the reasons

Warm Dim Turns To Light
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After the restaurant closed, Jiyong wait for Taeyeon in front of locker room.

“Chef? Not going yet?” Sunny asked when she walks out.

“No…” Jiyong replied with smiles.

“Then, I’ll leave first… see you tomorrow.” Sunny said before leave.

Few minutes later, Yuri and Hyoyeon come out from the room.

“Chef! Why are you here?” Yuri asked.

“I’m waiting for Taeyeon,” Jiyong replied with honest.

“Oh… She'll be out later. She is on call inside there...” Yuri said.

“Nae, thank you…” Jiyong replied.

After they leave, Jiyong move around with nervous. Then, he hears the door open and saw Taeyeon presence.

“Aren't we done talking?” Taeyeon asked after she saw Jiyong.

Jiyong walks to stand close to her.

“Are you upset with me?” Jiyong asked with uneasy.

However, Taeyeon didn’t reply him, she just avoid her eyes from looking at Jiyong face.

“Okay... I'm sorry. Can we go for drink? We can talk comfortably.” Jiyong asked try to persuade.

“Look... I'm so tired today. What I just told you before, let's forget it. I don't think we could agree on that. Yes, I know it's sound like I took advantage on your money by demanding like that. That's what a reason can I could think right now to agree to marry you. If not, I have no reason to accept your propose. You're a nice guy, Jiyong. I don't want to put some hope on something I'm not sure about it.” Taeyeon replied with mixed feelings.

“Yes, I know… I understand… but Tae…” Jiyong said but then Taeyeon interrupt him and she says

“You may say I'm insane to think this idea, but I don't have anything to repay your kindness, Jiyong. What can I do to not feel indebted is by work as your wife. But, now... just forget it.”

Taeyeon walks away from there after saying that. Jiyong stand there and look her going away. Out of nowhere, Jiyong feels something strange that ask him to chase her. Jiyong speed his steps to chase Taeyeon before she left. After he comes out from the restaurant, he saw Taeyeon, and he went to approach her.

“Let's get married!” Jiyong said after he grab Taeyeon arm.

Taeyeon stunned with the sudden grab behind her.

“I know this is bizarre to do it, and I'm willing for it. Let's get married. I agree with all those rules or conditions...let us just get married.” Jiyong continue said with determined.

“But…” Taeyeon try to say something but Jiyong interrupt her and he says

“But... I want to do the marriage legally. We still have wedding ceremony and all my friends will inform about this.”

Taeyeon didn’t say anything afterward.

“Can you agree with that?” Jiyong asked after no respond from Taeyeon.

Taeyeon hesitated for a while before she nodded slowly.

“Sure…” Taeyeon replied shortly.

Jiyong smiles widely after she said that.

“Great… then, right now... we have to tell our family about it.” Jiyong said while smiling.








During the breakfast, Taeyeon look at everyone at the dining table. Her uncle is focusing on his tablet, her aunt and her mother are talking to each other, and the others just looking at their phone during eating. Taeyeon hesitated for a while to tell them about her sudden decision about marriage, but she has to tell them before the wedding next month. She's take deep breath before she says

“Everyone... I have something to tell here...”

All of them turn to look at Taeyeon after she said that.

“What is it?” Mrs. Kim asked.

“In one month, I will be getting married.” Taeyeon replied in one breath.

All of them stunned with the sudden announcement.

“Did you pregnant?” her uncle asked.

“Yeobo…” her aunty calls her husband.

“Don't talk nonchalantly!” Mrs. Kim said firmly.

“No… I’m not pregnant…” Taeyeon said.

“Then… why so sudden? Did we know that guy?” suddenly Jiwoong asked.

Taeyeon nodded before she reply

“It’s Jiyong.”

Once again, her family members stunned after heard that name.

“Did he force you to marry?” Jiwoong asked furiously.

“No… we decided it together... also, I like him.” Taeyeon replied try not to let her family accused Jiyong anything.

“Wow… I would like to meet this guy. He's not just sacrificed himself, but stupid for agreeing to marry you.” Suddenly Hana said provoke.

Taeyeon smirks after she hears that.

“At least, I have someone want to marry me. Not like somebody never proposed by anyone.” Taeyeon said sarcastic.

Hana stares at Taeyeon furiously after she said that.

“Taeyeon…” Mrs. Kim calls her to stop the argument.

“What about the wedding? How much cost for it?” her uncle asked.

“Oh! Don't worry. Everything is under control. I won't use even a cent of samchon's money. What you just can do, come to the wedding and give your bless. That's all.” Taeyeon replied while grin.

“Then… we’ll come…” her aunty, said afterward.

“Great… I already told what I want. Now, I have to get ready to go for work.” Taeyeon said before she leaves the dining room.

Mrs. Kim, Jiwoong and Hayeon also went to leave the dining room to follow Taeyeon.

“Hurm... it seems that her daughter make a scene again...” their aunty said after the family leave.

“Omma, you know Taeyeon. She's always a troublemaker.” Hana said with irate.

“I don't care what she thought by marrying this guy, but... at least, we remove one burden in this house.” Their uncle said before he sips his drink.





“Kim Taeyeon! What are you thinking by marrying him?” Mrs. Kim asked after she enters the room.

“Yes, omma is right. Why you want to married him?” Jiwoong asked firm.

“I told you… I like him,” Taeyeon replied while she takes her shirt in the wardrobe.

“How long you know him that makes you like him?” Jiwoong asked.

“Oppa, people can fall in love at first sight, not to mention us that working in the same place. Besides, why I can't like him? All of you know what kind of Jiyong, aren't we?” Taeyeon asked.

Hayeon look at her mother and Jiwoong.

“Yes, unnie have her point. Jiyong oppa is nice guy. You two know that too… right?” Hayeon asked try to help Taeyeon.

“Yeah, I know… but… I don't want he used you because we're indebted to him. With sudden marriage? I can't digest it...” Mrs. Kim replied with worried.

“Are you doing this because of what Junseo said before this?” suddenly Jiwoong asked.

“What Junseo said?” Mrs. Kim asked.

“Did he still meet you?” Hayeon asked with surprised.

Without answering them, Taeyeon look at her brother before her reply

“If that can be the reason, then... yeah.”

“Yah! Are you insane?” Jiwoong asked furiously.

“Yes, I’m insane, crazy, mad… everything you can call me… but that’s my final decision. Everyone likes it or not, I still will marry Jiyong.” Taeyeon replied firm.

All of them look at each other until Mrs. Kim softly says

“If that what you want... it's up to you, but... if I know Jiyong doing this to used you... I won't be silenced.”

Taeyeon smiles before she went to hugs Mrs. Kim.

“Thank you, omma…” Taeyeon said while try to hold her emotion.

“Hey, about this guy… Jiyong… can you give me his number?” Jiwoong asked.

Taeyeon release the hug and turn to look at Jiwoong.

“I just want to have talked with him… don’t worry, Just men talk…” Jiwoong continues with smirks.

Taeyeon look at her brother with suspicious eyes.

After everything ended, Taeyeon went to change her clothes to get ready to go for work. Hayeon that still in the room suddenly says

“Unnie, I know why you’re doing this…”

Taeyeon look at her with frown.

“You just want to run away from here, aren't you? I understand...” Hayeon continue afterward.

“You also think I'm crazy for this marriage?” Taeyeon asked with uneasy.

“Nope. I think you make wise decision. Jiyong oppa... he's a nice guy. I know he can take care of you.” Hayeon replied with smiles.

“You think so?” Taeyeon asked with touched after Hayeon said that.

Hayeon nodded.

“Besides, I can see his concern toward you... like as at hospital before this... he's willing to stay longer just to make sure you can get a rest.” Hayeon replied while thinking what Jiyong does before.

Taeyeon get speechless after Hayeon mention that. However, the words from Hayeon strengthened her intention to marry with Jiyong.  







“So… you’re saying… you want to get married?” halabeoji asked after Jiyong tell him about the decision.

Jiyong nodded slowly.

“…and the one that will marry you is… Taeyeon?” halabeoji asked again.

Jiyong nodded to affirm.

“You two…

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Chapter 50: Ohhh its now the end. This is a good story! Thank you so much.
309818 #2
Chapter 50: Oh its over? Craving for more... Thank you.. All your stories are awesome
MelTT08 #3
Chapter 50: It was really good! I'm sad it's already over 🥲
Chapter 48: I can’t wait for them to meet again. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 46: Fany is here to save the day! Thanks for the update.
309818 #6
Chapter 45: I can't 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 45: Feel so sad for the both of them. I hope Taeyeon and Jiyong can start over again.
tyeam0309 #8
Chapter 44: Fighting authorinm, thank you.
309818 #9
Chapter 44: Huhuhu nooooo 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: Ahhh Jiyong is in trouble again. Hope the chaos will be over soon.