What are you doing here?!

My Bodyguard Princess

"Hmm... Should I go over to Dahae's today?" Baekhyun muttered to himself, frowning. He propped himself up on his bed and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "But I'm kind of tired hearing her complain about Han Eunbyul. She does that every single time." he sighed.

"And I'm not sure if she's just sooooo obssessed with Chanyeol or is she just trying to get a reaction from me, but it's kind of rude to keep talking about another guy when I'm with her." he mumbled. "And when we're together in a group with other princes she stucks to my side. I don't get her."

Baekhyun let out a sigh. "Why can't girls be like Han Eunbyul?" he murmured. "Not complicated, not troublesome, not a fuss."

He looked out of the window and noticed that it was getting late. A little later than the time he usually woke since the sun was higher in the sky and brighter. "Better get up before that Han Eunbyul comes in and nags at me again." Baekhyun chuckled.

He scrambled out of bed to go and wash up, wearing a new robe and washing his face. He appeared at his breakfast table, looking around for his bodyguard.

Instead, he saw Eunhyuk standing at the door. Baekhyun frowned and scanned the wooden benches where Byul usually waited for him in the morning. She wasn't there.

"Where's Han Eunbyul?" Baekhyun asked Eunhyuk, blinking. "What happened?"

Eunhyuk bowed. "Morning, Jeonha. Byul has gone to home for a few days." he notified.

"What do you mean gone home for a few days?" Baekhyun shot up from his seat, his eyes wide. "Why did she go home? What happened? Why didn't she tell me?" he demanded ruthlessly.

Eunhyuk raised a brow at Baekhyun. *Why is the Crown Prince so concerned about it anyway?* he thought. "Byul's mother is sick so she went home to help out." Eunhyuk answered respectfully. "She went to meet the Queen this morning to gain permission and has already set off."

"Her mother is sick?" Baekhyun frowned, remembering how Byul sounded when she talked about her mother. Pure love, that was. "How bad is it?"

"Not too bad." Eunhyuk nodded. "But not too trifle either. That's why Byul went back. Don't worry Jeonha, I'm perfectly capable of taking Byul's place in her absence and make sure you're alright." he smiled.

Baekhyun pursed his lips, annoyed. "Hm. Then just sit wherever and all." he gestured to the wooden benches, figuring it was rather cruel to make Eunhyuk stand all the way.

He ate his breakfast, sighing. *That darned Han Eunbyul, couldn't she have told me before she pranced off?* he thought to himself. *Things aren't the same without her. What am I going to do now?*




"This prince is seriously weird." Eunhyuk muttered to himself as he stood in the corner of the room. Baekhyun was trying to compose a poem but he kept sighing as he looked out of the window and blanked, staring aimlessly.

"I wonder why Byul didn't even tell Jeonha she was going." he mumbled. "Didn't seem to professional to me, and Byul's everything professional." he twisted his lips. "Kind of strange. Like she can't wait to get away from him."

Eunhyuk looked at Baekhyun carefully, reading his actions. "Even though Jeonha's kind of weird, honestly, he's not bad to Byul though." he nodded to himself. "But that Chanyeol-gun's good to her as well. Damn, all that competition. Thank goodness I'm not in love with Byul for real or I'll get kicked out of this within a bat of my eyelid." he shook his head, amused.

He was just wondering how he was going to approach the new maid that had arrived in the kitchen, when Baekhyun suddenly jerked up from his seat. He slammed his fists on the table, making the expensive looking wooden top shake fearfully at his sudden outburst. Man, if that table was alive it'd have had a heart attack.

"Aish!" Baekhyun growled. "I can't take it anymore!"

He stalked out of the room and looked back at Eunhyuk. "I'm going to my mother's." he told him. Eunhyuk nodded, hurrying after Baekhyun.

The crown prince walked so quickly with his long legs that even with his military academy training for all those years, Eunhyuk found it hard to keep up and even panted a little. He vaguely wondered what the Crown Prince was so frustrated about.

Baekhyun went into the hall, being announced by the court attendants and met his mother. He bowed respectfully and sighed. "Umma, Han Eunbyul went home." he sulked.

The Queen looked at him with raised brows. "Yes I know. I granted her permission to go back home for a few days to tend to her mother. Why? Is anything wrong?" she asked knowingly.

Baekhyun struggled to find the right words to say. I miss her. NO. I feel empty without her. NO NO. I don't like it without her and I want to get her back. TRIPLE NO.

"Uhm....she's so irresponsible!" Baekhyun blurted. Eunhyuk blinked. *HUH?*

"She.. she just pranced back home without even telling me!" Baekhyun frowned, getting more and more into the show. "She should have at least told me and asked for my permission right? I mean, she's MY bodyguard! I don't like it!" he pouted.

"And what do you want to do about it, Baekhyun?" the Queen chuckled amusedly. Her son was growing up, from a little crush for Dahae to something more. "You can't expect her to come back to be your bodyguard when her mother's sick at home. It's just a few days, Baekhyun. You can survive without Byul."

*No. Few hours is long enough.* Baekhyun sulked. "But..." he bit his lip.

"Either you tolerate the days without her or you go to her home to find her." the Queen shrugged. "Either or, Baekhyun. Your choice."

Baekhyun's eyes rounded. "Her home? But...you never let me out of the Palace. And her home...what if it's shabby and rundown and is full of cockroaches?" Baekhyun blabbered, not really concerned about the things he mentioned but just buying some time to make his decision.

"It's not. I'm been there myself." the Queen smiled. "You can bring some mattresses with you and some gifts for them. I'll prepare it for you." she offered. "So....I guess you're going?" she grinned, delighted.

Baekhyun pursed his lips. Should he? He'd have to leave Dahae for a few days, but if he didn't, then Byul.... "Yeah!" Baekhyun exclaimed. "Omonim, please help to prepare the gifts. I'm setting off as soon as possible."

He bowed and stalked out of the room, leaving a Queen that was smiling wildly and a guard Eunhyuk that was kind of gaping at Baekhyun. Did the Crown Prince just agree to visiting the humble home of Byul?

The Queen chuckled and smiled at Eunhyuk. "My son's acting weird?"

Eunhyuk nodded. "Weird."

The Queen smiled to herself. "Well that's how the King acted in the past when he was courting me." she murmured softly. "And now it's Baekhyun's turn."


The carriage could not be prepared faster.

Baekhyun was barking orders here and there, wanting the fastest stallion and the best gifts that were to be sent to the Han family. He brought along four premium mattresses, one for Byul, her mother, her brother, and him when he was going to stay. Yes he was thinking of staying. No point going there to catch a glimpse of her and go back to the Palace where she wasn't there.

He also brought along large amounts of herbs and expensive nourishing delicacies like the bird's nest and abalone in hope of Mrs Han's faster recovery.

With the mattresses stuffed in the carriage, Baekhyun nearly had no place to sit in it and half the time his face was squished by the mattresses that were poking straight into his cheeks.

Just as he was about to go, he heard another horse coming after them. He stretched his neck out of the window and saw Chanyeol on a brown stallion, galloping longside his carriage. "Yeol. What are you doing?" he eyed the bags that Chanyeol was carrying.

"I'm going with you, hyung." Chanyeol grinned. "I heard Byul returned home and you're going to visit her. I miss her, I want to see her."

Baekhyun suddenly remembered how he thought Chanyeol might like Byul in the past, and wondered if those feelings he thought Chanyeol harbored were still present. It made him uncomfortable thinking about it.

"Hm. Whatever." Baekhyun closed the curtain and let Chanyeol trot his horse beside his carriage. Baekhyun pouted and huffed. *Aish. What's Yeol doing here anyway.*


Byul was outside her house hanging laundry when the surprise came.

Her younger brother, Jaeho, currently eleven, was beaming beside her and helping to squeeze the water out of the clothes as best as he could for his sister to hang it up to dry. He was just glad to see her home again.

"Noona. I think I hear horses." Jaeho looked around, scratching his head.

Byul looked at him. "How can there be horses here, Jaejae?" she laughed. "The people who stay here are as rich as our family. No one can afford a mare, much less a stallio...." she faltered, hearing the trotting for herself.

She blinked in surprised and put down the shirt she was holding, looking around. "You're right. There are horses."

Just as she said that, a freaking royal carriage appeared in her view along with a suave man on a horse that was trotting longside to the carriage. Byul rubbed her eyes in disbelief as the carriage and horses slowed to a stop, and the man on the horse got down, together with the man in the carriage that stumbled out.

"My hurts." the man from the carriage frowned. "The journey's too long to be true."

Byul's jaw dropped.

"Hyung. You were sleeping all the way. At least you didn't need to stay awake to drive your stallion." the taller male responded.

"Touche Yeol."

The two men turned and finally saw her, both breaking into a smile. "Han Eunbyul!" "Byul!"

Byul stumbled back. "Oh. My. God. WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!"


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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961 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
961 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.