Chapter 21

The Only One
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Areum dragged her bags as fast as she could into her cabin but she still managed to be caught by Yoomi who strode in behind her at a lax pace.

She did not know how she was going to spend 3 days in a room with her.  

"I get top bunk." She said as set her things down.

Areum rolled her eyes, "I don't care what you do."

Yoomi left her bags on the floor and followed Areum up as she made her way to their room. "So you and Jackson were really cuddly on the bus."

"How do you even know? You weren't on the bus with us." She snapped with a blush on her face.

"Everyone was talking about it."

 Areum sneered as she kicked the door open, "People need to get a life."

The room was small but cozy, big enough to house two people for a couple days. She threw her suitcase on the lower bunk.

She turned and saw Yoomi standing there with a smirk, "People seem to really like talking about yours though."

 "We should go, we need to meet up with the rest of the group."Areum rolled her eyes and pushed the sleeves of her sweater up her arms, following Yoomi out.

She couldn't imagine what sort of hell she was planning to put her through.

But she had to admit, having Yoomi as a roommate was probably better than having the random girls that talk about her room with her.

As much as she hated the girl, Yoomi was one of the lesser of the evils. She never laid a hand on Areum nor did she try to do anything really hurtful either.

Most of the stuff she pulled revolved around spitting rude backhanded compliments to Areum. In fact, to Areum's knowledge, Yoomi never really had spread rumours about her. She usually heard the rumours that were already being spread and made fun of Areum for it.

She even found out that Yoomi played no role in the rumour about her and Jackson at the party, but that didn't mean that Yoomi liked to make it easy on her.

She liked to make fun of her, especially with a crowd.

It was getting pathetic that Yoomi was considered one of the nicer people in Areum's life aside from Jackson and his friends.

"Um…here." Yoomi said while handing something to Areum.

Areum eyed the girl who was looking away from her before slowly reaching out and grabbing whatever she was holding.

Bug spray.

Areum snorted, "What? Is this laced with poison ivy? Oooooh, let me guess, this is actually made of pheromones that attract mosquitoes to me."

Yoomi sneered, "Give me a break. I may not be your number one fan, but I am not going to waste that much time on you. You're not that important Areum."

Areum blinked before looking down at the tube. The packaging was still on, which meant that Yoomi was right, she couldn't have spiked the cream.

Areum opened the bottle and poured some on her fingers before passing it back to her.

 "Thanks." She muttered.

"Whatever." Yoomi grumbled while applying cream on herself.

The two of them walked towards the group of students surrounding a teacher while Areum slowly spread the cream over her arms, but her eyes kept staring at the back of Yoomi's head.

It felt like the girl had two heads.

Yoomi always made Areum's life miserable.

Okay, maybe not miserable, but she hardly seemed like the friend of the year, so it was fair for her to be a bit cautious that the shorter girl was suddenly being so nice.

"Jesus, why is he staring at you? Is he a stalker or something?"


"No, but you don't even know. Having  two girls on you at the same time is a whole other ing experience."

2 seconds.

That was all Jackson was going to give Yang to shut up before he ripped the boy's mouth straight off his face.

Ever since they headed off to their cabin, all the boy would do was list, in unnecessary detail, every ual expedition he ever had.

It was the most useless conversation he had ever had.

"Man I was sore for days after that."

Jackson grit his teeth and closed his eyes, trying to find some sort of inner peace that didn't result in him committing murder.

Yang was really making him appreciate Areum more and more.

Compared to him, she seemed like an angel. He was starting to miss all of her snarky insults and arrogant words.

Anything seemed better than the garbage that came out of Yang's mouth.

But there was something that pissed him off.

It wasn't Yang, although he never seemed to shut up and seemed to have an eye out for his mate, it wasn't the kid who bothered him.

It was his image.

Here was this boy blabbering about his great and vast life without shame but people  treated Areum like some sort of mutant just because she had rumours spread about the same thing.

The human race was really going to be self destructed.

Jackson did not want to be around when all the women of the world band together to castrate all the men.

But by the looks of it, they deserved it.

At least, if they all acted like Yang.

"Damn, even in a sweater she's fine as hell." He heard Yang mutter.

Jackson looked up and felt his heart curl into his stomach when he saw Areum carefully apply bug spray to her skin, biting her lip in concentration.

He hated to admit it, but Yang was right. Even in a sweater she looked mind blowing. His eyes flashed and a sudden warmth radiated from the sky as he watched her move.

His eyes trailed up and down her arm and he wondered if her skin felt as soft as it looked.

He crinkled his nose when the chemical scent of the cream made her natural scent smell gross. It made his inner wolf want to it off so that the only thing he could smell was her.

Suddenly she glanced up and locked eyes with him as she stood with the rest of the group.

It felt like time stood still for him.

She blinked at him before smiling briefly and looking away, but that one smile made his eyes widen.

He very rarely saw her genuinely smile and every time that she did, he found himself getting a little star struck.

Why is she so pretty? Who asked her to do that?

Stupid ing human.

No, actually, that wasn't true.

She was probably the best human he had met so far. They really were an idiotic race.

Lesser of the evils, he figured. But when he saw her standing away from him, listening to the teacher ramble on about some random nonsense, not paying attention to him, he let a growl bubble in his throat and fought the urge to just walk over to her and touch her.

To kiss her again until she was whimpering into his mouth, her fingers tugging at his hair until he sigh--


The full moon was getting worse and worse.

The whole thing was a double edged sword. He wanted to stay near her, but he was sure that if he did, the full moon wouldn't let him keep his hands to himself, so he wanted to keep her as far away as possible too.

But that was going to be harder than expected.


"Alright, so I'm going to split you up into task groups and we're going to get some chores done before we start on the real bonding fun." Areum was positive that her teacher was on drugs based on how cheerful he was.

It was barely passed noon and he was acting like he was ready to run a marathon.  The class boo-ed and groaned when he started pairing students up.

"Kim Hana and Yoo Minki, grab the axe and chop up some fired wood." He said, reading off the list.

"Joo Soomi and Son Jungho, get the sports equipment and set it up around the grounds."

Then came hell.

"Jo Areum and Song DoYang, here's a list and some cash, go to the nearby grocery store and get everything we need for dinner."

Areum froze, her body locking up as she gaped at her teacher, "Wh-what? I-I…me?"

The teacher gave her a look, "You're the only Jo Areum in this class. Now go! Chop! Chop!"

"YES SIR!" Yang cheered with a salute as he grinned at Areum.

Jackson's eyes twitched when he heard the boy next to him's heart pick up speed as he jumped up and down. Areum, on the other hand, looked absolutely peeved and it made him frown. 

And he did.

Areum slowly walked over to Yang with a foul look on her face , but her eyes drifted to Jackson who was standing beside her partner.

She gulped at the way his sweater clung to his body and the way his jaw was tensed and his eyes seemed mixed with frustration and softness.

Why couldn't he be her partner instead?

She frowned, sending him a pleading look and he already knew what she was thinking. He leaned down to Yang and made sure to sound as threatening as he could.

"If she comes back and tells me that you did something, anything to her, I'll suffocate you in your sleep with a pillow. Don't forget we're roommates, I know where you lay unconscious for seven hours." He patted him on the shoulder and made sure to give him an extra painful squeeze.

Yang's smile turned into a look of wide-eyed horror as he slowly met Jackson's eyes. Jackson smiled innocently at the boy, but Yang could feel his grip digging into his shoulder.

"Wh-What d-do you mean?" He stuttered.

"She'll come to me if anything's wrong. So watch yourself. She's mine and I don't let anyone hurt what's mine." He hissed lowly, just as Areum halted in front of them, with a scowl on her face and her hands stuffed in her pockets.

"Let's go. The faster we leave, the faster we can get done and get back." She grumbled.

Yang was still staring at Jackson, horrified, but he just gave his cheek a pat, "Have fun you two."


"You have some nice melons." Yang leered from over the produce isle.

Areum shot

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194 streak #1
Chapter 58: Awww! That’s nice that they change up things! But that last few chapters really made my emotions go haywire. Gosh
Frantastique #3
Chapter 24: wow! It's 2023 and I'm late to this party. I just found AFF. I love, love this story! My reward for the day is reading this before I go to bed. I keep telling myself, "One more chapter, one more chapter." But it is so darn hard to stop.
Thank you so much for writing this story 8 years ago!
Purple_Phoenix #4
Chapter 58: I've left the same comment on another one of your fics, but I can't help it. Both of the fics are so, so wholesome and complete — both emotionally and logically. And in most of the supernatural ones logic is either ignorable or just taken from the general ideas. I like how this fic keeps them believable.
Purple_Phoenix #5
Chapter 18: Insert blush emoji.
zaraaaa #7
Chapter 2: Coming back to read this again. Thank you for writing this, youre the best <3
Chapter 11: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/817564/11'>Chapter 10</a></span>
I haven't been on AFF since mid-2018. And yesterday was the first time I logged in because I missed this fic. I wish there was a book version or a downloadable version that I could keep and read and reread. This is my comfort fic. But I want to erase AFF from my life, but keep coming back just because of this fic. T.T
The best!