
The Only One
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5 Years Later

"Princess, are you sure? This is a big decision. We can't undo this."

Areum let out an annoyed sigh before she stared the council down, "I have no intentions on going back on my word."

Their eyes flickered with uncertainty, "This is the second law that you've passed. We haven't changed laws in centuries."

"I changed the first law because you tried to have my two friends killed." She fired back with a raised brow.

"In our defence, you were the one that told them about us."

Areum felt her brow twitch, "Because I trusted them! And besides, you can't possibly expect the same laws from the 1500's to be relevant in this day and age. Times have changed and so should the laws."

They still looked hesitant before they caught someone entering the room. "Prince! You're here. Thank god. The princess is trying to get a new law passed an--"

"Pass it." Jackson said, without missing a beat, as he slipped his hands in his pockets while striding up to Areum.

The council looked bewildered."What?"

"Pass the law." Jackson said blankly.

The council looked confused. "But you haven't even seen it yet."

Jackson looked over at  Areum who was stewing in a corner, a proverbial thunder cloud hanging over her head. "She's the official princess. She doesn't need my permission to pass a law."

"But sir, you need to sign it before it can be passed." A member reiterated.

Jackson felt his brows knit together, "Then I'll sign it and we can move on."

"You should read it first, at least." One of them suggested.

Jackson took the sheet from them and glanced at Areum who was pouting before his eyes fell on the legislation, skimming the crisp black ink. A slow smile worked up his lips as he read the words.

As a prince there was a lot that he couldn't entrust on someone else, but when it came to making laws and looking out for the greater good of not only the district, but the supernatural race itself, he would trust Areum blindly. 

"I second this without hesitation." He mumbled before leaning over and signing it.

Areum made a face and watched as he handed the sheet back to the council who looked downtrodden but she knew that once both royals signed a legislation, it was infallible.

This wasn't her first time passing laws.

"We'll make  it official before reading it out to the district. We'll send a physical copy to the other districts." One of the council members said before bowing and walking out with the others.

Jackson bit down on his smile, when the door slammed shut and turned to his wife while he leaned against the table.

Jackson grinned as his eyes landed on a perfect silver ring around her finger. 2 years married and 2 years insanely happy.

"Why do they listen to you so well?" Areum frowned as she crossed her arms.

He walked up to her, cupped her cheeks with his hands and pressed a kiss on her forehead, "I'm pretty sure they're just scared of you."

She scoffed and shoved him away, "What are you talking about? I'm so nice. The district loves me."

"The district, yes. The council however, probably doesn't feel the same way. Ever since that prophecy mix up, they always walk on eggshells around you." Jackson said while slinging his arm around her shoulders.

"Okay but if Mason tells them to wait until he gets back before sacrificing you, then the least they could do is listen to him."

"It's not like they wanted to kill me." He said in their defence.

Areum glare at him, "They almost killed Yoomi and Yang without even asking us. If you hadn't gone for a run that night and picked up their scent, they would've died."

"Which is why you passed the confidentiality law. Now wolves can expose their identity to a human if they see fit."

Areum blew a raspberry. "Being a princess is hard."

"That's your fault, not mine." Jackson said with a laugh before walking away.

Areum picked up a couch cushion and whipped it at his back, "How is it my fault?!"

Jackson turned and stuck his hand in the air, a matching silver band around his finger, "You're the one that agreed to marry me."

"You blackmailed me!"

Jackson gave her an incredulous look before throwing the pillow back at her, "I did not."

"You waited until we were in the middle of having and you wouldn't…finish, unless I said yes."

Jackson smirked, "Well it wouldn't be the first time you screamed 'yes' in bed."

Areum's jaw dropped and her eyes filled with fire before she pointed at him, "Come here you little mutt. I'm going to kill you."

Jackson let out a high pitched, girlish scream before running away, his wife hot on his heels, yelling out gory threats.

He leaped over the dining room table and swung the backyard door open, escaping from her wrath.

She slammed the door open and was about to yell out a very graphic, violent threat when a small puppy was held in front of her face.

The spotted baby wolf tilted its head before barking cheerfully and her cheek.

Areum let out a sigh before taking the puppy from Jackson, "You can't use my niece to wiggle your way out of me whopping you as--"

"Language!" He scolded while squeezing her nose with his fingers. 

She glared at him but Jackson just grinned and kissed the little puppy on the head before cupping Areum's chin, "I love you, gongzhu."

"Bull." She grumbled, but he saw the softness in his eyes that made him beam.

No one could rile Jo Areum up like her husband.

Which was ironic considering no one could calm her down like her husband.

"There they are."

Areum looked over and saw Mark and Ara walking over to them, holding hands with a gleaming ring on both their fingers.

Mark and Ara had married first, ahead of anyone else, before moving into a small house a little ways away.

Jackson and Areum kept the her first house. Jackson knew that Areum felt more sentimental about her house than he did about his. To him, it didn't matter where he lived, as long as he was close to Areum.

So they lived together while the other boys stayed in pack's cabin.

Well, only the ones who hadn't found their mates yet.

The little puppy in Areum's arms shifted into a small human girl that latched onto the older girl's arms.

She looked up and smiled, "Hi, aunty."

"Hi, angel." Areum chuckled, "I haven't seen in you in a while. You've grown so much!"

Mark gave Jackson a slap on the back, "She wouldn't stop asking to come over and visit you two. She loves the prince and princess of her district."

Ara slid up to Areum and brushed her daughter's hair back, trying to seem busy, "Sooooo, your stomach is still flat."

"And it's staying that way for a while." Areum said while squeezing the young girl to her chest.

Ara pouted and stomped her feet, "But it would be so fun if we both had kids."

"That's easy for you to say, I still have one year of grad school left." She handed her sister her child back.

"But after you graduate and get a job?"

Areum bit on her lip and started walking backwards, "Maybe, if the time feels right."

Ara made a face as she watched her sister move away, most likely trying to escape from further pandering. Mark appeared next to Ara and stared at his daughter and wife with a look of so much love and adoration that something in Areum's heart jumped.

She wanted that too. Soon, but not yet.

Suddenly a pair of hands caught her waist and spun her around.

"Maybe, huh?"

Jackson's voice lilted with mischief as he bit down on the tip of her nose, making her face scrunch up in response.

Areum tried to look nonchalant as she brushed non-existent dust off of Jackson's shoulders. "Yuup."

"Good enough for me." Jackson muttered before cupping the back of her neck and capturing her lips.

Areum smiled against his mouth and kissed him back while looping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer while pushing up on her tippy toes.

Mark and Ara most likely vanished into the depths of Jackson and Areum's house which was perfect for the couple.

"So," He said once he pulled away, just a little too breathless, "Do you want to hear the legislation officially being read? It was always your favourite part. I'm pretty sure you just get off on being smug."

Her eyes lit up as she grabbed his hand, "Let's go!"

The sun had just set but the glowing lights from the district lit up the sky as they worked their way through a familiar forest and towards and even more familiar second home.

They entered the White Fang where everyone was coming out of their houses in preparation of the council's arrival. Children were playing around and adults were chattering happily as Areum looked around for some familiar faces.

She grinned when she saw Jaebum and Jinyoung glued against their respective mates.

Jaebum had mated with an Alpha of another pack

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194 streak #1
Chapter 58: Awww! That’s nice that they change up things! But that last few chapters really made my emotions go haywire. Gosh
Frantastique #3
Chapter 24: wow! It's 2023 and I'm late to this party. I just found AFF. I love, love this story! My reward for the day is reading this before I go to bed. I keep telling myself, "One more chapter, one more chapter." But it is so darn hard to stop.
Thank you so much for writing this story 8 years ago!
Purple_Phoenix #4
Chapter 58: I've left the same comment on another one of your fics, but I can't help it. Both of the fics are so, so wholesome and complete — both emotionally and logically. And in most of the supernatural ones logic is either ignorable or just taken from the general ideas. I like how this fic keeps them believable.
Purple_Phoenix #5
Chapter 18: Insert blush emoji.
zaraaaa #7
Chapter 2: Coming back to read this again. Thank you for writing this, youre the best <3
Chapter 11: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/817564/11'>Chapter 10</a></span>
I haven't been on AFF since mid-2018. And yesterday was the first time I logged in because I missed this fic. I wish there was a book version or a downloadable version that I could keep and read and reread. This is my comfort fic. But I want to erase AFF from my life, but keep coming back just because of this fic. T.T
The best!