The other Lead

The Diva's Assistant
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"Jimin, your return to Instagram just brightened up my day!"



"Finally, the queen has graced us with her presence on Instagram!"



"Can we talk about how stunning you look in that photo, Jimin? Absolutely radiant!"



"Love the new vibe, Jimin! Your happiness is contagious!"



"Jimin, you're glowing! Whatever you're doing, keep it up!"



"Seriously, Jimin, who's the lucky person making you smile like that? spill the tea!"



"Big shoutout to whoever captured this moment! You've captured Jimin's joy perfectly!"



"Jimin, you're like a breath of fresh air on my feed! So glad to see you back and looking amazing!"



"Can we just take a moment to appreciate Jimin's genuine smile? It's everything! "



"Jimin, your happiness is our happiness! Keep shining, queen!"



"Wow, such a different vibe from your usual posts, you look happy!"



"Jiminnnn! I'm in love!!"



"Awww Jimin, you look so much happier!"






"I don't know who the photographer is, but THANK YOU, JIMIN YOU LOOK SO HAPPY!"







A wide grin stretched across Minjeong's face as she scrolled through the comments on Jimin's latest post,



That being the candid shot, Minjeong took the other day when they were at the aquarium. 



And it was the one and only image Jimin had shared for her recent post... and to Minjeong's surprise, the actress hadn't even mentioned it to her at all... Minjeong just stumbled upon it herself later that night, after coming back from their little aquarium date....



But it didn't matter...



Because watching this Jimin get so many welcoming engagement made Minjeong happy.



Her fans are right, I am a bloody good photographer, and she doesn't look good, she looks perfect!



The blonde began humming to herself, her feet dangling from the side her bed as she continued to scroll through the comment section. Each compliment of Jimin within the photo making her chest feel ever so lighter as she secretly wanted to like every single comment that had complimented her girlfriend.



Earlier, Minjeong had whispered sweet goodnights to Jimin, planting affectionate kisses on her cheek before heading off to her own room, preparing for the big day awaiting her on the film set. The actress had a hectic big day tomorrow, being the first day of filming tomorrow, it was going to be filled with hustle and bustle... so with that in mind the two women mutually agreed to call it a night earlier than usual. 



This sudden filming session was abrupt too, Jimin technically should have had another week of practice, but the directors wanted to introduce the other co-lead who would be serving as Jimin's character's love interest within the movie, and thought it would be a good idea to have a few simple key shots filmed while everyone was gathered for a small greetings and introductions.



Apparently this co-lead announcement was suppose to be a big deal too, considering his revealment had been kept completely secret from the public and currently hired actors and staff as well.



Which brings us to the reason why Minjeong found herself slipping into her pajamas a good two hours ahead of her usual bedtime. However, unable to easily succumb to sleep at her without it being her accustomed hours, she decided to extend her night for a quick scroll through social media. And what could lift her spirits more than witnessing the outpouring love and adoration directed at her girlfriend through the safe compounds of the comment section? Especially when Minjeong had played a part in capturing that perfect photo.



Call her a whipped girlfriend...



But she just loved seeing the support Jimin was getting.



It just makes her feel justified...



Because she too also thought Jimin was the most amazing women the blonde had ever layed eyes on.



However, that little happy high of hers could only last for so long...



Because as she continued to scroll through with little worry of the world, on her stomach now as her legs were waving back and forth... Abruptly, her thumb came to a sudden halt, frozen mid-swipe, as her eyes caught sight of a comment that demanded a double take of her attention:



"I bet the person who took your photo is Jihoon! That must be why you look so happy today"






Lord, why does that name seem to always conveniently pop up at the worse of time... whenever the blonde had completely forgotten about him too.






He was still in the picture after all.



Everyone still thinks Jimin and Jihoon are still dating.....








The relationship that should've lasted around 2 months ended up breaking that record by 4 times and it's still going. 


Suddenly, scrolling felt like a chore, and the comments, once uplifting, now seemed to mock her. All Minjeong could focus on was the absence of any official statement from Jimin or Jihoon's company confirming the end of their little made up relationship.



Minjeong's felt her jaw tighten as she hastily swiped her phone screen off, plunging the room into darkness and plopping her back right onto her mattress. And just like that... she layed still for a moment, hoping that the quiet solitude of her dimly lit bedroom would offer her some form of peace.... but it was of no use. Her mind just wouldn't shut up.



Rolling onto her side now, the blonde squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to banish the images of Jihoon and Jimin together that seemed to only want to race through her head further. Yet, like stubborn shadows, they lingered on... clutching for dear life... refusing to go away.



It was tormenting...



Minutes felt like they were being stretched into an eternity as she tossed and turned, trapped in a vortex of these neverending spiral of uninviting thoughts....



It seemed... sleep wasn't going to come to her any time soon despite her best efforts to quiet her mind... 



But why did she even have any of these troubles in the first place?



The relationship was fabricated.



They were all lies...



Minjeong knows that.



She knows that very well,



it's a fact...



The very falsehood of it's existence should have been enough to soothe any concerns, yet here she was laying waste waste to her own insecurities.



It wasn't logical, she knew that much. The relationship was a charade, a carefully crafted illusion for the sake of the public eye. But logic seemed powerless against the relentless tide of emotion that swept through her.



It was bizarre, and in all honesty, perhaps even a bit of an immature thought process... but the mere existance of that fake relationship.. made her own relationship with Jimin feel rather diminished...




if that made any sense at all...




The idea of hiding their real relationship behind a façade for the sake of public image didn't sit right with Minjeong. It felt like denying their truth, burying their genuine connection beneath layers of falsehoods created for the public eye. Yet, she recognized the relentless hold of industry standards, and for Jimin's sake, there wasn't much she could do but play along, remaining in the background and letting events unfold without interference....



Besides... what could she do?



She and Jimin...



They were both women...




Considering Jimin's a-lister status, disclosing their relationship in a conservative country where her career was built would only serve to harm the actress'



And Minjeong refuses to be that very reason...



There was no way, she was ever going to bring even the mere idea of that up with Jimin...






So why...?



Why can't her heart just settle already?



Why can't she just let these neverending feelings go.. or rather.. why can't they leave her alone?



Why does she just feel so uncomfortable with the whole ordeal.... of some made up web of lies.. in which she knew were lies...?



Was... it...



Was it because those lies, once constructed, could incentivize actions to make them become the truth..?



Minjeong doesn't know ... she just doesn't know what to do anymore.. to get rid of that feeling..



Sleep... she just wants to sleep. 









Something was wrong...



Jimin could feel it... as she sat in the passenger seat beside Minjeong, who was driving her to the set today...



They were in silence... which isn't exactly unusual on an early morning like this...



But it was the fact that this silence... was extremely EXTREMELY loud.



Too loud...



The shift in Minjeong's behavior had been apparent from the moment Jimin started her morning routine. Stepping out of bed, she had expected her usual spread of pancakes with maple syrup, or perhaps waffles with eggs cooked to perfection... or some form of breakfast in that variety...



To her surprise, she was greeted by a simple bowl of brown cornflakes and milk, a far cry from the elaborate breakfasts she had grown accustomed to. The meal was prepared by the blonde, who usually delighted in creating morning feasts....



Now don't get Jimin wrong here.



She doesn't always expect the blonde to wake up in time to prepare an extravagant breakfast—or any breakfast at all, for that matter. After all, they haven't explicitly discussed such arrangements... and no real official agreements have taken place yet.



It's just since the blonde had moved in... she basically just assumed the role being Jimin's personal cute little private chef... and because of this... Jimin... may or may not have been seriously spoiled by that arrangement... rendering her completely accustomed to the constant pampering she had been receiving.. especially from Minjeong's golden retriever energy... which basically showered her in affection daily....



and this may sound a tad overindulgent and blatantly entitled on Jimin's behalf... but she had become so accustomed to Minjeong's nurturing ways that any deviation from their established routine left her feeling somewhat adrift.



In fact they tended to weigh heavily on Jimin's mind...way more than she would like to selfishly admit...



Just like right now.




But it wasn't solely the breakfast changes that made her feel something was off about the blonde today.



The woman had been slouchy all morning... and when the a-lister did ask her about it... Minjeong would just wave it off, attributing it to a lack of sleep the night before, but she refused to comment further on the matter... as if she was going out of her way to keep silent as to avoid the topic.



And that was the other thing too.



Minjeong's rambling mouth... it was as if someone pointed a remote to face and pressed the mute button.



Because the girl hasn't really said a word this morning unless prompted with a question.. but even then her replied were short and lacked any of her usual enthusiasm... 



or 'barking' nature.



Is what Jimin likes to call it.



Usually by now... she would've shared with Jimin an odd fact that the latter would have never asked for...



Or narrate her actions throughout her morning routine...



Rr perhaps just randomly breaking into spontaneous song




But today, Minjeong hadn't done any of that...




Those were usually the actions Jimin would typically complain to the blonde about, telling her that she was being too noisy. But now, without them, she just felt a lonely sense of silence that she didn't realize how much she actually despised until now.....




And turning her head to look at the blonde woman now, who seemed to have her attention solely on the road, not even sparing a ran

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luhhhh14 0 points #1
Chapter 41: she said YES! 😭😭
oofiee 1078 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 41: OMG IM SO HAPPY
KLXRYU 0 points #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for indulging me with this sweet au wherein my jiminjeong’s engaged and so very much in love. couldn’t ask for a better one. I’m looking forward for the next chapter and possibly more of your works. Thank you so much authornim
winteooO #4
Chapter 41: No words can explain how good this chapter is🥹 IM CRYING BYE. btw, I hope you’re already feeling much better, author-nim<33
mindeongie #5
Chapter 41: IM GONNA CRY
2183 streak #6
Chapter 41: Hope you’re feeling better, thank you for the update!
byulsmoon #8
Chapter 41: THIS CHAPTER MADE ME SO HAPPY. the story in general too, thanks author for writing this
Chapter 41: SHE PROPOSED YESS AND SHE SAID YESSS WHOOP WHOOP! It’s sad that this is coming to an end soon but once again you wrote another beautifully written chapter. Thank you for the update :)!
kariselleheart 11 streak #10
Chapter 41: i hope ur okay author 🥺 and thank you for the update! my heart is melting