Then Came You


Baekhyun chanced a look over his shoulder to make sure that he lost the men chasing after him. A breathless laugh escaped from his lips as he continued running at a slower pace. They should know better than to send two old thugs to get him, in full suits no less.

It was a good thing that they already gave up, though. He was getting tired after running non-stop for six blocks. The shirt under his hoodie was sticking to his back with sweat and he was already late. He was surely going to get reprimanded by Prez. He winced at the thought. Baekhyun was too busy thinking of ways how to explain his tardiness that he didn't immediately notice a man in shades and a black suit waiting for him at the end of the street.

"You! Stop!" the man shouted.

Baekhyun looked up. No. He paused and started running to the opposite direction but he saw that the other thug was also blocking that way. Looking around him, he spotted a narrow alley in between two buildings. Not wasting another second, he sprinted towards it. He could hear the footsteps of the men behind him against the concrete pavement. Baekhyun ran harder, his heart beating fast. The sound of the footsteps was fading but he couldn't stop now. He reached the end of the alley and he suddenly found himself facing the main road. He was out in the open. Scanning the area for somewhere to hide, his gaze fell on the crowded bus stop across the street. Perfect.

Baekhyun immediately ran towards it with the intent of hiding amidst the people. He barely had enough time to finish crossing before the traffic lights turned green. He was completely breathless when he reached the shed. To his dismay, the bus arrived and the number of people he was counting on to hide him was quickly diminishing. Soon there will be no one left. Panicking, he reached out and grabbed the arm of the remaining guy on the stop.

Truth be told, Baekhyun's only intent was to hide underneath the man's big black umbrella and maybe talk his way out of the guy's anger later for delaying him from getting on the bus. But when he stood face to face with the tall stranger, Baekhyun’s thoughts scattered.

He was easily the most handsome man he had ever seen and he was looking at Baekhyun with surprise in his beautiful brown eyes. He didn't know how long he would have stood there staring if he had not heard the running steps of the two thugs come nearer. Instinctively, he pulled the taller man's arm down to lower the umbrella over their heads and conceal them from view. He hurriedly stood on his tiptoes so it could cover more of him. Baekhyun darted a quick glance to the side and watched as the two pair of legs pass them by and proceeded to enter the bus before the vehicle sped away. Baekhyun sighed in relief.

Looking back at the stranger's face was probably the worst mistake he ever made because once his eyes found the lips that were so near his own, Baekhyun's brain short-circuited again. He couldn’t stop it. He felt his body leaning closer, as if it was being pulled by an invisible string.

And then he kissed him.

He felt all kinds of fluttering in his stomach as he brushed his lips across the guy's soft ones. He didn't really know how to do it--he had never kissed nor had he been kissed before--but it was... He was... God, this was...  Baekhyun was jarred by the hand that suddenly held on to his shoulder, gathering him closer. He pulled away in reflex and did the only right thing to do. He ran.

Baekhyun made a sharp turn to the left, down another alley, stopping only when he was sure that no one was following him. Panting, he touched his fingers to his lips. What did he just do? He felt his cheeks burning in mortification. Everything only lasted for a few seconds but it felt like time slowed down when he was in the taller boy's arms. Baekhyun shook his head. This was stupid. He shouldn't be thinking of such things. He had more important things to worry about like making sure that they never catch him and the scolding he'd get when Prez noticed that Baekhyun was late.







Chanyeol was still in a trance as he boarded the elevators to get to his office on the seventeenth floor of KStar Entertainment. He kept replaying the scene on the bus stop, well, as much as he could remember from what happened. It was hard because he still didn't know what did happen. Most of it was a blur; the only clear memory was of the shorter boy's face and the kiss. Who are you?

Chanyeol was starting to have a headache.

"Chanyeol!" someone called out as soon as the elevator doors opened. He looked up to see his older cousin, Kim Junmyeon, the company's EVP for Artist and Repertoire. There was a worried frown on his face as he came closer. "Are you alright? Where have you been?" Junmyeon ran his hand through his dark wavy hair. "I was worried."

"I'm fine. My car broke down and I couldn't find a cab so I had to take the bus," he explained.

"The bus?" the shorter man asked disbelievingly. "Anyway, it's the third time this month that happened. Maybe it's time you replaced Joey?"

Chanyeol threw his cousin a cold look.

"Okay, okay. I was just making a suggestion because see what happened." The worried look returned to Junmyeon's face. "Chanyeol, they've been waiting for an hour and that prick of a manager is getting on my nerves."

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at him. It was unusual for the kind-hearted EVP to speak badly of another person. This manager must really be a prick. "Where are they?"

"They're in your office.” Junmyeon led the way to the President's office. Chanyeol nodded his head in greeting at his father's secretary--technically his for now--who was sitting by her table, stationed just outside the door. Junmyeon pushed at the heavy mahogany door and held it open for Chanyeol. Taking a deep breath and clearing his mind, Chanyeol stepped inside. It was going to be business from here on out.

The two occupants of the spacious room stood up from the leather couches as Junmyeon and Chanyeol entered. Chanyeol bowed to them before he walked closer to shake their hands. "I apologize for making you wait," he said seriously. "There was just some mishap earlier. I'm Park Chanyeol."

The shorter guy closer to him smiled, a deep dimple appearing on his right cheek making him positively look cherubic. This was the prick?

"I'm glad to finally meet you President Park. My name's Zhang Yixing and this is my talent, Lu Han," the man answered in accented Korean.

Chanyeol directed his gaze at the other guy, Lu Han. He received a coy smile from him as they shook hands. He could understand why he was called Angel of the East. He knew the Chinese singer was beautiful on screen but he realized he was infinitely more so in person. With his expertly-styled blonde hair, delicate features and slight-build, Lu Han was positively stunning. Chanyeol thought that if he weren't already in love, he would have been a bit interested. But as it was, his heart was already committed to someone.

Just then, a knock on the door was heard. Heads turned as KSE's brightest star Do Kyungsoo entered the room. Chanyeol could feel the familiar melting of his insides as Kyungsoo walked towards them. He couldn't help it, not when Kyungsoo smiled like that, his plump lips forming into a heart shape, his round eyes warm and kind. Chanyeol thought he was the greatest singer in the world. His heart thumped when Kyungsoo went closer to his side.

"You're late," he admonished Chanyeol teasingly.

"I'm sorry, I got held up." He smiled down at Kyungsoo, his expression softening. He quickly remembered that he was on a meeting so he wiped the loving expression that he was most probably sporting when he faced the two foreigners. "I present to you our Do Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo, this is manager Zhang Yixing and Lu Han."

"Nice to meet both of you, especially now that you're joining the company." Kyungsoo bowed and shook hands with the two as well.

"That is still open for discussion, though." the manager said and Chanyeol could finally get why Junmyeon-hyung disliked the guy. The man's smile didn't quite reach his eyes and he could see Yixing study Kyungsoo a little too deviously for Chanyeol's taste.

"Well, let's all sit then and have that discussion." Junmyeon gestured for everyone to take a seat. Chanyeol went behind his desk. Kyungsoo sat beside Junmyeon on the couch to his left while Yixing and Lu han sat together to his right.

"I understand the contracts were already prepared and all that's needed are the signatures. The terms were ironed out as well. I have to admit that I was surprised when I heard that you still wanted to meet with me. I believe that Mr. Kim here is the person to talk to regarding this matter." Chanyeol directed his gaze at the manager.

Yixing's lips curved slightly before answering. "I treat everything that concerns Lu Han with utmost care, I'm sure you understand. He is the best there is so of course we also would like the best for him. Thus, I wanted to talk to you, Mr. Park." There was a subtle insult in the way Yixing spoke and Chanyeol saw Junmyeon's eyes narrow menacingly  when he looked at the other guy.

"Mr. Kim is the best," he replied. The manager just smiled indulgently. Chanyeol's gaze hardened. "Since we are all here, Manager Zhang, please do tell me what seems to be holding you back from signing the contract?"

"A good question, really. As I've said I want what's best for Lu Han and we have been receiving a lot of counter offers from other companies offering more benefits and such."

There was a slight tension after that. Chanyeol saw the challenge in the other man's eye and he was not one to back down. "I believe that we have already offered the best for your talent. I agree that some companies may have given you a lot of promises much like those we offered but surely they couldn't have surpassed ours. And we mustn’t forget we are KSE. It is true when I tell you that those companies are mere boats compared to our ship. You said you wanted the best? That is what KSE is." Chanyeol leaned back against his chair, the very picture of confidence. "Well, of course we won't force you to accept this collaboration if you don't want to. We also have reservations since our Kyungsoo will put his solo career on hold when he really doesn't need it. Maybe we shouldn't--"

"We didn't say we would not be signing with you. I was merely stating an observation," Yixing cut in and Chanyeol knew he won.

"That's perfect! I have the contracts in my office so if we could please convene there?" Junmyeon stood up. The two foreigners stood as well.

"Again, it was nice meeting you Manager Zhang, Lu Han." Chanyeol bowed. Piece of cake.

It wasn't long before he was left with Kyungsoo, who had been silent the whole time. "Are you really alright? It isn't like you to be late for an important meeting. Were you not feeling well?" his childhood friend asked worriedly. The warmth Chanyeol felt earlier when he saw Kyungsoo come in returned. Kyungsoo was worried about him and it felt nice.

"I said don't worry. It's just Joey," he replied.

"Okay, I won't tell you to replace your car because I know you love it since grandpa Park gave it to you. But it would be nice if you could use another one once in a while? I really worry about you." There was a slight frown on Kyungsoo's forehead that Chanyeol found absolutely adorable. "What if Joey breaks down again and you're in the middle of nowhere and there's no signal then Tao couldn't find you--"

Chanyeol smiled. "Kyungsoo, there is no middle of nowhere in the city. And Joey just needs a little repair and she's good to go. But thank you for your concern." And thank you for thinking of me, he thought.

"Alright." Kyungsoo walked to the door but paused to look at Chanyeol again. "Oh, by the way, I have some free time tomorrow. Do you want to have lunch together? It's been so long since we went out."

Chanyeol tried to keep his cool although he wanted to jump in glee. "Okay," he answered simply.

"Okay, then," the shorter boy said. Chanyeol felt a wide grin splitting his face. A date! Well, technically just lunch, but it was something. He watched as Kyungsoo gave him a short wave and went out the door taking a piece of Chanyeol's heart with him.







"I'm sorry, prez."

"I don't know Baekhyun-ah. This was supposed to be the first fan event that you'll be attending as an official fan chant leader and we, Starlings, take our responsibilities seriously." Jongdae, the president of Kyungsoo's fan club, shook his head. "We can't tolerate this kind of behavior."

"Please, Jongdae-ssi, I'm really sorry. There was just an accident so there was a major traffic jam." Baekhyun raised his hand as if under oath. "I'll never be late again. I swear prez." There was no response from the leader so he held on to Jongdae's arm and took out his secret weapon: his cute pleading puppy eyes. "Please? I really worked hard to get the position. And you know how much I love our club. Please." Of course, no one could resist Baekhyun's puppy eyes. No one.

"Oh, okay. I'm letting you off this time because I consider you my friend. But you will be demoted next time," the fan club president warned. "We better prepare now because our Kyungsoo will be coming out anytime soon for the mini-fan meet."

Baekhyun nodded enthusiastically. They were on the grounds in front of the KSE building where Do Kyungsoo's fan meet will be held today. He was really excited because it was the first time he would get to be on the first row of such an event. Also, he would get to lead the fan chants he had memorized by heart. Baekhyun had been a fan of Kyungsoo since the singer's debut three years ago. His first single, I'll be here, helped Baekhyun get through his parents' passing.

Not long after, a company staff walked towards them and talked with Jongdae. The woman said that Kyungsoo would be out in five minutes. Baekhyun could barely contain his excitement. Maybe today he could even shake his idol's hand!

"Guys! Lightsticks and banners on the ready!" Jongdae announced to almost a hundred fans gathered there. Baekhyun reached for his lightstick but his back pocket was empty. Where was it? He checked the pockets of his hoodie but it wasn't there. He wanted to cry. Maybe he lost it while running away from those men. Another point against them, Baekhyun thought.

"Where is your lightstick?" Jongdae nudged him.

"I don't know prez. I don't know," he replied dejectedly.

"Don't cry, Baekhyun-ah. Good thing I have extra. Here take it." He handed Baekhyun the glowing yellow stick. On one end was a palm-sized star with Do Kyungsoo embossed at the center and the word Starlings written around the name. Their symbol was a star because for them Starlings, Kyungsoo was a star that lit up the world.

"Thank you, Jongdae-ssi. I won't lose it this time."

A shiny red convertible parked near the entrance and a tall black-haired guy in an all-black outfit came out from behind the wheels, catching Baekhyun's attention. He appeared to be younger than Baekhyun. The guy stood waiting by the passenger door. Baekhyun was distracted from his curious study of the boy when a slight commotion started as the company doors opened. Baekhyun craned his neck, expecting to see his idol but only a small group of men in suits came out.

He was about to take his gaze away when his eyes landed on the tallest of the men. He looked familiar. As the group came closer to where Baekhyun was standing, he got a clearer view of the guy.

"Oh, my--" He quickly turned his back. That was Umbrella boy! The one he kissed earlier. What was he doing here?

He sneaked a look behind him. A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he was sure that the guy didn't see him. He watched as the tall blonde walked towards the red car where the black-haired boy opened the passenger door for him. He must be a big-shot then.

"Why are you crouching and what are you looking at?" Jongdae poked at his shoulder.

"Who is that?" Baekhyun asked, pointing to Umbrella boy.

"Gorgeous, isn't he? He's Park Chanyeol. People here call him the ice tower because, well, they say he is cold-hearted." Jongdae said. "But if you were the son of one of the richest families in the city and the current president of KSE, you could afford to act as cold as you liked."

"President?" Baekhyun asked surprised. "But doesn't he look too young to be one?"

"He is, but I heard his father, the previous President Park, was ordered to rest after having a heart attack one too many so he is currently KSE's interim president."

"Oh." Baekhyun unconsciously touched his lower lip and felt a heated blush cover his face as he remembered the unfortunate thing he did earlier. Park Chanyeol. His eyes followed the red car as it disappeared down the street. Park Chanyeol.

There was a sudden burst of shouting and cheering. Baekhyun realized that Do Kyungsoo was just a few feet away from him. He cheered on top of his lungs, star struck, and forgot thoughts of blonde hair, umbrellas and bus-stop kisses.







"Admit it, you got whipped." Lu Han laughed. "The Zhang Yixing got whipped by a boy."

Yixing slid a glance at the blonde singer sitting beside him inside their van. He was getting tired of Lu Han making fun of him because of what happened earlier. Having heard that the old President Park was currently replaced by a mere boy of twenty-two, he thought that he could intimidate his way into a better contract for Lu Han. But as it turned out, the boy was as shrewd, if not more shrewd, than his father. Yixing remembered Park Chanyeol's cold eyes as he studied him. "I did not get whipped. Everything went according to plan."

"Yeah, their plan." Lu Han laughed some more. "I thought you said you had them in the palm of your hand? You were totally scared of that Park Chanyeol."

"I'm not. But we may as well trudge carefully when he's about. I admit, I underestimated him. He can't be manipulated but the rest of them are easy. Especially that Kim Junmyeon." Yixing thought he can easily make the EVP follow his every command. "I am going to make you a big name here in Korea, even bigger than that Do Kyungsoo they are so proud of."

"I know that," the blonde said, looking bored all of a sudden.

"But mind you, I know how much of a you are. Please try not to show it until after we get you there. Also, be kind to that Kyungsoo boy." He noticed how Park Chanyeol looked at their star. He was pretty sure the guy was infatuated with the singer. The tall boy looked at everyone coldly but his gaze turned warm whenever it fell on Kyungsoo. "If you don't want to get whipped yourself, don't mess with your new partner."







It was getting late and Baekhyun was tired. Although, he felt elated after the fan meet (Kyungsoo waved at him!), he had to come back to reality now. The reality where he couldn't go home because those thugs might be waiting for him there, the reality that he had barely enough money to buy food much less rent a motel room for the night. The only thing he had right now were the clothes on his back. And yeah, the lightstick he was holding. He sighed.

It wasn't always like this. Things had changed crazily that day seven months ago, since he found out the money his parents left him was practically gone. And then there was the scandal. It was so unexpected that he didn't know what to do. He had to stop going to school, had to stop seeing his friends because of what happened. He was left with nothing.

Now he couldn't even get his parent's framed photograph that had always been on top of his bedside table. He felt a prick of tears. Baekhyun knew there was no point in crying since it would not change anything so he took a deep breath and his lightstick. He watched as the bright star-shaped light glowed. It was just like holding a piece of heaven in your hands. Baekhyun felt his lips curve into a smile. There were still some things he could be thankful for.

He entered a small noodle place and felt relieved that the food was cheap. Baekhyun was getting a little desperate, though, as the night deepened. He was still thinking hard on where to stay for the night when a news clip from the television near his table caught his eye. Rumors of an upcoming event from KStar Entertainment and news of  a collaboration between two of Asia’s top stars. A picture of a tall, handsome guy flashed on the screen. Baekhyun stared, his brain whirring. Park Chanyeol.







"Yes. Have the first teaser come out tomorrow as scheduled. Yes, okay." Chanyeol ended the call. He watched the city pass by from inside Zitao's car. It had been a long day and he was looking forward to getting home and burying himself in his bed sheets. He loved his job, loved that he was given the responsibility to run the company, even if temporary. He loved knowing that he was doing something that could make his parents proud. It was just sometimes, like today, it gets tiring.

"Well, that was fast," Zitao said beside him, sparing him a glance while he was driving. Chanyeol didn't let anyone drive for him. He didn't believe in placing his life in another's hands. But if it would be Zitao, he would. He grew up knowing that he could trust Zitao with his life just like how his father trusted Zitao's father to protect him.

"What was?" he asked.

"The first teaser is coming out tomorrow and I heard from Junmyeon-hyung earlier that the preparations for the event were already underway even before you met with the Chinese people." Chanyeol smirked at how the boy said Chinese people, as if he weren't Chinese himself. "I thought they met with you because there was some hesitation."

"They may have hesitation but I don't. There was really no question about the outcome of the meeting. I was sure they'd say yes."

"Of course," Zitao said with a smirk of his own. "Who could say no to Park Chanyeol?"

Normal people would have been scared of talking to Chanyeol this way but not Zitao. He talked to Chanyeol with impudence but Chanyeol didn't mind. Maybe because they had known each other all of their lives or maybe just because Chanyeol knew Zitao could kick his anytime.

"Yeah, well. How's Joey?" He wanted to make sure that his car was okay.

"I had it towed and taken into the repair shop as soon as I received your call earlier. The repair's going to take about a week."

"A week! But--"

"No buts, your majesty. It's your fault. That car's almost old enough to be your mother."

"Grandpa left it to me."

"Yes, but he didn't tell you to drive it around every day." He paused as he started to maneuver the car in front of Chanyeol's high-rise apartment. "I won't waste my time convincing you to use another car since you won't listen anyway. I'll be driving for you starting tomorrow until Joey gets fixed so get your sorry self up early."

"Have I told you how impertinent you are?" he asked the younger.

"Whatever," was Zitao's only reply. Chanyeol got out and with a small wave and Zitao drove off.

Home at last, he thought as he walked towards the building entrance. There were great things to look forward to tomorrow like the showing of the first teaser and more importantly his lunch date with Kyungsoo. Chanyeol felt like laughing out loud and since no one was around he did just that. He was startled out of his wits though when he felt someone tap his shoulder and felt even more stunned when he saw who it was. It was the boy at the bus stop and he was smiling impishly at him.

He took a step back, horrified, and remembering what this boy did to him earlier, he held out the palm of one hand and covered his mouth with the other. "Don't come any closer!"

The stranger just laughed and skipped (skipped!) forward which made Chanyeol take another step back. He was still a few feet from the glass doors of the high-rise. "What do you need? Who are you?"

"You don't need to be so scared." Chanyeol almost flinched as the boy extended his hand but he realized it was only for a handshake. "My name's Byun Baekhyun. You are Park Chanyeol. And I'm going to live with you."

"What?" Chanyeol straightened in shock, forgetting to cover his mouth anymore. "What?"

"I said I'm going to live with you." The boy, Byun Baekhyun, smiled again and Chanyeol thought he would have deemed it cute if he weren't thinking that this stranger was crazy.

"And why would I let someone I don't even know move in with me?" he asked incredulously.

There was a pause where the shorter boy bowed his head down as if in thought. But it wasn't long when he looked up at him again. There was a pale rose color spread across the boy's cheeks. "Because I gave you my first kiss."

At the mention of the kiss, Chanyeol eyes fell on to the other's lips and remembered how soft they were, how... He shook his head and appalled at where his thoughts were going, he glared at the boy. "I didn't ask for it!" Chanyeol exclaimed, certain he was blushing like a schoolgirl.

"I still gave it." The stranger had the audacity to pout!

"I'm going to call the police!" Chanyeol threatened. The boy did look harmless but you couldn't be too sure.

"There's no need for that." The boy rolled his eyes at him. "I wasn't supposed to do this but--"

Chanyeol saw the boy reach into his back pocket and he tensed, ready to duck. Was he carrying a knife or a gun? He was about to shout for help when the guy took out his hand. Chanyeol put his arms up, turned his head away and readied himself for the pain. But nothing came. Opening his eyes slowly he saw a glowing yellow object in front of his face.

"You were being mean so this is for you. I curse you, you cruel prince!" The stranger waved and flicked the lighstick and touched its tip to Chanyeol's nose. "You will become a potato!"

He stared dumbfounded first at the lightstick and then at the boy. "You're crazy."

Byun Baekhyun sighed. "I maybe am. I really don't know what I'm doing here." And suddenly the boy looked sad. He straightened and removed the lightstick from Chanyeol's face. The taller boy recognized the design.

"That's a Starling's lightstick."

"Yes. I'm a Do Kyungsoo fan." Suddenly, the boy was smiling again. Chanyeol didn't know why but he felt kind of... relieved? "I'm like one of his biggest fans. Ask me about his favorite color, food, his horoscope, his height, anything. I've actually memorized his profile in his official site. I know his ideal type, his..."

Chanyeol paused at the mention of Kyungsoo, food, and ideal type. It all reminded him of his lunch date tomorrow. This was all kinds of outrageous and he might be contaminated by this Byun Baekhyun's craziness but he was starting to think that the boy could help him.

"... I was actually at the fan meet earlier and I got to meet Do Kyungsoo! Come on, how great is that? And I saw you there, too and that's where I knew who you were and I searched you online and so I came here because I thought you could help me but who was I kidding right?" The boy stopped to take a breath. "Well, Park Chanyeol, it was nice meeting you. Have a nice life!" Then he started to turn away.

"Wait, Baekhyun, isn't?" The shorter boy nodded. "Why did you want to live with me?"

The boy gave him a smile that didn't quite reach his lonely eyes. "This sounds stupid but I thought you're probably the only person I could trust. And because... I had nowhere else to go."

He was surprised at the other's answer. If he was the only person Baekhyun could run to then that meant that this boy had no one. Only desperation could drive a person to trust a stranger. And maybe Chanyeol was desperate, too, because he was actually trusting Baekhyun. "I'll let you stay for the night."

"What? Really?" The boy's small eyes rounded like saucers.

Chanyeol knew he was going to regret it but he could use some help with his lunch date and Baekhyun said he knew Kyungsoo's ideal type. "Yes. But you have to do something for me."

"I'll do anything!"


Baekhyun nodded, his face serious. "As long it doesn't involve any part of my skin, then yes."

Chanyeol sputtered. "What are you saying? I wouldn't want to do anything involving any part of your skin!"

"Just saying." The boy shrugged.

"I changed my mind--"

"No! No, I was kidding. I'll do anything, please let me stay. Just for tonight."

Chanyeol relented but only because he thought the boy looked like a puppy. "Fine. Let's go."





note: EVP = Executive Vice President

an: sorry for the word vomit.. looooong chapter ne?
5k words orz.. a oneshot unto itself..;;;A;;;
and yeah, a fic in kdrama style. 
tell me what you think please? :D


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ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10