Hellfire Oasis
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There is no pain so deep as that of a loving parent's suffering on behalf of their child.


As a child, Jinyoung bore witness to his mother's unwavering endurance amidst life's hardships, her resilience serving as both a shield and a mirror to his own struggles. Despite their modest circumstances and the absence of his father, whose identity remained a mystery veiled in silence, Jinyoung found solace and inspiration in his mother's tireless devotion. Her relentless pursuit of providing for their needs and ensuring his education became emblematic of her love, a love he cherished above all else.


One fateful day, an enigmatic visitor shattered the tranquility of their home, casting shadows of uncertainty over Jinyoung and his mother's lives. Standing tall with an aura of intensity that seemed to penetrate one's very soul, the stranger's arrival left Jinyoung bewildered and apprehensive. As he watched his mother engage in a conversation tinged with fear, Jinyoung's own unease grew, his youthful innocence unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation.


Seeking clarity, Jinyoung confronted his mother about the stranger's identity, only to learn the startling truth, the imposing figure before them was his long-absent father. This revelation ignited a flurry of emotions within Jinyoung, ranging from nervous anticipation to a deep-seated curiosity about his father's sudden reappearance and his intentions. Yet, his mother's reluctance to divulge further details left him grappling with a sense of unease and a longing for answers that remained elusive.


As the days dragged on, Jinyoung became acutely aware of the subtle shifts in his mother's behavior. The once lively atmosphere of their home now hung heavy with an oppressive silence, punctuated only by his mother's nervous glances and the creaking of floorboards underfoot. Shadows seemed to linger in every corner, casting long, ominous shapes that danced menacingly along the walls.


Jinyoung's concern deepened into a gnawing sense of dread, amplified by the palpable fear etched across his mother's face. She moved through the house with a haunted air, as though expecting the walls themselves to betray their secrets. The windows, once a portal to the outside world, now served as a constant reminder of the lurking danger that threatened to encroach upon their sanctuary.


Unable to bear the weight of his mother's anguish any longer, Jinyoung confronted her, only to be met with a heart-wrenching sight, her tear-streaked face contorted in anguish, her body trembling with each ragged breath. In that moment of vulnerability, she divulged the sinister truth: his father, a specter from their past, had returned with nefarious intentions. The mere mention of his name sent shivers down Jinyoung's spine, his mind reeling at the thought of facing the embodiment of pure evil.


Though his initial instinct was to seek refuge in the arms of authority, his mother's frantic pleas stayed his hand.  His mother's chilling words shattered his resolve – his father, she confessed, was no mere mortal but a malevolent entity, the ruler of the infernal realm.


Struggling to reconcile his mother's words with reality, Jinyoung grappled with disbelief. How could he accept the unthinkable notion that his father was not only alive but a being of supernatural darkness? Caught between skepticism and the harrowing truth unfolding before him, Jinyoung found himself into a nightmarish realm where reality and myth intertwined with chilling clarity.


On that fateful day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over their neighborhood, Jinyoung's mother arrived home in a frenzy, her eyes wide with terror as she clutched her son close and dashed out of their house. Confusion gnawed at Jinyoung as he stumbled alongside his panicked mother, his heart pounding with fear and uncertainty.


“Why are we running, Mom?!” he pleaded, but his mother's only response was a choked sob, her grip tightening as she urged him onward.


Their mad dash led them to an abandoned house, its decrepit facade looming ominously in the fading light. Without hesitation, Jinyoung's mother pulled him inside, her movements fueled by a primal instinct that spoke of danger lurking in the shadows.


Breathless and disoriented, Jinyoung found himself into a small, cramped room within the bowels of the abandoned structure. Despite his protests, his mother's frantic demeanor left him with no choice but to obey, his own fear eclipsed by the sheer magnitude of her terror. As the door closed behind him, sealing him in darkness, Jinyoung couldn't shake the feeling that they had stumbled upon more than just a forgotten refuge – but a place steeped in secrets, where danger lurked behind every corner.


As his mother gasped for air, her sobs wracking her fragile frame, she clutched Jinyoung's cheeks, her touch a bittersweet caress against his skin. The words she uttered, laden with love and sorrow, pierced Jinyoung's heart like shards of glass.


“I love you forever, my son. Please take care of yourself always, and I'm sorry.”


Those final, haunting words hung heavy in the air as his mother sealed him inside the secret chamber, leaving Jinyoung alone with his anguish. Tears blurred his vision as he pressed his face against the small crevices of the door, desperate to hold onto the fleeting presence of his mother.


Through the tiny gaps, he watched in silent agony as his mother gestured for him to remain silent, her eyes betraying a profound sense of dread. And then, in a cruel twist of fate, the darkness of the abandoned house was pierced by the arrival of his father – a sinister figure with eyes ablaze in fiery red, a chilling embodiment of evil itself.


In the blink of an eye, his father unleashed a torrent of red light, extinguishing the flicker of life in his mother's eyes. Jinyoung's world shattered as he bore witness to the ultimate betrayal, his cries of anguish echoing in the hollow confines of the secret room. But as his sobs pierced the silence, drawing the attention of his father, Jinyoung found himself consumed by a primal terror unlike anything he had ever known.


As Jinyoung huddled in the shadows, his very being suffused with a desperate plea for invisibility, he clung to the dim hope that he might escape his father's notice. With trembling hands clasped in silent supplication, he shut his eyes tightly, willing himself to vanish from sight. The rapid drumbeat of his heart reverberated in his ears, drowning out all other sound as he braced for the inevitable confrontation.


When the door creaked open, bathing the room in a sickly crimson glow, Jinyoung's breath caught in his throat. His father's looming presence cast a pall over the room, his eyes scanning the darkness with a predatory gleam. But as the seconds stretched into eternity, a surreal realization washed over Jinyoung – his father's gaze passed over him as if he were naught but a whisper in the night.


A surge of disbelief mingled with a burgeoning sense of power as Jinyoung grasped the truth of his newfound abilities. In that fleeting moment of invisibility, he glimpsed the untapped potential within himself, a legacy of his demon lineage waiting to be unleashed.


As his father's menacing form receded into the shadows, Jinyoung remained cloaked in invisibility, his mind reeling with the weight of his newfound revelation. Yet, amidst the tumult of emotions raging within him, one thing became abundantly clear – he would not rest until justice was served, until the memory of his mother's lifeless form was avenged in blood.


As the years passed, Jinyoung's heart hardened, forged in the crucible of loss and betrayal. Where once laughter had danced upon his lips, now lay a steely resolve, fueled by the flames of vengeance that consumed his every thought. With each passing day, he honed his newfound abilities, channeling the raw power of his demon lineage into a weapon of retribution.


Yet, amidst the relentless pursuit of his father's elusive shadow, a gnawing uncertainty gnawed at Jinyoung's resolve. The path to the underworld beckoned like a siren's call, promising the sweet release of revenge at the cost of his very soul. In the depths of his turmoil, Jinyoung grappled with the weight of his decision, torn between the allure of justice and the fear of damnation.


In the end, it was the fire of his mother's memory that guided his hand, blazing bright against the darkness of doubt. With a resolute heart and unwavering determination, Jinyoung embraced the inevitability of his fate, surrendering himself to the abyss in pursuit of closure. And as the headlights of fate bore down upon him, illuminating the path to his final reckoning, Jinyoung met his end with a silent.


As Jinyoung's eyes fluttered open, he found himself enveloped in a realm of unparalleled beauty, where verdant meadows stretched out beneath an endless sky painted in hues of gold and azure. His senses reeled as he drank in the splendor of his surroundings, a sense of awe mingling with the lingering confusion that clouded his thoughts.


Before he could unravel the mysteries of this ethereal sanctuary, a melodious voice shattered the silence, drawing his gaze towards its source. There, bathed in the soft glow of sunlight, stood a woman whose presence seemed to radiate with an otherworldly grace. Her smile, like a beacon in the darkness, stirred something deep within Jinyoung's soul, leaving him breathless in its wake.


“Hello, Park Jinyoung,” the woman's voice, like a melody woven from the very fabric of heaven, washed over him in gentle waves, stirring something deep within his soul.


For a fleeting moment, time stood still as Jinyoung drank in the sight of her, his heart thundering in his chest with a fervor he had never known. In that moment, amidst the tranquil beauty of paradise, Jinyoung realized that he had never beheld a woman so exquisite, so utterly captivating, as the one who stood before him.


“How... how did you know my name?” Jinyoung's voice trembled as he whispered the question, his eyes still locked on the enchanting woman before him.


The woman's smile, radiant as the morning sun, seemed to coax forth the flutter of butterflies in Jinyoung's chest, a sensation he could scarcely believe was real.


“I am your personal tour guide,” she replied, her voice a soothing melody that washed over him like a gentle breeze. “I am here to you and guide you through our realm.”


“Our realm?” Jinyoung's confusion lingered like a shadow over his thoughts.


“Yes, our realm,” the woman affirmed with a serene nod. “This is the hell realm, or as some call it, the paradise of hell.”


Jinyoung's mind reeled at the revelation, his perception of hell shattered by the breathtaking beauty that surrounded him. Gone were the images of fiery torment and eternal suffering; instead, he found himself enveloped in a landscape of unparalleled splendor.


As he surveyed his surroundings, Jinyoung couldn't help but marvel at the incongruity of it all. How could such a paradise exist within the confines of hell? And as his gaze returned to the woman who stood before him, her angelic countenance defying all expectation, Jinyoung couldn't shake the feeling that he had stumbled upon a truth far stranger than any fiction.


As the woman reached out for his hand, Jinyoung's breath caught in his throat, a jolt of electricity coursing through his veins at the mere touch. With a hesitant yet eager grip, he intertwined his fingers with hers, a connection sparking between them like the flicker of a flame in the darkness.


“I'm Son Seungwan, but you can just call me Wendy,” the woman introduced herself with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldly light.


“Hello, Wendy. It's a pleasure to meet you,” Jinyoung replied, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to tear his gaze away from her mesmerizing presence.


Caught in the spell of her enchanting aura, Jinyoung found himself unable to look away, his eyes tracing the contours of her face with a reverence bordering on awe. Sensing his unwavering gaze, Wendy chuckled softly, a blush tingeing her cheeks as she gently released his hand.


“Let's go, Jinyoung. I'll give you a tour of our realm,” Wendy said, her gentle voice pulling him from the depths of his thoughts.


As they began to walk, Jinyoung struggled to come to terms with the reality of his situation.


“So... am I really dead, Wendy?” he finally mustered the courage to ask, his voice tinged with disbelief.


Wendy nodded, her smile tinged with understanding. “Yes, Jinyoung. You passed away at exactly 5 PM in Earth time, and now you find yourself here in hell.”


The confirmation sent a chill down Jinyoung's spine, his mind reeling with the weight of his newfound reality. He had succeeded in his plan, but the consequences of his actions now loomed before him like a specter in the night.


“You took your own life, Jinyoung. That is your sin,” Wendy continued gently, her words piercing the veil of his thoughts. “But why? You seem like a good person.”


Jinyoung faltered, the memories of his past rushing back with a vengeance. Anger and despair mingled within him, fueling the flames of his resolve. He was here in hell because of his mother, because of the injustice that had befallen her at the hands of his father – the very same father who now ruled over this realm with an iron fist.


As the fire of vengeance burned bright within him, Jinyoung steeled himself for the path that lay ahead. He would avenge his mother's death, no matter the cost, and bring justice to the one who had wrought such suffering upon them both.


But Jinyoung's world crumbled around him as Wendy delivered the crushing blow – the king of hell, his father, the very object of his vengeance, was already dead. A tidal wave of fury and despair surged through him, threatening to consume him whole. How could he have been so blind, so foolish to believe that his quest for vengeance would bring him closure?


In the depths of his anguish, Jinyoung teetered on the brink of madness, his mind a tempest of conflicting emotions. He had dedicated his life to avenging his mother's death, only to discover that his greatest adversary had eluded him in death.


As the reality of his failure settled like a heavy shroud upon his shoulders, Jinyoung's heart shattered into a million pieces. He was too late, too late to bring justice to the one who had torn his family apart, too late to ease the burden of guilt that had haunted him for so long.


In that moment of profound reckoning, Jinyoung realized the true cost of his obsession with vengeance – the loss of everything he held dear, the sacrifice of his own humanity upon the altar of his mother's memory.


As he stood amidst the ruins of his shattered dreams, Wendy became his guiding light in the darkness of the infernal realm. Unaware of his true connection to the king of hell, she offered him solace and support, her presence a beacon of hope in a world consumed by despair.


Jinyoung found himself drawn to Wendy in ways he couldn't explain. Her strength and compassion stirred something deep within him, igniting a flame of devotion that burned fiercely in his heart. Despite her rejection of his affections, he persisted in his pursuit of her love, unable to deny the depth of his feelings.


Though his love for Wendy remained unrequited, Jinyoung cherished every moment they shared, grateful for her unwavering support and companionship. And as they continued on their journey through the depths of hell, he vowed to stand by her side, come what may, for she had become his reason to endure, his source of strength and inspiration in the darkest of times.


But then as whispers of a slumbering queen echoed through the halls of hell, Jinyoung's curiosity was piqued. The mysterious monarch, shrouded in myth and legend, remained an enigma to all but the most privileged of devils, her hidden palace a fortress of secrets guarded by the veils of time.


And when Jinyoung learned the truth – that the sleeping queen was none other than his own half-sister, the daughter of his father – his fury knew no bounds. The revelation ignited a firestorm of emotions within him, reigniting the flames of vengeance that had long smoldered in his heart.


Driven by a relentless desire for retribution, Jinyoung set his sights on the slumbering queen, his mind consumed by thoughts of her demise. Yet, despite his burning rage, he found himself faced with an insurmountable obstacle – how to breach the barriers that shielded her hidden palace from prying eyes, and where to even begin his search.


In the depths of his frustration, Jinyoung vowed to uncover the truth behind the sleeping queen's existence, to confront the demons of his past and claim his rightful vengeance. And as he embarked on his quest, he knew that the path ahead would be fraught with peril and uncertainty, but he was willing to risk it all for the chance to bring justice to the one who had shattered his family and his dreams.


Jinyoung dedicated himself to rigorous training, honing his skills as a devil soldier in anticipation of the day he would finally confront his half-sister. With each passing day, his powers grew stronger, his resolve unyielding in the face of adversity.


As he ascended to the pinnacle of devilry, Jinyoung became the epitome of excellence, his name whispered in awe and reverence throughout the halls of hell. Yet, amidst the acclaim and accolades, his singular focus remained unchanged – the slumbering queen, his target for vengeance.


But just as he stood on the brink of fulfilling his destiny, fate intervened with a twist of unforeseen consequence. The arrival of the sleeping queen's daughter cast a shadow over Jinyoung's carefully laid plans, her presence a harbinger of uncertainty and doubt.


As whispers of the daughter's arrival spread like wildfire through the infernal realm, Jinyoung found himself faced with a dilemma unlike any he had encountered before. Should he proceed with his mission to end the sleeping queen's life, or would the emergence of her daughter alter the course of his destiny in ways he could scarcely imagine?


Jinyoung found himself at a crossroads, his plans thwarted by the unexpected arrival of his niece, Yerim, and her sister Seulgi. As he observed their interactions with Wendy, a sense of unease settled in his heart, knowing that he couldn't bring himself to harm them without causing Wendy immense sorrow.


With his resolve faltering, Jinyoung hesitated, unable to proceed with his plans to confront the sleeping queen. But as he grappled with his indecision, fate intervened, and the queen awakened, her power reverberating through the infernal realm.


In that moment, Jinyoung realized the magnitude of the missed opportunity, the consequences of his inaction weighing heavily upon him. Despite never having laid eyes on his half-sister, he could sense the formidable power she wielded, a force to be reckoned with in the tumultuous landscape of hell.


Jinyoung's fortunes took a turn for the better when Azazel, the superior of hell, selected him to guard the queen. Seizing this opportunity, Jinyoung embraced his new role, knowing it brought him closer to his half-sister, Irene. Though initially intimidated by her chilling presence, Jinyoung soon recognized her weakness – her deep affection for her daughter, Yerim.


As Jinyoung delved deeper into his mission, he encountered Seraphine, the queen of the heavenly realm, during one of his ventures into Yerim's dreams. Utilizing his unique ability to enter dreams, Jinyoung forged an alliance with Seraphine, who shared his desire to remove Yerim from Irene's grasp. With their shared goal in mind, Jinyoung continued his clandestine efforts to eliminate Irene, all the while keeping his true identity hidden from everyone, including Wendy.


The mere thought of Wendy had a way of grounding Jinyoung, infusing him with a sense of vitality amidst the chaos of his existence. Her presence held sway over his emotions, her ev

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As we prepare to enter the final chapter of Hellfire Oasis, I want to thank you all for accompanying these characters and their stories thus far. Your support and engagement have meant the world to me. See you all in the final chapter!♡


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0 points #1
Chapter 32: idk how to feel while reading this chap, im afraid they all gonna fall apart especially the friendship of wenri and Seraphine was obsessed to take Yeri away from Irene but in the end she got Seulgi instead and knowing Seulgi's soul was really meant to be in heaven omg this is gonna be so good! I smell angst here 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 0 points #2
Chapter 32: No way 😭😭😭 next chapter is the last one? I can't believe this book is come to end 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷😒
0 points #3
Chapter 31: Chapter 31: I am not lying when I say that I am sad to learn that the next chapter will be the last. I have trouble putting into words how this story makes me feel. It makes me feel happy, imaginative, frustrated, soft and a lot of other feelings. This is far from beginner's work ma'am! damn your writing is very good that it makes me want to ask for more chapters (hehe) and as for my favorite chapter that i like to reread is from chapter 14 where yeri becomes clingy to her mom, when she embarrassingly appeared in front of everyone because she's looking for irene, or the other chapter where Yeri would say she loves irene, or when irene would kiss her daughter even and yeri would be shy, and.. just everything about our yerene duo, yes i am a er for em. and pls don't remove ur kofi for me, I'm gonna give you lots lots when i have a job , but for now, all i can give you is my big thank you, for writing this, and for giving me something to look forward to everyday. hellfire oasis, please don't end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 points #4
Chapter 32: woah, this is a masterpiece.
0 points #5
Chapter 32: Omggg?! I didn't expect the last part, Seraphine and Seulgi?? Irene you better hurry up now 😭
percydary #6
Chapter 31: there are so many beautiful chapters here that i always read again and again but my favorite the most is when yerim saw irene for the first time, I always imagine how beautiful that scene and when irene woke up and her being so possessive to her own daughter
63 streak #7
Chapter 30: 💯😌🙏
Chapter 30: Michael is the guardian angel of Irene's family, he helped them until the end and Eunwoo doing the same with Yeri but the diff part was he had fall in love with her but now idk cos of Wendy and Seulgi's fate being meant to be in heaven not in hell and her reaction? I really cant wait for seulrene's story!
Chapter 31: my favourite chapter has been chapter 15! seulrene moments making me melt and yeri finding out, starting the chaos!!
Chapter 31: my fave chapter was when Seulgi and Yeri kissed Irene and also when Irene woke up, i always read it. twas like magical 🥺