
Love wins all

Min Sora and Kim Taehyung had known each other forever. Born in the same month, at the same hospital, and having grown up in the same quiet neighborhood of a small village named Daegu, their friendship had always seemed inevitable. Throughout their childhood, they shared everything: games in the park, entire days exploring the streets of their town, and secrets they whispered in the darkness of their rooms long after sunset.

As they grew older, a special tenderness began to bloom between them, complicating the already dense fabric of their relationship. At the age of fourteen, they timidly acknowledged that they loved each other in a way that went beyond simple friendship. Yet, they chose not to rush things, for fear of breaking the precious bond that united them. But after this revelation, it was still difficult for them to maintain a conventional relationship. Their peers knew they loved each other and even though it wasn't official yet, no one dared to interfere in their story. Especially the students at their schools. Somehow, by the age of sixteen, Taehyung and Sora were the star couple of the school. All the girls knew that Taehyung only had eyes for Sora, and the boys could only admire her beauty from afar, risking the wrath of the young man.

On a beautiful spring day, as the school's cherry trees began to bloom, bringing with them a promise of renewal, Taehyung and Sora went up to the roof of their high school during lunch break. This place was their secret refuge, a place where they could escape the hustle and bustle of school life and share moments of tranquility just between the two of them.

Sitting side by side, legs dangling in the air, they watched the clouds slowly drift across the clear sky. Taehyung took a deep breath, as if he was preparing to share something important.

— Sora, he began, his voice a mix of hesitation and hope, you know how happy I am when I'm with you, right ?

Sora turned towards him, a gentle smile lighting up her face.

— Yes, Tae, I know. And I feel the same way, she replied, her hand meeting his.

He nervously played with Sora's fingers before continuing.

— I... I've been thinking about our future. You know. About all the dreams we've shared.

Sora's heart beat faster.

— What dreams, Tae ?

— We've always said that we wanted to be happy, no matter what we did and where we went, he said, looking at the horizon. And I think I would be happiest by your side. No matter what the future holds, I want to share it with you. One day... Maybe one day we could get married ?

The world seemed to stop around Sora at those words. She had often imagined this moment, but hearing it articulated by Taehyung gave it new weight, filling her heart with a mix of joy and fear.

— Are you really thinking about that, Tae ? About us getting married ? she asked, seeking confirmation in his eyes.

— Yes, he answered firmly. But only if it's something you want too. I want us both to be sure. That it comes naturally, like everything else between us. After high school, I want you to become Mrs. Kim Sora, my wonderful and precious wife.

Sora squeezed Taehyung's hand and, with a radiant smile, she replied:

— Mrs. Kim Sora, I think that sounds quite nice.

Taehyung smiled tenderly as he listened to her laugh softly. However, Sora soon resumed her serious tone and stared at her best friend for a moment before speaking again:

— I can't imagine a future where I'm not by your side, Kim Taehyung, my tender and future husband. Your proposal... It really makes me happy. Being with you for the rest of my life is the only thing that really matters to me.

— So, is that a yes ? Min Sora, do you agree to marry me in a few years ?

Sora nodded, a huge smile filling her joyful face.

— Yes, I agree to marry you, but next time you propose, don't forget to offer me a huge diamond ring.

— I'll take note of that! he said with a smile.

The two teenagers exchanged a look filled with affection and mutual understanding, the world around them resuming its course. On the roof of the school, under a vast and promising sky, they promised each other a future together, sealing this commitment with a shy but promise-filled kiss.

It was a silent commitment, a shared secret that would accompany them through the last years of high school and beyond, a dream of happiness to build together, day by day.

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