Hellfire Oasis
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Being kind is often challenging because it requires not only empathy and compassion but also the courage to step outside of your comfort zone and take action. It can be difficult to balance the desire to help others with the need to maintain boundaries and prioritize your own well-being. Additionally, kindness sometimes means confronting uncomfortable truths or facing conflict in order to advocate for what is right. Despite these challenges, choosing kindness can lead to profound connections with others and a sense of fulfillment that comes from making a positive impact in the lives of those around you.


Michael gazed at his son, Eunwoo, a mix of concern and determination etched on his face. He couldn't shake off his worry for Eunwoo, fearing his involvement in others' problems. However, when Eunwoo made the courageous decision to enter the hell realm to help their former queen, Seraphine, Michael realized their troubles were far from over.


What Michael hadn't anticipated was Eunwoo's affection for another being, especially not one from their own kind—a devil, no less, and the daughter of the queen of hell, to be precise.


“Dad, I'm in love with Yerim,” Eunwoo confessed the moment he stepped into the house.


Michael, burdened with the aftermath of expelling Seraphine from her throne and managing all the responsibilities she left behind, was already exhausted. Now, faced with his son's revelation, he felt another headache coming on. He knew this moment would arrive when Eunwoo started to grow closer to Yerim, causing him to lose sight of his true purpose in the hell realm.


“I'm gonna go back to hell. I want to be by her side... to help her, to protect her,” Eunwoo began to blabber. Michael sensed trouble brewing from the moment he saw his son's troubled face earlier.


“You're already helping her, son, with everything you're capable of,” Michael interjected, wanting to dissuade Eunwoo from his dangerous plan. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his son.


“Dad, Yerim is in danger,” Eunwoo said, his voice tinged with fear, his eyes flickering with urgency.


Eunwoo's thoughts drifted back to Seraphine's mysterious visitor, a sense of foreboding washed over him. He couldn't shake the feeling that Yerim was in grave danger, especially if he failed to take decisive action. The memory of the chilling presence of the figure lingered in his mind, fueling his determination to protect Yerim at all costs.


While, Michael's heart clenched at the realization that their troubles were far from over, and the danger lurking in the hell realm posed a threat not only to Yerim but to his son as well.


Michael let out a deep sigh as he stood up and approached his son, gently tapping his shoulder.


“I didn't expect you to fall in love with a devil,” Michael chuckled, a hint of amusement in his voice. “And I'm not mad, of course. I want you to be happy, no matter who makes you happy—whether she's an angel, human, or a devil. But, does Yerim love you too?” Michael asked, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity.


Eunwoo froze at his dad's question, realizing he wasn't certain of Yerim's true feelings for him.


Michael's smile faded into a sad expression as he looked at his son, already sensing the answer. In that moment, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for the challenges and heartaches that lay ahead for his son, caught between love and the dangers of the infernal realm.


“You know, Irene will go berserk if she finds out her daughter is meeting someone behind her back,” Michael remarked, his mind flashing back to the terrifying fury he had witnessed when Irene had attempted to destroy their realm.


“Especially if she learns that an angel is in love with her daughter,” he added, a note of concern in his voice.


“Dad, it doesn't matter to me if Yerim's mother finds out about me. In fact, I'm already anticipating our meeting,” Eunwoo bravely declared, his resolve unwavering.


Michael shook his head at his son's bravery. “Irene will show no mercy to you the moment she sees you. You know she loathes all angels,” he warned, his tone grave.


Eunwoo weighed the consequences in his mind, fully aware of the dangers that awaited him if the queen of hell discovered his presence. Yet, he was determined to protect Yerim from harm, even if it meant facing Irene's wrath—a sacrifice he was willing to make for love and the greater good.


“I will still go there, Dad. I'm going to do everything to protect Yerim,” Eunwoo affirmed, his determination shining through.


As Michael looked at his son, he couldn't help but see a reflection of himself—a compassionate soul, always ready to help those in need, with a heart full of love for everyone, regardless of their nature.


Deep sighing, Michael observed the unwavering determination etched on his son's face.


“Alright, I can't stop you anymore. It seems you're truly set on your plans,” Michael conceded. “But you must be careful, son. I want you to come back to me alive,” he warned, his voice laced with concern, sensing the gravity of the situation.


“I promise, Dad. I'll be careful and come back to you alive. I'll introduce Yerim to you after that,” Eunwoo reassured, a loving smile gracing his lips as he looked at his father. Michael gently caressed his son's hair, returning the smile.


“I'll look forward to it, son,” Michael said softly, his heart heavy with worry yet filled with hope for his son's safety.


Recalling the pain and anguish of past conflicts, Michael remembered his own involvement and regrets. He had tried to prevent the tragedy that befell Irene's lover, but he had been too late. Now, with his son entangled in a similar situation, he vowed to do everything in his power to make things right this time, to protect his son and ensure a better outcome.



Seraphine followed her gaze to the figure in front of her, who stood by the grand window of her palace, observing the world outside. Alone in the vastness of her palace, save for her mysterious visitor, Seraphine felt a sense of foreboding creep over her.


As her visitor slowly turned to face her, locking eyes with her, Seraphine attempted to maintain a composed facade, hiding her inner turmoil behind a strained smile. Despite her formidable powers, she knew she was no match for the figure before her, a realization that sent shivers down her spine.


“Irene and Seulgi are in a secret affair,” the visitor declared, breaking the heavy silence that hung in the air. The chilling chuckle that followed sent a shiver down Seraphine's spine. “And Yerim remains blissfully unaware of their secret rendezvous.”


“And now, it's time for your next move, Seraphine,” the visitor continued, their gaze piercing and dangerous. Seraphine forced a nervous smile in response, knowing all too well that her every action would be scrutinized by this mysterious being, and the consequences of failure could be dire.


Seraphine's sole focus was on acquiring Yerim, her plan centered around stealing Irene's daughter away. However, when the mysterious figure unexpectedly appeared and revealed its own scheme, a chilling strategy unfolded before her. unveiling its own sinister scheme, Seraphine found herself intrigued. The figure proposed a plan to seize Yerim, causing Irene to weaken, then strike her down in her vulnerable state.  Seraphine found herself drawn to the idea, envisioning a world without Irene's oppressive rule, and welcomed the figure as an unlikely ally.


This enigmatic entity had always been a source of vital information, keeping Seraphine informed of the unfolding events in hell, particularly those concerning the mother and daughter. Armed with this knowledge, Seraphine saw an opportunity to exploit the situation to her advantage. Through her clandestine visits to Yerim in her dreams, she laid the groundwork for her plan to unfold smoothly, confident that she could manipulate events to her advantage and achieve her ultimate goal.


Despite her acceptance of the figure's plan and their alliance, Seraphine couldn't shake the grip of fear that clenched her heart whenever she encountered her mysterious visitor. Each time their gaze met, a chill ran down her spine, leaving her with an unsettling feeling. It was as if there were hidden agendas lurking behind the figure's cryptic words and ominous presence, plans that she was not privy to.


Aware of the potential dangers posed by her enigmatic ally, Seraphine remained vigilant, always on guard against any unexpected twists or ulterior motives. She knew that she must tread carefully in her dealings with this figure, lest she become ensnared in a web of deceit and manipulation. Despite the allure of their shared goals, she understood the importance of maintaining a sense of caution and mistrust, never fully revealing her hand to someone whose true intentions remained shrouded in mystery.




“What is it that you really want from me, Sera?” Yerim questioned, her uncertainty palpable. She couldn't quite discern the true intentions of the woman before her.


“I want you to come with me, Yerim,” Sera replied, her smile radiating an unsettling charm. “I won't betray or deceive you like your so-called mother did. With me, you'll find true happiness.”


Yerim felt a pang of disbelief at Sera's seemingly sincere words, yet she knew better than to let her guard down. Despite Sera's assurances, Yerim sensed the underlying danger emanating from her, and she remained wary. No matter how hard she tried, Yerim couldn't muster any genuine feelings towards this woman.


“I'll make you happy, Yerim,” Sera added softly, before Yerim abruptly snapped back to reality, jolting awake with a gasp, her heart pounding in her chest.


“You're awake,” Yerim heard a voice beside her and saw the concerned expression on her Seulgi unnie's face.


Yerim simply stared at her unnie, still reeling from the abrupt transition from dreams to reality.


“Are you okay, Yerim?” Seulgi asked, offering a slightly awkward smile to her younger sister. She couldn't shake off the sudden awkwardness she felt in Yerim's presence.


As Yerim gradually came to terms with the fact that she was no longer in a dream, she withdrew her hand from Seulgi's touch. She couldn't help but notice the hurt that flickered in Seulgi's eyes at her action, but her unnie quickly plastered on a smile in response.


“Your hand was bleeding when we got here, but Joy already healed your wounds,” Seulgi informed Yerim, her gaze shifting to Yerim's now healed hand before returning to her face.


Yerim avoided her unnie's gaze, unsure of how to face her or how to broach the subject after witnessing her and her mother in a compromising position. The image lingered in her mind, unsettling her, and she couldn't bring herself to accept it. The tension between them hung heavy in the air, stifling any attempt at conversation.


“Yerim-ah, I'm sorry...” Seulgi suddenly apologized, sensing Yerim's sadness from her recent avoidance.


Yerim snapped her head towards her sister, gazing intently at her in a way that made Seulgi feel uncomfortable. It was the first time Yerim had looked at her like that—empty and cold, it's like her mother's eyes.


“Why are you saying sorry?” Yerim's voice was strained.


“For avoiding you these past few days. It's just that I've been very busy with work—” Seulgi began to explain, but Yerim cut her off.


“Are you really busy with your work?” Yerim interjected, her gaze accusatory, leaving Seulgi feeling unsettled by the intensity of her sister's scrutiny.


“Y-yeah,” Seulgi stammered nervously, feeling uneasy under Yerim's intense gaze.


Yerim slowly rose to her feet, a sudden wave of dizziness washing over her. The world seemed to spin around her, and she shivered involuntarily, feeling cold. Despite Seulgi's instinctive attempt to hold her, Yerim recoiled, still avoiding her touch. Seulgi's heart sank at her sister's rejection, unsure of how to proceed.


“Yerim–ah...” Seulgi reached out again, her concern evident in her voice, but she noticed Yerim stumbling in her steps, her movements unsteady. Concern etched across her features, Seulgi moved closer, determined to support her sister through whatever she was going through.


Yerim suddenly felt a fever creeping over her, a sensation that surprised her even in the depths of hell, where she was now a devil. Strangely, she found comfort in this familiar feeling, a reminder of her humanity lingering within.


Yerim made a concerted effort to stand straight, despite the dizziness engulfing her, her gaze fixed on her worried sister.


“Unnie, we grew up together. You know everything about me, and I know the same about you,” Yerim muttered wearily, exhaustion evident in her voice.


“And I can tell when you're lying to me or not. So stop with the excuses because I know you're lying to me right now,” Yerim declared firmly, her words hanging heavy in the air, leaving Seulgi stunned and unsure of how to respond.


Yerim made her way out, leaving her unnie alone in her room, she anticipating solitude, but was greeted by the presence of her friends. Despite her longing for solitude, she appreciated their concern.


“Yerimie, you're awake! I cooked your favorite food, so you can eat now,” Wendy greeted her with a warm smile as she saw her descended the stairs.


Joy approached Yerim with worry etched on her face, her arms outstretched in an attempt to comfort her. However, Yerim instinctively avoided her touch, causing a pang of hurt to flicker across Joy's expression.


Yerim glanced between Wendy and Joy, a deep sigh escaping her lips. Despite her desire for isolation, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the two of them. She wasn't angry with them, she simply needed some time alone to process her emotions regarding her mother and sister. She didn't want to involve them in her anger, knowing they had done nothing wrong.


“Thank you, Wendy and Joy, for always being there for me,” Yerim began, noticing the worried expressions on their faces. “But for now, I need some time alone.”


Wendy glanced at Joy, who remained frozen in place, hurt evident on her face.


“Don't follow me right now, but I promise I'll come back,” Yerim reassured her friends, who seemed torn about whether to obey her wishes or not.


“And please, look out for my unnie,” Yerim added, her gaze drifting upstairs where she had left her sister. Despite her anger towards her, she couldn't help but worry about her well-being.


Wendy couldn't do anything but nod to Yerim, acknowledging that their young friend needed some time alone, even though they didn't understand what was happening to her.


“Okay, Yerimie, just be careful out there and come back immediately,” Wendy said, managing a faint smile as she gently caressed Yerim's hair.


“Thank you, Wendy,” Yerim replied, her gaze shifting to Joy, who appeared angry. Yerim felt a pang of guilt wash over her.


“I'm sorry, Joy...” Yerim approached the tall girl and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.


“I promise I'll come back,” she assured her, but Joy remained silent, leaving Yerim to sigh deeply, feeling the weight of their strained relationship.


As Yerim made her way towards the main door, her mind raced with thoughts of where to go. She dismissed the idea of returning to Bloomhaven or her mother's palace, knowing she would be watched and followed by her mother's minions. Even Eunwoo's place seemed risky, as she didn't want anyone to discover her connection to him.


Before she could step outside, Joy's voice called out to her, and Yerim turned to see her running towards her. Without a word, Joy pressed her lips to Yerim's, and Yerim closed her eyes, losing herself in the sensation. In that moment, she felt a lightness in her body, and her fever seemed to dissipate, as if Joy is healing her through her kiss.


“Come back to me, okay? I'll wait for you,” Joy whispered after the kiss, and Yerim nodded, smiling as she gently caressed Joy's cheek.


Meanwhile, Wendy watched from behind, feeling a surge of giddiness at witnessing their affectionate moment.


Yerim kissed Joy once more before waving goodbye, ready to teleport to a place where she could find solace for the time being. In her mind, her grandfather's palace, the late King devil's palace, came to her, and without hesitation, she teleported there, intending to stay for a while.


While Seulgi silently watched Yerim and Joy share a kiss, a pang of realization struck her. She had been so preoccupied with her own concerns that she hadn't noticed the developments in Yerim's life. Now, witnessing the affection between Yerim and Joy, Seulgi realized that there was more to their relationship than she had previously understood. It dawned on her that perhaps Yerim had been trying to reach out to her, to share her feelings about Joy.


When Yerim left her alone in her room, Seulgi couldn't contain her emotions any longer. She felt a deep sense of hurt at the way Yerim had been avoiding her, a stark departure from their usual dynamic of teasing and playful banter. Yerim had never been angry with her like that before, and Seulgi couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt for whatever role she might have played in causing her sister's distress.


Contemplating Yerim's last words to her, Seulgi wondered if her sister had somehow discovered her and her mother's secret affair, which could explain her anger. However, Seulgi knew that Yerim was unaware of the secret activities in the art room, where she and the queen were careful not to be seen by anyone, especially Yerim. The thought left Seulgi feeling conflicted and burdened with guilt, unsure of how to mend the fractured bond between her and her sister.


With tears streaming down her cheeks, Seulgi realized the depth of the divide that had formed between her and her sister. She vowed to find a way to bridge that gap and regain Yerim's trust, no matter the cost.



Yerim teleported to her grandfather's palace. Servants and guards were surprised by her sudden appearance, and they all bowed to her respectfully as she stepped inside. She simply nodded in response. However, her steps halted when she saw Azazel standing in the middle, as if he were waiting for her, his commanding aura palpable.


“Your Royal Highness,” Azazel greeted her, bowing respectfully.


“Azazel, what are you doing here?” Yerim asked curiously, acknowledging the superior presence of the ruler of hell, as Azazel smiled in response.


“You forgot that we have lessons today, Your Royal Highness,” Azazel answered, causing Yerim to wince at his reminder.


Back when she was in the human world, Yerim had been somewhat lazy when it came to schooling. Despite her tendency to slack off, she always excelled in her class due to her intelligence. However, now that she was in hell, she had to follow her mother's wishes and take lessons to harness her powers. Having Azazel as her mentor made it even more challenging, given his strict demeanor.


"Can we postpone it today?" Yerim gently asked, but Azazel just chuckled, indicating she already knew his answer.


Yerim had hoped to rest and lock herself in her room for the day, but she realized that wouldn't be possible now, so she let out a deep sigh.


"So, what's our lesson going to be?" Yerim asked, looking to Azazel for guidance.


Azazel turned his back on her, gesturing for her to follow him. Yerim had no choice but to comply, trailing behind the superior of hell as they made their way through her grandfather's palace.


“Today, our lesson is on how to control your powers when you're angry,” Azazel explained.


Yerim raised her eyebrow at Azazel. “But we already discussed that,” she replied.


“Yeah, but that's not all,” Azazel said, meeting her gaze with a serious expression. “You and your mother possess immense power, unique to all realms. With that power, you could potentially destroy the entire worlds.”


Yerim was already aware of her formidable power, having glimpsed it when she was imprisoned by her mother and saw her reflection in the mirror. She had felt a sense of being overtaken by something beyond herself at that time.


“But what you may not realize is that if you don't control your power, there could be dire consequences,” Azazel continued, his words drawing Yerim's full attention.


“And what kind of consequences are those?” Yerim asked, eager to understand the gravity of the situation.


“You might just end up like your mother,” Azazel explained gravely, “Sleeping without waking up, out of control of your power and emotions at the same time. You could become dormant, just like her.”


Yerim's eyes widened in surprise at the gravity of Azazel's words. The prospect of losing control and slipping into a dormant state, mirroring her mother's fate, sent a shiver down her spine. It was a stark reminder of the responsibility she carried and the consequences of neglecting her power.


“Will that happen to my mom again? Like she'll be in a dormant state once more?” Yerim asked, her curiosity piqued.


Azazel's words had

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As we prepare to enter the final chapter of Hellfire Oasis, I want to thank you all for accompanying these characters and their stories thus far. Your support and engagement have meant the world to me. See you all in the final chapter!♡


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0 points #1
Chapter 32: idk how to feel while reading this chap, im afraid they all gonna fall apart especially the friendship of wenri and Seraphine was obsessed to take Yeri away from Irene but in the end she got Seulgi instead and knowing Seulgi's soul was really meant to be in heaven omg this is gonna be so good! I smell angst here 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 0 points #2
Chapter 32: No way 😭😭😭 next chapter is the last one? I can't believe this book is come to end 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷😒
0 points #3
Chapter 31: Chapter 31: I am not lying when I say that I am sad to learn that the next chapter will be the last. I have trouble putting into words how this story makes me feel. It makes me feel happy, imaginative, frustrated, soft and a lot of other feelings. This is far from beginner's work ma'am! damn your writing is very good that it makes me want to ask for more chapters (hehe) and as for my favorite chapter that i like to reread is from chapter 14 where yeri becomes clingy to her mom, when she embarrassingly appeared in front of everyone because she's looking for irene, or the other chapter where Yeri would say she loves irene, or when irene would kiss her daughter even and yeri would be shy, and.. just everything about our yerene duo, yes i am a er for em. and pls don't remove ur kofi for me, I'm gonna give you lots lots when i have a job , but for now, all i can give you is my big thank you, for writing this, and for giving me something to look forward to everyday. hellfire oasis, please don't end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 points #4
Chapter 32: woah, this is a masterpiece.
0 points #5
Chapter 32: Omggg?! I didn't expect the last part, Seraphine and Seulgi?? Irene you better hurry up now 😭
percydary #6
Chapter 31: there are so many beautiful chapters here that i always read again and again but my favorite the most is when yerim saw irene for the first time, I always imagine how beautiful that scene and when irene woke up and her being so possessive to her own daughter
63 streak #7
Chapter 30: 💯😌🙏
Chapter 30: Michael is the guardian angel of Irene's family, he helped them until the end and Eunwoo doing the same with Yeri but the diff part was he had fall in love with her but now idk cos of Wendy and Seulgi's fate being meant to be in heaven not in hell and her reaction? I really cant wait for seulrene's story!
Chapter 31: my favourite chapter has been chapter 15! seulrene moments making me melt and yeri finding out, starting the chaos!!
Chapter 31: my fave chapter was when Seulgi and Yeri kissed Irene and also when Irene woke up, i always read it. twas like magical 🥺