
My Bodyguard Princess

"HYUNGS!!" Sehun cried out in relief.

The EXO-M princes were a sight to behold, as they marched forth with their Chinese soldiers that were aplenty and strong. Kris led the troop, with Tao beside him.

His eyes narrowed down on Lord Park who was clutching his arm with the arrow stuck on it. He had fired that arrow.

"Meet your defeat." Kris growled. "You will not be able to defeat us."

Lord Park snarled. "We'll see about that." he glanced at Chanyeol who had been standing there motionlessly since the fight began. Few of his loyal soldiers and men stood with him, watching the fight with their leader and not getting why he wasn't fighting with them.

Chanyeol took a step forward. He was torn. What should he do? Fight his friends and cause more casualties or follow his father?

Lord Park grew impatient. "Aish!" he let our a frustrated yell and marched forward with his sword, commanding attention of all the men. He ignored his injury on his arm and waved for them to follow.

"Charge!!" he yelled.

His men followed him, charging straight at the Chinese army. The chinese weren't scared so easily either.

With Tao at their front and teamwork shining through, the Chinese were doing a great job against the Parks.

"Xiumin watch out!" Lay yelled as he dodged one of the soldier's sword just barely. The sword managed to cut off some of his hair and Lay cursed.

"Aish I liked my hair!" he complained, before punching the soldier straight in the face.

Xiumin, at Lay's warning turned around just in time to see a soldier attempting to crash his brains by sneaking up at Xiumin's back. He wheeled around so quickly that the soldier was surprised, and they stared at each other, eyes wide.

The soldier gulped. "Uh-oh."

"Oh yeah Uh-oh." Xiumin growled, sending a flying kick that sent the man flying.

Luhan and Chen, the pretty ones of the group, were working together. They held onto each other's elbows, locking their arms together.

And with a mighty leap on Chen's side, Chen managed to kick threw soldiers who were trying to attack. When Chen's feet landed on the ground, Luhan leaped.

The cycle continued, like they were some sort of gear or wheel that turned, taking turns to flip in the air as their legs wiped out the soldiers in a five meter radius.

Kris was commanding the troops from behind on his horse. Unlike the Parks who had no plan whatsoever, the Chinese army had formations to overcome any of their weaknesses and emphasize on their strength.

He shouted orders and the men changed their stance immediately, adapting quickly and fighting well.

The prince that fought the best was no doubt Tao. Martial arts expert and all, he seemed to have taken training very seriously after he returned to China from Korea.

His skills improved by leaps and bounds and his agility was just stunning, his speed and accuracy. Even though he was on the lean side, his strikes were something to look out for since they were generally lethal.

He knocked down two soldiers at one go and did a backward kick without looking, getting another soldier at the crotch.

Byul and Baekhyunn were fighting too, in their familiar stance with backs against each other. It seemed to be a position that favored them as they guarded the blind spots of each other, helping one another out.

And it seemed like they were winning. The Park soldiers were going down one by one, and some terrified ones were fleeing away at the prospect of losing.

"Come back! Where are you going!" Lord Park growled in desperation.

He looked around and saw his men failing him. The EXO-M princes ad their soldiers were simply too powerful.

He felt the sinking feeling in his heart. He can't lose. He bet everything he had on this one.

Grabbing the sword tightly in his hand, Lord Park snuck over to where Baekhyun and Byul were. They were fighting well, working together in synch.

Lord Park waited until Byul made a mistake and Baekhyun had to turn his back and help Byul out. He kicked the soldier away, heaving a sigh of relief.

He turned back, only to gasp as he stared at the tip of the sword pointing at his throat.

"Admit defeat now, Crown Prince?" Lord Park sneered.

There were gasps and everyone stopped fighting at once. Even soldiers on the Park's side looked astonished and they gaped, swallowing hard.

"No!" D.O. shrieked.

Lord Park ignored all of them. He smirked. "Now I wonder what will happen if I kill of this little prince over here?"he taunted. "My my, just one life, and the throne will be returned to the Parks."

"Dream on." The King growled. "No one in court would ever support you at this rate! Use your brain and let my son go!"

Lord Park smirked. "Well since you're so eager to see him die..." he trailed off, raising the sword above Baekhyun's head.

Byul let out a muffled sound. Her eyes locked with Baekhyun's and it was the first time she saw that immense sadness in his eyes. She can't just let him die like that. They hadn't been together for more than two weeks!

Byul started to grab her sword when the sharp sound of another sword being plucked swiftly from its case made her look up.

Her jaw dropped.

Chanyeol had his sword pointing at his father, the same way Lord Park was holding Baekhyun's life. "Let Baekhyun hyung go, Abeoji." Chanyeol croaked.

Lord Park stilled, turning around slowly. "What do you think you're doing, Chanyeol?" he demanded. "Don't you want the throne? Don't you want the girl?"

Byul took a sharp intake of breath. Was this fight really because of her?

Chanyeol shook his head forlornly. "The throne wasn't meant to be ours, Abeoji. Give it up." he pleaded. "Don't do anymore wrong than we've already committed."

Lord Park's jaw tightened. "If you're going to be a coward about this.." he snarled.

Within a flash of an eye, Lord Park retracted his sword that was pointing at Baekhyun and turned it to his son, with the aim of hurting. What Chanyeol didn't expect was for Byul to rush out at the last moment and take the stab for him.

The sword slashed diagonally across her chest, opening a nasty gash of blood on her robe. She fell on the ground and panted, breathing hard.

Chanyeol's eyes were wide. She did not just do that for him.

Baekhyun was already by Byul's side before anyone could blink. "EUNBYUL!" he cried, hugging her to his chest. "Why are you so dumb?"

Byul leaned heavily against Baekhyun and smiled weakly. "I only did the right thing, Baekhyun. To save the royal family. Your cousin." she looked at him. "He's your cousin, Baekhyun."

"But-" Baekhyun wanted to argue but he saw her flinching in pain and decided it could wait. He pressed against her wound, trying to stop the blood from flowing too quickly.

Chanyeol turned back to look at his father, renewed anger in his eyes. "You hurt her." he whispered. "You promised not to hurt her."

"I can't help it if she rushes out like this." Lord Park defended, backing away slightly. The look on Chanyeol's face was just murderous.

Chanyeol wordlessly took a step forward and knocked the sword put of his father's hands in a swift motion. "It's time to do good, Abeoji."




"Is noona going to be okay?" Sehun asked worriedly.

The EXO-K and M princes had gone to have themselves fixed after the fight. The Palace was back in usual operations and the king found out that Lord Park had used threats to get most of the maids and guards to work for him.

He made sure to assure the maids and guards and forgave them generously. There were reconstruction work going on at Baekhyun's quarters which had been ruined by the attacks.

Lord Park was captured with his wife and Chanyeol until the King decided what to do with them.

In the meantime, the princes were worried about Byul.

"It's been several hours." Lay frowned. "Why isn't the physician done yet?"

"It's a deep wound, Lay." Luhan expressed regretfully. "It's got to take time."

Tao sat down beside Kris, his face solemn. "You think....Byul might be in life danger?" he asked, scared.

Baekhyun snapped his head over to glare. "No. I won't let anything happen to her." he muttered. "I will go to the gates of hell and back if I have to." he clenched his fists.

Suho elbowed Tao, shaking his head. The princes were waiting for a long time until someone arrived. Someone they didn't expect.

"Chanyeol." Xiumin's eyes widened.

Baekhyun's head snapped towards his younger cousin that was being held by two prison guards. "What are you doing here?" he demanded harshly.

"Hyung..." Chanyeol gulped forlornly. "I'm sorry, I-"

"Nearly killed Eunbyul with your petty mistakes." Baekhyun cut him off. "Nearly burnt my quarters down. Nearly caused a political mayhem. Nearly caused the deaths of several innocent men. Oh wait." he said darkly. "You already did that."

"Hyung.." Chanyeol whispered sadly.

"Baekhyun hyung." Kai proded gently. "Give him a chance."

"To do what? Inflict harm again?" Baekhyun growled angrily. His fingernails dug into his palms as he clenched his fists tightly, imprinting marks.

"At least let me know how Byul's doing." Chanyeol pleaded. "She took the blow for me."

"A stupid thing that is." Baekhyun glared. "You have no right to ask about her. And no information I shall give. I will not let you close to her ever again, Park Chanyeol." he glowered. "Never."

Chanyeol's face fell. He shuffled backwards and the prison guards followed. "I understand." he whispered. "I'll be going."

He turned around sadly, the chains that were wounded round his hands rattling in a sick horrible fashion.

The other princes looked at him go and sighed.

"I think he really looks sorry, Hyung." Sehun whispered.

Baekhyun snapped his gaze away, tightening his jaw. He might forgive Chanyeol someday but he won't now. He can't. Not while Byul's still in there battling her life out.

If only there were two Byul's for each of them. None of this would have happened.

But then again, if there were two Byuls, they wouldn't be Byul anymore.

Because his Byul was one of a kind.




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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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961 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
961 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.