Hellfire Oasis
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Irene had never experienced love before; in hell, affection was foreign. However, everything changed when she met him – the love of her life. He showed her a world where love wasn't just a word, but a profound emotion that enveloped her being. With him, she learned to embrace the intoxicating feeling of love, discovering a world of warmth and tenderness she had never known. 


Then, when her daughter was born, she realized that love transcends words; it's a feeling that defies explanation but fills you with profound meaning.


When Irene recalled her deceased lover through Seulgi's sketch, it shattered her composure. All the memories rushed back: his warmth, his love, his care, and his tragic end. She found herself engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions—love, hate, grief, and longing—all at once. It was as if she was caught in a storm of conflicting feelings, unable to find solid ground. This inner turmoil left her feeling disoriented and lost sight of herself. And the confusion was so overwhelming that she couldn't comprehend her own actions, including the impulsive kiss she shared with Kang Seulgi. 


Irene tasted the metallic tang of blood on her lips as she continued to kiss Seulgi with a ferocity that bordered on brutality. Each press of her lips against Seulgi's felt like she was bruising her, as if she were desperate to imprint her own turmoil onto the other woman. It was as though she was racing against time, trying to drown out the memories flooding her mind with each passing second.


Finally, Irene released the kiss, and they both gasped for air, their chests heaving with the intensity of the moment. As Irene gazed into Seulgi's eyes, she couldn't help but notice the uncanny resemblance they bore to the eyes of her deceased lover. In that fleeting moment of connection, it was as if she was staring into the same depths that had once held her lover's gaze, stirring up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within her once more.


Irene's throat tightened, almost choking her, as she found herself lost in Seulgi's gaze. It was as though time stood still, and in that moment, all she could feel was the weight of her own conflicting emotions pressing down on her. Suddenly, she felt Seulgi's touch brushed against her cheek with a gentle reassurance, as if offering comfort and understanding in the midst of Irene's inner turmoil. It was as though Seulgi could sense the depth of Irene's emotions, grasping the turmoil within her without needing a single word.


Unable to resist the magnetic pull any longer, Irene surrendered herself to Seulgi's embrace, finding solace in the warmth of their connection. Their lips collided once more, sparking a fiery inferno of passion that enveloped them both in its intense heat. In that electrifying moment, Irene felt an uncontrollable urge surging through her, as if a wildfire raged within her soul. Seulgi's hand gently cradled her head, guiding their kiss with a tender yet firm touch, as they became lost in the euphoria of their shared passion. 


For a brief moment, they broke apart, gasping for air as they reveled in the aftermath of their kiss. But the pull between them was too strong to resist, and they found themselves drawn back into each other's arms once more. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the blissful oblivion of their kiss, the outside world fading away as they surrendered to the intoxicating allure of their desire. Minutes turned into moments, but for Irene and Seulgi, it felt like they could stay locked in this passionate kiss for eternity.


But as Irene's senses picked up the distant sound emanating from her and her daughter's room, she abruptly pulled away from Seulgi, startling the other woman with her sudden change in demeanor.


“What's wrong?” Seulgi's voice trembled with concern, her face etched with worry as they remained locked in each other's arms. Irene's mind raced with realization, a cold wave of clarity washing over her. She hated herself for allowing this moment to happen, for letting Seulgi into her.


Confusion clouded Seulgi's features as she tried to make sense of Irene's sudden shift from vulnerability to hostility. The once soft and fragile queen now stood before her with sharp, cold eyes that pierced through her soul. Seulgi couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear creep into her heart, knowing she had crossed a line by kissing the queen.


As Irene released her grip on Seulgi, her hand moved to hover over the other woman's forehead, a faint glow emanating from her queenly touch. Seulgi gasped in astonishment, her eyes widening.


“Are you going to... kill me?” Seulgi's words faltered as Irene's power enveloped her, lulling her into a deep slumber and erasing the memory of their shared moment.


“You will not remember that this happened,” Irene's voice was firm, tinged with anger directed both at Seulgi and herself. She couldn't bear the thought of Seulgi remembering the vulnerability she had shown, the weakness she had allowed herself to succumb to. 


As panic surged through Irene's veins as she heard her daughter's distressed sounds echoing through the house once again. Without a moment of hesitation, she teleported to her and her daughter's room, her heart racing with fear for Yerim's safety. As Irene entered the room, she scanned every corner, her senses on high alert, but there was no sign of an intruder—no shadows, no presence except for her and Yerim.


Yerim tossed and turned in her bed, caught in the grip of a nightmare that Irene couldn't see but could feel in the air around them. Her heart still racing with worry, Irene approached her daughter's bedside, her maternal instincts kicking into overdrive. She gathered Yerim in her arms, holding her close as she whispered soothing words in an attempt to calm her restless sleep.


“Shh.. it's okay, its okay, Mommy's here now, my love.” she whispered softly, her voice a soothing balm against Yerim's troubled dreams.


Despite Irene's efforts, Yerim continued to thrash around, lost in the grip of her nightmare. Desperate to ease her daughter's suffering, Irene pressed a loving kiss to Yerim's forehead, channeling her magical power to weave a spell of protection and tranquility into the fabric of her dreams. Slowly, Yerim's movements stilled, her breathing calming as the nightmare lost its hold over her.


“I'm sorry, baby. Mommy will never leave your side anymore.” Irene murmured, her voice filled with tenderness and determination as she vowed to protect her daughter from any harm.


Unbeknownst to Irene, a new threat was beginning to stir, lurking in the shadows of her daughter's dreams, waiting to strike when least expected. But for now, in the safety of her mother's embrace, Yerim slept soundly, unaware of the dangers that lurked in the darkness beyond.








Christmas is a celebration of the birth of the almighty God in heaven. But does hell have its own counterpart? Indeed. They commemorate the reign of the almighty king devil, and it's on October 31st, known as Shadowfall.


Yerim couldn't shake her doubts about Shadowfall; its very name conjured images of darkness and uncertainty. Unlike the warmth and joy she associated with Christmas, she had no idea what kind of festivities awaited her in hell. Having grown up in the human world, Yerim held a deep affection for Christmas. The twinkling lights, the aroma of freshly baked cookies, and the sound of carols filled her with nostalgic longing. 


It's been a tumultuous four months since their deaths, with myriad events shaping both Yerim and her Seulgi unnie's lives. For Yerim, the revelation of her true identity as the long-lost daughter of the queen of hell—a half-human, half-devil hybrid—has been a gradual process of adjustment to her new reality in the underworld.


As October 31st approaches, the atmosphere in hell crackles with anticipation. Shadowfall looms on the horizon, the day when the entire realm converges before the grand palace of the late almighty king devil. This year, however, carries an added significance: it marks the long-awaited return of the queen of hell from her slumber, a slumber endured for countless years. Moreover, it heralds the formal introduction of the queen's only daughter, to the denizens of hell.


Amidst the swirling chaos and excitement of Shadowfall preparations, Yerim grapples with a whirlwind of emotions—curiosity, apprehension, and a burgeoning sense of belonging in this enigmatic realm. As the day dawns, she stands at the precipice of a new chapter in her existence, ready to embrace her destiny as the heir to the throne of hell.


“Mom, I want to go to Hogsmead,” Yerim said as she entered the grand room where her mother was surrounded by women attending to her attire, fixing her dress, hair, and makeup.


As they all prepared for the upcoming celebration, the queen's palace buzzed with activity, the air thick with anticipation. Servants hurried to and fro, ensuring every detail was perfect for the festivities ahead. 


“You can't, baby. You must stay here,” Irene replied gently, her attention divided between Yerim and the women fussing over her.


Yerim couldn't help but gaze at her mother, who appeared stunning in her elegant black dress, the fabric gracefully draping her form.


“You are so gorgeous, Mother.” Yerim remarked, unable to contain her admiration.


Irene's smile softened as she met her daughter's eyes through the mirror. 


“You are also very gorgeous right now, my love,” she said, her pride evident in her eyes. They were both adorned in beautiful black dresses, Irene's subtle way of ensuring they matched for this momentous occasion. 


But Yerim quickly shifted the conversation back to the reason she had entered the grand room—her desire to go to Hogsmead. She had discovered that in Shadowfall, the festivities were abundant, with tantalizing food treats, gatherings of demons, an array of games, and music to enjoy, reminiscent of Christmas celebrations but with a unique, festival-like atmosphere that Yerim found utterly captivating.


“Mom, please, I want to go there right now,” Yerim pleaded with her mother. Irene let out a deep sigh, her gaze softening as she looked at her daughter's pouting face. Though Yerim often claimed to be an adult who no longer wanted kisses from her mother, seeing her daughter in this moment, sulking like a child, tugged at Irene's heartstrings.


“My love, I understand your excitement,” Irene began, her tone gentle yet firm. “But Shadowfall is not just a festival; it's a gathering of powerful beings, and there are dangers you may not yet comprehend.”


Wendy and Joy who also there, observed the cute interaction between the queen and her daughter, they couldn't help but marvel at the bond between them. 


Wendy had assumed the prestigious role of personal advisor to the queen, while Joy served dutifully as her personal courtier. Despite their initial anticipation, they quickly realized the challenges of working under the queen's command. Her stern demeanor was daunting, and they knew firsthand how terrifying she could be, especially when angered. Joy, in particular, couldn't shake the feeling that the queen's strictness was somehow tied to the unexpected kiss Yerim had bestowed upon her, leaving her feeling as though she were being punished and wanting her to suffer.


“But you can also enjoy the celebration while we're in the King's palace,” Irene said, unable to resist her daughter's pleading gaze.


With Shadowfall coinciding with the queen's return and the introduction of her daughter to the entire realm, Irene envisioned a grand celebration. She wanted the festivities to overflow outside the King devil palace, where the celebration would be held, ensuring that all could partake in the joyous occasion. Irene had made a deliberate decision to keep her own palace secluded, reserving it solely for herself and her daughter; no other devils were allowed entry, ensuring their privacy and sanctuary. 


Additionally, Irene made sure that the festivities included an abundance of parties, games, foods, and music to enliven the atmosphere. She also ensured that the menu boasted an array of candies, chocolates, and all manner of sweet treats, knowing how much Yerim adored them.


“I promise you'll have the time of your life there, my love,” Irene reassured Yerim, a warm smile gracing her lips as she anticipated the delight on her daughter's face.


“Thank you, Mom!” Yerim beamed at her mother, contentment radiating from her. Anticipation bubbled within her as she looked forward to the celebration and experiencing Shadowfall for the first time. Being with her Seulgi unnie added an extra layer of excitement, as they both anticipated their inaugural Shadowfall experience together.


Just as Yerim was about to exit the grand room, her mother's voice brought her to a halt.


“You forgot something again, baby,” Irene said, her gaze fixed on her daughter. Yerim knew exactly what her mother wanted. She want to kiss her but this time, her mother pointed at her own lips, not on the cheeks.


Yerim blushed at the mere thought of kissing her mother, especially with so many devils surrounding them. The presence of Wendy and Joy only heightened her self-consciousness as she shyly smiled at them, acutely aware of their watchful eyes.


“Mom, maybe later–” Yerim began, but her words faltered as she met her mother's cold gaze. Defeated, she sighed deeply, realizing she had little choice but to comply.


With a gentle sigh, Yerim reluctantly walked towards her mother, aware of the curious gazes of the devils and the presence of Wendy and Joy. Despite her initial hesitation, she understood that this gesture meant a lot to her mother.


Yerim leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her mother's lips, feeling a warmth spread through her as she embraced the moment of affection.


As she pulled away, Irene's smile softened, and she reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from Yerim's face. 


“Thank you, baby and see you later.” Irene said, her voice filled with pride and love.


With a grateful smile, Yerim turned to leave the grand room, exchanging smiles with Wendy, who returned the gesture with a bow. Yerim cheekily grinned at Joy, as if teasing her, but Joy couldn't help admiring Yerim's beauty today and looked at her with admiration. 


But Irene caught Joy's gaze and glared at her. 


“Why are you looking at my child like that, Park Sooyoung?” Irene's voice carried a hint of anger, causing Joy to feel a surge of fear at being called out and addressed by her full name by the queen.


“No, I'm not looking, Your Majesty. I'm just admiring– I mean– I'm so sorry, Your Majesty,” Joy stammered, attempting to deny any wrongdoing. She glanced at Wendy for support, but Wendy simply looked back at her, barely concealing a laugh. Joy couldn't help but glare at her friend.


“Be careful, Park Sooyoung. I'm watching you.” Irene warned, her tone carrying a veiled threat. Joy couldn't help but agree, knowing all too well how terrifying the queen could be.







Seulgi found herself into the role of the palace's official painter, tasked with capturing every intricate detail inside and outside its walls indoors and out. The queen had recognized her talent for drawing, and thus tasked her with meticulously sketching every aspect of palace life. 


Not only was Seulgi expected to capture the visual details, but she also had to meticulously document them in writing, effectively serving as both a painter and a writer. The weight of these dual responsibilities left Seulgi feeling exhausted at the mere thought of it. 


“Unnie, are you drawing again?” Yerim asked as she entered Seulgi's room without knocking. Seulgi could only nod in response, her frustration evident as crumpled papers littered the ground.


Seulgi couldn't shake off her confusion about how the queen knew about her talent. Only Yerim, Wendy, and Joy were privy to her hidden skills, and she hadn't divulged this information to anyone else, even during her time in the human world. 


She had only received the task that morning through Joy and Wendy, who had informed her that the queen wanted her to sketch everything.


Yet, the events of the morning felt surreal and bizarre to her. Waking up feeling drowsy, with swollen and bruised lips, left her perplexed and uneasy. She had no recollection of how it had happened, and the teasing remarks from Joy and Wendy only added to her discomfort. They insinuated that she had been kissing someone within the palace, but Seulgi knew she had spent the entire night in her room, alone. The throbbing ache in her head only intensified as she tried to make sense of it all.


“Unnie, are you okay?” Yerim asked, concern evident in her voice as she observed Seulgi looking exhausted.


“Yeah, I'm okay,” Seulgi replied simply.


“Okay, don't stress yourself, unnie. We're going to the King's Palace in a matter of hours. Stop drawing and let's enjoy this day,” Yerim urged, her tone gentle yet firm.


Seulgi looked at Yerim, now dressed in a black gown, ready for the event later. She couldn't help but marvel at how her adorable younger sister was the queen of hell's daughter and destined to rule the entire realm in the future.


“You are very beautiful today, Yerim–ah,” Seulgi complimented as she stood up.


“You are beautiful too, unnie,” Yerim replied, grinning as she admired Seulgi's white dress that hugged her figure, her curly hair adding to her elegance.


Seulgi smiled at her younger sister and walked over to her, enveloping her in a warm hug.


“I'm so proud of you, Yerim–ah. No matter what happens, I will always be here for you,” Seulgi said, her voice filled with emotion. Yerim was embarking on a new chapter of her life, and Seulgi vowed to support her until the end of time.


“Unnie, thank you for not leaving me. I love you, unnie,” Yerim said, returning the hug with equal affection. 


They stood there for a few moments, finding solace in each other's warm embrace.


“Unnie, let's drink beer later, okay? Mom said there's a lot of food and drinks there, and it's all free!” Yerim exclaimed happily to her unnie. “This is our first Shadowfall, and I want to celebrate with you,” she continued.


Seulgi felt a pang of worry, knowing the queen might not approve of the idea. She gently let go of the hug and draped her arms around Yerim's shoulders, guiding her towards the bed to sit.


“You know, your mother wants to celebrate with you too,” Seulgi said softly. Yerim's expression shifted as she contemplated the idea. This was her first Shadowfall with her mother, and the thought stirred conflicting emotions within her.


Yerim had never celebrated any occasion with her true parents in her entire life, and now that her mother was here, she longed to celebrate with her. 


“Maybe we could celebrate all together, with Wendy and Joy,” Yerim suggested optimistically, despite knowing her mother's disapproval of her friends and her unnie.


“Well, if she allows us,” Seulgi said, wincing at the thought of celebrating with the intimidating queen.


“Maybe I'm going to try harder to convince her later,” Yerim sighed. Seulgi chuckled at her younger sister's determination.


“Yerimie, it's time.” Seulgi and Yerim both shrieked in surprise as Wendy appeared out of nowhere.


“Wendy, you scared me!” Yerim said, still clutching her chest.


“I'm sorry, Yerimie, but we have to go now,” Wendy said to Yerim, then glanced at Seulgi. “You too, Seulgi.”


“Everything is prepared now in the king's palace, and all the demons are gathered there waiting for you and the queen,” Wendy explained to Yerim, who nodded in understanding.


Seulgi glanced at Yerim, noticing the nervous expression on her face.


“Are you nervous?” Seulgi asked, and Yerim nodded in response. Seulgi gently held Yerim's hand, offering comfort. Yerim felt a sudden surge of nerves as she realized that soon everyone would know who she was and what her destiny might be after this announcement.


“Don't worry, we're all here for you, right Wendy?” Seulgi said, trying to reassure Yerim.


“Yes, Yerimie, we're all just behind you,” Wendy affirmed. Yerim felt a sense of calm wash over her at their words.


Seulgi nodded at Wendy as they held onto the younger devil, and together, they teleported to the Queen's wing.







Yerim closed her eyes, attempting to calm her nerves amidst the chaos surrounding her. The frantic energy of the devils bustling around her was palpable, and she could hear the clamor of demons outside the palace walls. They were now in the King's palace, technically her grandfather's palace, which had been abandoned for many years. Yet, today, the once lifeless palace seemed to come alive with activity, pulsating with anticipation and excitement for the upcoming celebration. Her mother recounted how she used to live in the King's palace when she was young, before her mother decided to build her own palace as she grew older. A palace hidden from the eyes of demons, veiled from sight by powerful magic.


Suddenly, Yerim felt a gentle kiss on her forehead, and as she opened her eyes, her mother's worried face greeted her.


“Are you okay, baby?” Irene asked, concern etched in her features. Yerim simply nodded in response, her nervousness still lingering.


“Don't be nervous, my love. I'm here, okay?” Irene reassured her daughter, her voice soothing. They stood together behind the closed grand door of the King's palace, where they would soon emerge for the celebration.


Yerim scanned the crowd of devils behind her, recognizing Azazel, the superior of hell, and other familiar faces from her mother's palace. There were also unfamiliar demons among them. She spotted the servants and guards who worked in her mother's palace, as well as Jinyoung, who resembled a soldier leading his team with authority.


Her gaze then settled on her Seulgi unnie, Joy, and Wendy, who smiled at her with adoration and encouragement. Yerim returned their smiles, feeling a warmth spreading within her because of their presence.


Irene followed her daughter's gaze and noticed Seulgi. Memories of the previous night lingered in her mind, and she couldn't help but glare at the innocent girl who now avoided her gaze.


“Your Majesty, it's time,” Azazel announced with a respectful bow. Irene acknowledged him with a nod.


With everyone in position, Irene took her daughter's hand as they moved away from the closed grand door. The two royal guards swung the doors slowly open, and the deafening screams and shouts of the demons flooded in. Yerim could hardly see through the throng outside, but she gasped in surprise at the sheer number of demons gathered. The crowd seemed to stretch out before them, five times larger than she had anticipated.


The first to emerge were the trained soldiers led by Jinyoung, marching out in formation. Yerim could hear the rhythmic pounding of drums from outside, adding to the atmosphere of anticipation.


Once all the soldiers had filed out, Azazel began to move, leading the procession. Behind him followed the high-ranking devils, their presence commanding respect and attention.


Azazel positioned himself in the middle, where he could address all the demons who shouted excitedly. With a signal, he brought the music to a halt and began to address the crowd. The demons fell silent, waiting eagerly for their superior to speak.


“We are all gathered here today because today is a special and important day for all of us,” Azazel began, his deep voice booming across the crowd. 


The demons listened intently to their superior, anticipation building as they awaited the arrival of the queen and her

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As we prepare to enter the final chapter of Hellfire Oasis, I want to thank you all for accompanying these characters and their stories thus far. Your support and engagement have meant the world to me. See you all in the final chapter!♡


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0 points #1
Chapter 32: idk how to feel while reading this chap, im afraid they all gonna fall apart especially the friendship of wenri and Seraphine was obsessed to take Yeri away from Irene but in the end she got Seulgi instead and knowing Seulgi's soul was really meant to be in heaven omg this is gonna be so good! I smell angst here 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 0 points #2
Chapter 32: No way 😭😭😭 next chapter is the last one? I can't believe this book is come to end 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷😒
0 points #3
Chapter 31: Chapter 31: I am not lying when I say that I am sad to learn that the next chapter will be the last. I have trouble putting into words how this story makes me feel. It makes me feel happy, imaginative, frustrated, soft and a lot of other feelings. This is far from beginner's work ma'am! damn your writing is very good that it makes me want to ask for more chapters (hehe) and as for my favorite chapter that i like to reread is from chapter 14 where yeri becomes clingy to her mom, when she embarrassingly appeared in front of everyone because she's looking for irene, or the other chapter where Yeri would say she loves irene, or when irene would kiss her daughter even and yeri would be shy, and.. just everything about our yerene duo, yes i am a er for em. and pls don't remove ur kofi for me, I'm gonna give you lots lots when i have a job , but for now, all i can give you is my big thank you, for writing this, and for giving me something to look forward to everyday. hellfire oasis, please don't end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 points #4
Chapter 32: woah, this is a masterpiece.
0 points #5
Chapter 32: Omggg?! I didn't expect the last part, Seraphine and Seulgi?? Irene you better hurry up now 😭
percydary #6
Chapter 31: there are so many beautiful chapters here that i always read again and again but my favorite the most is when yerim saw irene for the first time, I always imagine how beautiful that scene and when irene woke up and her being so possessive to her own daughter
63 streak #7
Chapter 30: 💯😌🙏
Chapter 30: Michael is the guardian angel of Irene's family, he helped them until the end and Eunwoo doing the same with Yeri but the diff part was he had fall in love with her but now idk cos of Wendy and Seulgi's fate being meant to be in heaven not in hell and her reaction? I really cant wait for seulrene's story!
Chapter 31: my favourite chapter has been chapter 15! seulrene moments making me melt and yeri finding out, starting the chaos!!
Chapter 31: my fave chapter was when Seulgi and Yeri kissed Irene and also when Irene woke up, i always read it. twas like magical 🥺