Author Note 3.0


Hey guys, it's GhostWriter here! God, it's been so long since I've last logged on or updated, I can't believe I haven't updated this story since December! I am so so sorry! (constant bowing)

On the count of writers block and School I've just been struggling to keep up. School's been grinding down on me taking away from my writing time with all the homework, review for exams, Debate Tournaments, interviews for summer programs, and etc. But fear not! I have not forgottten about this story and I have not forgotten you guys! Which is why I am currently working on the next chapter as you guys read this, so it'll be up and avaible to read soon!

I'm also gonna note we've gotten a couple more subscribers, now we stand at 171 with 5847 views! Thank you all for reading and enjoying this story, trust me we're far from done!

Peace out my Ghouls and Ghosts!


Chapter Preview: Stuck in the between the Void and a Hard place

She only felt this once, and it was because of the same matter. Sunny had left her, alone, cold, and confused once again.

"How long can you wait for me?"


"You have a lot to learn, that's for sure."

"Hault, you are in a restricted area, either stand down or be detained!"

"I don't care if you are my superior, I will end you. Don't you dare act like I can't."

"A lot can happen in three years, Yoona, you know that."


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Derileil #1
Chapter 27: Long time no update author , come on update im still waiting for this story
Julius #2
Chapter 27: Nice to see you again authornim, so happy that you didn’t abandon this story. Hope more your updates!!!
Chapter 26: Hey!!! Welcome back buddy! I am so glad to see you back in here.. Aww, I know how it feel being in highschool, I'd have it years ago too. Lol!

You knew already kid that you are one of my favorite authors. So of course I will always support you. The way you were writing is totally make us can see every character of them for the story. I am glad that you want to persue your next major into it. I am sure you can make your dreams comes true.

As much as I want to see your new one, why don't just finished this story first then make a new one whenever you get more inspiration? I was asking you to when will you update this story tho so for me I want you to finish thia one first. ^^
justnobody #4
Chapter 26: please continue. and thank you coz still not forgetting this story. as a fan of snsd and loves fanfic this place remind me how my youth used to be. now as a grown up it's hard sometimes. huhuhu
Chapter 25: Hi there authornim, when are you going to update? ^_~
Chapter 25: please update soon
DanDyuDream #7
Chapter 25: nice update! Merry Christmas!
aishern #8
Chapter 25: Merry christmas authorshi...thanks for the update....fighting
justnobody #9
Chapter 24: waaaa I miss this story. fighting author nim
I will wait for you
justnobody #10
Chapter 23: I think sun is hiding something from tae, hope these two will meet again soon