Then Came You




"Potato-ahjussi, wake up."

Baekhyun smiled to himself when Chanyeol didn't even stir, his mouth slightly opened, and continued to be dead to the world. The shorter boy inched closer until they were sharing a pillow and watched him as he slept. Truthfully, he didn't want to wake his boyfriend up because Chanyeol had been exhausted for the past two months with taking care of KStar. Since his father officially passed on the presidency of the company, Chanyeol had been putting in long hours at work, coming home way past dinner time, and barely even had time to eat before he fell asleep. Baekhyun understood why the taller man did it. He knew Chanyeol wanted to show everyone—most especially, his parents—that he deserved the position. He had big shoes to fill because the former President Park was the reason KSE was as successful as it was today. Even Baekhyun was a bit intimidated when he met Chanyeol's father.

Mr. Park was almost as tall as his boyfriend, although with a bigger built and more stern features. He had a booming voice, too, and Baekhyun almost stepped back startled the first time he heard it. He was certainly a formidable figure but Baekhyun saw that he softened when he gazed at his son. He could see that Mr. Park was very proud of Chanyeol and what he had accomplished. Chanyeol's mother looked proud as well during dinner when Chanyeol began to recount the happenings in the company during the time they were away.

Baekhyun became more nervous when the parents' attention was directed at him. They asked him about his family and his life in general. He could sense a bit of reservation from them at first but as the night wore on, Baekhyun felt accepted. He even got a warm hug from Chanyeol's mom and a satisfied smile from Grandma Park before he and Chanyeol went home.

As Baekhyun studied Chanyeol's sleep softened features, he felt that surge of tenderness fill him again. It had been only two months since they got together but Chanyeol had already given him a home, a new family, and someone to snuggle with at night. He didn't feel so alone anymore.

The younger male shifted on his side and half-opened his eyes. Seeing Baekhyun, Chanyeol grinned sleepily to which Baekhyun replied with a soft peck on his cheek. "Wake up now. We still have work."

"I don't want to," Chanyeol grumbled and Baekhyun chuckled because his boyfriend was obviously still more than half asleep. If he weren't he would’ve been up and running about because tonight was The Heavens' Christmas concert and they had so much to do.

"It's the 24th," Baekhyun reminded him, lazily running his hand through the other's dark hair. "The concert? That ring a bell?"

Chanyeol tensed at the reminder, signaling that he was now truly awake. Baekhyun expected him to get up immediately. What he didn't anticipate was Chanyeol grabbing onto him and flipping him on his back before burying his face against Baekhyun's chest, long arms and legs tightly wound around the smaller.

"But it's so cold outside and it's almost Christmas," Chanyeol sighed.

Baekhyun kissed the top of Chanyeol's head. "I'd love to stay in, too, but we can't and Nonna's gonna be here any minute now."

He heard Chanyeol chuckle. The potato looked up and kissed his chin. "That's supposed to be my line."

"I know. Come on." Baekhyun moved to sit up but Chanyeol was still on top of him and wouldn't budge. "President Park."

He heard Chanyeol sigh again but instead of getting up, the man just patted Baekhyun's stomach. "My pup has a belly."


Chanyeol slid down until his head was on the said belly. "I have noticed it in the past couple of weeks but I wasn't quite sure before," he trailed on and gave it another pat. "Yeah, definitely a belly."

Baekhyun flushed at Chanyeol's words. What was the potato doing? And yes, maybe he had been eating well since they got together but—Wait, does Chanyeol mean he was fat?

"Not that it's bad. I love seeing you fill up. You were entirely too skinny before. Too scrawny. Except for your thighs. They've always been perfect."

The shorter man's blush deepened. He tried to squirm away but Chanyeol wouldn't let him. "But I digress. We were talking about your belly—"

"I wasn't talking about it and I don't think we have time for—"

Baekhyun was cut off when he felt his pink pajama top being lifted and his stomach exposed. His breath hitched when soft, warm lips touch the skin just above his belly button. "Cutest belly."

"Chanyeol what—" He wasn't able to finish yet again because the potato started blowing raspberries on his skin and Baekhyun burst out in laughter, tickled beyond belief. "Stop, stop," he gasped in between giggles.

With one last kiss, Chanyeol moved up until they were face to face. And the look his boyfriend was giving him made Baekhyun feel that fat belly or not, to Chanyeol he was beautiful. He knew it would take a very long time before he got used to this feeling. He could scarcely contain his happiness whenever he was with Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun wanted to give him something special tonight, something to celebrate their first Christmas together but with all the stuff going on in KSE, he barely got any shopping done. He was able to get a few things for his friends and the others but nothing yet for the potato.

"Where did you go off to?" Chanyeol asked playfully, leaning down until their noses touched.

"Nowhere. Just thinking about tonight." Baekhyun wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's neck and pulled him closer. "I love you."

"I love you more, pup." The taller male caught his lips in a stirring kiss, lips slotting perfectly together, making his insides twist and melt like it always did when they kissed. He never wanted it to end but there was still work and he could hear Nonna entering through the front door.

But then Chanyeol's mouth moved ever so wonderfully over his so perhaps it's okay to be a little late, Baekhyun thought as he arched up and lost himself in Chanyeol.








President Park was still grinning as he entered his office on the seventeenth floor. Baekhyun gave him another kiss before he traipsed out of the elevator towards his own department and he got to stay at least another half an hour earlier in bed with his pup. He saw the curious looks he got from the employees as he passed them by in the corridors but he ignored them. He was too happy and he couldn't care less if his face twisted this way and that because of it. It was another long exhausting day ahead but it certainly helped waking up in Byun Baekhyun's arms to get him through it.

His smile faltered a bit when he remembered he didn't have a Christmas gift for his boyfriend yet. They were going to have a simple Christmas dinner after the concert, just the two of them because Chanyeol's parents were currently in Europe for their nth honeymoon and Grandma Park was spending hers with a certain Mr. Lee. Chanyeol was surprised when she told him about it yesterday but then his grandmamma said it was just a fling. He didn't ask further.

He wanted this Christmas to be special because it was their first and he had been racking his brains (during whatever little free time he had) to find something to give Baekhyun yet he couldn't come up with any. At one point, he wanted to just wrap up the vouchers for his payments to Wu Enterprises and give them as a gift but he figured Baekhyun would shake his head stubbornly and wouldn't accept them.

Chanyeol was pulled from his thoughts when he was greeted by his cousin Junmyeon who was sitting at his usual place on the leather couch. "Hey, Mr. President."

"Good morning, hyung," Chanyeol replied. He shrugged off his coat before he sat behind his desk. He turned his attention to Junmyeon after calling for his secretary. "Anything I can do for you?"

The older man laughed. "Why so formal? I just wanted to visit my cousin."

"I haven't been seeing you here in my office lately," Chanyeol said. "But I'm actually glad you're here. I have a question."

"Fire away."

"What do you think will be the perfect Christmas gift for Baekhyun?"

Junmyeon gazed at him questioningly. "Oh, but... Why are you asking me?"

"I can't think of anything special enough. You know he’s my first… everything and I don't have any experience with this. And you're dating Manager Zhang, right? What would you give him?" Chanyeol watched his cousin sputter in embarrassment.

"How—how did you know we were?"

"It's not exactly a secret. I've seen my fair share of scorching looks across the room. So I know you know these things," he said with a smirk.

Jummyeon reddened. "We haven't even gone on a date."


"Yes. So I wouldn't know what you're talking about," Junmyeon replied.

"Is that why your face is as red as your bowtie? Oh and should I talk to Manager Zhang, you know, ask about his intentions? Like we can have a man to man and—"

"That’s not necessary!"

"I'm just kidding," Chanyeol said with a grin.

Junmyeon paused and looked at him in mock disbelief. "Park Chanyeol—The Park Chanyeol—kidding?"

The younger frowned. "What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing." Junmyeon stood up and went to the door. "Just that I think Byun Baekhyun's good for you."

Chanyeol smiled again at that. "Yes. He is."

"Well, I don't know much about gifts or special occasions but since it is Christmas then maybe dinner and wine in front of the fireplace? You know like cozy stuff?"

"I don't have a fireplace," Chanyeol said tersely.

"Oh, yeah." Junmyeon shook his head. "Er, I do have lots of things to do for tonight's performance so I have to keep going. Sorry, can't help much."

He waved his cousin away. Chanyeol slumped against his chair and looked at the pile of things on his desk he needed to take care of. Time to work first.

He didn't notice that several hours already passed since he started on the contracts until he felt his phone vibrate. He stretched and rubbed the muscles of his neck with a hand while he opened the text message with the other.



It's lunchtime.

Jongin and I need to go somewhere so I can't be with you but you have to go eat, okay?

(^▽^) (^▽^) (^▽^)


Chanyeol couldn't help but smile over Baekhyun's message even though he was a little disappointed. He typed in a quick reply and then got up to go get some food. He could have some delivered but he thought a walk would do him good. The young president was on the elevator on the way back up after a quick lunch when it stopped and opened to let his childhood friend in.

"Hey, President Park!" Kyungsoo waved at him.

"Hi. How's rehearsals?" he asked, eyeing the towel draped over Kyungsoo's head. "Pretty tiring, huh?"

"Yes, was just coming from a break. Still, I'm so excited for tonight!" The singer looked up at him. "You'll be watching, right?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Going with Baekhyun?"

"Yes. Oh, speaking of Baekhyun, Can I ask you something?" Chanyeol asked hesitantly. "You see. It's Christmas Eve and after the concert, well, you know, I wanted to do something for Baekhyun and I can't think of anything?"

Kyungsoo laughed. "You're asking me what to give your boyfriend?"

"Don't laugh, okay? It's a serious matter."

"Okay, I won't." But Chanyeol could still see him grinning. "I'm not really sure, Chanyeol. I know you want things to be special but I'm not exactly certain what things Baekhyun likes."

"Why is this so hard?" The taller man's shoulders slump dejectedly. "How about you? What are you giving Jongin?"

"Oh, that. After the concert, we'll be having our own dinner at my place and I'll, um, give him a private performance."

"Oh my god, I didn't need to know that!" Chanyeol gasped, scandalized.

"What?" Kyungsoo hit him in the arm. "I wrote a song for Jongin, okay? And I want to sing it to him tonight. Get your mind out of the gutter, President Park."

"That's so—sweet," Chanyeol said. He felt more frustrated. He couldn't possibly do something as sweet and thoughtful as that. Jongin's a lucky guy. Baekhyun’s doomed with him.

The elevator stopped on Kyungsoo's floor. "Got to go back to practice, see you tonight!"

Chanyeol sighed. He was running out of time. What if he just cooked for Baekhyun? Yeah, right, do you want your boyfriend dead? He scoffed at himself. Or, wait, as Kyungsoo asked, what does Baekhyun like? Well, he was a starling so he liked Do Kyungsoo but he couldn't very well give his friend to Baekhyun for Christmas, could he? Jongin would skin him alive, not to mention his own jealousy if Baekhyun kept Kyungsoo for himself.

The elevator doors opened once more and Chanyeol got out. He was a few steps in when he noticed he was on the wrong floor. The president was about to turn when his eyes caught on The Wall. He strode towards it and stood right in front of the newly installed display case for Kyungsoo and Lu Han's awards. There were framed hand prints of both singers in there and Chanyeol vaguely thought of stealing Kyungsoo's and giving it to Baekhyun. He sighed. Stop being stupid, damnit.

Beside the case was a huge framed poster of both singers. With Lu Han's blonde angelic countenance and Kyungsoo's darker beauty, they really looked good together. He paused to stare admiringly at the photograph for a few more seconds and then it hit him. Why didn't he think of it before? It was perfect! Sort of.

Chanyeol took out his phone and called his secretary. "Can you get me Oh Sehun's number?"








"That was a whole truck of promotional stuff they didn't deliver! I can't believe it," Baekhyun said with a pout. "Such a waste."

"Don't worry about it. They did promise a refund." Jongin patted Baekhyun's head before he led them to his car. They were both inside when Baekhyun spoke again.

"But still, they're lucky The Heavens don't really need them much for their concert tickets to get sold out." The shorter male couldn't hide the pride in his voice.

"Spoken like a true starling," Jongin teased. The man offered to drive straight to the office and just order takeout for lunch. He knew Baekhyun wanted to go back soon because of Chanyeol. His boss was really the best.

He checked his phone for messages and he felt glad just seeing the potato's name on the screen.


I will, pup. (>_<)


Someday soon, he'd teach Chanyeol how to use happier emoticons. He laughed to himself.

"So you're watching the concert with Chanyeol?" Jongin asked, his eyes on the road, looking for an opening in the heaving traffic.

"Yes. VIP seats!" Baekhyun said excitedly. "Where are you seated?"

"We'll all probably end up sitting together like always." Jongin chuckled. Moments passed by in silence before Baekhyun was able to get the courage to ask the male beside him.

"Jongin? Can I ask you for advice?"

His boss nodded. "So it's Christmas Eve and since you're his cousin, do you think you can tell me what Chanyeol would like to receive as present? Something special?"

Jongin spared him a glance and a smile. "I do know him and what he likes. You. On a silver platter."

The images that statement brought to his mind weren't so innocent and Baekhyun felt his cheeks heat up. "I'm serious," he stuttered.

"I was only joking about the silver platter part but totally serious on the you." Jongin turned towards the street leading to KSE. "I don't know, Baekhyun. My cousin's pretty easy to please these days. I do know he looks happiest when he's with you."

"Thank you," Baekhyun replied shyly. He honestly didn't know what to say to that. He looked out the window, at the snow covered streets and he already missed Chanyeol's warmth. "How about you? What would you give Kyungsoo?”

Jongin flashed him a smile and it wasn't until they reached the parking lot that he answered. "I'm letting you in on a secret," the man said. He took out something from his coat pocket and Baekhyun's eyes widened at the sight of the small velvet box.

"Woah, is that?"


"You're getting ma—"

"Shhh, a secret okay?" Jongin whispered. "But yes. Not right away, though. It wouldn't even be for another few years or so. Still, I just want to look at him and know he's really mine. Something like that." Seemingly discomfited with what he said, Jongin cleared his throat and made to open the car door. He stopped at Baekhyun's next words, though.

"Kim Jongin, next to me and Jongdae, you'd probably be the best Starling," Baekhyun said jokingly.

Jongin let out a laugh. "Third place, huh? I could live with that."

Afternoon came and with it, more work to accomplish. By the end of the day Baekhyun was ready to collapse on his feet. He looked at the clock and saw it was already past six. Two hours until the concert. Time to go home and get changed.

He was about to call Chanyeol when he saw Tao standing by his cubicle, looking too stiff and morose to fit the cheery season.

"Boss is tied up in a last minute meeting. Told me to get you home," the tall boy said.

"Okay," Baekhyun replied smiling. "Although what's with that dark cloud?"

The bodyguard sighed. "I'm just not in the mood."

Baekhyun quickly gathered his things and hooked his arm around Tao's on their way out. "You can tell your hyung all about it."

"There's nothing to tell," the guy muttered. Tao was quiet until they were on the road. "Kris is still out of town on business."

Baekhyun knew he was right. Something was bothering his young friend. "He won't be back in time for Christmas?"

Tao nodded. Baekhyun could see that the other was terribly disappointed. He didn't know Kris Wu and his friend's relationship was already this serious. "I'm sorry." Then Baekhyun stumbled upon an idea. "But if you don't have to be anywhere, maybe you can have dinner with me and Chanyeol?"

"Do you want boss to find his non-existent martial arts skill and do me in? No, thanks," Tao snorted. "And I wouldn't want to get in your way when you do your sickeningly sweet lovey dovey stuff and what comes after." The assistant gave him a knowing look.

"Why does everyone think we're going to—really," Baekhyun complained under his breath. In next to no time enough, they reached Chanyeol's apartment. "See you later at the concert, Zitao."

"The only reason I am letting you get away with calling me that is because it's Christmas," Tao said. Still, he was now smiling so Baekhyun felt better.

At seven in the evening, Baekhyun was all dressed up for the event and still waiting for Chanyeol. He did think he looked good in the white jacket and tight fitting jeans of the same color. He also had an hour to think of the perfect gift, and since he no longer had time, he decided to take a leap of faith. He just hoped Chanyeol would like what he was giving him. He wanted to bury his head on the ground just thinking about it.


The brunette quickly turned around at the sound of Chanyeol's voice and saw his boyfriend standing just inside the bedroom door. As far as he could see there was nothing wrong with the potato. "What's wrong?"

"I'm having a heart attack." Chanyeol promptly clutched at his chest and dramatically fell on his knees. "Your beauty took my breath away."

It was quite hard stopping himself from laughing outright at how completely ridiculous Chanyeol looked but he thought he managed it enough. He couldn't keep the smile completely off, though, because he was just a man hopelessly in love. Who could blame him?

"Park Chanyeol, you are the cheesiest potato in the world. I don't want anything to do with you."

"Your words wound me," Chanyeol cried out and then fell on the carpeted floor, twitching.

Baekhyun couldn't help it anymore. He laughed and Chanyeol joined in. The shorter boy realized that since they've become a couple, his potato's laughter and smiles had been easier. He did look happier. Suddenly, his planned gift wasn't so absurd. He walked over to where his boyfriend was and bent down to peer at him. "If you don't get up there, I'm going to leave without you and search for another potato."

"You can't find another potato as handsome as me," Chanyeol boasted but he did lift his arms for Baekhyun to haul him up. The older boy grabbed them and he should really have expected it when Chanyeol pulled him down and crushed Baekhyun against him.

"Yah, potato-ahjussi, my clothes!"

Chanyeol paid no heed to his protest and continued to hold him. "I missed you."

Baekhyun stopped struggling and burrowed his head resignedly on the crook of Chanyeol's neck. "I missed you, too." They sound silly because it hadn't even been half a day but it was true.

"I don't want to get up anymore. Let's just stay like this."

Baekhyun was tempted to say yes but he knew they couldn't do it. "There's still the concert, President Park."

"I know."

The elder reluctantly got up and pulled Chanyeol to his feet. "Dress up quick so we can go to the concert and get home for our dinner, okay?"

“Yes, your pup-ness.”

Baekhyun received a quick kiss and then Chanyeol was off to the shower.

He couldn't wait for midnight.








Chanyeol watched Byun Baekhyun beside him, mesmerized as his pup sang along with the two singers performing in front. He couldn't look away nor did he want to. No matter how the stage shone and sparkled with different colored lights, it couldn't compare to the spectacle that was Byun Baekhyun's eyes. He was aware that he was one sneeze short of writing a sonnet about his boyfriend's lashes and cute button nose, not to mention that alluring mole near his soft upper lip. He shook his head at himself. This was Park Chanyeol reduced to a besotted potato after only two months of holding hands and cuddling and shared meals and hugs and kisses and kisses and kissess.

He didn't regret it one bit. He never could and he never would.

They had two perfectly comfortable seats in the VIP area of the concert hall—with Jongin and the others—but of course his pup, after deciding that they were too far from where the 'action' is, asked him if he could just go watch from the standing section. Chanyeol couldn't say no and he couldn't not follow him so here he was in the midst of jumping and sweaty bodies, hand held by Baekhyun while the pup's right hand was brandishing his Starling lightstick cheerfully.

Chanyeol leaned down during one of the intermissions and whispered to Baekhyun's ear. "Be careful with your lightstick. I can't have you turning people into potatoes."

Baekhyun's shout of amusement was enough to take away the discomfort of standing for too long and sweating like a pig in his suit. A while later they were joined by Kim Jongdae and Kim Minseok, the fanclub presidents. Chanyeol let Baekhyun enjoy the rest of the concert with the two while he remained watching over his boyfriend. He did pay attention to the final performance, though, and felt proud of Do Kyungsoo. He thought fondly of the Angel of the East as well. Lu Han wasn't as scary now as he was back then when he first came into KSE. Thank god.

With a final explosion of fireworks, the concert ended. Chanyeol was surprised when he got an armful of Baekhyun, clinging on to his neck, smiling, eyes twinkling, and tiptoeing to give him a hard kiss on the mouth. In the middle of the crowd.

"Let's get out of here," he whispered against his lips and all Chanyeol could do was nod.

It wasn't that easy to maneuver Joey into the city traffic but Chanyeol didn't let it bother him. They were going home at last and he couldn't wait to give Baekhyun his presents. His stomach rumbled. And dinner.

"Oh, Potato-ahjussi, did you see Tao? I don't think he was in the concert hall?" Baekhyun asked from the passenger seat.

"He called earlier and told me he's on his way to the airport." Chanyeol tried to ask where his assistant was going but since when did Zitao ever answer him properly? He only got a short Merry Christmas, boss and a reminder to not do anything stupid tonight.

"That’s great!” Baekhyun exclaimed giddily.

The pup looked as if he knew something more but then they were already home. They made quick work of heating the food Nonna prepared for them and arranging them on the coffee table in the living room so they could sit on the floor comfortably and eat.

They changed into their pajamas—Baekhyun in his pink rainbow filled one and Chanyeol, well, he wouldn't wear that yellow top again but he could tolerate the pants.

"Junmyeon hyung suggested we eat and drink wine in front of a fireplace but we don't have one," Chanyeol said as he poured them their drinks. "I am hot enough as I am though so I don't think—Yah!"

Baekhyun giggled as he watched Chanyeol wipe at the dip he spread across his nose. "You, byuntae, do not play with food. Finish your plate."

The pup had the audacity to move close and kiss him on the nose. How could Chanyeol even hold whatever fake grudge he had? Shortly after,when they were full, the couple cleared the table and washed the dishes together. Chanyeol did not intend for a plate to break. Really. But he was shooed away by Baekhyun and he couldn't say he wasn’t relieved. At least he had time to get his gift ready. It was almost midnight.

He began pacing back in the living room, waiting for Baekhyun anxiously and having second thoughts. What if Baekhyun doesn't like it? What if his pup thinks it's lame? Wouldn't Baekhyun think he was lame, too? He knew it. He should have just gotten something else.

"Stop walking around. You're making me dizzy." Baekhyun strode towards him and kissed him on the cheek. "It's midnight."

Chanyeol gathered the shorter boy closer and nuzzled his cheek, calming down. "Merry Christmas, pup."

"Merry Christmas. I don't think I need any mistletoe to do this, right?" Baekhyun pressed his lips to his in a soft and tender kiss and Chanyeol framed the smaller's face with his hands, tugging him closer.

He had to force himself to pull away though. "Um, so, uh, I have a gift for you." Chanyeol picked up two boxes—a small square one and a bigger rectangular one. "So this is Plan A and the other's Plan B. You choose."

The older male grinned. "President Park, I'm sure you don't need a Plan B. I'd love anything you'll give me."

"But—just choose one now, please?"

Baekhyun's hand hovered over the boxes. When it moved to pick up the smaller box, the taller boy said, "Uh, that one's lame. The other one's lame, too."


"Okay, okay." Chanyeol had to keep himself from closing his eyes. Baekhyun was about to pick the small box again when he snatched both gifts, threw them on the couch and took out another palm-sized box from his pocket. "You know what? Let's just open this one."

Before Barkhyun could protest, Chanyeol had the gift opened and on his boyfriend's palms. "Merry Christmas?"

It was a silver locket engraved with the letters C& B, dangling from a simple chain. Damnit. It also looked lame in Baekhyun's pretty hands. Chanyeol stood there waiting for the pup's reaction but there didn't seem to be any. The seconds ticked by and Baekhyun remained unmoving. In a flurry, Chanyeol fumbled with the lock of the pendant and opened it to show Baekhyun what was inside.

It was a picture of him, taken this afternoon by Oh Sehun. It was one of the reasons he came home late. There was no last minute meeting. "So I couldn't think of what to give you and when I saw, earlier, afternoon, KSE—Okay, I admit it. This is basically a gift for me. Because you see I miss you every time we're not together. I still miss you even if we are apart for only a little bit because—"

"Close isn't close enough if I can't hear your heartbeat. I know, Chanyeol," Baekhyun whispered and he was still just staring at the necklace.

"So I figured, I could give you me or like a picture of me so that way I could be with you whenever and well, you wouldn't want any other potato but me. And I had the length adjusted so that the locket would lie near your heart so I would symbolically be close to it, your heart, and—you know, okay that sounded cheesy," he said with a wince. "It's—I still have Plan A and Plan B."

Chanyeol moved to get the locket back except Baekhyun closed his hand over it and practically threw himself at him. The taller man’s hit the couch while the pup ended in his lap, his thighs bracketing Chanyeol's hips.

"I love you," the older said in a choked whisper against Chanyeol's neck. "It's perfect."

Chanyeol put his arms around Baekhyun's waist and squeezed him tightly, a whole lot relieved and more than a little tearful. "Not nearly as perfect as you. Oh wow, that sounded cheesier."

Baekhyun pulled back and chuckled. "I don't mind. Time for my gift."

He reached behind him to place the locket on the table before he drew something out of the pocket of his pajama top. "It isn't as grand as yours but surprise; we kinda have the same idea."

He showed Chanyeol a wallet-sized photo of himself wearing his yellow hoodie. "I was torn between giving this and letting you have my lightstick for a day but letting you hold my lightstick is dangerous so here. The lesser of two evils," he said teasingly. Chanyeol took the photo and looked at it in awe. "There's a message at the back."

"You can have me," Chanyeol read out loud. "Forever if you like."

The taller man looked into Baekhyun's eyes. "I like. A lot."

The photograph ended up beside the locket as Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun close for a thorough kiss, mouths sliding against each other, heads tilting for better access. And just like all the other times, it was never enough. Mouths travelled to explore the planes of smooth and heated skin. Chanyeol began to onto the smaller's shoulders exposed by the wide collar of his top while Baekhyun's hands roamed the other's back in increasing fervor. Baekhyun couldn't help the rolling of his hips and Chanyeol pulled back gasping. "Wait, to the, let's, right let's."

He knew he was making little sense but who would have enough brain cells functioning after being kissed by Byun Baekhyun? Chanyeol stood up and carried his boyfriend with him, the smaller male wrapping his legs around Chanyeol's waist. It was a miracle that they were able to reach their room with the way Chanyeol's knees were shaking. They fell on the bed with a loud oops! before they burst into drunken giggles—both crazily intoxicated with each other. Then their mouths met again and again. The giggles turned into passionate moans and whispers of love ghosting over their bodies.

Baekhyun's breath hitched when Chanyeol moved against him and he had never felt so full or loved. They have done this many times before but he felt each one was better than the last.

Chanyeol rested his forehead against Baekhyun's, breathing ragged. Baekhyun leaned up to capture his lower lip in between his before he canted his hips up, enveloping Chanyeol with more heat and then there was no stopping the frantic movement of their limbs as they both worked to reach completion.

They continued to share kisses until their heartbeats slowed down to normal, Chanyeol into Baekhyun's mouth and Baekhyun's legs and arms still clutching onto him.

"Best Christmas. Ever. I mean, So far." Chanyeol propped himself on his elbows. "I love you."

"Best Christmas. Until next year, then." Baekhyun chuckled.

The younger man got up for a moment and left the room. He returned and took care of Baekhyun before he snuggled beside his pup and gave him the rectangular box. "Plan B. You should open it because I already embarrassed myself earlier, I don't think this one's any worse."

Baekhyun sat up and opened the present, grinning delightedly when he saw the three red roses inside. "It's sweet. How can you even say they're lame?"

"Well, you might want to read the card," Chanyeol said while burying his face on his pillow.

"I will love you until the last one dies," Baekhyun read. He touched the roses and chortled when he found the plastic one in the middle. "Oh, Chanyeol."

"Okay. Yes. Let's sleep and forget about it," he groaned. He thought he wouldn't be embarrassed anymore but he guessed he was wrong. Damnit.

His pup scooted closer and draped the blanket over them. "Merry Christmas, potato-ahjussi,” he whispered. “Not that I'm being greedy but what's Plan A?"

Chanyeol tensed. Plan A. He had wanted to give it when he saw Do Kyungsoo's handprint and remembered Baekhyun's hands. Those slender fingers. But he figured, the pup wasn't ready. He didn't think he was either.

"Maybe next year, pup."

They had time. Baekhyun did say forever.













I’m sorry about this, really.
It’s full of poopieness. Unbetaed yet but will be edited soon \o/
So this is the first of the 7 ficlets. I know there was a lack of the other couples but they would have their own soon ;3
And the story big time too otl but yay it’s baekyeol XD
TCY got more than a thousand new ones after it ended. IM CRY.
But yeah, wanted to thank you all again for still subscribing and commenting and upvoting!!!
PS: sorry i still fail at y times. i really dont know how to do it. so if you wan one find overlord_nim's twts to me here. Mine's @puptato btw... well if u want to holler or throw bricks at me XD.
MERRY XMAS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!



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ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10