newlywed life

Warm Dim Turns To Light
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“Okay… I don’t know what is in your mind, but Taeyeon? Why her?” Youngbae asked after Jiyong give him the wedding card.

“And tell me why not her?” Jiyong asked without answering him.

“That's because it's unexpected! I know you... we have been friends for a long time... so, if you're saying Taeyeon is your ideal type, you're lying... I don't believe.” Youngbae replied with disbelief.

Jiyong chuckles after Youngbae said that.

“Okay, you're right. She's not my ideal type but... I just like her. Can you accept that?” Jiyong asked try not to make more assumption from Youngbae.

Youngbae stares at Jiyong after he asked that.

“You know that you’re going to marry, Jiyong. This not a prank that you can used casually. Marriage, it's come with commitment. You think you can commit?” Youngbae asked with concern.

“I know… I’m not playing with this… can you trust me?” Jiyong asked.

“I can trust you... but her? You have thought that she'll never hurt you? Can you promise that she can love you? Don't torture yourself just because you like her. The feelings just come and go... I don't want you to come to me and say that you're regret with your marriage. At that time, I'll slap your face!” Youngbae replied firm.

Jiyong chuckles after Youngbae said that

“Oh now he’s laughing… I’m not making a joke, Jiyong. I’m serious. I care you and I know how your situation is when you're broken heart. I don't want the same things happened to you again, Jiyong.” Youngbae continue with concern.

“I know… but don’t worry. I can handle myself… Please, trust with my decision. Taeyeon is not same with my ex-girlfriend. I can't judge her just because I've been heartbroken before. It's unfair for her. Please, just come to the wedding and give your bless.” Jiyong replied try to persuade.

Youngbae saw Jiyong is determined with his decision and in the end, Youngbae just nodded.

“Arasso… you always have my bless…” Youngbae said softly.

Jiyong smiles before he went to hugs Youngbae.

After the wedding card has been given to all staffs, they get many reactions from them. Of course, some of them are not surprised when they can see how Jiyong behavior when Taeyeon is around. Hyoyeon and Sunny go to approach Taeyeon with the wedding card in hands.

“So, my instinct is correct. You two have a secret relationship before, aren't you?” Hyoyeon asked.

“Yeah, you can say like that…” Taeyeon replied while she’s arranging the table cloth.

“Since when? After you come to work in here?” Sunny asked curiously.

“Yeah, you can assume like that…” Taeyeon replied casually.

Hyoyeon and Sunny look at each other when they noticed Taeyeon didn't look like an excited bride to get married.

“What with that reaction?” suddenly Sunny asked.

Taeyeon look at them with confused.

“What?” Taeyeon asked while lift her eyebrows.

“You look blank? Did you get forced to marry?” Hyoyeon asked with suspicious eyes.

“What? No… why you’re saying like that?” Taeyeon asked awkwardly before she went to another table.

“It’s look like something weird, right?” Hyoyeon said to Sunny by whispering.

Sunny nodded to agree with Hyoyeon.

“Taeyeon!” Yuri suddenly calls from the cashier.

“Yes?” Taeyeon said to answer.

“Starting tomorrow, you help me in admin. We can't let boss future wife work as waiter, right?” Yuri said with smiles.

“No…no… I can handle this… it’s nothing,” Taeyeon replied uneasy.

“Well... you have to... or Soohyuk will be mad.” Yuri said with pout.

Taeyeon start to feel uneasy after hear the news.

“Yah! You should be thankful for that... besides, admin work in here is no easy. You can see how Yuri manages it alone before... so, if you were there, you will help her a lot.” Sunny said to persuade Taeyeon.

“Just go… if you stay as waiter, you think we can work comfortably if boss wife always here? I don't think so...” Hyoyeon said afterward.

“Arasso… but please stop calling me boss wife… I’m not his wife right now,” Taeyeon said with uneasy.

“Yes, but still not change the fact, you’ll our boss wife.” Hyoyeon said with smiles.







After she's got ready for the ceremony, Taeyeon was left alone while waiting for the ceremony to start. She's start to feel nervous with her decision to get married. Taeyeon stares at the wedding dress that she and Hayeon choose. The sewing wedding dress pattern is simple but looks elegant after she's wearing it. Her families keep praising her beauty, but she still hopes Jiyong will like it. That's because of their work and time constraints made them not go to choose the wedding dress together. Furthermore, during their wedding preparation, both of them are doing it separately, and just inform each other the update.

“Hi dear!” suddenly Tiffany appear from the door.

“Fany!” Taeyeon shouts happily after she saw her best friend.

Tiffany went to approach her before both of them hugging each other to release longing.

“Why you didn’t tell me you’re back?” Taeyeon asked after the hugs.

“And you? Why did you tell me that you want to get married at the last minute? I thought you're joking with me!” Tiffany asked with sulky.

“I’m so sorry…It’s just so sudden…” Taeyeon replied with guilty.

“So… you have a lot to tell me, young lady!” Tiffany said with serious tone.

“I know… I’ll tell you… but now, let me borrow your hand… I need something to give me strength!” Taeyeon replied.

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon face after she let her holding her hands. Tiffany is just coming back from Los Angeles after she gets a call from Taeyeon past two weeks to inform her about her wedding. After Taeyeon father passed away, one week after that, Tiffany had to leave Korea when she got a job offer in LA. During that time, both of them rarely contact each other it's because of time zone and their busy life. However, Tiffany still knows what actually happen to Taeyeon family during her absent. But, her sudden decision to get married really shocks her in earlier morning at LA. She's asking Taeyeon why she made the decision, but Taeyeon just give her raw answer. She likes him and decided to married. Tiffany knows, there is something that Taeyeon is hiding from her, and now she was here to get the honest answer.

“Unnie, it’s time!” suddenly Hayeon said after open the door.

Taeyeon nodded with nervous.

“Are you ready?” Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon nodded with awkward smiles.

After both of them get up, Tiffany helps Taeyeon with her dress. Then, both of them walk out from the room together.





Jiyong is waiting for Taeyeon to enter the hall with nervous. He saw halabeoji, Dami and her husband were there for him on that wedding day. At first, Dami was surprised after Jiyong tell her about the wedding, but for Jiyong happiness, she just accepts Jiyong decision. Also, halabeoji keep saying that woman will become Jiyong wife is nice girl, and she chooses to believe it. Then, the music is start to playing as cue for the bride to enter the hall. 

“The bride entering the hall...” the MC announces it.

After the door open, Jiyong saw Taeyeon with the wedding dress for the first time. He's stunned with her beauties and his eyes can't take off from her. Taeyeon take a step, walking toward the altar with Jiwoong beside her. Her heart keep beating hardly but when she saw Jiyong, nothing is coming out from her mind except, anxious. When they're nearby the stage stairs, Jiyong went to get Taeyeon from Jiwoong.

“Take a good care of her…” Jiwoong said slowly.

Jiyong nodded before he takes Taeyeon hand from Jiwoong. Then, Jiyong put Taeyeon hand on his arm before he helps Taeyeon step on the stairs carefully. However, at the same time, Jiyong whispering to her by saying

“It's nice dress... you look so beautiful.”

Taeyeon stunned with the sudden compliment from him. She looks at him and saw Jiyong is smiling. Taeyeon nervous get less after she saw Jiyong's smile.

“Please, the groom and bride to face each other…” the MC said.

Jiyong and Taeyeon turn to look at each other. Both of them stare into each other eye deeply while their heart keeps beating hard.

“Friends, families, we’re gathered to celebrate here today the joyous union of the groom, Kwon Jiyong and the bride, Kim Taeyeon. May the happiness we shared with them today be with them always. “The MC said.

Jiyong continue his smiles while looking at Taeyeon meanwhile Taeyeon smiles slightly at him.

“Now, the bride, Kim Taeyeon, will you take Kwon Jiyong as your husband, in sickness and health till death part?” the MC asked.

Taeyeon stares at Jiyong for a while before she softly reply

“Yes, I do.”

“And, the groom, Kwon Jiyong will you take Kim Taeyeon as your wife, in sickness and health till death part?” the MC asked.

“Yes, I do.” Jiyong replied with smiles.

“Now, I pronounce you two as husband and wife. Please, take the ring to wear for each other.” The MC said.

Youngbae bring the couple ring to Jiyong. Jiyong give the ring to Taeyeon to let her wear it for him. Taeyeon put the ring on Jiyong finger slowly, and then it's Jiyong turn to put the ring on Taeyeon finger.

“...and now, you may kiss the bride...” the MC said.

Taeyeon stunned after she hear that. Meanwhile, Jiyong continue his smiles before he get close to her.

“Don't you dare, Jiyong...!” Taeyeon said in whisper.

“I'm doing this not for you... it's for my wife...” Jiyong re

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Chapter 50: Ohhh its now the end. This is a good story! Thank you so much.
309818 #2
Chapter 50: Oh its over? Craving for more... Thank you.. All your stories are awesome
MelTT08 #3
Chapter 50: It was really good! I'm sad it's already over 🥲
Chapter 48: I can’t wait for them to meet again. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 46: Fany is here to save the day! Thanks for the update.
309818 #6
Chapter 45: I can't 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 45: Feel so sad for the both of them. I hope Taeyeon and Jiyong can start over again.
tyeam0309 #8
Chapter 44: Fighting authorinm, thank you.
309818 #9
Chapter 44: Huhuhu nooooo 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: Ahhh Jiyong is in trouble again. Hope the chaos will be over soon.