03 Heechul

The Untold Story of Two

chapter three


Heechul: The Break-Up

It didn't take long for Jinyoung to find the second friend, someone who was much closer to Eunhyuk than Donghae. His name with Heechul, and from what he remembers, it seemed like he was Eunhyuk's rock. Someone he could confide in and tell secrets to.

"You're their adopted son?" Heechul speaks slowly, "I thought they really called it quits."

That perked Jinyoung's interest, "Quits?"

He's never heard that his parents had met a bump in their relationship, "Weren't they the perfect couple?"

"Kid, even seemingly perfect couples make mistakes too."


"Why would you do something like that?" Heechul cries out, clearly incapable of understanding the words uttered by the other, "Eunhyuk, are you out of your mind?"

Rubbing aways the tears pointlessly (the tears never actually stopped streaming), Eunhyuk spoke between sobs, "I didn't know what else to do, alright? He's different. Sometimes, it's like he doesn't even care anymore."

Heechul didn't quite grasp the situation fully, "What do you mean he doesn't care anymore? This is Lee Donghae we're talking about! The one who tried so hard to get you to notice him."

But Eunhyuk didn't understand either.

He doesn't understand why things had to turn out this way. The boy he once loved was no where to be found. The one who should've been his lover for life. How did things ever get so out of hand?

His mind could let Donghae go, but his heart couldn't.

After crying his tears out that entire night, Heechul caught Eunhyuk reading old text messages. The simple "Good morning" and the sweet "I love you". He couldn't forget his scent, occassionally wearing an old shirt that the other had left behind with him. Even the warm hand that Eunhyuk had held, the one that gave him strength and reassurance.

Then, he would remember the sad truth: It's all over.

Tears would come flowing down endlessly once more. A million tissues scattered around the floor was a clear representation of his broken heart.

To make matters worse, he'd sit in front of a television, watching the saddest romance movies.

It was as if he was trying to make himself cry.

But then the sadness all became anger when he caught Donghae talking with another male one afternoon. A tall male with brown hair, his name unknown. He's never seen this male before in his life, but the way Donghae smiled at him made his heart furious.

The sadness became anger.

He hated whoever that man was to no end.

Even if there was no real reason to hate him either. He didn't look bad, he didn't seem mean. He just seemed like the average boy with above average looks who was capable of making Donghae smile. That was it. That was all of his "reasons" to hate him. Eunhyuk hated how he was feeling.

"You've got to do something about this," Heechul finally declares, attempting to snap his friend back into reality, "You can't sit here and grieve about someone who's no longer yours."

Eunhyuk throws a pillow at him, "That's easier said than done. How can I just move on? Didn't you hear what I've told you? He's already found someone else, and it hasn't even been a week. Didn't I mean anything to him? Doesn't he know how much this hurts me? Even if I'm not his anymore, doesn't he care at all?"

"Why does he have to care?" he counters, "Stop thinking of your life as a fairytale. People care that much in storybooks. This is reality. It might be harsh, but you have to deal with it."

A solemn broken boy glances up at him solemnly, "And if I can't?"

"You can," Heechul promises, "You most definitely can. As long as you set your heart and mind to it, I know you can. You're stronger than this. The Eunhyuk I know is the prince of the school; he is someone who everyone looks up to. You can't let us down. We know you'll get better."

"I'm much more fragile than you all think," Eunhyuk sadly smiles, "but in a way, thank you. I guess you are my reality. I think I'll go home for the weekend and gather my thoughts."


"It was kind of amazing," Heechul recalls, "because when he came back, he was like a whole new person. I think it was the first time I thought that his aura was different."

A pause came from Jinyoung, "...Is that good?"

A smile crept up upon the older's face, "Of course. He basically hit the restart button on his life. He came back with a new haircut, a new attitude, and everything, but the most important thing was he smiled much more often."

"What about Donghae?" Jinyoung glances up at him with curious eyes, "What did he do when he saw the new Eunhyuk?"

Heechul just smiles.


author's note


Love Lesson #2. Grieving is good for some time, not an excessive amount of time. There's no reason for you to cry your eyeballs out. We all know it hurts. We get it. But crying excessively doesn't help your case. Start getting that confidence back. That's how you will become happy again. One smile at a time.

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Chapter 14: That was a what discovery. ...
Wow this story is just really amazing!
I wonder where is donghae and eunhyuk. Were they die?
I feel the chill down my spine when I read the last sentence.
Good job author!
Congratulations on winning the first place. This story worth it :-)
Chapter 14: Now I know why this fic won the contest. It's really intriguing. I feel the chill down my spine after the last sentence. Thats so creative of you twisting here and there. I actually can guess what actually happened when you revealed both of them had twin. Just that dunno who replace who kekeke. Thanks God you didnt left us hanging.
Motahareh #4
Chapter 14: That was....very complicated and awesome!
Honestly I really wanna know where were the real Donghae and Eunhyuk during accident etc. :(
Suddenly they both disappeared o_O
I'll try to imagine they ended up together:)
Congratz on winning!!! :):):)
Its no wonder you won... your story was indeed amazing~ ^.^
Congratulations on winning! :D
Chapter 14: congratulations cheers :) ;) :D
InEunHae #8


PS: I will PM you to discuss your prize :)
kamihae #9
Chapter 14: omg this is just so beautiful !! i love reading stories with mystery i love observing hints i love trying to find out the ending i love everything mysterious and this was just perfect for me !
i really really want to find out what happened with eunhyuk and donghae ? did they find their ways back to each other ? are they even still alive ? what's gonna happen now that donghwa and hyukjae's plan is discovered ? what will happen to jinyoung ? they wouldn't hurt him right ?
thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of art with us authornim i hope you win the contest ^^