Chapter Nine

Haven's Heaven
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Chapter Nine

Henry had already slept for a few hours when he woke up to Jongwoon climbing onto the bed above him. It was something Henry had gotten used to, but also something he still had a hard time seeing.

Kyuhyun had told Henry just one night ago that he didn't feel anything for Jongwoon, but the nagging feeling of jealousy still overwhelmed Henry occasionally. That on its own made Henry feel guilty already, because he should trust his friend when he said there was nothing going on.

'Liar,' a small voice echoed through Henry's head, making him shiver in response.

"Are you okay?" he suddenly heard Kyuhyun whisper, followed by a soft 'I'm fine,' coming from Jongwoon.

Why was Kyuhyun asking Jongwoon whether he was okay? Henry had seen Jongwoon today, and he hadn't seem much different than normal. Even when most of them turned in to bed, Jongwoon had smiled and wished them a good night. Nothing had been wrong.

"Are you sure?" Kyuhyun asked after a while, confusing Henry even more. A sudden movement shook the bed rather violently, but after that everything went quiet. 

He was pretty sure Jongwoon had just turned around and ignored Kyuhyun's odd questions - that's the Jongwoon Henry knew best, and he loved his hyung's predictability. 

As everything remained silent, Henry eventually turned comfortably on his side as well, still silently fighting the little voice in the back of his mind trying to convince him that Kyuhyun caring about Jongwoon meant something completely different. 

Sudden strange sounds refrained Henry from falling asleep though. He turned to look at the bed above him and noted that the sound was definitely coming from up there. It sounded like... No, it couldn't be.

He silently stood up and looked over the bedside to convince himself more than anyone that he had just been making things up. That his mind was playing tricks on him. But what he saw shattered his world, broke his heart, and made him completely lose his mind.

His friend, who he considered a very dear one, was kissing the man Henry had openly admitted to having feelings for. The man that Kyuhyun had a little more than 24 hours ago sworn to not like at all. Why? Why would he do this? 

He didn't even notice Jongwoon looking at him with guilt written all over his face. All he looked at was Kyuhyun. His friend. This betrayer who called himself a friend. Feelings that Henry had tried to block out for most of his life suddenly overwhelmed him. Grief, hatred, anger - feelings he had promised himself he would never give in to because he had seen the destruction it could cause. But he couldn't help it.

He turned around and ran away the moment Kyuhyun turned around and called his name. He didn't deserve to explain anything. He didn't deserve to even mention Henry's name. He didn't deserve anything.

He slammed the bedroom door harshly, not caring about the people who were probably still asleep. He looked around frustrated and grabbed the first thing he could get his hands on - Jungsu's favorite mug that was still standing on the table. Before he knew it, his hands threw the cup against the wall and it shattered into millions of pieces. Just as many pieces as his heart had broken into.

But he needed more. It didn't help enough.

He went and grabbed more and more items, threw them around carelessly and turned the living room in a complete mess, as messy as his mind was. But he didn't care. Just for once, couldn't he let out all pent up feelings? Just this once.

As Donghae's arms closed around Henry, he fell down to the ground and just cried, heartbrokenly. Emotions overwhelmed him, emotions he couldn't take control of.

And that was okay, Donghae said. "Just let it all out."

Jongwoon felt bad. The look in Henry's eyes wasn't something he could forget. Albeit that he didn't share the same feelings for Henry as Henry had for him, which were quite obvious - Jongwoon was not an oblivious idiot -, he still cared very much about Henry. He reminded him a lot of his little brother.

He just never really had the gut to tell Henry that and thus he deliberately let Henry believe he had a chance. Something that had seemed so logically at that time suddenly made him feel like a coward.

He sighed, extremely disappointed with himself, before sitting up and rubbing his head.

Why actually had he kissed Kyuhyun again?

He hadn't been himself, he concluded. It had been exactly one year since - No. There was no excuse. No matter how messed up he had felt, he shouldn't have been weak and reflect it onto Kyuhyun.

Besides, Kyuhyun of all people? After years of not giving in to any desires, he kissed Kyuhyun!? 

It had been nice though, he had to admit. And that was probably the one thing that bothered him the most. After blocking out all feelings for anyone for years, his body had liked kissing Kyuhyun; almost as if it had been waiting for it and when it finally got what it wanted it lost all control. And while kissing, for just a few precious seconds he forgot all the pain that he had bottled up inside. He had finally felt free and relieved again - a feeling he couldn't even remember until that point.

As the loud sounds started to fade away in the living room, Jongwoon decided that it was probably for the bette

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Chapter 16: It's August 28, 2021, just weeks after my birthday again. Thank you for dedicating this to me on my 20th, I'm 23 now and I missed this! I'm also back in this platform, I hope you are too ):
Jahnavi2002 #3
Chapter 16: Let me tell you this..this story is so ing good
not one second of this story was crap And I enjoyed every single moment
though I decide to hope that you will continue.please
vpurple #4
Chapter 16: this story is so so SO good i’m actually heartbroken you never updated???? please come back if you ever feel like it, i love this story so much! but thank you for what you’ve written, it’s truly amazing ???
Chapter 16: No please don't leave me hanging :) i love this alot and i know alot will be happy if this was continued ~ TT

401 streak #6
Chapter 16: I wish you're still here and finish this story for me -us- T______T
Chapter 16: Oh my gosh. I really love this story. Hopefully you will continue this one.
VioletVelvet89 #8
Chapter 16: Please don’t abandon this beautiful story
Author-nim @ 3@ ~~~ update juseoyoooo, i misssss Yesungieee