

            Silence. That was all to it. Not a sound, not a noise was made. It was in this shrouded darkness, Tiffany floated for a moment. Staring out into the empty plain she wonders, where the heck she was and why. She could move around just fine, see just as clear, but with nothing to grab or nothing to actually stare at it made things quite dull.

            She figured that closing her eyes wouldn’t make much a difference. However, the moment she reopened them she came face to face to…herself. Tiffany’s eyes widen before relaxing a moment. It was just a mere reflection on a glass like wall.

“This is getting stranger by the second.” She thought. She reached out feeling the cool touch of the glass against her fingertips. Gazing into the mirror she noticed a few small differences between her and it.

             The girl in the glass before her had much longer and darker hair, reaching past her shoulders. She appeared to be older, yet the age has yet to reach her eyes. Her eyes. Tiffany stared in alarm. Her reflections eyes were not their traditional brown, instead were a dull gray, with no sign of life in them at all.

            Then in an instance the image is gone. Tiffany stares into the glass worried and nervous. Whatever was going on, she didn’t like it one bit. Was that her future self? Was that what she was going to become? Her fingers curl against the glass as her emotions bubbled inside of her chest. Fear. Anger. Nervousness. Grief. Everything was building up inside. She felt so worthless, she felt like she was going to snap.

            At least, until something tapped on the glass. Tiffany looked up in surprise. Behind the glass was a familiar face. Jessica. The blonde tapped on the glass once more, pressing her hands over her eyes and looking through in confusion. She mouths something Tiffany doesn’t quite get, but when Jessica smiles, Tiffany felt her violent emotions subside. Jessica waved happily at her, almost as if she was telling her to follow her.

“But to where…?” Tiffany thought. Jessica seemed to frown and tapped on the glass again causing Tiffany to laugh.

“Okay, okay I’ll go wherever you want me to go.” Tiffany said. Jessica's smile never looked brighter. But suddenly a strange patterned appeared on the glass, causing Jessica to back away in alarm. The emblem glows white and Tiffany eyes widen as she watched the blonde move farther away.

“Wait! Jessi!” Tiffany shouted. She watched in horror, as ice seems to build up on the other side. Jessica watches in fear as frost blocks her from Tiffany’s view.

“No! Stop it! Your scaring her!” Tiffany slams her hand on the glass, cracking it slightly. She does this repeatedly before a large crack spreads across the glass. It shatters. Tiffany falls forward.


            Tiffany lets out an audible groan as she sat up. She pauses for a moment before her eyes darted around. It was clear to her it was all a dream, but that wasn’t what was bothering her.

“Where the heck am I?” Tiffany asked.

             Obviously she was in some kind bedroom, seeing the cover had been thrown to the floor, but this wasn’t her room. The walls were much darker and there was one oversized window, letting in an unfathomable amount of light causing the girl to wince. With the single bed and small table next to it, she assumed this was where Taeyeon brought her after the incident. The battle was still fresh in her mind as she stood up looking out the window. It was an impressive view over a patch forest and mountainous terrain.  In the distance Tiffany could she the outline of the city. 

"Impressive isn't it?" Tiffany twisted around and saw Yoona leaning on the doorway.

"Pretty sure we have the best view in the world. How's your arm?" Yoona asked as she walked over. Tiffany says nothing and stared at the girl.

"Your not mute are you? Swear, your just as quiet as the blonde." Yoona said. Tiffany eyes widen.

"Jessica? Is she okay?" Tiffany asked. Yoona smiled goofily and nods.

"You know if it weren't for you then she wouldn't be. You did a good job protecting her." Yoona replied. Thinking back to that moment, Tiffany frowns.

"Your wrong, I wasn't even able to land a hit on that...girl." Tiffany shudders as she remembered the sick and twisted smile her oppnent wore the entire battle.

"Seeing that you were barely using your powers on her, I can see why, but you have guts and I like that!" Yoona said happily. Tiffany pauses before speaking again.

"Why did you help us? I mean, we hardly know each other." Tiffany said. Yoona rocked back on the balls of her feet before gazing out the window smiling.

"Yeah, but I was never one to let things slide. Plus its my job! I look out for other Half-breeds and get to battle jerks and monsters who threaten our exsistence! Its very fun!" Yoona said.

"Also, Jessica's pretty important in some high and mighty evil plan that somones running behind the scenes, so I have to help stop it." She added. 

"High and mighty evil plan?" Tiffany asked in confusion. Yoona slaps a hand over .

"Crud, Taeyeon's gonna kill me for spilling that." Yoona sighed.

"You might as well tell me then." Tiffany said, in a slightly demanding tone. 

"No way, I'm not getting in trouble, she should tell you herself." Yoona said as she turned around.

"Besides, you need to go talk to Jessica. She's been waiting on you to wake up. She almost froze me soild when she woke up cause she thought I did something to you." Yoona replied as she took her leave. 

"" Tiffany stopped, letting the words sink in. She glanced back at the window and watched her reflection. Right now she still looked like her normal everyday self, her eyes were still tinted brown. Nothing was out of order, aside from the bandages that wrapped around one of her arms and the bandage that was stuck to her cheek. She was still alive.

"And I need to keep it that way." Tiffany thought as she turned away from the glass. She glances back for a second but said nothing more as she left to find Jessica. If she would have stayed a bit longer she would have saw the faint mark of a hand print and a strange, glowing emblem beside it.


I can't tell you how many times I've had to rewrite this chapter, but yes! Got to update again! Woohoo! And its all about the strangeness of dreams and reflections! Tiffany has an awful lot on her mind but all that seems to go away at the thought and presence of her blonde "friend". Taeyeon appears to be not telling Tiffany something, something big! But be patient my readers, all will be revealed in due time!


OH MY GOD 4001 VIEWS, 148 SUBS AND 12 UPVOTES?!?! You guys are awesome!!!! Thank you for taking the time to read this and for subscribing, it makes writing for you guys worth it everytime! Also shout out those who recently upvoted this story:



Alright keep reading and leave a comment if your up to it.

Peace out my Ghouls and Ghosts!


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Derileil #1
Chapter 27: Long time no update author , come on update im still waiting for this story
Julius #2
Chapter 27: Nice to see you again authornim, so happy that you didn’t abandon this story. Hope more your updates!!!
Chapter 26: Hey!!! Welcome back buddy! I am so glad to see you back in here.. Aww, I know how it feel being in highschool, I'd have it years ago too. Lol!

You knew already kid that you are one of my favorite authors. So of course I will always support you. The way you were writing is totally make us can see every character of them for the story. I am glad that you want to persue your next major into it. I am sure you can make your dreams comes true.

As much as I want to see your new one, why don't just finished this story first then make a new one whenever you get more inspiration? I was asking you to when will you update this story tho so for me I want you to finish thia one first. ^^
justnobody #4
Chapter 26: please continue. and thank you coz still not forgetting this story. as a fan of snsd and loves fanfic this place remind me how my youth used to be. now as a grown up it's hard sometimes. huhuhu
Chapter 25: Hi there authornim, when are you going to update? ^_~
Chapter 25: please update soon
DanDyuDream #7
Chapter 25: nice update! Merry Christmas!
aishern #8
Chapter 25: Merry christmas authorshi...thanks for the update....fighting
justnobody #9
Chapter 24: waaaa I miss this story. fighting author nim
I will wait for you
justnobody #10
Chapter 23: I think sun is hiding something from tae, hope these two will meet again soon