Chapter Eleven

Haven's Heaven
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Chapter Eleven

"I dated Ryeowook," Jongwoon said, having turned to look at Heechul, Kyuhyun and Henry who were standing in the blood covered room with him. He had expected Heechul to come over and find him, but he hadn't expected Kyuhyun and Henry to be there too.

It didn't take Jongwoon long to realize Kyuhyun and Henry hadn't known about anything that had happened here until now. They looked utterly scared and disturbed by the blood around them, and for a short second, he felt sorry for them. But he quickly realized why he was here in the first place and recomposed himself before asking, "Why are you here?"

Jungsu, who was just about to go into Jongjin's room to check if Jongwoon was there, heard Jongwoon's voice and quickly joined them in the living room. Jongwoon looked at him completely emotionless, the way he always looked at Jungsu whenever they had a disagreement - and they'd had plenty of them. 

"I'm sorry," he quickly said, knowing that Jongwoon deserved an apology and probably also demanded one before even considering to speak to him. "I didn't realize Yunho-" He didn't know how to finish that sentence without dying of shame.

Jongwoon just kept intensely staring at him, making Jungsu feel extremely uncomfortable.

"We do have things to talk about," he continued bravely after taking a deep breath as a way to encourage himself, "but I had no right to kick you out like that in front of anyone. Let's just return to the others and-"

"Why did you take the front door?" Jongwoon suddenly asked, sounding both accusative and worried. His emotionless expression turned into worry, something Jungsu immediately noticed.

"I-" Jungsu started, but Jongwoon wasn't done talking.

"They are watching this house, why would you take the front door?" He rattled, still sounding accusative, while looking out of the front window briefly before looking back at Jungsu again. "Why didn't you take the secret entrance? Did anyone follow you?"

How could they have been this stupid? Jongwoon wondered, as the realization of them simply taking the front door started to set in.

"We were worried about you, we didn't think-" Jungsu mumbled, his leader-like demeanor crumbling as fast as it had returned to him, an effect Jongwoon seemed to have on Jungsu quite often.

As Heechul noticed Jungsu started to falter, he quickly added, "We figured you would've locked the entrance if you were indeed here," Jongwoon seemed to accept that answer, but still looked worried. "Look, whatever you two have to discuss, we should discuss it at home. I don't feel comfortable being... here."

He motioned to the scene around him. 

In the corner of his eyes, Heechul also noticed Henry and Kyuhyun still looking around terrified and he felt like they shouldn't let their youngest be around in this environment any longer either.

"Then leave, I'm not telling you to stick around or even come here," Jongwoon snapped annoyed, "I'm not going back to a place where someone wished he had let me die instead of saving me."  He still remembered the words Jungsu had said to him clearly, and no sorry could make up for the pain that that had caused.

He turned to warily but carefully stare outside of the front window again, making sure really no one had followed them and simultaneously no longer having to face them; he didn't want to anyway. He had made up his mind the minute he had walked out of their hide-out; he was done and would never return no matter what any of them said.

Aside from his problems with Jungsu, he doubted he could face Kyuhyun and Henry anytime soon, and he was quite sure all the others were pretty distraught with what had happened earlier that night. His reputation was already ruined, he had no reason to go back there. 

"I didn't mean-" Jungsu started, but was interrupted by Kyuhyun.

"Did Ryeowook do this?" he asked, finally being able to pull himself together. His curiosity took over and if Ryeowook was capable of doing this if you merely dated him - not to imagine what he was capable of if he hated you -, why would they even allow him to be part of Civiltry? Kyuhyun suddenly felt extremely uneasy and was even considering sticking around Jongwoon in his blood covered home, instead of returning to the hide-out himself. Jongwoon felt like... the better option at this point. A kiss suddenly didn't feel like such a big problem anymore.

Jongwoon, Jungsu, and Heechul turned to stare at Kyuhyun and Henry, who were still clutching each others' hand as if their lives depended on it. Kyuhyun, however, seemed a little less disturbed by his surroundings and looked at them mostly curious. Henry looked at them as well, but obviously still extremely startled. 

"No," Jongwoon answered after a few seconds of wondering how Kyuhyun could possibly think Ryeowook would be capable of doing anything like this, and for a moment forgetting everything that had happened between the two of them, "his father did."

"The king?" Henry questioned thunderstruck, to no one in particular, slowly coming back to earth and starting to realize that despite that he was horrified by what had taken place here, he wasn't the one having to live with knowing what had happened every single day. He should stop acting the way he did and start to consider others' feelings. 

Jongwoon and Heechul nodded in reply.

"For dating Ryeowook?" Kyuhyun continued to ask, still not fully understanding what had actually happened. Jongwoon nodded slowly, his eyes suddenly filled with sorrow and fixated on a dried pool of blood not too far from Kyuhyun's feet. Kyuhyun started to feel bad for bringing it up. "Is any of the-," he started, gesturing at the blood around them as he didn't want to mention the actual word, "yours?"

Jongwoon shook his head, "No, I wasn't at ho-"

Sudden loud noises surprised them. The front door was flung open, windows were smashed and some things were thrown inside.

They all looked towards the middle of the room and noticed multiple burning torches on the floor, flames dancing around as they grew more and bigger.

"Surround the house, let no one escape!" a voice yelled from the outside. "We will get him this time!"

Jongwoon looked horrified as the flames started to spread around them rapidly, engulfing the couch, wooden tables, and even the family pictures that had still been on the wall. This was his home, his life, these were his memories. The only place that reminded him that life hadn't always been the way it was, was about to perish.

He quickly walked forward to grab one of the torches to throw them back out, but Jungsu launched at him, pulling him away. "We need to go!"

"No," Jongwoon said, his voice filled with utter panic, "No, I can't- I need to-" He took a deep shaky breath, trying hard to refrain himself from losing it completely, while looking around hopelessly trying a way to stop the fire from spreading and destroying everything that he had.

Kyuhyun and Henry looked around terrified as the flames closed into them. Knowing the house had been surrounded by guards, how on earth were they going to get out of here alive? Were they going to get out of this alive? Kyuhyun highly doubted it.

"I'm sorry," He suddenly said, looking into Henry's eyes guilt-ridden. Henry looked back at him for a brief moment, before looking around again - looking for a way to get out safely. They could discuss their problems later, they had plenty of time left in t

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Chapter 16: It's August 28, 2021, just weeks after my birthday again. Thank you for dedicating this to me on my 20th, I'm 23 now and I missed this! I'm also back in this platform, I hope you are too ):
Jahnavi2002 #3
Chapter 16: Let me tell you this..this story is so ing good
not one second of this story was crap And I enjoyed every single moment
though I decide to hope that you will continue.please
vpurple #4
Chapter 16: this story is so so SO good i’m actually heartbroken you never updated???? please come back if you ever feel like it, i love this story so much! but thank you for what you’ve written, it’s truly amazing ???
Chapter 16: No please don't leave me hanging :) i love this alot and i know alot will be happy if this was continued ~ TT

401 streak #6
Chapter 16: I wish you're still here and finish this story for me -us- T______T
Chapter 16: Oh my gosh. I really love this story. Hopefully you will continue this one.
VioletVelvet89 #8
Chapter 16: Please don’t abandon this beautiful story
Author-nim @ 3@ ~~~ update juseoyoooo, i misssss Yesungieee