
My Bodyguard Princess

Byul went back to Baekhyun's quarters, still panting. She never felt so drained from tailing after someone, and this someone was one of the most skilled she had ever met.

She went back, wondering if she should tell anyone about it. Would the news of the reappearance of the assassin kill the festive mood that day? And besides, she wasn't exactly sure if that guy was the same one as the previous attack. She didn't want to cause unnecessary worry and attention.

She slumped, trudging into the residence and saw Baekhyun tapping his feet and waiting for her, all dressed up in his magnificent new golden robe. He looked suave as ever, and even more tonight.

Byul was somewhat surprised she noticed it, and it comforted her because it showed that she was a girl even though she didn't believe like one. It was bad enough that she didn't even treat guys like guys, but her brothers.

"Where were you?" Baekhyun looked at her, annoyed. "I was waiting for you for such a long time!" he grumbled. "I was actually hoping you dropped into the lake or something but....OH MY GOSH HAN EUNBYUL!!!!"

Byul jumped. She looked back behind her in alarm, half expecting to see the assassin appear once more.

There wasn't anyone about. Byul frowned and looked at Baekhyun, irritated. "Yah Ddong-ha what the hell are you squealing abou-"

"Han Eunbyul! You're wearing the flower pin!" Baekhyun's eyes were wide as saucers and his smile stretched so wide they had to be touching his ears any moment. He did a double take and rubbed his eyes, obviously not believing what he was seeing.

"Huh?" Byul blinked for a moment. She felt her hair and her fingers come into contact with the pin and she froze. *OMO! I forgot I still had it on!* she pinked despite herself, not understanding how one tiny pin could make her feel so insecure.

"Aish I was just trying it on." Byul grumbled, trying to pluck it out from her hair. She tugged on a strand hard and yelped in pain.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Are you an idiot?" he chided. He slapped her hands away from her hair and looked at her sternly. "Don't. Just wear it since it's already on your head. The EXO-K princes would be howling in laughter." he looked at her again. "HAHAHA Han Eunbyul with a flower on her head!!!"

Byul pouted angrily. "You were the one who gave it to me you poop." she grumbled. "I shouldn't even have kept it." she kept ranting under her breath all the way towards the Great Hall.

Baekhyun bit back a smile as he walked beside her. *At least you kept it, Han Eunbyul. I was ready to hate you for a century if you really gave it to that maid.*



The Great Hall was indeed great that night.

It looked completely astounding, so grand and glittering just like how a royal feast should be. Since it was the Crown Prince's birthday feast, it had to look like it. There were people performing dances as Baekhyun arrived with Byul, and court attendants were serving small cups of drinks and sweets.

"Woah." Byul couldn't help but exclaim as she stepped in. An attendant announced Baekhyun's arrival and all officers and ministers stood up to welcome their Crown Prince and Baekhyun strode in, looking like he already ruled the court.

Byul felt somewhat proud of Baekhyun as he sat grandly at his chair, and took her place standing behind him. She sometimes forgot this guy was the Crown Prince but it was hard to forget now.

The aura was radiating off him.

The feast began and there were many mouth watering dishes served. Byul gulped at some of them and Baekhyun caught her look. He purposely "Hmmm-ed" and "Ahhhh-ed" appropriately, making Byul shoot him glares as her own tummy rumbled.

"Pssst noona! Hi hi!!"

Byul looked over and saw Sehun sitting behind his hyungs, waving madly. Byul chuckled softly and waved back, smiling. The princes were also looking more handsome than usual as they dressed up for the event.

Chanyeol's eyes narrowed on the flower pin on her hair and blinked, surprised. He too didn't expect her to put something so feminine on, or rather, own something like that.

And it looked really cute on her, suiting her face. *She's so pretty.* Chanyeol thought affectionately, sending a smile. Byul caught it and returned it politely, turning back to glare at Baekhyun as he taunted her by swallowing a large bite of meat and praising it like it came from the heavens.

"Noona looks so pretty today." Sehun sighed dreamily.

Kai rolled his eyes and stole a piece of Sehun's meat from under his nose. "She looks the same as she does everyday." he retorted.

"No she doesn't." Suho knocked on Kai's head. "She's wearing the pin Baekhyun gave her, see?" he turned his dongsaeng's head towards Byul.

Chanyeol turned around in surprise. "Hyung gave Byul that pin?" he asked, blinking.

Suho nodded as he chomped down his own meal. "Yeah. Remember we told him to be better to Byul since she saved his ?" he asked. "Well he asked me if the flower pin was suitable the next day. He was the one who gave it to her." he told him.

Chanyeol bit his lip, feeling a little uncomfortable. Which he shouldn't have because Baekhyun was his cousin, and never in a million years would Baekhyun fall for the girl he liked either. But still.

Chanyeol rose from his seat after dinner finished and grabbed his bow. He bowed in front of the Empress Dowager, the King, the Queen and Baekhyun. "I've prepared a short archery performance just for hyung's birthday."

Baekhyun smiled and clapped.

A servant put an apple on the ground on top of three thick books. Chanyeol closed one eye and pulled the arrow back, stretching his bow. He aimed it carefully and THUACKKK!!

The arrow pierced the heart of the apple in a swift move.

Applause sounded and Baekhyun clapped proudly for his dongsaeng. Chanyeol bowed and gestured for the servant to put another piece of cherry on top of the books, except that it was placed much further than before.

The crowd held their breath as Chanyeol drew his arrow. He closed one eye again, flexing his muscles. He aimed carefully, a drop of perspiration rolling down his cheek.


The arrow actually managed to pierce the tiny cherry, an incredible feat. The applause was much louder this time and the EXO-K princes gave appropriate whoops. Byul nodded, impressed.

Baekhyun slanted a glance at her and smirked. "Han Eunbyul, you're one of the best swordsman in the military academy. Why don't you show of your skill on my birthday?" he asked loudly such that everyone could hear.

Byul's eyes widened and she shook her head. Her eyes darted around nervously and she glared at Baekhyun. "Yah Ddong-ha!" she hissed.

Baekhyun smiled widely and raised a brow. "Why Han Eunbyul? Scared?" he taunted.

Byul huffed and grabbed her sword. "Aish." she grumbled. She got into the centre of the hall and the EXO-K princes cheered loudly, especially Sehun.

Byul closed her eyes, concentrating on her chi. She opened her eyes, her gaze focused and looking different.

She drew her sword in a swift motion and flipped in the air, slicing the air. Her ponytail swished in the air beautifully, her movements graceful yet full of strength. She looked beautiful yet strong, a sense of womanly independence radiating from her.

She turned around, her eyes setting on a spare cherry on the floor that the servant had dropped when he placed it for Chanyeol's performance. She flicked the cherry into the air with her sword, sending it flying.

She twirled around and sliced the cherry in mid air, ending with a wonderful pose.

Baekhyun's jaw dropped. It was incredible. The EXO-K princes cheered even louder and Chanyeol whooped, his eyes shining with pride.

Byul seemed to suddenly return from her martial arts world and she pinked, aware of the attention. She bowed quickly and rushed back to Baekhyun's side. He was still gaping at her when she returned and she sent him a small smug smile. "Why Ddong-ha? Thought you had me stumped?"

Baekhyun closed his mouth and made a face. He pretended to be engrossed in eating but he was still replaying Byul's moves in his mind. They were wonderful. *She's one hell of a girl.* Baekhyun thought.

The King stood up and smiled at Baekhyun. "Well son, we have a surprise for you on your 21st birthday." he announced. "You ready?"

Baekhyun nodded, curious as to what it is.

The King nodded to the servants and they opened the grand door. A single lady walked in, graceful, beautiful, looking unlike any girl Byul had ever seen. This girl had to be one of the most beautiful ones byul had ever seen, and she carried with such poise and confidence.

"Princess Dahae! Welcome back!"

Baekhyun's jaw dropped back opened, jumping up from his seat, his eyes wide. Byul glanced at him, blinking in surprise.

This was the first time she saw this look on Baekhyun's eyes.

This glittering of affection.

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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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961 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
961 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.