The start of a beautiful day

Love wins all




Every morning at 6:30, my alarm interrupts my sleep to let me know it's time to start my day. Before leaving my cozy bed, I check my phone. Then, I head to the bathroom to get ready and soon after, I move to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Today, the menu is a bit different: rice simmers gently while I wash the vegetables and meat for our seaweed soup. A traditional soup that's served only on rare occasions like today. It's a special day, not only because it's the start of a new week, but mainly because it's also my dear Jihoon's eleventh birthday.

As the aromas of the soup begin to fill the kitchen, I take a moment to decorate the table with festive touches. Colorful balloons are hung around the room, and at the center of the table, there's a small card that I prepared the night before with a tender message for Jihoon. Every year, I strive to make this day memorable for him. Despite his young age, Jihoon shows remarkable maturity and appreciates these simple gestures. When the rice is ready, I carefully place it into individual bowls, adding a generous portion of the steaming soup.

I check the time; it's almost time to wake Jihoon. I dread this moment each year, seeing my little boy grow up a bit more. Silently, I go upstairs and gently push open the door to his room. There he is, peacefully sleeping, a slight smile on his lips. Perhaps he's dreaming of what awaits him today.

— Happy birthday, Jihoon, I say softly as I ruffle his hair.

His eyes slowly open and his face lights up with a smile as soon as he sees me.

— Thank you, mom, he murmurs, his eyes sparkling with happiness.

He stretches, his sleepy smile lighting up the room. I affectionately his hair, always amazed by his natural charm. Since his first steps, he has always captivated those around him. Every look at him fills my heart with joy and pride.

— Did you sleep well, my son ?

— Yes, very well, he replies, nodding his head.

We go downstairs together. At the sight of the set table, Jihoon exclaims with joy, but he is interrupted by the noisy arrival of the rest of the family.

— Happy birthday, my little boy, my mother shouts as she opens her arms wide.

Halmeoni ! Jihoon exclaims, running toward her.

I watch them with tenderness, my mother embracing her only grandson. By their side, my father, Yoon-gi, and Jimin wear warm smiles. The atmosphere livens up with laughter and cheerful conversations.

— Look how much you've grown, my father says, placing an affectionate hand on Jihoon's shoulder.

— Honey, you saw him yesterday, how could he have grown overnight ? my mother replies with a mischievous smile.

— You grow an inch in your sleep, you know ! my father retorts, teasing. Today, he's a year older; to me, he's grown.

He affectionately ruffles Jihoon's hair, who responds with a charming, affectionate smile, captivating his grandparents even more as they engage in amusing exchanges.

— He's almost as tall as you now, Yoon-gi, my father jokes, patting my older brother's back.

— That's true, Yoon-gi agrees with amusement. Soon, he'll surpass me.

Everyone bursts into laughter, including Jihoon, visibly happy to see his family united in joy. Jimin leans down to his level and hands him a neatly wrapped package.

— I hope you like it, he says with a conspiratorial wink.

Jihoon tears open the wrapping with excitement and discovers the new gaming console he had longed for. His eyes light up with joy.

— This is exactly what I wanted ! Thank you, Jimin ! he exclaims, embracing him to show his gratitude.

We then all sit down at the table for breakfast. Jihoon opens his birthday card and reads the words I carefully chose. His eyes light up, touched by the love we all have for him.

— Thank you for this beautiful card, Mom. Thank you all for being here, he says, his gaze sweeping over every face around the table.

— We wouldn't miss your birthday for the world, replies Jimin, who has always had a special bond with Jihoon.

— It's a shame Grandpa didn't come, Jihoon whispers, setting the card next to his glass.

Grandpa is the nickname Jihoon gave to his paternal grandfather. It's the only link he has to his biological father. I slightly frown thinking about him, but it quickly passes. I lean toward Jihoon and smile softly:

— He had obligations this morning, but I promise he'll be here tonight.

— Really ?

I nod, and Jihoon seems relieved. He adores his grandparents, all without exception, and especially cherishes the moments spent with his paternal grandfather. Since he lived relatively far from us, the moments Jihoon could spend with him were rare. So, when he had the chance, he cherished every second with his grandfather.

— Enjoy your meal, buddy, Yoon-gi says, placing a large piece of meat in Jihoon's rice bowl.

— Thank you, Samchon, he says, smiling.

The morning continues in good spirits, everyone sharing their little stories while enjoying the delicious seaweed soup. Jihoon's laughter fills the room, lighting up everyone's faces. The atmosphere is light and full of love, exactly what I had hoped for this birthday start.

— We should play a game after breakfast, Jimin suggests, always ready to liven up the day.

— Yes ! Can we play hide and seek ? Jihoon asks, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

— With pleasure, but this time, don't hide in the closet and fall asleep! Yoon-gi responds with a teasing smile, referring to a memorable incident from the previous year.

Jihoon laughs, a bit embarrassed but happy with the attention.

— I promise I'll stay awake this time, he responds, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Exceptionally, today, Jihoon didn't start school until 10 a.m., so he had plenty of time to play a bit before leaving. Breakfast ends and everyone disperses to prepare for the game. Meanwhile, I tidy up the kitchen a bit, my mind filled with gratitude for these simple yet profound moments.

— Mom, are you coming to play too ? Jihoon asks, returning to me with his hand outstretched.

— Of course, my darling. I wouldn't miss it for the world, I say, taking his hand in mine.

We all head out to the garden, where the space is ideal for a lively game of hide and seek. Jihoon's laughter rings through the fresh morning air, and I hide behind a large tree, watching my little boy eagerly search for each of us. My heart clenches with affection and joy at the sight of his happiness.

— Found you, Halabeoji ! Jihoon cries out as he discovers my father hidden behind the bushes.

The games continue, each discovered hiding spot adding to the excitement. After several rounds, exhausted but happy, we sit on the

 grass, sharing stories and laughter under the gentle sun.

— This is the best day, Jihoon murmurs, leaning against me.

— Every year, every birthday, I want it to be your best day, I say, embracing him.

— Mom, you've succeeded. I love you so much, he says, hugging me tightly.

My heart swells with love for this little being who has transformed my life in so many ways. Seeing him grow, laugh, and enjoy each moment is the greatest gift life has offered me. The day continues with Jihoon heading off to school.

— Are you sure you don't want to come with us ? Jimin asks as he heads towards his car.

Jihoon is already inside, absorbed in his new console. I smile, seeing him so happy.

— No, that's alright. I need to pick up Jihoon's gift and run some errands. It's better if you take him to school with his friends. I can manage on my own.

— Okay, but I'll come meet you for lunch, Jimin insists.

We share a ritual of eating together since he became an integral part of our life, Jihoon's and mine. His support, like that of the rest of my family and friends, has helped me overcome the challenges of raising Jihoon alone. Living in a small village like Daegu, where everyone supports each other, has been a valuable asset, although sometimes a source of gossip.

— Perfect. Be careful on the road.

Jimin kisses me softly on the cheek before starting the car. Through the window, Jihoon waves at me, and I respond with affection. After watching them leave, I head to the bus stop, ready to face the day with serenity, happy about the surprises I've prepared for Jihoon. While waiting for my bus, I think back on the years gone by, the challenges overcome, and the joy of raising my son. Every birthday, every success of Jihoon's confirms that all the effort is worth it.

The bus arrives, and I take a seat near the window, watching the streets of Daegu come to life. Arriving downtown, I head to the toy store where a special gift awaits Jihoon. The owner, an old friend, greets me warmly.

— Everything is ready, he tells me, handing me a package wrapped in shiny paper. I hope Jihoon will love it as much as we enjoyed preparing it.

— I'm sure he will love it, I reply, taking the package. Thank you, Jong-ho.

I leave the shop, feeling a bit like a fairy tale heroine, carrying treasures for my beloved prince.






















vocabulary of underlined words:

1) halmeoni: grandmother
2) samchon: uncle
3) hal-abeoji: grandfather

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