One last push

The Diva's Assistant
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"Day 3: My body is slowly getting used to this newfound distance. But I still miss how things used to be before I found her unconscious on her kitchen floor. I feel so numb, like I am slowly losing touch with the outside world. This experience had taught me to never take things for granted and to always cherish what you have before it's too late. Food no longer taste the same... Things are so awkward now, even thinking about it gets me all sad and gloomy. On the bright side, I stepped outside into my backyard for the 1st time yesterday in ages. I realised being stuck inside all the time doesn't help the growing grayness within myself, so I finally decided to  take the initiative to walk out into the wide open and the light made me feel great! I really needed that vitamin D boost. that a fly flew into my mouth the moment I opened the door though and the sun was so bright, it almost burned my skin-"


"Oh my god, Kim Minjeong" Ningning turns around from her table, with a very frustrated expression written all over her face "I'm trying to prepare for my next patient, can you not do this somewhere else?"



"Ningning," Kim Minjeong, who was currently reclined on the therapy couch during a deeply introspective session with herself, turned her head towards her best friend. "This is a therapy clinic. I'm having a session. It's my time to talk. Can you please not interrupt me?"



"Yes, that would be all great if it wasn't for the fact that you and I do not have a session booked!" The doctor put down her files and brought two fingers up to her forehead before letting out a sigh. "You've literally barged in here like this for three days now unannounced, sat yourself down, and just began spouting nonsense. Seriously Kim Minjeong, can you not bother someone else with your verbal journal entries?"



"Hey! It's not nonsense, this is meant to be a safe space!"



"This is MY psychology clinic for MY real patience!"



"I am a real patient, I'm troubled can't you tell?"



"Yes if the last three days haven't said anything I can see you're really troubled. TROUBLED AT READING THE ROOM! I have work to do Minjeong! So if you're done with your little rant about your love life. I would truly appreciate some peace and quiet" Turning around back to her desk, Ninging swallowed down any remaining words she had wanted to say to her friend... convincing herself it wasn't worth it. She continued, or at least tried to continue, to do her work.



"Hey... don't be like that" The blonde promptly gets up from the couch with an unusually cute and cheery voice now "Have you not heard of a very term called Mate's Rates?" She tried to egg the doctor on.



"Not in my vocabulary"



"No fair!" The girl plops back down onto the couch with a pout "I would offer you mates rate"



"With your managing style? No thanks," Ningning responded nonchalantly, her fingers swiftly moving across the keyboard as she typed up a few key notes.



"What's wrong with my managing style!?"


"Considering you managing your one and only client has gotten you here in therapy for three days straight... I'll say... everything"




"Shut up Minjeong, I'm seriously trying to work"




Gloomily mumbling a few complaints, the blonde once again lied herself onto the couch and let out another purposely loud sigh. "I'm being serious too, you know. I really am actually sad.... Jimin... she's still so distant... I mean, there isn't anything else. She doesn't even complain about what I do anymore... She's just silent... as if she wants to avoid me, and I really don't know how to handle it, Ningning."



Removing her glasses and taking a deep inhale, the doctor finally gave up. It had become apparent to her now that she wasn't going to get any work done with Minjeong by her side.



So turning around, the Ningning finally decides to give her best friend her full attention.



"And I already told you since day one of you coming in here. Jimin just unloaded a lot of stuff onto you. Very not pretty ones... I bet those aren't just any memories she's keeping tucked away; they're likely haunting her every day... Opening up to you about it probably took a huge emotional toll on her. Think about it, everyone in her life left her at some point. It's going to take time for her to trust that you're different."


"But I told her! I told her that I'll be there for her, that I wouldn't do anything like what others have done to her in the past-"


"-And I'm sure she heard you, but something like this isn't going to just get better in a day or two. Just because someone tells her they'll never leave her, does not change the people that did leave her. And that alone will take her some time to adjust to, before she fully believes anyone would be any different."


"I know I know..." Minjoeng groans and shifts to her side so her face was facing Ningning's now "But I'm still not sure what else I can do.. like what else should I do to show her that I won't be like the others..."



"Minjeong... would you say you deeply care about Jimin?" The blonde's legs rolls off the edge as her body shifts up so she's completely sitting on the couch now, before giving her friend a small nod" Great, because it's clear to me, with our past couple of conversations, you truly do care for her and want to support her. I think that's awesome.. however, you need to remember, support isn't just about acts of service and verbal affirmation, sometimes it's about stepping back, realising that some people have boundaries... they need time to adjust, their own time. And although it's frustrating, being there for someone means in addition to the what you're doing for her now, it's also about being able to accomodate to her despite those setbacks. So you" the doctor points at Minjeong with her pen "You need to learn to be more patient. Just because the distance is there now, doesn't mean it'll be there forever. Support her, but don't overwhelm her. Don't keep trying to rush her because of your own impatient."



"And you really think if I just leave her alone.. it'll all be alright?"



"I didn't say leave her alone, I mean work around her, because she needs time to realise she can trust you fully, so let her handle that the way that's best for her. In the meantime, do what you've been doing, be there for her when she needs it, talk to her, joke with her, be yourself. But do not push her to do something you can tell she doesn't feel comfortable with."





"Boundaries." Ningning affirms "you've already overstepped it once. And whilst that was something that did end up making somewhat of a positive impact, I wouldn't keep pushing it, it's true sometimes people just need a little push to move forward... but being too forceful can also break them..."



"Yeah... you're you're right, I guess I'll just continue with how things are... test the waters.. and if she needs me, then I'll be there" The blonde finally stands up with a small smile "Thanks Ningning... this had been very helpful... you're really the best psychologist around here I swear!" 



"Don't try to flatter me now, Minjeong" The woman chuckles "Are you off ?"



"Yeah, I have packed day ahead, Jimin is on a program today with some other celebrities, it'll be on Uchinaga's show again and tomorrow afternoon she has an audition for a new role that's coming up"



"Sounds busy"



"Very... I should probably head off now then, once again.. Ningning.. thank you.. I mean it"


"No worries, now that'll be 300 bucks"



Kim Minjeong who was just about to place her hands on the handle of the exit door came to complete halt "300 BUCKS!? for what!?"


"For this therapy session, you took away my precious time to assess other patient files, so this will be charged to you as a consulting session"






"I'm considering mate's rate here, you've came in here unannounced 3 days now, I'm practically charging you for one session out of three."


"One!? Why are these sessions so expensive!?"



"My ears don't come for free. Alternatively since your going to be on Uchinaga's set, how about this. You get me Aeri's signature and I'll write that off as payment instead."













The atmosphere inside the car was thick with tension, suffused with an awkwardness that Minjeong just could not dispel. Gone were the usual banter and camaraderie that characterized their drives together. Instead, Jimin's silence hung in the air like a heavy fog, enveloping them in a veil of discomfort.



Minjeong couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of Jimin's eyes boring into her from the side. Yet, when she stole a glance at the actress, the latter would only look away instantly, giving the blonde no opportunities to question any of it. 



It wasn't the typical Diva-Manager dynamic they often danced around any longer. Instead, it was a chilly detachment that left Minjeong feeling isolated, unsure of where she stood with Jimin. Each passing minute only served to deepen the silence between them, making the air feel heavier around them.



Minjeong can't believe she's saying this, but she misses the usual pushy, demanding and slightly grouchy Jimin, and she prefers it way more than this new, oddly polite and soft spoken one.



The actress had even asked the blonde how her morning was today.



Her morning.



Jimin has never asked about her morning before EVER... instead those were usually replaced by:



"Ya you're late again!"



"Seriously Minjeong, you have bread crumbs on the corner of your mouth can you be anymore clumsy!?"



"Hey, why are you spacing out, focus on driving already!"



Not these recent...



"Minjeong.. hey..."



"How are you..?"


"You're here early..."



Early? EARLY!?


Minjeong's never been early. Earlier than five minutes anyway. Which isn't considered early. 



And don't get the shorter woman wrong, she knows she shouldn't be feeling this way... if anything they have made some progress recently right? Jimin had, although in a bit of a breakdown, unleashed her past onto Minjeong and in return the blonde had shown no judgement, only wanting to be the backbone that supported Jimin back up.



But even so, the unwritten length between them was undeniable.



She wasn't sure how Jimin was feeling about the whole ordeal, but Minjeong didn't dare to ask... she felt that she's already pushed the older too far recently...



Boundaries Minjeong. Respect her boundaries. Be patient.



She would keep reminding herself over and over again when the going gets tough...



And god has it been tough...



Look into the bright side MinJeong



She tried to comfort herself admist her own spiralling thoughts...



She supposes, although the two had less to say to each other recently since everything that had unravelled... glancing to the side one last time as she continued to drive... at the very least... Minjeong was just glad, that Jimin still chose to sit at the front beside her.. 
















Minjeong made her way though the bustling crowd, doing her best not too bump shoulders with too many individuals as she tried not to have her stack of meal boxes that she is currently holding, tip over. 



The Uchinaga show boasted a lineup of several celebrities, each accompanied by their own respective managers who joined them on set.



It seemed logical for each manager to procure meals for their respective clients, but during filming, the entire staff group vanished elsewhere, leaving Minjeong to handle everyone's orders single-handedly.




The blonde couldn't deny her frustration. While she didn't mind the extra workload when others were occupied, it was the sight of several of them taking a smoke break outside that really irked her as she stepped out.



But she pushes back, not wishing to start any unnecessary drama. And hey, at the very least she can also give Jimin some face as well right? 



Yu Jimin has the best manager in the industry, not only does she manage Jimin herself, but she can also manage other celebrities with their insanely equally absurd lunch orders.



That's a strong title!



So quickly scooting her way back into the staff trailer, the blonde swiftly distributed each individual meal, despite the loud chatter drowning out her voice. Though no one heard her, her memory served her well enough to distribute the meals accurately.



Giving out the last box meal, Minjeong was finally ready to rest her legs by placing her on a seat, when one of the celebrity that she had fetched a meal for decides to come up to make a very loud complaint. 



"Excuse me, I never ordered this salad, it's all wrong! The dressing, the lettuce everything!"



The man was shorter a lot shorter than most people here.. Minjeong had seen him a few times in action films, usually acting mainly as the hero's lacky that typically gets pushed into the background very quickly. She heard from a few insiders, he was finally able to pay off a director in a recent film to be chosen as one of the main casts. 



"Oh I'm sorry, you ordered the Caesar salad with chicken correct? What's wrong with it?"



"I didn't want the caesar sauce and I hate lettuce"



"You.. hate lettuce.. but you ordered a salad?"



"Is there an issue? I wanted a chicken caesar salad with no lettuce or dressing!"



"So... just chicken and cheese... and bacon?"


"It's a caesar without the lettuce and dressing yes. Are you stupid? how could you get such a simple order wrong!?"



"Ok well..." Minjeong had to bite her tongue, she really didn't have time for.. whatever childish interaction she was having right now, let alone be scolded by some man child over 'not salad',  "I'm sorry, that requirement wasn't specified to me by your manager, I heard you guys are expected to be back on set in 15 minutes, would it be okay to make do just this once? I do deeply apologise"

"Are you seriously saying no to me right now?" The little man began to raise her voice... but as Minjeong looked down at his small red face... the intimidation just wasn't setting in "I said! I want my salad the way it's made right! Are you fried or are you dense?"



Oh my god.. I am so underpaid.. Minjeong closed her eyes briefly and inhaled a deep breath. She knew she couldn't really do anything or talk back, not whilst she's working and especially not towards a celebrity in the industry... even if he is just a mere C-lister.... so all she could do was take this man's unbounded complaints and hope after he's done trying to assert whatever little dominance he had, she'll finally be left alone to rest.



"Are you even listening to me?" The C-list celebrity continued "I'm talking to you!"





The two individuals instantly turned their heads towards that raised voice... only to be presented with a very piercing Yu Jimin... staring daggers at the short man in front of her. 



"If you have an issue with your meal, go take it out on your own manager, instead of wasting the time of mine" Her voice was filled with authority, like she was a mother scolding a three year old. "Don't you try and blame your own manager's incompetence onto my one again... and let me make this very clear to you." The A-lister had taken a few step forward and was practically leaning over the shorter man now... even from here Minjeong could hear the audible gulp made by the latter as he stared back into Jimin's eyes with fear. Anyone within a mile away could tell.. the girl was absolutely pissed off.. if her eyes didn't give it away.. then the reddening colour on her cheeks and her tight fist definitely did. "Don't you freaking dare, ever talk to her like that again, you hear me? or do you want me to have a word with your current director, I have a feeling I'm worth a lot more than whatever scruny amount you paid him"



Widening his eyes, the C-lister said nothing else, but held his lunch box tightly before rolling away somewhere else.



With the nuisance gone now, Jimin straightens back and tries to loosen up her shoulders before letting out a small sigh through her nose. She had already been annoyed enough seeing that fake actor be invited on the show today... but seeing that man speaking to Minjeong like that, absolutely sent her overboard.



I'm definitely going to have a word with Aeri about this.



She thought to herself for a moment before her gaze came to a halt, locking onto the blonde's eyes, who had remained rooted to her spot until now.



"Jimin," Minjeong's surprised yet pleasant expression met her gaze. Her lips curled upwards into the warmest smile Jimin had seen in a very long time. "Thank you for doing that. I don't know if I was ever going to hear the end of it if you didn't step in," she said, her eyes forming crescents, causing Jimin's heart to flutter in unfamiliar ways, simultaneously stirring both butterflies in her stomach and a hint of fear.



"No.. it's fine, didn't like his face anyway" The actress mumbles, quickly looking away... not sure if her heart could handle it any longer if she continues to glance over at Minjeong.



Sensing something was wrong however, the blonde began to approach her "Hey..." she held up her hand, about to place it on Jimin's shoulder "is everything alright?"



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luhhhh14 0 points #1
Chapter 41: she said YES! 😭😭
oofiee 1077 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 41: OMG IM SO HAPPY
KLXRYU 0 points #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for indulging me with this sweet au wherein my jiminjeong’s engaged and so very much in love. couldn’t ask for a better one. I’m looking forward for the next chapter and possibly more of your works. Thank you so much authornim
winteooO #4
Chapter 41: No words can explain how good this chapter is🥹 IM CRYING BYE. btw, I hope you’re already feeling much better, author-nim<33
mindeongie #5
Chapter 41: IM GONNA CRY
2183 streak #6
Chapter 41: Hope you’re feeling better, thank you for the update!
byulsmoon #8
Chapter 41: THIS CHAPTER MADE ME SO HAPPY. the story in general too, thanks author for writing this
Chapter 41: SHE PROPOSED YESS AND SHE SAID YESSS WHOOP WHOOP! It’s sad that this is coming to an end soon but once again you wrote another beautifully written chapter. Thank you for the update :)!
kariselleheart 11 streak #10
Chapter 41: i hope ur okay author 🥺 and thank you for the update! my heart is melting