Chapter 9

no strings attached



Jimin woke up feeling like she’s going to die.


Her head pounded as though her brain cells were repeatedly slamming themselves against her skull while screaming and beating each other up. She groaned. Ugh, her tongue felt like sandpaper.


She slowly opened her eyes. Upside down…why was the world upside down?


A lurch in her stomach made her realise she’s hanging off the couch and another lurch got her scrambling to the comfort room, barely registering a familiar figure in the kitchen in her haste, and went straight to heave in the toilet bowl.


She’s never touching a drink again.


After a painful series of retching and heaving, Jimin washed at the sink, realising that the familiar bathroom wasn’t hers as she did so. But it was familiar. One she used to own years ago. Which means – Winter’s apartment.


She froze as memories of last night rushed back, playing in her pounding head like a faraway dream.


Did that really happen?


One look at her reflection and she got her answer.


Her hair was all over the place, lipstick smeared messily, and with her spaghetti strap dress she could see a flush rising from her chest to her face as she recalled once more what happened last night.


Apparently, she wasn’t drunk enough to forget the kisses they shared. Yes, kisses. Multiple.


Oh god.


Winter had called a driver to drive them home. She could remember the tension throughout the ride, Jimin pouncing on Winter as soon as the door to the apartment closed.


She splashed her burning face with water. Oh dear. She had acted like a total wanton.


A light knock made her jump. “Yu Jimin? Are you in there?”


She flushed even deeper hearing Winter’s muffled voice. “Y-Yes.”


“Everything alright?”


She glared at the door, detecting amusement in Winter’s tone. She’s definitely making fun of her.


“Yes, I’m totally fine,” she retorted in a bit of a yell only to regret when it made her head ring.


“Right, well, breakfast is ready. Happy puking.”


“Oh, shut up.”


The merry chuckles faded away and Jimin took a deep, steadying breath before starting to fix herself. She found a hair tie in one of the organisers and gathered her tousled hair up in a bun. Washing her face and mouth and making sure none of those lipstick smears were still on her cheek, she stepped out of the bathroom hoping she looked human, and not the thoroughly ravished beast she woke up into.


Winter stood by the counter, sipping on a mug as she scrolled through her phone with that default glare her face always seemed to return to no matter how many expressions she had mastered. A pair of spectacles was perched on her nose, long dark hair spilling over her oversized t-shirt that stopped halfway down her creamy thighs–


Jimin forcefully dragged her eyes back up to Winter’s face. Right where it should be.


Winter turned just in time, sensing her approaching. “Good morning, party girl. There’s bean sprout soup on the table. Help yourself. There’s also aspirin. Take it after you eat. It should help with the headache.”


There’s an odd tickle in her chest. The table was set for one person, closed window shutters blocking any sunlight, lights set on dim. It’s as if Winter was ready to cater to a hungover person–which, well, she was.


“Thank you.” Jimin muttered, feeling warm. She took a seat and lifted the lid off the pot. An aromatic steam wafted over but Jimin looked at Winter, still at the counter. “What about you?”


“I’m already done eating.” Winter replied, not even sparing her a glance.


Jimin pressed her lips together, “No hangover?”


“Please. I only drank one can of beer. I’m fine.”


“I see.”


Jimin laddled some of the soup into a bowl, picked up a spoon, and took a sip of the broth. Instantly, warmth filled her stomach. She hummed appreciatively. She would even say that one sip already made her feel better.


“This is delicious,” she complimented and Winter smiled, still not looking at her.


Jimin studied her, but she recognized the way her lips curved. Her face was closed off except for the expression she wanted her to see, revealing nothing of her thoughts. Her posture was nothing but relaxed. Even her disposition was natural, a bit of an as usual, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened last night.


Winter’s control over her expressions was impressive but it was frustrating when it was used against her.


“Your food’s going to get cold if you keep staring at me instead of eating, you know.”


Jimin sighed, putting down her spoon.


Winter finally looked at her, “What’s wrong?”


Jimin considered for a moment, before eventually saying, “Accompany me?”


She pleaded with her eyes and Winter stared at her before sighing. “Alright.”


She took a seat across from Jimin, drinking coffee and scrolling through her phone. Jimin resumed eating while Winter occasionally giggled and showed her cute puppy clips, at one point gasping and telling her about the latest dating scandal revealed by the press. It was all too natural. Jimin bit the inside of her cheek. If she was going to continue acting like this, she would be convinced that what happened last night was just a figment of her drunken imagination.


Maybe that’s what Winter wants – for them to forget about it.


Jimin wasn’t sure what she felt about that.


After finishing her food and drinking her medicine, Winter insisted on washing the dishes and told Jimin to shower instead, joking that she badly needed it. Rolling her eyes, Jimin left to wash up, changing into fresh clothes of a flannel shirt and cycling shorts Winter had lent her.


The kitchen was empty and clean when she stepped out. The television was blaring. She followed the sound and found Winter watching a show.


“You’re not leaving yet?” Winter asked when Jimin sat beside her on the couch. Jimin couldn’t tell what show she was watching, but there was lots of action and gunshots.


“You want to get rid of me that much?” she folded her legs beneath her and grabbed a throw pillow.


“You have a lecture at 11:45.” Winter reminded her, “Professor Jang rescheduled, remember?”


Jimin glanced at the wall clock. 11:00, it says. “I still have time.”


“If you say so.” Winter murmured and they lapsed into silence, the sounds from the TV filling in the dead air.


Jimin pushed last night’s incident to the back of her mind. If Winter wanted to pretend nothing happened, then she’ll respect that. If not, then…she has 45 minutes to do something. For now, she’ll enjoy this TV show.


At some point, their bare knees brushed and Jimin would suppress the urge to reach out and just–properly touch. Winter didn’t scoot over to the furthest end of the couch like she usually did, and Jimin kind of wished she would.


Soon, the episode reached its end and Jimin could see their reflection on the dark credits screen: two girls sitting beside each other, close but not close enough.


“Play the next episode,” Jimin urged, nudging Winter.


“The next episode comes out next week,” Winter replied, “It’s an on-going show.”


“Oh.” she muttered, heart nervously skipping a beat. “What a downer.”


Jimin fiddled with the pillow on her lap. Without the TV playing, the tension in the air laid on between them was so thick she wouldn’t be able to cut it with a knife. Perhaps a chainsaw would do.


She glanced at the clock. Should she just go?


“Yu Jimin.”


She almost flinched. “Hm?”


Winter’s face betrayed nothing from where she observed her reflection on the TV screen. It made Jimin feel helpless, anxiously waiting for her to speak without any idea of what she might say.


“Do you remember anything last night?”


Jimin inhaled sharply as Winter turned to her, their eyes locking. The ball was unexpectedly in her court now. In the end, Winter had taken initiative to let her make the decision.


She pondered on how to go with it before saying, “I remember drinking a lot.” she started slowly, voice low. “I remember having fun with Aeri and Yizhuo. I lost them because I kept looking at you though.” she bit her tongue. Why did she say that? “Jeno approached me but you dragged me away. You scolded me for drinking too much. Then you asked me if I wanted to talk to Jeno, because he was walking towards us. I said no. And…”




Jimin’s breath hitched. Since when did their faces get so close? Her eyes roamed all over Winter’s features. Pretty.


“I don’t know. I think I forgot.” she blurted in a hush. “Can you…help me remember?” she put a hand on Winter’s knee.


Winter’s face remained as still as a lake, but Jimin spotted the slight ripples in the split second that she clenched her jaw and visibly swallowed, hesitation flashing in her eyes.


“I pretended to kiss you.” she finally said and Jimin marvelled at how she managed to sound so nonchalant. “With a thumb between our lips and a play on the angle. It worked. He didn’t bother us.”


Jimin’s hold on Winter’s knee tightened. “And then?”


Winter’s eyes dropped to her lips as though in a daze before coming back up to meet her gaze, searching.


Whatever she found there made her say, “You kissed me,” her voice was hushed, her eyes hooded and dark and intense. “For real.”


Jimin gasped softly. So it really did happen.


“I did?” she felt her lips curl up, betraying her act of innocence. Between them, Winter was still the better actress after all. “I don’t quite remember. But perhaps…I need a reminder.”


Heart beating loudly in her ears, Jimin shifted closer. Winter’s breath hitched, but she didn’t pull away. Her eyes dropped to Jimin’s lips then back to her eyes, silently challenging. Jimin swallowed and closed the remaining distance between them.


Winter’s lips were softer than she remembered. She stayed still to allow Winter to push her away but Winter pressed against her instead, and Jimin instantly fell into step with her rhythm, lifting a hand to cup Winter’s soft, soft cheek. She caressed her skin with her thumb, revelling in how smooth it was to the touch.


Without the alcohol numbing her senses, she could feel, smell, and taste everything about Winter in a crystal-like clarity.


She forced herself to pull away, smiling at how Winter gravitated to her retreating lips.


They rested their foreheads together, catching their breaths. Jimin’s heart pounded in her chest.Tingles spread from her scalp to her toes. She felt like she was going to die. But in a good way. In a very, very good way.


“Did I do it like that?” she asked quietly, sounding a little breathless.


“More or less.” Winter rasped.


“And then?” Jimin tilted Winter’s chin up to meet her gaze and her breath stuttered at the look on her face. A delightful blush had bloomed on her pale cheeks, glistening lips parted, and a dazed look in her half-lidded eyes, glasses askew on her nose. A delicious shiver ran down Jimin’s spine. “What happened next?”


There’s no hesitation this time. “You kissed me again.”


And so she did.


Jimin climbed over Winter’s lap, straddling her as she did last night and the throw pillow fell to the carpeted floor. Winter’s hands rested on her hips so she won’t fall more than anything–the same restraint from last night.


Jimin sighed into their kiss. For someone who a lot for being so uptight, she sure was being a hypocrite.


She along Winter’s bottom lip–vanilla and caramel, without the faint bitterness of beer. She plucked out Winter’s glasses and blindly set it aside somewhere before burying her hand in Winter’s hair while the other held her neck, thumb absently her jaw as she deepened the kiss. Winter parted her lips and Jimin couldn’t help the sound that escaped her when their tongues met.


Flames seemed to have swallowed her up whole. From a pleasant warmth in her chest to an unbearable heat pooling down deep in her stomach. With every movement from Winter’s lips, every and nibble, every time their tongues brushed and tangled, and every low hum from Winter’s throat sending vibrations directly all over Jimin’s body, the fire couldn’t seem to be satiated, only growing and growing, wanting and wanting for more, more, more. Even Winter’s steady palms on her waist seemed to scald.


She had never had an unending urge like this before. This greed. This desire. Kissing Jeno was…okay. But kissing Winter…she didn’t want to stop.


Perhaps Winter’s lips were made of some sort of drug.


They parted for breath, a string of saliva connecting their lips. Jimin mindlessly wiped Winter’s bottom lip with her thumb. Soft. God, she wanted to kiss her again.


What used to be a splash of pink across Winter’s cheeks have now evolved to a full-faced blush, painting even her ears and neck red. Her eyes were closed, hair a dishevelled mess as she softly panted, chest rising and falling against Jimin’s. She had done this. She had caused the Winter Kim to completely lose her composure. Another pulse of heat spread in her core.


“And then?” she whispered hoarsely, “What happened after that?”


Winter opened her eyes to give her a seriously? look. Jimin just smiled, nosing her cheek. Indulge me.


“I called a driver for us, and chose to bring you here instead because the laser system at your place would’ve been a problem.” Winter recounted with that same transformed low hoarse voice, looking up at Jimin with an unmistakable unguarded softness in the midst of the heavy intent in her gaze that it made her blush harder than her kisses did. The weird tickle in Jimin’s chest was back. “We kissed again.”


“In the car?” Jimin asked despite already knowing the answer.


“No, here, in my living room.”




“We tumbled into the sofa,” Winter said and there was a brief gleam in her eyes. “Like this,”


Jimin’s world spun and the next thing she knew, she was lying on the couch, breath knocked out of her lungs. Winter hovered over her, dark hair falling over them like a curtain, blocking out everything except Winter. Winter. Winter. Her scent, her face, her heat. Winter, Winter, Winter.


Jimin looped her arms around her neck and pulled her down, lips meeting once more.


Mm. She didn’t think she could ever get used to this. No matter how many times they kissed, it still had Jimin curling her toes. She’s never felt like this before. This intense rush. This insatiable hunger. She couldn't seem to have enough. She ran her palms up and down Winter’s back, clawing at her shirt.


Her leg hooked Winter’s hip, pulling her down so they’re pressed together. “Mm,” she groaned at the contact. Her hand managed to slip beneath the hem of Winter’s t-shirt, clammy palms meeting flushed skin.


Oh. Quickly, she wanted to discover more. More of that sweet smooth softness. She ran her hands along Winter’s sides, drawing circles along the edge of Winter’s bra with her thumbs.


Control dangerously slipped to her fingertips. She pulled away to kiss down Winter’s chin, up her jaw, nuzzling the skin beneath her ear and inhaling a lungful of that addictive powdery scent.


Winter shivered, breathing in shakily, “Jimin…”


The desperation in her voice made Jimin gasp. Her hand slid further up, cupping Winter’s through her bra. She mouthed at Winter’s pulse point, once, twice, and was about to sink her teeth around the sensitive skin when–


“Yu Jimin.” Winter gasped and put a hand on her shoulder and pulled back, breathing heavily.


Jimin laid flat on the couch, dumbly blinking up at her.


“That didn’t happen last night.” Winter continued, looking away. “You passed out when we fell on the couch.”


“Oh.” she pulled her hand out of Winter’s shirt and laid limp on the couch, seemingly drained of every energy. She went too far. “I’m sorry.”


“It’s okay.”


Jimin closed her eyes, trying to regulate her breathing and clear her head. It proved to be a challenge especially with Winter still quite literally on top of her. But she didn’t want her to move away yet.


Grassy fields. A peaceful meadow. Grazing cows. Hippopotamus.


“Was last night what you would consider an ‘extremely necessary’ situation?” Winter’s voice broke through her meditation. “Or was it...something else?”


Jimin opened her eyes. Winter’s watching her, thoughtful face clear of its previous flush.She understood the question, and got the reference to their little contract. Winter looked uncharacteristically serious, like she badly needed to hear Jimin’s answer.


Maybe she was afraid that Jimin might be catching feelings. Which she wasn’t.




“It was extremely necessary,” she said slowly, holding Winter’s gaze. She had thought of this before she kissed her. She had it all figured out. “We had to show everyone and Jeno.”


Winter’s brows furrowed slightly, almost imperceptible but Jimin was watching her closely.


“What about today? Did what just happened still count?”


“Yes.” Jimin answered firmly. “You were helping me remember.”




Okay, there were feelings alright. She didn’t know about anything else yet but there was definitely an attraction in there. Strong and heavy and intense. Their contract said no falling in love. It did not prohibit attraction. Otherwise this wouldn’t have started. There had been attraction from the beginning, at least on her part, if she was being honest. Now her heart was still racing, and she wasn’t blind to Winter’s effect on her recently. But that wasn’t love was it? But then again their contract also said that intimacy would only be done in public. And Winter’s apartment was very private. And what they’d just done was very, very intimate.


A throb started at the back of her head. Jimin didn’t want to think about it. At least…not yet.


She once more laced her arms around Winter’s neck and pulled her down, this time not to kiss but to simply let her rest on her chest. Her arms must be sore, holding herself up for so long. Winter momentarily stiffened but eventually relaxed and shifted, adjusting so she could lay above Jimin comfortably, but she didn’t break away.


“It would also be extremely necessary in the future,” Jimin muttered, lazily running fingers through Winter’s hair, “We might have to kiss in front of other people so maybe we should practise.” she blurted despite her better angels telling her what a bad idea it was. It was against their contract. And it wouldn’t help with the growing attraction. But she didn’t know anything anymore other than she wanted to do that again.


Winter was worryingly quiet for a while before she let out a little mocking laugh. “Yeah,” she drawled, all sarcastic, “Just so we can find out what we need to do when they see us.”


Jimin smiled in relief at her dry tone. So very Winter. “Exactly,” she agreed, “Just want to make it more passionate. Besides, aren’t you always ready for some hot lady smooching?”


Winter pinched her waist and Jimin half-yelped and half-laughed at the pain.


“Your heart is beating so fast,” Winter pointed out, tapping along to Jimin’s pulse to demonstrate. “Are you that excited to practice with me?”


From this angle, Jimin could only see the top of Winter’s head but she knew she had that sly grin on her face right now. She couldn’t help but laugh, finding that what she used to think was irritating has become endearing.


“Yours is just as fast.” She fired back, feeling said heartbeat hammer against her abdomen.


“Yeah. Out of fear.”


Jimin paused, feeling her blood turn cold. Was she serious? Did she…did she really go too far? Was Winter just letting her do as she pleases because she was her client?


Sensing her prolonged silence, Winter shifted a bit to look at her, brows creasing upon seeing her expression, “Hey. I was just kidding.”


Jimin relaxed at that, but she still felt bad. “Tell me if I ever make you uncomfortable, okay?”


“I will. You do the same.”


“Mm.” Jimin hummed her affirmative and wrapped her arms around Winter’s frame, enjoying how soft and snug she felt against her. “Can we stay like this for a while?”


“What about your class?”


“Winter, I’m, like, already twenty minutes late now.”


Winter laughed, hearty vibrations sending warmth all over Jimin.


“Okay then,” she said, “We can stay like this for a while.”


Jimin smiled and closed her eyes, “Good.”




Midterms were finally over and a proper outing with friends was long overdue.


Winter had announced it on their group chat, honouring her promise to Jimin, stating everything from what, where, when, and who and emphasising that it was compulsory and that she won’t be taking no for an answer because she had already booked a resort. With Jimin’s card. Jimin couldn’t do anything about it anymore.


So that’s how she got them–even Yizhuo–in Jimin’s car as they travelled under the clear, sunny sky on a weekend despite having classes. Winter was meticulous in her planning. She had taken care of their lectures with well-worded emails to their respective professors attached with forged medical papers. Now apparently Jimin had a bad cold, Aeri had sprained her ankle, and Yizhuo suffered from diarrhoea, and all of them were strictly advised to stay at home and recuperate.


Jimin glanced at the passenger’s seat where Winter was poking her head out of the open window, eyes closed and grin wide as she basked in the sunlight. Jimin considerately slowed down, concerned that the harsh winds would sting Winter’s skin or bring dust to her eyes.


“Look!” the girl suddenly exclaimed, tucking her tousled hair behind her ear. Her eyes sparkled with delight. “It’s the sea!”


They were driving along the curve of a cliff, overlooking the glittering blue ocean. The air from Winter’s open window carried the scent of salt. In the backseat, Aeri and Yizhuo also enthusiastically pressed against the window to watch their surroundings, though not as energetic as Winter who now had almost half of her torso out of the car.


Jimin sent her a worried glance. “Winter,” she called and eventually tugged on her shirt when she got no response. “Get back in here. That’s dangerous.”


Winter turned and beamed at her, obviously not hearing what she just said with the wind whipping in her ears. “It’s so pretty!”


Jimin sighed in resignation. She made sure they were far from the road’s edge and the path ahead was a straight stretch before dividing her attention, pulling Winter back in with an arm around her waist.


“Sit properly.” she admonished, “You’re blocking the side mirror.”


Winter pouted and whined, “But I want to look at the sea.”


“Look at it from your seat.” Jimin replied, “Do you want the winds to blow your extensions away?”


Winter didn’t push anymore, but she was still pouting.


Jimin suppressed a smile. “You can keep the window open.” she compromised.


This seemed to work. Winter smiled and looked out again, “Okay!”


Jimin shook her head fondly. Glancing at the rearview mirror, their friends seemed to be engrossed in taking photos and videos of the scenery. She breathed out in relief. At least they seemed to be behaving for now.


She should’ve known this trip would be like watching over kids. During the first hour, loud music played in the speakers courtesy of shotgun passenger Winter which they scream-sang along to. When they got tired of that, they whined about being hungry and Jimin had to steer to the first drive-thru they encountered. Yizhuo and Winter bickered a lot. Unfortunately, the only other person Jimin could rely on maintaining peace didn’t seem to be in the mood to be the pacifier. Aeri plugged on her earphones every time they started fighting and it took Jimin’s everything not to consciously ram into the nearest ten-wheeler truck. Luckily for her, they eventually tired themselves out and fell asleep until the sea came into view and Winter wouldn’t shut up about it.


It was a two day and one night vacation. Short, but it was better than nothing at all. Winter had rented an entire villa for them–a small two-storey cottage separated from everybody else. In order to strengthen their bond (or so Winter says), there was only one room with two bunk beds and a glorious view of the beach.


Jimin suspected that wasn’t the real reason though. Winter didn’t give a crap about ‘bonding’ for all she knew. And…these days, Jimin had a feeling that Winter had been avoiding being alone with her. The entire week since they kissed, Winter never invited her over and refused whenever Jimin offered to hang out at her place even when she said she got a tyrannosaurus to guard her door, and seemed to always make sure there was at least one person in a room with them.


They shortly arrived at the villa. It looked exactly as it had in the pictures Winter sent their group chat with its wooden panels painted seafoam green and small wraparound porch where they could hang out and watch the waves. Walking through the doors, Jimin confirmed her suspicions. The villa had an open floor plan and their shared room occupied the entire second floor, which meant there would be little to no privacy to do stuff like, say, practice kissing.


With a lot of squealing, they brought their luggage up to the room. Aeri and Yizhuo had stepped out of the sliding glass doors and into the balcony to check out the view. Jimin sat by her duffle bag, quietly observing Winter who had just realised that their friends had left them alone in the room.


“I think I left my Jikjik in the car,” she muttered absently, moving to leave the room. It’s all natural. But then again it’s Winter. Everything about her was smooth.


But she was Jimin. And she’s been watching Winter slip into different personas for quite sometime now. She liked to think she knew at least some of her tells by now.


“Winter,” Jimin called before she could open the door. “I have it here.” she held out the doll, gesturing for Winter to take it.


Hesitation flashed in Winter’s face for a split second. “Uh…you can hold on to that. I can take it later–”


“Winter, my arm is getting sore.”


Pursing her lips, Winter eventually walked over and took the doll. Jimin swiftly grabbed her wrist.


“Wh–” Winter actually stammered, eyes wide in surprise. “What?”


Jimin tilted her head, examining Winter with narrowed eyes. “Are you avoiding me?”


Winter laughed. Jimin could detect the slightest bit of nervousness in it. Though it would’ve sounded completely fine to other people. “What are you talking about? We’ve been together the entire week.”


“Don’t think I haven’t noticed.” Jimin glanced at the glass door. It was closed and the glass had a one way mirror film. Aeri and Yizhuo were still chatting outside. She shifted her eyes back to Winter. “Is this about the kiss?” she asked in a hush.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Jimin sighed, squeezed her wrist gently, and tugged to make her sit on the hardwood floor with her. “Look, I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable, okay? I promise not to do anything without your permission. Please stop avoiding me? I really do have a tyrannosaurus at home. Seriously.”


Winter stared at her before shaking her head and letting out a small laugh. “I already made it clear last time that I didn’t mind, remember?”


“Then why are you avoiding me?” she asked. Pleaded, almost. “Stop denying it. I know you’re avoiding me.”


Just then, she witnessed the blocks of Winter’s expression rearranging themselves in that subtle way it always did and when she smiled at Jimin, it was foolproof, and just a touch patronizing.


“What’s wrong with you?” Winter tilted her head to the side in a way that Jimin now learned to be calculated. “Are you really that desperate to get me alone?” she fanned herself, “Gosh, you flatter me.” then she moved closer and murmured, “If you wanted another kiss, all you had to do was ask.”


The door suddenly slid open. Jimin jumped and barely stopped herself from screaming. Winter smoothly got to her feet as Aeri and Yizhuo stepped in. Jimin’s heart pounded in her ears and her face without a doubt was probably burning.


Crap, that was close.


They’ve come to an unspoken decision of not telling their friends about the…recent development in their relationship. It only made sense. If they found out they’ve been…practice kissing, Jimin wouldn’t hear the end of it. And Yizhuo might just murder Winter.


“Thanks for bringing Jikjik, unnie.” Winter said aloud with an easy smile as if they had been talking about the doll the entire time, and walked away to her own luggage.


It seemed to work. Yizhuo dove to her bed and Aeri plopped down on hers, both having taken the lower bunks. Jimin forced herself to move, aimlessly rummaging through her bag just to give her hands something to do.


“I’m hungry,” Yizhuo grumbled into her pillow.


Aeri patted her ankle, “We can go grab lunch after we freshen up,” she turned to Winter, “You made reservations, right?”


“Of course,” Winter winked, zipping up her bag and tossing her bedding on the bunk above Aeri’s. Jimin envied the relaxed manner in which she moved. Her heart still hasn't quite calmed down yet.


Their eyes met and Winter gave her a small sheepish smile. Jimin smiled back and they both looked away, pulse thundering in their chests.


After changing into beach-appropriate clothes and settling their stuff in the villa, they walked through the stretch of white sand, following Winter to a seafood restaurant. She had reserved an outdoor table which was nice because they could watch the waves and admire the skyline, except that the winds sometimes got sand on their food but halfway through their meal, they decided they didn’t really care.


“Aren’t you allergic to seafood?” Yizhuo asked Winter, who was in the middle of devouring mussels.


Jimin paused in putting a shrimp she peeled on Winter’s plate. “You are?”


Winter waved a nonchalant hand, taking Jimin’s wrist and eating the shrimp directly off her hand. Jimin’s finger twitched. She could feel Winter’s soft lips despite the plastic gloves. Damned plastic gloves. She shouldn’t have worn plastic gloves.


“I was allergic to shellfish,” Winter corrected, “Not seafood.”


“Those are shellfish.” Aeri nodded at the heap of shells Winter had emptied in .


Winter waved her hand again, “No worries. I got over them.”


“How can someone just ‘get over’ an allergy?”


“Resilience,” Winter swallowed her food, “Determination. I simply endured and ate them. I kept eating them to the point where it seems my allergies have given up. I won.”


She beamed and her smile was so stupidly proud, as though torturing herself to the point of immunity was something to be celebrated. Jimin ought to give her another piece of shellfish just to keep that smile but Aeri beat her to it.


“That sounds like a valiant battle,” Aeri said sympathetically, placing peeled crab legs on Winter’s plate. “Here. A simple reward for your great feats.”


Jimin put the clam meat on Yizhuo’s plate instead, then on Aeri’s, before eating one herself.


“It was bloody, but it was worth it. I’m honoured to have your crab leg.” Winter replied with a grateful bow, solemnly taking a bite. “I was allergic to this too.”


Yizhuo snorted and rolled her eyes, but there was unmistakable fondness in her eyes.


After lunch, Aeri and Winter went for a stroll around the beach to help digestion, rejecting Yizhuo and Jimin’s suggestion to raid every souvenir shop in the resort. Shops seduced them with its racks of bright tie-dyed and hawaiian shirts, shelves of wide brimmed hats, wooden keychains carved in all fun and silly shapes, and a heaping abundance of pearl and shell trinkets, all printed with the classic I HEART SOKCHO in one way or another.


Jimin had been eyeing a shell pendant and couldn’t help but be reminded of Winter’s allergy. Or the absence of it thereof. “You seem to know a lot about Winter,” she told Yizhuo, glad that she managed to deliver the comment casually. “Like her allergies and stuff.”


The younger girl wrinkled her nose. Jimin didn’t know if it was because of what she said or because of the woven friendship bracelets she was checking out on the next aisle. “I told you before. We go way back.”


Jimin let go of the necklace she’s inspecting, letting it swing back on the hook it was hanging from. “Old classmates or something?”


Yizhuo made a face. “Or something.”


She didn’t look like she’d explain nor did she look like she would appreciate more prying into their past. But Jimin wanted to know. “What’s up between the two of you anyway?” she asked, injecting casualness into her voice. “You say you can’t stand her, but you tolerate her as much as I do.”


“Please, unnie. Nobody tolerates her as much as you do.” Yizhuo shot her a wry look, lifting a brow. Jimin’s cheeks coloured.


“You know what I mean,” she insisted, refusing to drop the subject despite her fluster.


Yizhuo sighed, picking up one bracelet and examining it. “She hates me, I hate her. We’re a happy fam–” she had started singing in the Barney tune but stopped abruptly, a shadow passing her features. “Long story. It’s a mutual hate. That’s it.”


But when Jimin saw her buying four of those friendship bracelets instead of three, Jimin knew that it wasn’t as mutual as Yizhuo let on. There might even be no hate at all.





Minjeong squinted through the strong winds that carried a spray of sea water as their speedboat tore a white stripe in the middle of the azure sea, trying to appreciate the afternoon sun reflecting on the bobbing waves. She soon gave up though, opting to close her eyes instead. They were starting to hurt from the effort.


In between collecting shells and making sandcastles along the shore, Aeri had brought up an idea of going snorkelling. It sounded nice, especially since Minjeong’s itinerary for them during this short vacation was strictly ‘do whatever you want’. They told Jimin and Yizhuo and soon got into a boat, sailing away to a spot somewhere in the middle of the sea.


A tap on her shoulder made her open her eyes–just a crack, turning to Jimin who sat beside her. Her hair was held in a tight bun but several locks had escaped and were blown about by the wind, dancing in the air like tentacles. The white swimsuit cover-up she wore was slipping off one shoulder and its sheer material and plunging neckline was revealing too much of the black one piece swimsuit she wore underneath that she might as well just take it off.


Minjeong strictly forced herself to keep her eyes on Jimin’s sunglasses, seeing her own reflection on them. She was really wrong to have forgotten to bring one of those. And Yizhuo was too petty to let her borrow one of hers.


“What?” she asked when it became clear that Jimin wasn’t about to say anything soon, raising her voice to be heard over the boat’s engine and the waves.


Jimin shook her head, a small smile on her lips.


Her lips. Oh, her lips.


Minjeong clenched her fist. She wasn’t going to let her mind go there.


Jimin was saying something but the boat engine’s roar drowned out her voice.


Minjeong blinked, trying to comprehend what she was talking about. It was difficult since she was also trying not to stare at her lips. “What? I can’t hear you!”


Jimin leaned closer. Oh dear. “The wind was hurting your eyes, wasn’t it?” she spoke into Minjeong’s ear. Jimin’s low voice made her shiver despite the sun beating down her back. “You’ve been making this face since the boat started.” Jimin scrunched up her features and it was unfair how she still managed to look adorable.


“Oh, shut up.” Minjeong landed a light punch on Jimin’s shoulder–the clothed one–but kept facing her anyway. It was slightly better. Slightly.


Jimin leaned in again, to say something to her ear, and their fingers touched and it was achingly easy to just reach out and intertwine them. But Minjeong didn’t. She shouldn’t. Not when they were on vacation as… What? Business partners? Friends?


Seriously, she wasn’t supposed to stress over such things at the beach, of all places.


“You have sand on your face.”


Thankfully, Jimin says exactly what she needed to hear to take her mind off such things.


Minjeong brushed away at her cheeks, scowling at Jimin who was laughing at her and shooting a quick glare at Aeri sitting across them with Yizhuo, busy taking videos. This was all because of that snowball fight they had earlier at the beach. Except that it was wet sand instead of snow. Minjeong could still taste the granules in when Aeri landed a fistful of the stuff square on her face with a resounding splat.


“Here let me help,” Jimin swept sand from Minjeong’s forehead and nose, every movement so gentle that her heart skydived. Minjeong could call her out on it. Being affectionate when they weren’t putting up a show was a crime. But Jimin was affectionate with everyone. And Minjeong understood people enough to know that some were just too nice. She didn’t want to be weird about something so normal (for Jimin, at least), so swallowed back all the snarky remarks threatening to spill from her lips.


She’s been doing that a lot lately. It’s like since The Kiss, she had lost her personality and instead have become soft, meek, and — heaven’s forbid — shy.


But she’s never felt that way before. Felt so…strongly. That was new. And strange. Kim Minjeong didn’t do feelings. It was purely physical attraction, sure, but the thought that she allowed so much of it to show on that short moment on her couch…that was…that was unacceptable.


So she avoided Jimin. Discreetly. As her last resort of self-preservation. And she thought she was doing a pretty good job of it. But, well, evidently it seemed that she had underestimated Jimin’s watchfulness.


“Have you put on sunscreen?” Jimin asked. She reached out, tucking the strands disturbed by the wind behind Minjeong’s ear ever so tenderly.


Minjeong swallowed thickly and nodded, not trusting herself to speak, and cast her gaze to the waves.


That kiss shouldn’t have happened. But it already has. And Minjeong should deal with it. And the only way to deal with it was to take it in stride.


They soon arrived at the snorkelling spot and the strong wind ceased as the boat stopped in the middle of nowhere, replaced by a gentle sea breeze. The water glistened under the soupy afternoon light, waves rippling all around them making Minjeong shiver at the majesty of it all.


They were handed snorkelling masks and flippers. Minjeong fumbled with hers until Jimin wordlessly took over, and Minjeong watched as she did the same to Aeri and Yizhuo afterward.


She’s really just much too kind, curse her. Minjeong knew that well enough, but her racing heart hadn’t seemed to have gotten the memo yet. She swept the feeling under the rug and pretended it didn’t exist. And then she put on her mask and jumped into the sea.


The cold water brought her back to her senses. She really should get Jimin and Jeno back together so she could get out of there unscathed.


Soon, she promised herself.


(Her heart twinged at that thought, but she swept that under the rug too)


“A little warning, yeah?” Yizhuo yelled from the boat, fiercely wiping her face drenched from Minjeong’s splash.


“Oh, sorry.” Minjeong monotone before splashing her with more sea water.


Yizhuo shrieked and joined her in the water with a vengeance. They scuffled for a while, dunking each other until they had enough seawater up their noses. When that was over, the four of them gazed underwater side by side. Corals of different sizes and shapes stood stalwart beneath where they swam, colourful fishes swimming in and out through every structure. Minjeong tried to catch an angelfish and predictably failed.


Eventually, she removed her lifejacket and dove down to collect seashells and unique rocks and stored it in the speedboat.


“What are you going to do with that?”


Minjeong turned and saw Jimin swimming toward her.


“Keepsake, I guess?” she shrugged, looking around and slightly panicking when she couldn’t spot Aeri and Yizhuo. Thankfully, there was the boat driver. But he had his back on them, and he was a bit too far away. “Where are the girls?”


“They’re over there.” Jimin gestured vaguely beyond the boat. “Something about a weird looking coral.”


“Cool. We should go join them.” Minjeong made a show of looking around. Anything to keep her eyes off the very wet Jimin and her very enticing shoulders. She had taken off her cover-up which wouldn’t have helped much underwater, considering how sheer it already was.


“Winter.” Jimin still wasn’t buying it. Since when did this woman become so keen? “Winter. Look at me.”


Minjeong did. She didn’t really have much of a choice with those hands cupping her cheeks. She looked at the gorgeous woman in front of her and tried not to combust. It was proving to be a difficult feat, even in the water.


Jimin’s eyes flicked to the driver once then moved them closer to the boat so he wouldn’t see them even if he turned around.


“Why can’t you just tell me?” maybe it was the waves but suddenly, they’re floating much too close to each other so Minjeong could see Jimin’s pupils dilating. Minjeong’s breath hitched.


“Tell you what?” she asked in a hush when Jimin didn’t continue, seemingly gotten lost in her thoughts as she stared at her.


“Why can’t you just tell me what’s wrong?” Great, she’s still on to that. They inched closer to each other, softly goaded by the lapping waves.


What’s going on between us? Minjeong wanted to ask. She wanted to grab Jimin by the shoulders and shake her. Why are you acting like this to the person you paid to be your fake girlfriend?


But she didn’t. Demanding answers would mean that she’s affected. That she’s feeling something real. She didn’t. There’s nothing real about Winter Kim. Not her name, not her background, not her personality, and definitely not her girlfriend.


“Because there’s nothing wrong.” Minjeong said, her voice sounding a little too earnest. She took a deep breath. She’s better than this. Get your head in the game. She plastered on a smile and hoped her face would cooperate this time and it would look coy. “Do you want me to prove it to you?”


This was all an act. This was what she’s paid to do. Besides, Kim Minjeong didn’t do feelings, so doing this – whatever it was she had going on with Jimin – would be nothing.


It’s nothing.


Waves brought them closer, as though the universe itself was plotting for them to be together, and Jimin’s hands shot out instinctively to grip Minjeong’s hips.


Energy buzzed in the air around them, leaving Minjeong dizzy. It’s nothing. Jimin’s still staring at her and damn those beautiful expressive eyes and the overflowing concern and frustration and desire in them – a kaleidoscope of emotions. It’s nothing.


Minjeong couldn’t stand it. She closed the distance between them, not wanting to continue seeing Jimin look at her like that – with all the feelings in the world – and every nerve ending in Minjeong’s body exclaimed in worship when their lips finally touched.


It’s not nothing. And her metaphorical rug had gotten quite bulky with everything that’s shoved under it.


Well, she’s gonna need to get a new rug, isn't she?

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no strings attached is back!
i cant make any promises tho updates might still be irregular bc im still trying to get back into my rhythm w writing but i'll do my best to at least finish this one. thank you very much for the support! it's been very helpful while i was struggling to write :)


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Chapter 9: i was so invested in this i didn't even notice it isn't finished 😭😭😭😭😭 what im supposed to do with my life now?!?! please update 😭😭😭 not ending this could be my thirteen reason
Minseok25 #2
We’re still waiting for you 😭 hope you’re doing great
i'm a big fan of your works, thank you for sharing it to us~ hope u're doing well!
Chapter 9: Please update. I’m already invested on this story. 😭
Chapter 1: im so hooked on this rn omg
monsalaimx #7
Chapter 9: author-nim please save us (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Chapter 9: I suddenly missed this and reread the last chapter. AAAAAAAAAAAAA~ 🥰 such a talented writer

kwonjess13 #10
Chapter 9: can't believe it took me more tha a year to read the latest update. i loved this story so much and i still love it!!!! will probably reread this a couple more times especially now that it's obvious that they're both catching feelings but are too stubborn to admit it. not quite sure if i commented this before but this has the right amount of slowburn and tension, fluff and angst. seriously, this story gives me butterflies the best kind!