Chapter 8

no strings attached

It’s over.


All was lost. Hope was gone. Life didn't matter anymore. Jeno would never come back to her. Her step-father would be furious. Her mother would be so disappointed she wouldn’t wake up anymore. If by some miracle she does she would be so astounded with how much of a failure Jimin had become. She would be disowned. She’d have no family, no shelter, no food–


“Oh my god, Yu Jimin! Get a grip!”


She blinked out of her devastated stupor, registering Winter sitting with her in her living room.


Jimin was wasting such a talented individual for this. Jeno didn’t love her anymore. He would never return no matter what they did. Winter would be better off without her.


“Winter,” she started, feeling dread fill her chest. It’s for the best. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking–”


“Well duh, Captain Obvious.”


“--and I have come to the conclusion that perhaps we should stop this now.”




“We’re going nowhere with this so why don’t we just end this here? It’s almost three months anyway. You don’t have to worry about anything. I can just nullify the contract and you can be free to do whatever you want–”


“Are you breaking up with me?”




“No.” Winter firmly held her by the shoulders. “We are not breaking up.”


“We..aren’t?” Jimin blinked slowly. “But isn’t this what you’ve always wanted? To just…be set free?”


Winter looked away and released her, clearing . “Yes but I never leave a job unfinished. I don’t accept failures and defeat. That’s all there is to it. Don’t misunderstand.”


Jimin nodded. Of course she would be worried about her track record and reputation. It must be quite important in her field.


“I won’t be saying anything about this to anyone so you can just pretend this never happened. We can file a non-disclosure–”


“We’re not breaking up. Why can’t you understand that?” Winter snapped and Jimin gaped at her outburst, at the genuine irritation on Winter’s usually calm facade.


“Um, okay.”


“Now, focus. We can still get your man back. Yes, we only have a little more than a month but I would have to remind you that the agreement was to have a flexible time frame for this arrangement. If only you were listening instead of unnecessarily entertaining your impractical thoughts then this conversation wouldn’t have to be this long.”


“Why are you so angry?”


“I’m not angry!” Winter huffed, and then paused, collecting herself before continuing, “Anyway, we’re still continuing with our current strategy but I have an additional plan in mind.”


Another plan? Whatever it was, Winter didn’t look too happy about it. Or maybe it was just the residual indignation from her outburst. Jimin couldn’t really tell what vexed her so but she wasn’t used to seeing her emotions shown so plainly on her face.


“What is it?” she easily relented in hopes to appease her.


“First, you’ll have to show me your closet.”




It was one of the few days that Jimin did not have an early morning class, though the way Winter reacted when she told her about her schedule made her have second thoughts about 9AM not being considered early.


Stepping out of the shower, she proceeded to her closet and stared at the rack of clothes Winter had separated from the rest. They were not outfits she would normally wear at school but Winter had given her strict instructions to wear only her choice pieces. These low cut dresses and revealing tops and short shorts hardly seemed appropriate for lectures though.


Jimin bit on her thumb in contemplation on which shirt was socially acceptable when alarms blared all over her apartment.


A yell followed close after, “YU JIMIN YOUR LASERS AIN’T !”


Jimin groaned in exasperation and rushed to the front door in order to deactivate the alarm. She had only barely made her way down the stairs when Winter started ranting, “When I said lasers, I meant the ones in spy movies that can chop off limbs! Not set off lame alarms like we’re in a museum. I mean, you’re not guarding an expensive piece of art–”


Jimin emerged at the foyet and saw Winter standing right in the middle of the lasers.


“What are you doing?” she demanded, quickly turning off the device.


Winter seemed to be transfixed, blankly staring at her. “Mommy.”


Jimin arched her brow, “Mommy?”


“Sorry–I mean–” Winter quickly shook her head that very closely resembled a tomato, “Y-You! How could you answer the door dressed like that?!”


Oh, right. She’s only in her bathrobe.


“Maybe if someone rang the doorbell properly like a normal sane person would then perhaps I would’ve had time to make myself decent.” Jimin narrowed her eyes at Winter’s very flushed face. “Is this perhaps…embarrassing you?”


Winter scoffed so loud it was obviously forced. “If there’s someone who would be embarrassed it should be you.”


Jimin glanced down at herself again. She hits the gym regularly and has a rigorous skincare routine. She knew she looked good. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.


“What if it was an actual burglar breaking into your apartment?”


“Well, it wasn’t. It was just you.”


“I am a burglar!”


“No you’re not. You’re my girlfriend.”


Winter let out a loud HA! “And what if I ravish you?”


Jimin was increasingly getting bewildered by the second as to why they were yelling at each other first thing in the morning. She tilted her head to the side, “Then what are you waiting for?” she taunted, half because she knew it would throw Winter off-guard and half because she knew Winter won’t do it anyway.


Though it’s bothersome that she had to tamp down a part of her that wished otherwise.


This fake dating gig must’ve damaged her hormones or something.


Winter opened and closed and ended up with a disgruntled ugh as an answer, pushing past her and heading straight into her apartment like she owned the place.


Why the heck was she so irritable these days? Was it her time of the month?


Jimin could only sigh and go after her.


Winter was standing over her chosen clothes when Jimin got there, picking out articles of clothing as she still grumbled under her breath.


What’s the appropriate move during times like this? Should she play the girlfriend? Winter did seem to like it when she took initiatives.


Carefully, Jimin approached her from behind and tentatively placed her hands on Winter’s waist. The girl seemed to have reservations about touching in private, Jimin noticed that much, but this was something she would do with Aeri or Yizhuo too so she courageously stepped closer and rested her chin on Winter’s shoulder–an awkward variation of a back hug. Winter noticeably stiffened under her touch.


“Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” she asked and Winter melted back into her irritated self.


“I always do,” she grumbled and stepped away to detach herself, whirling around to face Jimin. She shoved clothes into her chest. “Hurry and change into these. We still have to do your hair and makeup.”


The outfit consisted of a black leather jacket, a cropped tank top, short shorts, and a pair of ankle boots.


Jimin put it on and gave herself a once over on the mirror. Not bad, though it wasn’t the best university student look. She looked like she was ready to either seduce or beat up everybody.


That gave her a thought.


Maybe that’s what Winter was up to.


“Do you want me to seduce Jeno?” she asked as soon as she stepped back into her bedroom where Winter was rummaging her vanity table. The girl barely spared her a glance. Jimin frowned, inexplicably disappointed. If the leather jacket and cropped tank top wasn’t enough to catch her attention, then would it really work? “Or do you want me to beat him up?”


Winter briefly flashed her a smile, “As much as I’d love the latter, the former is much closer, though not quite,” Winter picked out a tube of mascara and eyeliner, “I don’t want you to stoop as low as seducing a taken man. But that doesn’t mean you’re not going to seduce him either.”


Jimin leaned against the doorway, jacket slipping off one shoulder. “What is it then?”


“It seems to me that Mr. Lee has forgotten of the fact that he had let go of arguably the hottest girl on campus.” Winter wiggled her brows, “I think he needs a reminder of what he wasted.”




“Is that all you heard?” Winter took her wrist and made her sit on the bed, “Aeri, Yizhuo, and I coexist with you and that’s more than enough to argue about.”


“So you think I’m hot?”


“Maybe if you got rid of this towel.” she pulled off the cloth wrapping Jimin’s damp hair and set it aside before starting to blow dry her hair.


Jimin closed her eyes, listening to the whirr of the blower and humming at the nimble fingers carding through her hair. Winter gently massaged her scalp and she sighed, leaning into the touch.

“This is nice,” Jimin muttered as soon as Winter turned it off, carefully combing the tangles out. Drowsiness laced her voice. The sound always made her sleepy.


Winter hummed, “I used to work at a spa.”


“For real?”


“No,” Winter chuckled and Jimin opened her eyes to see, except that Winter’s smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “There’s nothing ‘real’ about my life.”


Jimin blinked, tilting her head to the side as she registered Winter’s expression. A melancholy that’s barely hidden. Jimin was glad to see the girl not making any efforts to hide her emotions anymore. But her mellow gaze made her chest constrict. She wanted to take it away.


“You’re real.” she pointed out.


A light laugh, “Am I, really?”


She started the blower again, cutting off any attempts at continuing the conversation.


Jimin tried not to take her eyes off her, squinting through the hot puff of air. It’s true. Winter wasn’t quite real either. Winter Kim technically didn’t exist. Just a momentary persona that could disappear at any moment.


She didn’t look real either, with honeyed eyes and dimpled smiles. It made her wonder if she would vanish like a dream if she even so much as blink.


Just who was this girl?


Jimin took her hand from her hair and held it. Winter turned off the blower, frowning at her in confusion.


“I’m real.”


For a second, Winter stared at her with an incomprehensible expression but it quickly passed, replaced by a chuckle and she pulled her hand out of Jimin’s hold.


“I’m sure you are, baby.” Winter lightly pat her cheek once before walking away to the vanity.


Jimin stared at her back with a frown. Maybe she’s not as comfortable as Jimin would like to think she was.


What would it take for her to get to know more about the real woman behind ‘Winter Kim’?


The girl returned before Jimin could mull over it. “I’ll put on your makeup now, okay?”




Winter put a thin layer of foundation on Jimin’s face and neck. The latter gripped the sheets as light touches flitted over the expanse of . The powder fresh scent was more potent than ever as Winter’s hands moved about her face and Jimin fought the urge to grab her wrist and bury her nose into her pulse point.


Winter, blissfully ignorant of Jimin’s inner struggle, continued to draw her brows and put on her eyeshadow. Jimin kept her eyes closed as a brush swept over her eyelids. She felt the mattress dip on her right and a leg slip between her knees. A presence loomed over closer than before as fingers gently brushed her eyes.


This is dangerous. Jimin made sure she kept her eyes closed lest she loses control and give in to her strange curiosities.


“Open your eyes.”


Oh, for the love of–


“Hey, are you asleep?” a poked on her cheek, “Yu Jimin, we don’t have much time.”


Bracing herself, Jimin finally opened her eyes. Winter’s face was close and she had propped her knee on the bed, her other leg wedged between Jimin’s.


“Hm,” Winter hummed as she assessed Jimin’s appearance, lips jutting out in a thoughtful pout. Jimin’s eyes automatically locked on the supple flesh. “That’s good enough. I’ll put on eyeliner now, okay?”


Jimin mutely nodded. She’s just relieved she had to close her eyes again at this point. Joke’s on her though. Winter’s features were already burnt behind her eyelids.


Recently, she had noticed these…bizarre urges she’s been having around Winter. They were shameful thoughts to say the least, for who in their proper mind would think of kissing their hired conwoman?


In her defence, Winter was an insanely attractive person. 10 out of 10 people would agree with or without eyes. And maybe Jimin had been single for too long. Not that she had ever had a monstrous libido. Maybe she was a late bloomer and her hormones were just now acting up? She still wasn’t quite sure about that part. But she’s certain that she’s going crazy and it was about to get her in trouble.


She really needed to get Jeno back as soon as possible.




Lord, I am not your strongest soldier.


Was what Minjeong thought when she saw Yu Jimin standing outside her lecture hall, waiting for her class to finish. Her delightful (fake) girlfriend was leaning against the wall, deliciously toned stomach bared for the world to see and insanely long legs casually crossed at the ankles. She looked up from her phone when she sensed Minjeong approaching and smiled as she ran her fingers through her long and luscious dark locks.


Minjeong almost collapsed. If Jeno still didn’t want her after this, then she didn’t know anymore.


Yu Jimin was already drop dead gorgeous as she was, but with the additional effort put into her appearance, she had turned into an absolutely irresistible femme fatale.


“Hey, baby. How’s class?” Jimin opened her arms and Minjeong immediately melted into her embrace.


“Boring.” Winter replied, as she always did, voice muffled as she buried her face in Jimin’s soft chest and inhaled her scent. Even so, she could feel people looking and smiled, gloating. Yes, that’s right. She’s dating the hottest girl on campus. it up, losers.


“Do you need a moment?” Jimin considerately asked, hand going up to undo the tense knots of muscles on Minjeong’s back.


“Mmhm,” Winter hummed. She stayed motionless for a moment before pulling back just so that she could look at Jimin’s face.


Ah, she did such a wonderful job with her makeup. She knew she’d look good with colored lenses.


“Where are the girls?”


“Aeri’s out for a group project. Yizhuo still has two more lectures to attend.” Jimin gently brushed the strands of hair away from Minjeong’s eyes and she couldn’t help but blush. Her client had become so good at this. She could still remember when Jimin was a nervous wreck during the beginning of their stint.


“Is that so,” Minjeong turned her head and swept her gaze over the space nonchalantly but she was actually looking for Lee Jeno to make sure he’s watching every scene from this show they’re putting up for him. And he was. She spotted him chatting with some of their classmates but his eyes were unmistakably on them.


Minjeong smiled, pleased, as she turned to face Jimin again.


“!” Jimin squeaked and the hold on Minjeong’s back tightened. She tried to laugh off her surprise, “Ha-ha-ha what are you doing?” she hissed through gritted teeth.


“Hm? What I’m doing, you ask?” Minjeong smiled slyly. Her hands had descended to caress Jimin’s bare stomach, which was why the latter had yelped. Muscles contracted beneath her fingers. She shifted to grip Jimin’s waist firmly and leaned into her ear, “Why, I’m showing Lee Jeno what he cannot do, but I can.”


She pulled back only to see Jimin’s face in a deep shade of red, eyes closed. She felt her own cheeks flush. Did she overdo it? Swiftly breaking away from their embrace, Minjeong took Jimin’s wrist and tugged her along the corridor. That should be enough provocation for Lee Jeno for now.


“Are we studying at your place or mine?” Minjeong asked as though nothing happened, shifting to link their arms.


“Can we study at a cafe instead?” Jimin immediately answered. “I think being in public would be best.”


“What do you mean?” Minjeong looked at her. Her flush had receded but she kept her gaze locked forward.


Jimin shook her head. “Can we drop by the hospital first?”


Minjeong squeezed her arm, “Of course.”


Traffic that afternoon wasn’t as congested as usual so the ride to the hospital took less time and before Minjeong knew it, Jimin was already parking the car.


She reached out to grab the back of Minjeong’s headrest as she reversed into the vacant space, looking cool veins all focused and turning the steering wheel with one hand like that. With her current get-up, she looked ten times sharper.


How unfair.


Minjeong, of course, was enjoying the view.


She had always been aware that her new strategy to get Lee Jeno back was a double-edged sword. It was one of the reasons why she was reluctant to pursue it. But their situation had left her with little choice. She’ll just have to suppress a little more. Nothing wrong with a little eye candy after all.


Besides, it wasn’t like Jimin needed to wear enticing clothes and thick makeup to push Minjeong over the edge. She was already doing that just as she is, with her genuine sincerity and kind heart.


Minjeong could only sigh. Bothersome.


“I’ll wait for you here,” she said as Jimin turned off the engine.


Jimin hummed in acknowledgement but she sat unmoving for a while before turning to her. “Actually…”




Jimin pressed her lips together, “Do you mind coming with me?”


Minjeong blinked rapidly. Did she hear that correctly? “Sorry?”


“I’m asking if you’re okay with accompanying me.”


The soft pleading look in Jimin’s eyes was enough to make Minjeong agree. But… “Are you sure you’re okay with that?”


Jimin nodded, “I don’t mind.” she said, “Besides, it must be tiring to wait out here on your own.”


Minjeong didn’t want to interrupt such a private and intimate affair but if Jimin wanted her there then who was she to reject her?




There was a chill in the air when they stepped out of the car. Minjeong quickly turned to Jimin and her bare midriff.


“Aren’t you cold?”


“A little.”


“You should cover up. We’re not in campus anymore.” she zipped up Jimin’s leather jacket while the girl pouted at her. “What, you actually like showing skin?”


“You said I looked good.”


“Yes. And you look good like this too.”


Jimin’s eyes twinkled, “You think so?”


“Yes, I just said it.” Minjeong gave her a quizzical frown. “I didn’t think you were vain.”


Jimin laughed as they resumed walking. “Your opinion is important to me.”


Their knuckles brushed and Minjeong shoved her hands into her jean pockets and discreetly put distance between them.


There’s no use pretending without an audience. Besides, she never liked working overtime, and technically, she was now off the clock.


Jimin greeted the staff and physicians alike with much familiarity as she led Minjeong inside the building and the latter was impressed with her cordiality towards these people and her extreme devotion to her mother. If it was her, she would’ve spent frequent visits without speaking with anyone unless necessary. She would’ve preferred if nobody noticed her existence at all. Socialising was tiring, despite the nature of her work. But Jimin seemed to be genuinely enjoying each small interaction.


Each person they run into would wordlessly look at Minjeong for a second and it doesn’t take a professional to see the surprise and curiosity on their faces. Minjeong would ignore it, smiling quietly and letting Jimin handle the conversations.


“Have Yizhuo or Aeri visited here before?” she asked as they rode the elevator.


“Sometimes,” Jimin answered, “They would’ve loved to go more often but…I didn’t let them.”


Minjeong scanned Jimin’s face and found no gloom there. Just thoughtful. Reflective. So she ventured, “Why?”


Jimin shrugged, “It was a sensitive period for me, and they learned to drop the topic whenever it arose.” She said, “Nowadays I’ve been better. I guess you can say I’ve had my peace with it. I…just started talking to mom and–well, I thought she might want to meet you.”


Minjeong understood the implication that she had talked to her unconscious mother about her–possibly a lot of times for her to consider that her mother would be curious about this Winter Kim.


Her heart wrenched and she looked away from Jimin’s face. “Then if this goes well and you find in yourself that you don’t mind having visitors again, maybe you can invite your friends. I’m sure they’d be glad to accept it, and the chairwoman would love the new company.”


“Mm.” she saw Jimin nod on the reflective surface of the elevator doors. “I’ll do that.”


They reached their floor and Jimin led her to a room flanked by two guards who gave their salutations as they passed. Understandable. The patient was the head of a conglomerate after all.


The lady lying on the bed did not seem as domineering as her title however, lying supine with tubes and wires attached on her body. Chairwoman Yu looked vulnerable, if anything, and Minjeong tore her eyes away, feeling as though she’s witnessing something she should not have. Surely, such an esteemed woman such as Jimin’s mother wouldn’t appreciate outsiders seeing her in such a helpless state.


Minjeong let her eyes roam instead. On the bedside table, a vase was filled with fresh sunflowers, carnations, and chrysanthemums–a splash of colour and positivity in the muted room. Around the vase were picture frames of the chairwoman where she looked healthy and well, smiling primly at the camera yet her eyes withheld a sharpness in her gaze that Minjeong had seen on Jimin.


They resembled each other, but Minjeong didn’t make a comment. She stayed quiet standing by the foot of the bed while Jimin took the only seat in the room. The look on her face was fond yet resigned as she gazed upon her mother.


“Hey, mom. I’m back.” Jimin muttered as she adjusted her mother’s position. Minjeong looked away, for the first time in a long while not knowing what to do. She spotted a box of tissues, pulled some out, and started to fiddle with it.


“I came with a friend today,” Jimin continued , “Remember the all-knowing benevolent conwoman I told you about? She’s with me right now.”


Minjeong’s face flushed at the silly description that she herself had started. Jimin shot her a look and she cleared , “Um, hello ma’am. I’m–uh, I have a lot of names but nowadays I go with Winter Kim, an exchange student from New York that your daughter is apparently head over heels obsessed and in love with.” she put her hands over her belly button and bowed deep, “I apologise for coming here empty-handed but uh..for the meantime please accept…” she fumbled with the napkin she had absently folded into a…shrimp origami. “Uh…whatever this is.”


She held out her hands, offering it and belatedly realising that the chairwoman couldn’t possibly take it from her. The origami was plucked out of her hands though, and she straightened up to see Jimin quietly laughing, placing the origami on her mother’s chest.


“Why are you so awkward?”


“How can I not be awkward?” Minjeong retorted, gesturing wildly at her entire situation.


Jimin just smiled at her and turned to her mother, “She’s adorable, isn’t she, mom?” she said, setting Minjeong’s entire face on fire. “She’s been taking care of me well and I’m very grateful for that. She’s really kind, though she doesn’t like it when I point that out. Can you believe it, mom? Someone who doesn’t like to be called kind? She’s minion-sized but acts like Gru.”


“Hey!” Minjeong protested, though Jimin’s quip helped her relax.


Jimin laughed, then her features softened. “I’m really glad to have her with me. She helps me a lot, more than she knows. But…I hope she’ll let me do the same for her.” she said the last part staring straight at Minjeong.


Minjeong averted her gaze. She understood that she’s saying it aloud on purpose, indirectly telling her those words. Why was Jimin always trying to seek her out?


She listened to her problems and offered comfort because it was part of her job–at least that’s what she believes. But Jimin wasn’t obligated to do the same. She didn’t have to ease her burden and soothe her pain. Yet here she was, telling her for the nth time to rely on her.


How nosy.


Minjeong could only do what she always does best: diversion.


“Mother, did you know that your daughter has the worst ex-boyfriend ever? She insists on pursuing him though. I don’t know if it’s stupid or impressive. Perhaps impressively stupid.” she caught Jimin releasing a quiet sigh of resignation as she started babbling about their new seducing strategy, but the girl didn’t push the topic anymore and merely listened to her story. “Then she has this laser security system installed in her unit. But it couldn’t chop off limbs! I’m afraid she’s been scammed. It’s such a shame to have my own client get scammed. She’s fake dating me, the best conwoman in town, and she gets scammed. I don't understand, where did I go wrong?”


“How many times do I have to tell you that the company thinks it isn’t necessary–”


“Shush, non-laser beam haver. You’re only allowed to speak when you get an entire Tyrannosaurus to watch your door.”


“Will you just let me talk?!”


Out in the hallway, a woman in scrubs was heading to the chairwoman’s ward, meaning to accompany Jimin who usually visited around this time. However, she stopped when she reached the door, seeing through the glass panel that the girl already had company.


Yu Jimin’s face was red, contorted with irritation as she seemed to be yelling at the other girl who seemed to be having a great time riling her up.


“Dr. Jeon?” one of the guards said, “Is something the matter?”


The doctor smiled and shook her head, already retreating, “I just remembered I had something to do in my office. Please send Ms. Yu my regards.” She walked away with a small smile on her face.


Witnessing such a strong emotion on Yu Jimin’s usually stoic face brought her immense relief


It seemed that that kid had finally started to live.






The midterm exams were finally over.


God bless.


Jimin has always had good grades, but those didn’t come without hard work. Nobody in their right mind liked studying. Maybe gaining new knowledge and broadening her horizons was something she did enjoy and take great pride in, but she wasn’t a fan of pulling all-nighters struggling to wrap her mind around theories and principles as she pored over paper after paper and chugged coffee cup after cup.


But this time it wasn’t as exhausting. She had her trusty benevolent, all-knowing conwoman after all.

Winter helped a lot. She would do her urgent homework while letting her use the time to study, explaining the material to her after, saving Jimin from cramming and letting her efficiently use her time.


The girl was an effective teacher as well, even better than most of her professors, and the wide scope of her knowledge never failed to leave Jimin in awe. She admired her intelligence, though she would never inflate Winter’s already inflated ego and tell her aloud.


She did lack patience though, but every time she started to whine, Jimin would just promise to get her that pokemon bread she liked so much, and she would be appeased. Her love for food was just endearing.


She won’t be saying that aloud either though.


“We should grab a celebratory dinner!” her adorable foodie exclaimed as they walked out of the university coffee shop with their drinks, “Hanwoo! Hanwoo! We deserve it after all that hard work, don’t y’all think?”


“You’re just finding excuses to eat,” Yizhuo quipped.


“If you don’t want to then don’t,” Winter replied coolly, “Nobody’s inviting you.”


“Hanwu sounds nice,” Jimin interjected before they could start bickering, “Right, Kim Aeri?”


Aeri nodded vigorously, “We definitely deserve hanwoo.”


“You know what else we deserve?” Yizhuo asked.




Yizhuo rolled her eyes at Winter, “A drink,” she corrected. A sly smile spread on her lips, “One of my classmates’ parents is on a business trip so he’s holding a house party tonight. What do you unnies say about dropping in after dinner?”


It’s like deja vu. 3-1, majority in favour of Yizhuo’s idea.


Aeri thought it would be fun.


Winter didn’t mind.


Jimin, who thought it would be too tiring, could only sigh in resignation and go along with their plan.


Their dinner stretched too long, thanks to Winter and Yizhuo’s (despite scoffing at the former) insatiable appetites. Jimin thought partying would be cancelled, but the girls were undeterrable. Next thing she knew, she was already driving to the venue with Minjeong.


Winter didn’t seem to be as enthusiastic as she had sounded though. Jimin noticed, of course. She notices everything. She’s been so accustomed to watching Winter’s many expressions to know when she’s wearing one of them.


“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to, you know.”


Winter looked at her, surprised. “What do you mean? You’re the only one who doesn’t want to go.”


“You’re not happy about it either.” she pointed out. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you forcing your smiles,”


Winter stared at her and chuckled, “It’s nothing. I’m just worried about the crowd,” she said, “It’s not something I can’t handle, so don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”


“If you’re sure.” Jimin relented. “I’ll stick with you for the rest of the night. I won’t let anyone bother you.”


Winter laughed–ah, there’s that laugh. “I should be the one telling you that.”


“Then let’s watch out for each other.”


Winter’s laughter left remnants of a beautiful smile on her lips. “Okay.”


“You sure you don’t want to change?” she inquired. Yizhuo and Aeri took the latter’s car and made a slight detour for a change of clothes more appropriate for a wild night, as Yizhuo had put it. Jimin was still in her seduce-Jeno-strategy mode, this time in a spaghetti strap dress, so it already worked.


“Nah,” Winter refused to change out of her white shirt and knit vest, “I don’t wanna attract unwanted attention.”


Jimin lifted an amused brow, “You’ll stand out more if you wear that, you know.”


Winter snorted, then turned to her with a dangerous smirk, “Now, you’re just sounding like you want to see me dress y. You can just ask, you know?”


Jimin felt her cheeks flush. “That’s not the point and you know it.”


Ah, but the conversation had already reared its head on her like a snake. “Don’t be shy, baby,” Winter crooned, taking off her beige knitted vest in one swift motion and tossing it to the back of Jimin’s car. “It’s not an odd request to make of your girlfriend.”


She couldn’t properly see what her godforsaken girlfriend was doing, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the road either. So she asked, “What are you doing?”


“Heeding your advice,” Winter flipped the sun visor and checked her appearance in the mirror. Jimin could see her applying lipstick and mussing up her hair. Just what was she up to?


They hit a stoplight and Jimin could finally turn to look. She barely stopped herself from jolting so hard and accidentally letting go of the breaks and stomping on the gas. Winter had discarded her vest, leaving her in her white button-up shirt tucked in her jeans. She had rolled her sleeves up to her forearms and ed a button more than she should, exposing creamy skin and collarbones and that little mole on top of her chest.


There’s a -eating grin on her face, and damn if that wasn’t attractive. How could somebody look so cute, yet so hot? “Do you still think I’ll stand out?”


Jimin swallowed and tore her gaze away. Green light. “Maybe.”


Winter looked good. She always did. But the idea of other people looking… Jimin gripped the steering wheel a little harder.


This…is going to be a long, long night.


The contrasting mixture of bitter nicotine and strawberry vape fumes welcomed them along with the booming music rattling her ribs. Colourful strobe lights were set up, wildly dancing around with the goal of blinding newcomers.


It was already crowded, but Jimin couldn’t see any familiar faces–not that it was easy to see anything with the dim lights and flashing strobes. That wasn’t the case for Yizhuo though. The girl left as soon as she found people from her department and dragged Aeri along with her.


Jimin instinctively reached for Winter’s hand but– “Winter? Wow, it is you!”


“Mark, hey.” Winter returned his grin, lifting a hand to meet his high five, unknowingly leaving Jimin to grasp air. She narrowed her eyes at Winter’s hand still up in the air thanks to him intertwining their fingers. Who’s this dude?


“I didn’t think I’d see you here!” he said, yelling over the music as he shook their joined hands. As if that wasn’t enough, his eyes raked over Winter’s figure, “Hot damn, you’re on fire tonight, girlie.” he complimented in English.


He’s familiar, now that Jimin’s glaring holes into his skull. Where could she have possibly seen him? Perhaps in Winter’s classes? Or–


“You’re not so bad yourself, handsome.” Winter fired back in the same foreign tongue, winking, “Nice bandana.”


Jimin was finding it hard to breathe. She spotted the kitchen and the pile of drinks it sheltered, and started to gear towards it when a hand grabbed her wrist.


“Babe? Where are you going?”


“Grabbing a drink,” she promptly said, clipped. “You’ll watch me, won’t you?”


She left without waiting for a reply.


There were plenty of choices of drinks; beer, soda, water, cheap whiskey and vodka. But Jimin felt a little daring tonight. She grabbed a (hopefully) clean red cup and filled it with whatever it was concocted in the punch bowl then proceeded to slam the drink out of spite.


Horrible. Whoever made this was probably high and mixed rum with beer in a bowl of grapefruit juice. It tasted absolutely insane. She poured herself another cup.


A girl came up to her and struck up a conversation–one of the people she handed sandwiches to during her first day of “dating” Winter. They chatted for a while and it was easier to converse with alcohol numbing her brain until the girl left and Jimin’s eyes drifted to Winter only to find her girlfriend still with that man who was a little too close for her liking.


Jimin’s lips twisted for no reason she could name. What was this squeezing, twisting, ugly feeling in her chest? She did not know. She downed the rest of her fourth cup. She did not know.


She did not know why she wanted to step in between them and drive that man away. But she couldn’t. She shouldn’t. She had no right to do so. What they had, after all, was fake. A lie. She crushed her cup in her fist.


This was probably what four cups of poison does to a person.


The music changed–livelier and more bone rattling than ever–and the crowd had started to come alive as the night progressed. A cluster of people have started dancing to the beat. Jimin clenched her jaw, refilled her crushed cup, finished the drink in one go, and joined in.


She reunited with Aeri and Yizhuo on the makeshift dance floor, exchanging intoxicated squeals as though they haven’t seen each other for a very long time. They danced–jumping and whipping their heads around with hands thrown up in the air, a giggling mess in the sea of people. Jimin’s eyes, stupidly and against her will, went looking for Winter and found her with a can of beer, still conversing with that guy and whispering to hear each other over the loud music.


It’s like lightning struck her then and there. That’s her spot.


She turned away and vowed never to look at Winter again. The crowd had swallowed up her friends somewhere in her drunken search for her girlfriend only to find her still occupied. Well, her alcohol muddled mind thought, she’s not the only one having fun.


She danced and laughed with strangers in wild abandon, a blur of unknown faces under multicoloured lights. Her blood sang. She’s never let herself go like this before. Until Winter–


She scoffed. Her again. Why was it always her? In the end, it’s always because of Winter, isn't it? Since when did her life start to revolve around this girl?




She turned at the call of her name. A figure made his way towards her and started to say something. Jimin squinted, barely making out a face in the alternating brightness and pitch black.


“What?” she yelled, unable to hear him over the music and the cheers of the crowd.


He shifted closer and she felt a hand on her waist, then a familiar voice to her ear.


“I didn’t expect to run into you here, but it’s a pleasant surprise.”


Jimin frowned. Where did she hear this voice? The memory felt faraway. Like it happened a long, long time ago. This scent… who–




He pulled back just enough to meet Jimin’s gaze. Her mind, even in her drunken stupor, confirmed his identity.


“What are you doing here?” he asked, “Are you alone?”


“I’m with Aeri and Yizhuo,” she mechanically replied, “And–”


“Would you like a drink?” he cut in, offering a cup of that familiar punch. “It’s terrible but I added a little something that might just hit the spot.”


She looked at the drink. Tempting. How could that be possibly made better? She started to reach for the cup. Just one sip…


“There you are!” An arm looped around her waist, making her stumble back into a soft body, and another arm s beneath her outstretched one, fingers intertwining with her hand that’s about to grab the drink. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, babe.”


She relaxed into the warmth behind her, letting clean powder envelope her away from beer and sweat and smoke, all her senses screaming Winter. Winter. Winter.


“Oh, hey, you’re here too!” she heard her girlfriend regard Jeno, “Is that for us? Aww, you shouldn’t have bothered,” she took the drink with the hand that was previously on Jimin’s waist, “Excuse us. My girlfriend left to get a drink but it seems she’s had too much.”


With that, she started to drag Jimin away from the dance floor, dumping the contents of Jeno’s cup on the first potted plant they passed.


“I told you not to drink too much, didn’t I?” Winter sat them down on a couch. Her voice was mild, but Jimin couldn’t get a read on her face. She despised that facade. “I know it’s none of my business but if something happened to you, Yizhuo would kill me.”


Jimin frowned. So she’s only taking care of her because of Yizhuo, huh? But of course. What other reason could there be? That ugly, raging feeling surged up again. Like bile


“You said you’ll watch me. But instead you were chatting up some random guy.” she sounded whiny even to her own ears, but she wasn’t sober enough to care.


“Wha–I wasn’t chatting up anyone.” Winter argued, “Fortunately, Mark was there to accompany me because someone broke their promise and didn’t stick with me and made sure nobody bothered me.”


Jimin blinked blearily, missing the accusation in Winter’s tone. “Mark?”


“Yes. Mark Lee. Lee Donghyuck’s boyfriend.” Winter said, “You know him. He’s on the basketball team with Jeno.”


Oh. So that’s why he’s familiar. Wait–boyfriend? That means–oh. Oh.


The unknown monster in her chest subsided, slinking back into the depths while she sank in her seat, “I see.” she muttered, now feeling guilty.


“Drink this and sober up.” Winter handed her a bottle of cold water. She chugged it greedily. “Just what were you thinking drinking five cups of that thing?”


Jimin looked at her in surprise. “How did you know?”


Winter rolled her eyes, “Because I was watching you, .”


Jimin’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment, thinking back to everything she’s been doing. Yet her chest that had been constricting now fluttered. What the hell. She felt like a joke. Getting all worked up for nothing. How silly.


She started to giggle uncontrollably.


Winter fixed her with a weird look, “What’s so funny?”


“Nothing.” she managed to reply between chuckles.


Winter’s eyes shifted to the side for a second, “Look, I’m sorry if I abruptly ended your moment with your ex-boyfriend earlier. I just got worried about that drink so I had to step in. So I’m asking you now, do you want to talk to him? Because he’s currently heading our way.”


Jimin thought about it, weighed it in her heart, and found that “No. Not really.”


“Okay. Then I apologise again, for what I’m about to do,” Winter shifted closer and cupped her cheek, “I don’t really want to deal with him either.”


Before Jimin could ask what she meant, Winter leaned in and closed the distance between them. She gasped, eyes going wide. Winter’s own eyes were open, glancing at her in inquiry. You okay?


Something’s wrong. Jimin took a while to realise that Winter had expertly put her thumb between their lips.


Her breath hitched and her fingers twitched. Her heart hammered in her chest, suppressed yearning rising with a vengeance from the grave she had dumped it into, meaning to suffocate and overpower and make sure she couldn’t stop it this time.


She closed her eyes.


She pushed Winter’s hand out of the way as she pulled her in by the nape, their lips crashing together, flesh to flesh.


She could feel Winter’s sharp inhale as she tilted her head, pressing deeper and harder.




Vanilla and caramel and a trace of beer. Clean and powdery fresh. Smooth skin and soft, warm lips. Her grip on Winter’s wrist loosened to intertwine their fingers instead. She unconsciously let out a satisfied hum. Something warm and fuzzy tingled in Jimin’s gut, spreading all the way to her chest, and all over her body uncontrollably burning like wildfire.


ing finally.


They pulled away for air. Winter’s usually composed face was flushed deep red, eyes blown wide in shock. Jimin parted her lips, an apology on the tip of her tongue, but Winter’s eyes darted down to , following the movement.


Her heart raced. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the vile mixture of rum and beer. Maybe it was something in the water. Whatever it was, it made Jimin a little braver. A little greedier.


She her lips, tasting vanilla and caramel, and she asked instead, “Can I do that again?”


Winter’s eyes flicked up to meet hers, hesitating. Jimin mindlessly the skin behind her ear, pulse jumping as Winter shuddered at the touch, collapsing into her arms.


“Yes,” she breathed out, “Yes.


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no strings attached is back!
i cant make any promises tho updates might still be irregular bc im still trying to get back into my rhythm w writing but i'll do my best to at least finish this one. thank you very much for the support! it's been very helpful while i was struggling to write :)


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Chapter 9: i was so invested in this i didn't even notice it isn't finished 😭😭😭😭😭 what im supposed to do with my life now?!?! please update 😭😭😭 not ending this could be my thirteen reason
Minseok25 #2
We’re still waiting for you 😭 hope you’re doing great
i'm a big fan of your works, thank you for sharing it to us~ hope u're doing well!
Chapter 9: Please update. I’m already invested on this story. 😭
Chapter 1: im so hooked on this rn omg
monsalaimx #7
Chapter 9: author-nim please save us (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Chapter 9: I suddenly missed this and reread the last chapter. AAAAAAAAAAAAA~ 🥰 such a talented writer

kwonjess13 #10
Chapter 9: can't believe it took me more tha a year to read the latest update. i loved this story so much and i still love it!!!! will probably reread this a couple more times especially now that it's obvious that they're both catching feelings but are too stubborn to admit it. not quite sure if i commented this before but this has the right amount of slowburn and tension, fluff and angst. seriously, this story gives me butterflies the best kind!