighten things up here. Don't worry I won't be here long. I know you need time together. But may I say I'm really glad to see you here!" She came closer to Baekhyun and hugged him, adding to the boy's confusion. "Our Chanyeollie has never brought home anyone before so I'm sure you are positively wonderful." Baekhyun could barely breathe within the tight embrace. He was relieved when the ahjummah stepped back. "What's your name, dearie?"

"Uh, it's Byun Baekhyun." He bowed.

"What a pretty name!" The woman said. He didn't know what to say because nobody told Baekhyun his name was pretty before. "Thank you?"

The woman caught his arm and dragged him towards the kitchen where breakfast was already on the table. "Have a seat. You must be hungry after... last night." Baekhyun saw that glint again. "So tell me, how long have you two known each other?"

"We met yesterday at--" Baekhyun was startled by the ahjummah's shocked expression.

"Just yesterday?" She clasped her hands and squealed. Yes, she really did squeal. "Then it must have been love at first sight! Well isn't that romantic."

Baekhyun, who was about to drink, almost spilled the glass of water he was holding. "I'm sorry?"

"You don't know how long his grandmamma and I waited for this day to come. She must know this at once." She started taking off her apron. Baekhyun instinctively held on to her arm. "But ahjumeoni-"

"Oh, don't be shy! She is a dear, kind lady and she will love you. I love you already." She gave Baekhyun another hug.

"No. You're mistaken. Uh, we're not in love--" He started to explain but Baekhyun got cut off again.

"Yet. Maybe you're not in love yet but don't worry dearie. You'll get there. As I've said Chanyeol hasn't taken anyone home before. Ever. So I'm sure you're special." The old woman patted his shoulder.

"Actually, what I'm trying to say--"

"Of course! How could I not think of it? I'm sure Chanyeol and you want to tell his family yourselves. Alright. I won't say anything to his grandmamma for now. But don't keep us waiting for long, okay?" She glanced at the clock. "Heavens! I must be at the mansion soon. I'll leave you to your breakfast then. And say good morning to Chanyeollie for me." And with a wink and a wave she was gone.

Baekhyun was still reeling from his exchange with the old lady. What a way to start a morning. Being mistaken for the Park Chanyeol's lover, he groaned. Will one kiss make you lovers already? His face heated up at the memory. He quickly went to change into his clothes. The faster he got out of there, the better. Finished, he took one last look at the house and saluted at the direction of the bedroom before walking to the door. Just then, he heard a beep from the answering machine.


This is Park Chanyeol, leave a message. Beep.

Well, Park Chanyeol, where are you? I told you to get up early.

Get your sorry off the bed quickly or I'll come and get you and you know that won't be good. Five minutes. Beep.


That sounded like a death threat to Baekhyun. He asked himself if he should wake up the guy before the caller went there and do away with the giant. He shrugged. A good deed for a good deed. Baekhyun headed for the bedroom and knocked. There was no answer. He opened the door and peeked inside. The tall boy was still sleeping. He made his way to the bed. "Mr. Park?"

He leaned down to look closely at him. He really was handsome. His usual stern expression was softened by sleep. Baekhyun smiled at the picture Park Chanyeol made. His blonde bangs covered his eyes, his jaw slightly slackened. "Mr. Park?" He only got a low moan in reply. "Park Chanyeol." Chanyeol just scrunched his nose and Baekhyun had to suppress a laugh at how the other's face twitched. Leaning closer and deciding it was for the greater good he poked the sleeping giant's cheek. "Park Chanyeol!"

The other's eyes slowly opened but quickly widened as he saw Baekhyun. He yelped which cause Baekhyun to jump back in surprise.

"Ya! What was that for?" the shorter guy complained, his ears ringing from Chanyeol's scream.

"I told you no kissing!"

"Man, you should really get over it. I mean who wants to kiss you? I was just waking you up. Because I really think you will lose your life in five minutes," Baekhyun explained.

"What?" The tall boy asked, clearly still disoriented with sleep.

"Someone called and said you have five minutes or he'll come up here and well, end your life or something."

Chanyeol's eyes darted to the digital clock on his bedside table and with a crisp damn he got up and quickly ran outside the room, pulling Baekhyun with him and dumping him on the living area on his way to the bathroom. He didn't know exactly what happened but in less than ten minutes, they were both out of Chanyeol's apartment and riding the elevators down.

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol and he was struck at how crazy he must have been last night to come to this person for help. Wearing a dark suit with a black shirt and slim, white silk necktie, Baekhyun realized that beside him was indeed the current president of KSE. He looked fresh, formal, all-business and nothing like the Park Chanyeol who showed him his apartment and let him sleep on his bedroom floor. This Park Chanyeol was different from the rumpled Umbrella boy who was waiting on the bus stop yesterday morning. He looked too much of a stranger and he wasn't sure why but Baekhyun felt a pang of loss as he gazed at his perfect hair and perfectly handsome features. Baekhyun thought he looked too perfect. And being too perfect wasn't good.

They reached the lobby and Chanyeol walked towards the exit without a backward glance. Feeling that there should at least be some kind of good bye since they did spend the night together, Baekhyun called out to him. "President Park!" The taller boy stopped then turned, and Baekhyun quickened his pace to reach him. "I just wanted to say thank you for last night and..." He wasn't quite sure what else to say.

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at him. On an impulse, Baekhyun reached for the taller guy's necktie and at the same time tiptoed to accomplish two things: to brush a quick kiss against the other's cheek and leave his tie crooked so he doesn't look too perfect and unapproachable.

Park Chanyeol looked as surprised as he felt and after a bow and a hastily muttered, "Have a nice life," Baekhyun ran outside, his cheeks burning. He ran until he was some distance away from Park Chanyeol, ran until the rapid beating of his heart was no longer due to the kiss but because of the effort it took to run away. Crazy Baekhyun, he thought. Crazy Baekhyun.







He was hiding behind a tall post a few meters away, discretely watching the gate to his house. Baekhyun should have known that those people wouldn't give up easily. Today there were two suit-wearing thugs guarding his house and he couldn’t hope to get in even if he wanted to. He would have to return another time. He quietly walked away, hiding his head under the hood of his jacket.

There he was again, at the same situation he found himself yesterday. Barely enough money, no clothes, no place to stay. But if there was one thing he learned from his parents, it was to never give up. Baekhyun took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He had to find a job. He groaned. He didn't know the first thing about looking for one.






Flight KR17325 From London, Arrived 13:40

He didn't notice the admiring glances he got when he exited the plane and walked towards immigrations. Maybe he was used to it or maybe he just didn't care. His white pants and light blue, long-sleeved shirt set-off his unusually dark skin perfectly, making him look y and appealing. His shades hid a pair of piercing brown eyes that complemented his straight dark hair. His slight cleft chin and thick lips had left a dozen or so broken hearts in its wake.

He had been away too long, he thought as he reached the airport lobby. He wasn't used to Korean weather anymore after living in the cold dreariness of London for the past three years. His lips twisted into a small smile and if it were directed to a person it would have been devastating to the senses. It would have left the recipient-weak kneed because it was a genuine smile, one he hadn't given for so long. He didn't really expect it but it was good to be back.

He took out his phone, dialed a number he knew by heart. On the fourth ring, a deep voice answered. His smile grew. "Yo, Happy Virus. I'm home."







Everything was going perfectly as planned. Chanyeol couldn't help but stare entranced at Kyungsoo sitting across the table from him, talking and laughing just like the old times. He had long dreamed of this moment--of him and Kyungsoo eating out--since they were young and since Chanyeol realized he was in love with his friend. He wanted to confess a long time ago but life kept getting in the way.

Kyungsoo debuted three years ago, fulfilling his life-long dream of becoming a singer. Chanyeol thought it was the moment to tell Kyungsoo about his feelings but he figured he should give him time to adjust during his first months as a celebrity. He waited for a year, sure that it was the right time but then his father had another heart attack, a more serious one, and he had to take over the company for him. The last year and a half was really tough on Chanyeol. He was trained for the position, yes, but he never thought he had to fill it so soon. He was glad though that his parents now have the time to go on a vacation abroad and forget the stress of work for the time being.

But now, everything is settling down. Yes, there was still Kyungsoo's career and Chanyeol's job but he believed they could make it work. He had been waiting for more than half of their lives, surely that was long enough.

"Hey, why aren't you eating?" Kyungsoo asked.

"What are you saying? Of course I am." He made a show of eating from his plate of marsala, exaggerating his actions a bit to make Kyungsoo laugh. And the shorter boy did which warmed Chanyeol's heart to no end.

"I really miss this. It's been really long since we ate out together what with all our busy schedules. Although, this would have been more complete if--"

Kyungsoo was cut off when a waiter came in the room and began to take the dishes away. Chanyeol was relieved for the interruption because he had an idea what Kyungsoo wanted to say. And he felt a bit hurt that the other had to look for something else to make this date complete. He shook his head a little. It didn't matter. By the end of this day, he promised to make Kyungsoo feel that being with Chanyeol was enough.

He became excited as a server went in with the prepared dessert for Kyungsoo. He couldn't wait to see his eyes light up once he saw what was under the food cover. "What is this?" the shorter boy asked Chanyeol.

"It's a surprise." His heart was beating fast in anticipation. They both leaned in to take off the covers together when Chanyeol felt his phone vibrate inside his pocket. Nobody knew his personal number except for his family, Zitao and Junmyeon-hyung. And his secretary who wouldn't call him if it wasn't an emergency. He gave Kyungsoo and apologetic look before he stood up and took out his phone as he walked to a corner of the room. He didn't recognize the number. "Hello?"

"Yo, Happy Virus. I'm home," came the reply.

Happy Virus? There was only one person who calls him that. "Jongin?" He turned to look at Kyungsoo who smiled at him. "Jongin is this you?"

"Well, you don't sound so happy." There was a laugh. "Yes, it's me. How's my favorite cousin?"

"I'm great. Wait. What do you mean you're home?"

"It means I am home. I'm on my way to the mansion." Chanyeol's initial surprise gave way to gladness. This was his cousin, his best friend who has not seen for three years. "Where are you?"

"I'm--" But Chanyeol felt reluctant to say where he was and who he was with. He somehow couldn't say that he was with Kyungsoo, who together with Jongin, completed the trio of childhood best friends. "At work."

"Oh, okay. See you later then, President Park!" Another laugh from Jongin. "I missed you cousin. And... Kyungsoo, too."

"Yeah. I missed you, too. I know Kyungsoo missed you as well." A weight settled inside his chest because it was true. He wasn't supposed to feel jealous but he did. "I'll see you later, Kkamjong." The call ended and Chanyeol went back to his seat.

"Is something wrong?" Kyungsoo asked worriedly.

"Nothing." Chanyeol looked him in the eye, forcing a grin. "Jongin's back."

"What? Really?" He could see the happiness in Kyungsoo's eyes. More than what he usually saw when they were together.

"Yes. He's on his way to the mansion right now."

"That's wonderful, Chanyeol! Let's go then." Kyungsoo removed the napkin from his lap.

"But what about dessert?" Chanyeol helplessly watched as his perfectly planned lunch date and surprise broke down into nothingness.

"Why don't we just take it home and have it with Jongin? Aren't you excited to see him? It has been three years." Kyungsoo laughed. "He's finally home!"

Chanyeol hesitated a bit. "You go, Kyungsoo. I still have some important things to do."


"It's alright. I mean, I can still see him later." Chanyeol forced another smile. "Go ahead."

"Okay, if you're sure. I'll see you later then." Kyungsoo stood and walked towards the door. He paused. "Oh, and thanks for the lunch, this really was awesome."

Then Chanyeol was left with the chocolate pudding Kyungsoo didn't even see. Of course he should be happy that Jongin was back. He loved his cousin. He loved Kyungsoo, too. But he had this awful feeling that Kyungsoo loved Jongin more than him. And he was there alone again. Just like the old times.







He couldn't believe he was standing outside Park Chanyeol's apartment building again. It wasn't really because he wanted to be there. It was just because after almost eight hours of looking for a job and failing, Baekhyun wanted to be comforted by his Starling lightstick only to realize that he left it at the tall guy's apartment. He still didn't know where he was going to stay for the night or what would happen to him tomorrow but he could do something about getting his lightstick back so there he was.

Baekhyun heard the sound of a nearing vehicle and saw a red car pull up in front of the building. He saw Park Chanyeol get out from the passenger seat before the car sped away. He walked towards the tall guy before he could go through the entrance. "Hey?"

Chanyeol glanced at him before sighing. "You."

"Yes, me." He didn't know how to do this, especially with the way they parted earlier but it was too late to back out so he said, "Um. I know I promised you'll never see me again but I left my lightstick in your apartment. I assure it was not intended. It's just that you dragged me outside and--"

"Okay." Baekhyun paused at the other's tone. It was then he noticed the boy's slumped shoulders. He looked tired and he sounded sad. "Come with me."

They were quiet during the elevator ride. Baekhyun stole quick glances at the taller boy. There was a look of resignation on his face. He felt guilty for disturbing Chanyeol because it was obvious that the other was exhausted. "I'm sorry."

Chanyeol just looked blankly at him before going out of the elevator and opening his apartment door. He didn't even look to see if Baekhyun was following or not. The blonde guy just took off his jacket and sat on the couch, his head bowed and one of his hands rubbing his nape. Baekhyun went to get the lightstsick which was still where he left it last night on the side table. "Um. Well. I got it."

He just received a slight nod from the giant. "I'll be going then." He walked slowly backwards. He didn't know why. Was he waiting for some kind of acknowledgment? When it was apparent that Chanyeol didn't care if he was there one way or another. Baekhyun gave a salute and turned his back on the boy. Now where to go?

He was by the door when he heard Chanyeol call his name. "Byun Baekhyun?"

Baekhyun looked back and saw him standing in the middle of the living room. "Can... Can you stay?"

Why? He wanted to ask. But Baekhyun can see the sadness that was etched on the tall boy's handsome features. Are you lonely too? The droop on the side of the other's lips was answer enough for him. "Well, okay if you insist." He smiled and there was a flicker of relief in Chanyeol's eyes. "I had to be somewhere else tonight but if you really need the company then I could just cancel it."

"Okay," Chanyeol said quietly.

"Just returning the favor." Baekhyun replied.

It wasn't long before they found themselves in the same position they were the night before. Chanyeol on his bed and Baekhyun on his blanket on the floor, wearing the same pink and rainbow-filled pajamas. He was thankful that he was spared another night on the streets but it didn't suit him well to see the blonde giant so down. He had been silent all night and barely responded to Baekhyun's chatter.

He was holding onto his lightstick--the only light that was on in the darkened bedroom. He remembered how the tall guy was able to make him laugh last night. How he made him forget his fear of being alone, the fear he felt when he was lying on the couch and it finally sank in that he was in a stranger's house without the picture of his parents to accompany him through the night. He was so kind as to let him slip into his own room just so Baekhyun wouldn't be alone.

Park Chanyeol was a really nice person even though he frowned most of the time. He couldn't believe that people called him the ice tower because he was anything but cold. With his decision made, Baekhyun sat up. It was his turn.

He put his arms on top of the bed and rested his chin above them. He saw Chanyeol lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. Baekhyun poked his arm with his lightstick. "Aren't you afraid?" he asked.

After a few beats, Chanyeol responded. "Of what?"

"Of me." Poke. "And my lightstick." Another poke.

Chanyeol finally looked at him. "And why would I be afraid of you and your lightstick?"

"Um, maybe because... What if I really turn you into a potato? A big wrinkly and hairy potato that no one would like. Yes." He poked him again. "And then I'll put you in a jar and I'll label it with The Worst Potato in the World, Do Not Eat. After that I'll hide you in a dark cupboard in some abandoned building and you will never see the light of day again. Then even if you shout and shout for help, which is really impossible because potatoes don't have mouths, no one will be able to find you. So then I could finally... sleep inside your closet! Bwahahahahaha!" This time he poked him a little stronger. "Potato!"

He watched as Chanyeol closed his eyes.

"Byun Baekhyun, shut up," he said tonelessly but Baekhyun could see the small smile on the taller boy's lips. Mission accomplished.

He then went back to lying on his blanket hugging the pillow tightly to him and whispered. "Good night, Park Chanyeol." 






an: okay 6.7K words.. so this was waaaaay looooong again.
but this was to introduce alot of important thing so that will have an impact on the whole story.. well um, forgive me..
sorry for late updates orz
but baekyeol.. baekyeol everywhere..:D
please, please tell me what u think?
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ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10