Chapter 3

no strings attached


Jimin’s at the coffee shop again.


Usually, she would be spending her free time doing her homework and reading learning materials in the library but she was supposed to meet Winter today, even though they just saw each other the day before yesterday.


One day was all the girl asked to come up with a proper, detailed plan that didn’t just involve lots of kissing. Jimin suggested giving her a week but Winter just smiled, saying, one day is all I need, and even added an unnecessary wink.


Her life used to be like clockwork and Jimin found Winter’s sudden appearance clogging up the gears and scattering everything out of order.


She wasn’t sure what to feel about that.


There’s not a single second that she didn’t consider calling off everything--just send her back to prison and find another way to get Jeno back. It wouldn’t be so hard.


“Did you wait long?”


But every time she looked at her, such thoughts dissipated. Winter just didn’t look like she should be in a dreary place such as prison.


She looked like she should be flaunted out in the open for everyone to see and adore.


A work of art should be displayed high up on the wall, not hidden in the shadows.


“Not really.” Jimin raised a hand to get the waiter’s attention. “I ordered you your strawberry cake in advance.”


A pleased grin graced Winter’s face. “You’re a fast learner. I like it.”


Today, Winter looked like spring. The pastel shade of her pink floral dress sat well against her pale skin. She wore light lipstick this time, a bit peachy, unlike the fierce red of their first meeting and the intimidating crimson of their second and Jimin absently wondered what she’ll wear tomorrow. Or the day after.


“So what’s the plan?”


Winter quirked a brow as she nibbled on a strawberry chunk. “Straight to the point, are we? No ‘how have you been’s or ‘the weather is nice today’s?”


She’s looking at her so expectantly Jimin could only sigh. Dealing with Winter was already so exhausting, and it’s only the third time they met.


“How have you been?” She relented, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.


Winter beamed. “Great, actually. Your apartment is pretty neat.” she paused, blinking up at Jimin, waiting.


Another sigh. “How did your move go?”


Winter grinned, “Uneventful, thanks for asking. I don’t have a lot of stuff, thankfully, and your place is already furnished. Made things a lot easier for me. Too much blue though. But I don’t really mind.” she said, “I spent all day on Netflix and caught up with all the shows I missed while I was in…ah, vacation.” she gave a conspiratorial wink.


Jimin frowned. “Did you actually get anything done yesterday?”


“Well, I did finish the last three seasons of Money Heist. It's great reference material for my future gigs.”


The urge to put her taekwondo skills to good use was getting stronger and stronger by the second.


Jimin had to waste thirty more minutes--twenty minutes of Winter beating around the bush complaining about how she wasn’t able to keep her skincare routine in prison and how it’s supposed to be part of their rights as prisoners to be able to smuggle in a Mediheal ampoule or two and the other ten was spent watching her munch her cake in every pause of their (one-sided) conversation.


“I think skincare should be the last of your worries because with all due respect, you stole millions from different people.” Jimin pointed out after her tirade.


Winter shrugged, grinning. “But hey, I looked good doing it.” she wriggled her brows.


Jimin took a deep breath. Patience. “You’re starting to look good enough for me to send you back to prison right now, actually.”


Winter just barked out a laugh. “You’re no fun.” she leaned back. “But at least you’re starting to learn how to keep up in a conversation.”


Jimin frowned. “What?”


“That’s the thing about you, unnie.” Winter’s eyes glinted, the word unnie hanging venomously in the air. “You need to learn how to pretend that you care, even if you don’t. Though, someone who’s truly in love wouldn’t have to make such an effort.”


Jimin leaned back, frowning as she crossed her arms defensively. “I’m not sure I follow.”


Winter shrugged. “Consider this a bonus. Aside from being your fake girlfriend, I can also be your love doctor.”


“I don’t need a love doctor.”


“Yeah and where’s your relationship now?” Winter mocked, “Found dead in a ditch.”


This girl never fails to make her want to commit crimes. An impressive talent, truly.


“Let’s just get on with it, yes?”


Winter laughed, “Well, if you’re itching to get to business, we’re gonna have to head back to my place. How does that sound?”




Jimin closed her eyes, raking fingers through her hair. “If so, then why--” she took another deep, calming breath, “Why did you tell me to meet you here in the first place?”


Winter clicked her tongue, wagging a finger, “Uh-uh. You don’t head straight into third base, sweetie.”


“What?” Jimin spluttered.


“Asking you out is already part of the first step of our plan.” Winter continued, checking her nails. “I’m quite efficient, aren’t I? But alas, since you’re so bent on being boring, let’s just head back.”


Her place at Gangnam--now Winter’s--was still the same as she remembers. It was the apartment she stayed in during her first year in university in a desperate attempt to be independent. Except that the muted blues and greys now had splashes of bright white and soft pinks cluttered all over the place. Like seasons changing and the cold snow was making way for warm blossoms. Jimin absently wondered if it will look like a completely different place by the end of it all.


“Take a seat and make yourself comfortable.”


Jimin felt her lips twitch, finding humour in being told to be comfortable in her own house. In front of the couch was a glass board with her and Jeno’s photos, haphazardly drawn arrows and crisscrossing lines that didn’t make any sense, and cute scribbles and doodles in white ink.


The lights dimmed and Jimin turned to see Winter sauntering up to the board.


Jimin squinted. “Must it be this dark?”


Winter gasped, affronted. “Of course! Do you even watch detective movies?”


Jimin knit her brows. “Then do you need a pipe?”


“Why? Do you have one?”




“Then sit down.” Winter picked up a pair of glasses from the coffee table and put it on. “This will do.”


It suits her. Jimin tried not to stare and found herself failing. She redirected her gaze to the board instead, on Jeno’s smiling face. She didn’t know if she was revolted by the fact that Winter could get any more attractive than she already was or if it was because she actually found her attractive.


Jimin shook her head. Nonsense.


Winter’s a witch, of sorts. And Yizhuo did warn her about her deadly charm. Besides, it’s normal human reaction to appreciate--


“Watson, are you even listening?”


Jimin blinked back to reality. Watson?


Winter sighed, “I know you miss your boyfriend but stop staring at his photo and focus, miss ma’am.” she moved, her pouting, scheming face blocking Jimin’s view of Jeno’s picture. “Besides, you’re dating me now. I’ll be jealous if you keep this up.”


Jimin’s ears burnt. “Fake dating.” she corrected.


Winter waved her away. “Technicalities. Anyway,” she stepped away from Jeno’s photo but this time, Jimin’s eyes followed her. “You went to America during high school as an exchange student for a year, correct?”


“How did you know that?”


Winter rolled her eyes, “I’ll let that pass once but next time, don’t you ever question my all-knowing benevolence.” then she beamed, dimple showing. “Our concept will be: ‘two homesick girls who found home in each other in a foreign land were forced to part ways and now finally found each other again after many years and realised they’ve always been in love’. Romantic, right?”


Jimin frowned, “That sounds cliché.”


Winter clicked her tongue. “There’s a good reason why cliché became cliché, Watson.”


Jimin had no idea why they were still playing detective. “Continue then, Sherlock.”


Winter’s brows rose. “So you do have a sense of humour.” she heaved out a relieved sigh. “Glad I’m not fake dating an upright plank with the emotional capacity of a mushroom.”


“Wha--Excuse me?”


Winter gave her a jovial grin. “You better remember this in case people ask, okay? Our stories should match.” she continued. “Obviously, we met in America and had a silly, puppy love thing. Now, I, Winter Kim, have gone back to Korea to continue my college studies. And you, Yu Jimin,” she pointed at her photo, “Being so irrevocably head over heels in love and obsessed with me, forgot all about the heartache of your recent breakup the moment you bumped into me at your campus.”


Jimin scratched her cheek, dubious. She doesn’t know about being irrevocably head over heels in love and obsessed. Sounds like fiction. “Are we filming a movie?”


Winter waved a hand. “This is just the premise. Our backstory, if you may. We don’t have to act this out. But I did prepare a detailed script about our supposed past for you so you can feel it on a spiritual level. It’s under the table in front of you.”


Jimin leaned down. There was a bound book sitting there. She scanned its contents and grimaced, having caught the words ‘you had me at hello’. “Did you watch Jerry Maguire yesterday?”


“It came on shuffle.”


Jimin’s still baffled as she flipped through the pages. The amount of detail was crazy. “You’re putting a lot of effort into this.”


“I told you, I’m a professional.”


“I don’t get it. Why?”


Winter hummed thoughtfully and started to approach her. “Hmm, let’s see...does my freedom and the millions I stole from your company count?”


She sat beside Jimin, so close she could smell her powdery scent in each inhale and feel the warmth of her skin through the thin material of her shirt, space nonexistent. Something in the air shifted and she found it hard to breathe.


Winter looked straight into her eyes and Jimin stared back, wide-eyed and transfixed. Winter’s lips held a smile, but it didn’t soften her gaze like it usually does. If anything, it only sharpens to a piercing blade.


“We’re about to fool the whole world, Jimin.” she said, voice soft yet sharp. “One misstep and everything can backfire. You’re about to parade around proclaiming that I’m your girlfriend for a mere boy.” her smile disappeared and for a while she looked exactly as her reputation says about her. Beguiling. Dangerous. “I’m giving you one last chance to back off from this agreement and I promise to forget everything that just transpired in the past few days and we can both go back to living our normal lives.”


Jimin’s fists trembled. She hadn’t even realised she had them clenched. Winter’s right, of course. But Jimin wasn’t the type to quit so easily without seeing it through.


“I need to do this.”


Winter raised a brow. “Are you sure?”


Jimin’s eyes fluttered close. In the darkness, her mind’s eye saw Jeno--his bright smile and the comfort of his ever present presence but it was her step-father’s voice that rang in her head. “I hope this will be the last time you let us down.”


Her eyes flew open. Winter’s face replaced Jeno’s, taking up her entire view and allowing her to see nothing else.


“Yes. I’m sure.”


Winter lips curved. But there’s a kind of disappointment in her eyes.


“Very well then.” She moved back, putting a respectable distance between them. “I got you. Just follow my lead.”




Being born into wealth didn’t mean that Jimin could have it all.


She couldn’t have visitors, for one. Her parents had prohibited her from anything that could potentially distract her from her studies, ballet lessons, and piano lessons. This turned into a habit that stayed with her even after her parents divorced. She never had anyone over despite living alone. Not Aeri or Yizhuo. Not even her own boyfriend. Keeping the sacred solidarity of her home was just one of the few selfish acts she indulges herself to have and enjoy.


And yet again, Winter’s there to mess everything up.


She was finding the girl quite consistent in that area.


Winter brought it up during their little detective meeting yesterday, saying that their first step is to get to know each other and asked (demanded) to spend a day with her.


“It’s becoming apparent to me that you have the penchant of thinking that everything can be accomplished in just one day.” She had pointed out, a little dubious about this plan of hers.


“To an unbeliever, it does sound unlikely.” Winter then gave her that disarming grin. “But I can make it happen, sweet. One day is enough.”


Jimin shook her head. “I can’t tomorrow.”


“You don’t have classes tomorrow.”


“How’d you know that?”


“Once again you’re underestimating my all-knowing benevolence.”


Jimin rolled her eyes. “I need to study for a quiz.”


“Then I can just come over. We can bond over marketing strategies and paint our nails and talk about cute boys!”


Jimin didn’t even have the chance to turn her down. Winter has that unfair ability if having complete control over every conversation, steering it wherever she wishes with the smoothness of a purring Mercedes and the next thing Jimin knew, she’s restlessly shifting on the couch, trying to concentrate on her notes but unable to stop the anxious glances she’s been throwing to the door every now and then.


Winter had told her she’d be there by 9. Half an hour had passed. Of course she’d be late.


Or better yet, maybe she’s not coming anymore. Easing into that thought, Jimin relaxed and slowly focused back to her papers when--ding dong.


Oh, for fu--


Today, Winter looked cosy and warm. A grey hoodie two sizes too big swallowed her up whole with only her tiny fingertips curled around the edges of her sleeves visible. Her shorts (if she wore any and Jimin sure hoped she did) was covered under her jacket and shapely legs were displayed for everyone to see. Everyone, in this case, was Jimin alone.


“Hey, baby. Did you wait long?” Winter smiled sweetly, stepped close for a hug with an arm around Jimin’s waist, and tiptoed to press a kiss on her cheek. “Pardon my tardiness. Traffic was terrible--babe, why are you still standing there like a statue?”


Jimin snapped out of her trance. Winter had already walked past her, looking around the living room while she froze by the door, short circuiting.


“...’baby’?” She managed to choke out.


“Yes, dear?” Winter cheekily grinned, bursting into laughter at Jimin’s deadpan stare. “I took liberty and picked out a pet name for us. Do you not like it? Would honeybunch suit your taste better? Or sugarpuff? Or--”


“Baby.” Jimin interrupted grimly, finally moving to close the door. “Baby is fine. Did you--did you kiss me just now?”


“I did.” Winter cheerfully confirmed. “Want more?”


Jimin threw her head back and desperately gazed skyward, praying for patience because if she’s granted strength, she’d cause a slaughter.


“Look, the entire purpose of this visit is for you to be more comfortable around me so let me break our little no touching in private rule or whatever just for today, okay?” Winter heaved a dramatic sigh, “I understand that you’ve always had that stick up your but we can’t let the audience see that.”


“Excuse me?”


“Come now,” Winter bounded over, grabbing her hand. “Be a good host and show your lovely guest around, yes?”


Winter didn’t let go even as they went upstairs to check out the bedrooms (which Winter surprisingly didn’t have a suggestive quip about; a pity, since Jimin was so ready). Holding her hand didn’t feel so strange. It wasn’t uncommon between girls after all and she had been doing it with Aeri and Yizhuo a lot so maybe she could...she could get used to this.


“Mind if I turn on the TV?” Winter asked, sprawled beside her on the couch.


“You already turned it on.” Jimin deadpanned, opening her notes. “Do whatever you want but keep it down and please don’t bother me.”


Winter gave her a mock salute. “Roger that.”


She did behave, much to Jimin’s surprise. The girl just sat there, scrolling through her phone and not paying any attention to the morning drama on TV at all. Just a constant presence close enough for Jimin to feel the heat from her skin and listen to her calm breathing and occasional muffled laughter at whatever it was she found funny on her phone. Not bad. Jimin actually appreciated the company. It made her usual routine a little less...lonely.


She was enjoying the steady, lulling buzz when she heard the unmistakable sound of a camera shutter. Snap.


Jimin turned, frowning at the phone pointed at her.




“Winter…” she warned.


“Oops. Forgot to put it on silent. Wait--one more.” She held up the phone for a selfie. Snap. “Ugh, smile a little, will you?”


Jimin smiled.




She watched as Winter giggled and checked her shots, the way the light from her phone reflects in her eyes in a kaleidoscope of gleaming colours.


“These will come in handy in the future.” Winter explained, taking her stare as a questioning one. “Everything I do has a purpose, babe.”


Jimin’s eye twitched at the endearment. That’s one thing she won’t be getting used to anytime soon.


All it takes is a blur and Winter’s head is on her lap, hair splayed like a halo. She stretched, and Jimin watched the tiny scrunch of her nose and the puff of her cheeks, bewildered. What’s she up to now?


“I’m taking a nap while you finish that, okay?” she stifled a yawn and shifted to her side, burying her face in Jimin’s stomach, breath hot and hair looking silky enough for her to run her fingers through and not find any tangle.


“You said your purpose is to make me comfortable with you, and now you’re sleeping?”


“Correction: I’m sleeping on your lap. There’s a difference.” Winter mumbled, voice muffled by the material of Jimin’s muscle tee.


She shook her head. “We should’ve gone out instead. Might be more fun.”


Winter leaned back just enough for an eye to peek up at her, gleaming. “Don’t you know there are much more enjoyable things to do at home?”


“Like wh--”


A cool finger on her lips. “Save that for later. Do your homework first, student.” a tap on her nose, and the intruding hand was gone.


Jimin cleared , stiffly moving to pick up her highlighter so she could avoid disturbing the girl on her lap.


“What would you like for lunch?” She quietly asked after some time, in case Winter had fallen asleep.


She stirred, wrapping a hand around her waist. “...fried chicken.”


Jimin cracked a small smile. “Okay.”


She slowly grew accustomed to the warmth and weight on her lap, though she still sat rigidly, wary of her movements in case it woke her up. Her pulse slowly matched Winter’s steady breathing and she relished in the quiet of it all. She chanced a quick glance at the girl and felt her lips twitch at the sight of tousled hair obscuring her face. Winter was much more tolerable when asleep.


After all this was over and Jimin’s life goes back to the systematic clockwork that it was, maybe they could keep the friendship that’s inevitably going to grow--


Friendship? Where did that even come from? Winter wasn’t someone she would want to be friends with. Their personalities differ far too much and being around her for a few days was already exhausting Jimin’s sanity.


Going back to being strangers would be the best for both of them.


She shook her head and focused on her strategic management notes instead of worrying about getting drool all over her shirt.


At 12, she paused reviewing to place an order of fried chicken. 30 minutes later, the doorbell rang.


“Winter,” she called, already having told the delivery person to leave the food outside her door. “Winter, get up. It’s time for lunch.”


Winter shuffled and huffed. “Magic word.” She grumbled sleepily.


Jimin blinked, confused. Magic word? Winter shifted, lying on her back and staring up at Jimin. Waiting. Expecting.




The way Winter’s face pinched to a frown told her she got it wrong.


“...strawberry cake..?”


Winter replied with a deadpan stare.


Magic word...magic word...just what is this magic word and why was it standing between her and her chicken?


The answer came to her in a vision.




Winter stared at her for a second before letting out a huff, hiding in Jimin’s shirt again.


“Oh, come on!” Jimin protested, face burning with embarrassment. “Why are you acting like a--”




Jimin sighed, exasperated. “Winter…” she warned.


“I’m not moving until you say it.”


Jimin sighed again, staring up at the ceiling for patience. She could just stand and drop Winter on the floor.


“B...B...B-Baby,” she choked out, cringing. “Get up.”


Winter moved on her back, revealing her already grinning face. The little devil!


“Okay, babe.” She laughed, sitting up. “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”


‘Baby’ then was the only thing Winter answered to. For Jimin to practice, she reasoned, because she can’t have her looking and sounding like she’s pooping through every time she says it. Jimin gaped at her, outraged at her audacity to say the p-word at the dining table.


“If I didn’t know better, I’d assume you’ve never been in a relationship before.” Winter commented, finishing up her drumstick. “Just what did you and Jeno call each other?”


“Our names,” Jimin answered, “Like proper, civilised people.”


Winter laughed and Jimin gave the grain of rice that shot from a glare. “For real?”


Jimin nodded, pouring a glass of apple juice in case she choked and tried to recall the proper way to execute the Heimlich manoeuvre.


“Wow.” Winter breathed out, “I wonder what you do on dates.”


“We eat.” Jimin replied, pushing the juice over to Winter. “Talk about our day. Sometimes watch a movie. Drive around. Things like that.”


“Hmm…” Winter propped her jaw on her knuckle, giving her that stare again--the one that incessantly dug under her skin. “Tell me more.”


Jimin paused, taking a moment to think as she chewed her food. What else did they do? “Um. Like what?”


“What do you do here?”


“He’s never been here.”








“I’ve never had anyone over.”


Winter’s smile was slow. “So I’m the first.”


Jimin shrugged. It’s true. “You’re the first.”


Winter chuckled, “Then to commemorate your housewarming,” hooded eyes fixed Jimin with a suggestive look, “Should I show you the much enjoyable things I have in store?”




They played Halli Galli.


Jimin kept losing, which was unfair because Winter had the quick hands of a master thief.


Jimin threw her cards. “I quit.”


Winter was trying not to laugh and was obviously failing. “Already? Come on, don’t be a sore loser.”


Jimin huffed. They’ve already spent a precious hour playing this nonsense. She didn’t even know how Winter managed to make her agree to this.


“I still have to study.”


“Just one last game,” Winter held up a finger, “Please?” she batted her eye.


Sighing, Jimin rearranged her cards. “Fine.”


She watched Winter place cards down one at a time, Jimin putting one of her own after she did. The girl’s stance on the floor was seemingly relaxed but the longer Jimin stared the more she noticed the tense edges, the subtle way her limbs looked like they were ready to either pounce or flee. A certain shroud surrounded her, as usual, but it was more apparent up close how every expression on that face seemed to be perfectly set to a practised smile that reflected no warmth in those eyes and Jimin came to a jarring realisation that she knew nothing about this girl--not even her real name.


Meanwhile, Winter seemed to read her like an open book, eyes seeing way past her soul. It reminded her of that time her step-father took her to see a therapist who always gave her the uncanny feeling that the doctor heard not only her words but also the spaces in between. Winter seemed to notice every glint of her eyes, and every puff of her breath, every flex of her muscles, and the very intonation of her voice.


But somehow, she knew that if anything, she could trust Minjeong to do her job.


So Jimin trusts her, she decides.




Jimin blinked. The fruits on their cards now add up to five and Winter’s hand was on the bell.


She lost--again.


Winter’s looking at her, amused. “I was going to let you win,” she said, “But you don’t seem to be into this game as I am. I’m a little sad.” But there’s a slanted smile on her lips, betraying her words. “What’s on your mind?”


“I was thinking about my books,” Jimin schooled her expression to that of neutrality, “And how I could be reviewing them now instead of counting bananas.”


Winter pouted. “You don’t enjoy playing with me?”


“It was thrilling until you won for the fifth time.”


Winter laughed and Jimin wondered how much of it was real.


“Alright then. I won’t deprive you of those lessons you love so much.” Winter took Jimin’s notebook from the table, “How about I help you out? We can test your knowledge and with every correct answer, I’ll give you a reward.”


“A reward? From you?”


“I assure you, it’ll be SFW.”




Winter patted the space on the carpet beside her, “C’mere baby. So you can rest your back on the table.” she said, “Unless you want to stay there all sore and uncomfortable and back ache-y.”


It wasn’t much of a choice. Jimin sidled up next to her and Winter wasted no time to lay her head on her lap again.


Jimin raised a brow at her, not even blinking at Winter’s antics anymore.


She’s hugging the notebook to her chest, staring straight up at Jimin and smiling in a way that makes her want to check for her wallet and make sure it’s still there.


“This,” she said, “Is me abusing my girlfriend privileges. And you,” she grabbed Jimin’s wrist and pressed her palm on her head. “Should start doing your girlfriend duties.”


Jimin’s fingers twitched. “I’m not aware that petting you like a dog is my duty.”


“Well, if you want me to bark for you, then why not?” Winter laughed at her own quip that obviously flew over Jimin’s head. “Just do it.”


Jimin rolled her eyes but started gingerly carding her fingers through Winter’s hair anyway. It felt just as she imagined--silky, soft, without tangles, and with the fragrance of sweet bubblegum tickling her nose.


“I’m going to start asking questions now. Question number one: what do you call the situation in the market at a time where there is a rapid change in technology? ”


“Hyper-market.” Jimin answered easily.


A soft touch of lips on cheek. Swift. A puff of warm breath. Then gone.


Jimin blinked, hand that was combing Winter’s hair instinctively pressed flat on the girl’s back to support her half-sitting up position.




“Your reward.” Winter blew her a raspberry. Her breath smelled like apple juice. “You obviously wanted more earlier.”


“I did not say that.”


Winter chuckled and settled back on her lap. “Still in denial, I see. Second question: what is the strategy focused on search and scanning of the most profitable business activities?”


Jimin got it correct as well as all the next ones. She had to admit this was helpful, though the questions were suspiciously easy. By her third correct answer, Winter started pulling her down instead of sitting up, lips landing everywhere on Jimin’s face from her cheeks to her nose to her chin to her forehead and even her eyes. Every time she leaned down, Jimin strictly trained her eyes to the carpet beside Winter’s head and made sure it stayed there.


“These questions are too easy.” Jimin complained after the eleventh one. “You’re doing this on purpose.”


Winter feigned an offended gasp. “I would never!” she denied, though her smile told otherwise. “Clearly, it’s not only detective movies you don’t watch. You seem to be unfamiliar with quiz shows as well. What is this entire TV set even for? Just there to collect dust?” she cleared and continued in an announcer voice, “Contestant number 1, Yu Jimin, congratulations for passing the preliminary round. We will now be proceeding to the intermediate level. Situational question worth 20 points: On February 2007, A Radio announced it would merge with B Radio in a stock swap and the merge was closed on July 2008. At the time of the merger each firm had a cumulative loss of about 4 billion dollars. The merged firm’s 2008 revenues were nearly double in the 2007 revenues of A Radio, but the combined firm reported a 5.30 billion dollar loss in 2008. The amount of 5.30 billion dollar loss in 2008 included a 4.77 billion dollar goodwill impairment charge at merger date, when B Radio immediately wrote off 4.77 billion of the 6.6 billion dollar goodwill it recorded as part of the price it paid for B Radio. Cash flow from operations for 2008 was negatively by 153 million dollars including 51 million dollars of merger related costs.”


She paused, wetting her lips, “Assess the major problems A and B Radio faced during the acquisition of B by A as compared to the average acquisition during this period and describe the key benefits of the acquisition to A and B.”


Jimin lifted her brows, impressed. Winter isn’t even reading the question off a book. “You sound well-versed in this.”


Winter gave her a smug smile, “I’m a conwoman, honey.” she reminded her, “I’m well-versed in all sorts of things.”


“And this is for intermediate level?” Jimin frowned, “Only worth 20 points?”


“What can I say? I’m rather prudent.”


Jimin takes a moment to think. A merger is a situation when two different companies agree to become one new company. It occurs to consolidate and expand customers, expand market share, and increase value, among other reasons.


“The major problems A and B radio faced during the acquisition by A is that the merger resulted in each firm having a cumulating loss of about 4 billion dollars. In addition, although revenue doubled in 2008, the combined firm losses were reported at 5.3 billion dollars in 2008 with most of the losses related to goodwill impairment of 4.77 billion dollars.” She answered, “The key benefit of the merger is that A’s customer base increases as B is now a part of A. As a result, this merger can create increased revenue generation for the new company, because the customer bases for both A and B increase, revenue further increases.”


“Do you have any recommendations for this situation?”


Jimin hummed thoughtfully, “The show that gives the highest revenue in B Radio should generate higher revenues especially with a larger customer base due to the merger. As the number of subscribers and revenue continues to increase significantly over time, it would be advisable for the contract for that show to be extended because the show provided great financial value before the merger and should continue to do so.”


“Very well then.” Winter nodded, seemingly appeased by her answer. “For the next situation worth–”


“Wait.” Jimin interrupted. “Did I get it wrong?”


Winter, very slowly, narrowed her eyes. “Are you fishing for rewards now, baby?”


Jimin flushed, though she definitely was not guilty of the accusation. “I’m merely concerned about my points! That could’ve been my 31st!”


“My, I didn’t expect you’d be counting.” Winter hummed, tapping her chin. “But if you insist…if I were to rate your answer from 1 to 20, your reward would be…”


She sat up in one motion so swift that Jimin barely even blinked and Winter’s suddenly right in front of her, nose almost brushing hers, warm breath tickling her skin.


“...this.” her words burnt Jimin’s lips. Her lashes were long. Thick. And Jimin refused to look lower than that. “But I don’t suppose this count as one of those extremely necessary situations, does it?”


Jimin kept her gaze on the amused crinkle of Winter’s eyes. “...It does not.”


And then Winter’s gone, the now familiar weight back on her lap. Jimin let out a puff of breath.


“I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable.” Winter suddenly said and even with the ever-present grating smile on her face, she sounded genuine. “You can trust that I won’t violate your personal space like that again.” a glint twinkled in her eye. “Unless you want me to, of course.”


Jimin rolled her eyes, though she did feel grateful. “Why would I ever?”


“Extremely necessary situations, remember?”


Jimin raised a brow. “You seem particularly eager about that.”


Winter’s lips spread wide in a grin and wriggled her brows, “I’m always up for hot lady smooching, y’know.”


Jimin tossed her hair to her face. “Next question.”


The back and forth went on until the sun finally set and there was no spot on Jimin’s face that Winter hadn't kissed save for her lips and when Jimin’s finally convinced that she’s ready for her quiz tomorrow (Winter assured her she’s more than prepared so loosen up, woman!), she bids goodbye to her visitor at the door, parting ways with a flirty ‘bye, babe’ and a kiss on her cheek.


This time, Jimin didn’t flinch.




Minjeong woke up to a wet patch on her pillow.


She blinked, trying to regain her bearings, wet lashes sticking to her skin. Her tongue felt like sandpaper and her chest beat quietly like a hollow drum. Rolling on her back, she heaved a rugged sigh. Those godforsaken dreams would be the death of her.


She sat up and grabbed the glass of water from the nightstand, greedily drinking and spilling some at the corners of . She wiped it off, along with the remaining tears.


The dreams were a regular occurrence but she never knew what it was about. The memory evades her the moment she wake up, leaving her feeling like , staring at nothing, and wondering what the just made her cry. But she never pauses long enough for it to drag her down. Dreams were exactly just that–dreams. Just random electrical brain impulses. Nothing more.


She picked up her phone, skimming through new messages. Her inbox was bursting with unknown numbers that wouldn’t exist by now. One was from Sehun, a fixer she met from that one job where she had to infiltrate a school as a professor, telling her that her enrollment in Jimin’s university was already completed and that she could start attending school this Monday under the identity of Winter Kim, a transferee from New York. He had emailed her the necessary documents and details. The email self-terminates in 3 hours. Another is from a different… friend, telling her that she could pick up the burner phones she requested today at the same time, and same place. The only honest transaction was her salon appointment at 1pm.


Minjeong ran her fingers through her short hair, watching her reflection from the glass windows. Long and dark would fit the image she’s going for. She should get extensions. Maybe cut her bangs, for good measure.


She smiled, shuddering at how convincing it looked.


Preparations were coming along well. Everything’s going according to plan.


There were no customers at the salon when she arrived. It looked exactly the same as she remembers–pearl aqua facade and the familiar tinkle of door chimes and the lingering scent of burning hair greeting her as she entered the establishment.


“Welcome–Oh. It’s you.”


Minjeong ignored the apparent fall in the tone and grinned at the blonde man lounging on one of the vacant leather chairs. “Now, now, oppa. That’s not how you greet your customers.” she chided, leaning on the doorway, “I’m quite sure I properly placed an appointment this time.”


Though why she had to make a reservation when the place is usually empty escapes her, but she didn’t say that.


“Your reservation is for 1PM, not 10 in the morning.” he deadpanned.


“You nag when I’m late, you nag when I’m early…tsk tsk. You must really be getting old.” Minjeong said, inviting herself in and taking a seat.


Kim Kibum rolled his eyes but got ready anyway, rolling over a trolley and draping a black cloth over Minjeong. “You’re so annoying. Keep it up and you won’t be able to step foot in here next time.”


Minjeong gasped, giving him a wide-eyed look through the mirror. “You’re violating my consumer rights.”


He snorted, combing her hair. “You sure know a lot for someone who just got out of prison.”


She shrugged, “The law is studied so it can be properly broken.” she sagely said.


“Didn’t know there was a manner of breaking it.”


“You know you’ve done it right if you don’t get caught.”


You got caught.” he pointed out.


“Fair enough.” Minjeong conceded, “But at least I got to keep my loot.” she winked.


Kibum tugged on her hair. “You little .” he gathered the locks in front of her face. It tickled, but Minjeong managed to stay still. “Which reminds me, how are you here? Did you break out of prison? Are you on the run? Am I guilty of harbouring a fugitive now?”


“No, don’t be dramatic.” she said, slowly as he cut her bangs. “It’s a crazy story, but someone bailed me out.”


“Oh?” snip, snip, “Interesting. Didn’t know you had someone.”


Minjeong rolled her eyes but bit back a retort. Her bangs’ life is in Kibum’s hands at the moment. He finished up and Minjeong brushed away the cut hair stuck on her lips. She checked herself out in the mirror. She looked younger. Softer.


She pulled out her phone while he started working on her extension and she noticed that Jimin had not sent her obligatory daily messages yet. So she typed, waiting for the 3 texts from my baby 😍


She snickered as she hit send. It didn’t take long to get a reply.


🙄 how have you been


Oh, wonderful, thanks for asking. Wbu? I bet you’re exhausted 🥺


Why would I be exhausted


Bc you’ve been running nonstop in my mind ;)


This is my third text. Bye.


Minjeong threw her head back and laughed, ignoring Kibum cursing at the sudden movement.


“What the , stay still.” He placed a firm hand on her shoulder. “The hell are you doing on your phone?”




He paused to stare at her through the mirror. “Are you getting into marriage scams now?”


Minjeong laughed at that, “No, but thank you for that wonderful idea. I’ll keep it in mind.”


“Are you seriously in a relationship then? Or at least considering?”


She snorted. “Fortunately not. Let’s just say I was hired to be someone’s fake girlfriend for some period of time.”


He made a face, “Sounds lame.” he said, “They hot?”




He grinned at her, “Good for you. At least it looks like you’re having fun.”


“Oh, you have no idea,” she drawled, a laugh escaping her lips.


She’s been doing that a lot these days–laughing. It’s probably the most she’s laughed in a long while.


Everything’s just ridiculous. This arrangement. This job. Yu Jimin herself. Bailing out a criminal, lending them a suite, and trusting them to be so close just to get a dude to love her again just sounded downright stupid and pathetic. Though Minjeong also senses that there might be more to it, she simply didn’t give a single .


She’ll do her job clean–get Jeno and Jimin back together again as soon as possible–and she’ll be free to sell that penthouse apartment and disappear to a faraway island, surrounded by her precious piles of money.


Easy. It’s all too easy. Rich people will really pay for just about anything, huh?


How despicable, truly.


“Is this fake dating gig the reason why you got out of prison?” Kibum asked.


“Bingo. You got it.”


“That does sound crazy.” he agreed, “What’s the catch?”


“I make the ex-boyfriend jealous so they can get back together again and live happily ever after,” she said with a mocking flourish.


Kibum snorted. “You sure you can get it done?”


Minjeong smiled at his reflection. Saccharine and predatory. “Oppa, you know me.” she said, “I always get the job done.”


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no strings attached is back!
i cant make any promises tho updates might still be irregular bc im still trying to get back into my rhythm w writing but i'll do my best to at least finish this one. thank you very much for the support! it's been very helpful while i was struggling to write :)


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Chapter 9: i was so invested in this i didn't even notice it isn't finished 😭😭😭😭😭 what im supposed to do with my life now?!?! please update 😭😭😭 not ending this could be my thirteen reason
Minseok25 #2
We’re still waiting for you 😭 hope you’re doing great
i'm a big fan of your works, thank you for sharing it to us~ hope u're doing well!
Chapter 9: Please update. I’m already invested on this story. 😭
Chapter 1: im so hooked on this rn omg
monsalaimx #7
Chapter 9: author-nim please save us (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Chapter 9: I suddenly missed this and reread the last chapter. AAAAAAAAAAAAA~ 🥰 such a talented writer

kwonjess13 #10
Chapter 9: can't believe it took me more tha a year to read the latest update. i loved this story so much and i still love it!!!! will probably reread this a couple more times especially now that it's obvious that they're both catching feelings but are too stubborn to admit it. not quite sure if i commented this before but this has the right amount of slowburn and tension, fluff and angst. seriously, this story gives me butterflies the best kind!