A New Life

10 Things I Hate About You (Alternate Ending)

To keep things short, life in another country was great. It felt as if you had shed your old skin and grown a new one. You now lived in an apartment that was only ten minutes away from your school. You no longer went by the name SunHee but instead, went by Sophie Lee. The long jet black hairstyle of yours that you had sported back in Korea had been changed to an auburn bob. Finally, in an excruciating long time, you were finally happy. Your best girl friend, Tiffany Hwang, was such a party animal that it was hard to not have fun whenever she's around. You loved living in the USA. You felt like as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. 

You sighed as you plopped onto your bed. The clock showed nine in the evening but you still couldn't get yourself to fall asleep. You felt that as if at that moment, something was going to happen. For the first time since you had been in a new country, you felt uneasy. 

Just then, you felt an arm snake around your waist. You looked to the sight and saw your one and only, Oh Sehun. The uneasy feeling eventually washed away as relief filled your whole being. The best thing about living a new life? You had the whole apartment to you and Sehun, all by yourselves. You giggled as he hovered above you, water droplets dripping onto your face because of his wet hair. You looked down and noticed that he was only wearing his sweatpants. You fought the urge to explore your hands all over his torso because damn it looked so inviting. 

Your desire built up even more when Sehun leaned down and kissed you passionately. No matter how many kisses he showers you with, you can never get over the way he kisses you. No other guy can ever do it the same he does. Maybe it could be the lip pulling he does after every kiss, showing that he wanted more or maybe it was the way that not once had he ever fondled you while kissing, not even that one special night before graduation. It made you want his touches more. This boy had his way of making your body beg for more. 

As Sehun was starting to travel down to your neck, the door buzzed, signalling that someone was at the lobby for you. You pushed Sehun off, walked to the front door and pressed the button to call the receptionist, "Sophie here. Who is it?" 

"Miss Lee, you have a visitor that wants to see you. He says he knows you personally." Jenny, the young receptionist, said. 

You tilted your head to one side, "Well, what's his name?" 

"His name is Luhan." 

With that, your mind completely blanked out. Luhan? The Luhan? The guy who had given you a rollercoaster of emotions throughout your whole life in high school? With your finger still on the recorder, you stuttered, "U-Um, yeah, bring him up."

You let go of the recorder and immediately fell to your knees. Your heart started palpitating against your chest. In a matter of minutes, Luhan, was going to be on your door step. Who knows what was his objective of coming. There were a million questions in your mind. But the guilt suddenly filled you up. You didn't even tell him that you were in USA. Heck, you didn't even tell him that you got accepted. The last time you even talked to him was on Christmas day. Only two words came into your mind. 

Holy . 

"Sunshine? Why are you on the floor?" Sehun kneeled down beside you and searched your face, "What's wrong, love?" 

You started heaving your breaths and repeatedly pointed to the door while mumbling incoherent noises. Sehun sighed and pinched your arm, making you jolt awake again. You held your arm, "Ow! The hell was that for?!" 

"Look, Sunshine, I can be your lover and your sassy best friend. In this situation," Sehun placed his hands on his waist, "I'm your sassy best friend. Now what's the matter with you?" 

You gulped and looked at Sehun dead in the eye, "Luhan's here." 

It was then Sehun's turn to turn pale as a sheet. His eyes widened and he stood up immediately, "Holy goddamn ! Oh no no no no no! We didn't even tell him we're here! , Sunshine, we're screwed. He's going to kill us!" 

You rolled your eyes and stood up, "No , Sherlock! You know him! He's not the type to jump straight to the reason! Strike one, he walks in, all calm and stuff. Strike two, he asks how we are, making sure we're eating right and all then BAM!" You clapped your hands together in front of Sehun's face, making him jump in surprise. You slowly lowered hands down and gave him a straight face, "Strike three, he drops the big question." 

Sehun looked around panicked, "W-Will you m-marry me?" 

You slapped Sehun on the head, "No, you idiot! He'll ask us, "Why didn't you guys tell me you were moving here? Am I not that important to you two?" That's what he'll ask!" 

Sehun tilted his head to the right, "Isn't that two questions?" 

"Oh my God, Sehun, shut up!" You stomped your foot. "Can't you see we are in a crisis here?! There's no time to act all dumb and dumber! Any second now, he's going to-" 

At that right moment, the door bell rang, making you and Sehun shriek. Your faces were like a mirror image of each other. You started looking around to see if there were any inappropriate things lying around. Your eyes widened when you saw your polka dot bra on the floor next to couch. You picked up and threw it in the laundry bag as if you were a professional basketball player. You were relieved because the living room wasn't all that messy. You looked around one more time but then gasped again, "Sehun!" 

He looked at you, "What?" 

"You're shirtless! Go put something on!" Your hands made wild gestures as Sehun ran to put on a shirt. You flattened your hair, cleared your throat and placed your hand on the door knob. You muttered to yourself, "Here goes nothing." 

Right when you opened the door, your breath was cut short. Luhan was standing on your door step, his hair still as fluffy as ever, only thing was that it was slightly longer. He had on his dazzling smile and he was wearing on a sweater over a collared top with skinny jeans. Needless to say, he looked absolutely breathtaking. 

"Hi, SunHee." His voice jolted you back into reality. Your heart slightly swooned at his voice because obviously, you missed hearing it very much. At that moment, you forgot why you were so worried about him coming over. He was your best friend after all. No hard feelings right? 

"H-Hey, Luhan." You had changed back into speaking your mother tongue. You opened the door wider, "Come in." 

Luhan made his way inside and looked around. You closed the door when you heard a gasp. You whirled around and saw Sehun gaping at Luhan as if he was something that he had never seen before. 

"Holy crap, you look good." Sehun said, his jaw still hanging. 

Luhan chuckled, "Thank you, Sehun, you don't look bad yourself." He looked calm as ever, which alerted you even more. *First strike is out. Now to wait for the second.* 

There was a moment of silence before you stepped in. You clasped your hands together, "So! Who wants some chocolate milkshake?" 


"So, are you guys eating well while you two are over here?" Luhan looked between Sehun, who was sipping on his milkshake at the counter, and you. You were busy washing the blender, with your back to him. You secretively looked over to Sehun and mouthed, "Strike two."

Sehun started, "Actually, sunshine here is improving on her cooking like a lot and well so am I because hey, I can't push all the responsibilities to her, can I?" Sehun gave an awkward laugh and took a huge sip of his milkshake, possibly downing it as if it was alcohol. 

Luhan nodded in approval, "Well, at least you two are living well." 

You and Sehun were already bracing yourselves for the big question but what Luhan said next surprised the two of you to a whole different level. 

"If you two think I'm going to ask why didn't the two of you tell me about you two moving here, I'm not." 

You whirled your head to face Luhan, your eyes wide, "Y-You're not?" 

Sehun sighed in relief, "Oh, thank you. I was dying for a moment there." You rolled your eyes at Sehun and looked back at Luhan, "So you're not the least bit mad or something?" 

Luhan shook his head with a chortle, "I'm not mad at all! Disappointed, but not mad. Disappointed because, well, we're best friends aren't we? I thought we always told everything to each other and so when your mom told me that you got into Harvard and moved to USA with Sehun, of course I was stoked at first but yeah, the disappointment kind of kicks in the day after. So, I figured, why not visit the two of you?" 

You raised an eyebrow, "How did you get our address?" 

Luhan sighed, "You're forgetting that you and I practically share the same mother?" 

You nodded in understanding while muttering an, "Oh, right." You went up to Luhan, while he was still in his chair at the counter, "Look, Luhan, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. Or we, didn't tell you. It's just that we've been so caught up with preparing, applications and all-" 

You were interrupted when Luhan put his index finger on your lips. Luhan narrowed his eyes, "If you keep apologising to me, I'll start being mad. So, stop, okay? The three of us are best friends, right?" 

You glanced over at Sehun, who nodded. You looked back at Luhan and nodded as well, with his finger still on your lips. Luhan gave a broad smile and stood up. He hooked one arm over your shoulder, motioning for Sehun to join the hug with the other. The three of you went in a group hug. 

"Alright, you two, no hard feelings! We've been friends for as long as I can remember. Heck, I still remember the picture we took during sophomore year." Luhan said in the group hug. He looked at the both of you, "You two are the cutest pair of friends and lovers I have ever seen and I don't have the heart to break anything so beautiful. I love you two, that's all that matters." 

", this is so cheesy." You whined. You wanted to get out of the group hug not because it was suffocating you, but because you knew that if it carried on, you would cry. After all, you wanted to save the tears for the midnight movie you were going to watch on Netflix with Sehun.

Luhan broke the group hug and patted Sehun on the head, "Now, just because you're the one that has SunHee, it doesn't mean that my feelings for her has changed." He glanced over at you, winked and looked back at Sehun, "I'm still in love with her and curse me not, I will forever be in love with her. But don't worry. This time, I won't try to steal her away from you but just bear in mind that I will hunt you down and take her instantly if you hurt her." 

Sehun nodded fervently. You giggled at the sight. 

Luhan and Sehun shared a hug afterwards. He then looked between the two of you, "Well that's all I have to say tonight. I'm leaving now." 

Your smile vanished, "Wait, you're leaving? As in leaving leaving?" 

Luhan laughed out loud, "I'm not leaving Boston, you dummy! I live nearby, that's one of the reasons I visited! So beware, you two, I'll be dropping by often." 

With that, Luhan left the apartment with his happy aura still lingering in the house. 

"Well that was by far the most random meeting I've had with Luhan." Sehun finally spoke. You burst into a fit of giggles and hit him with a pillow. 

You were about to go back into the kitchen when Sehun grabbed you by the wrist, making you crash into his body. He held you so tightly that you could hear his heartbeat against his chest. 

"I don't want to relive the times when Luhan tries to woo you and you eventually falling for him. You're mine and you're definitely not for sharing. I love you too much and I can't imagine the pain I'll go through if I have you taken away from me." Sehun said as he sniffed your vanilla scented hair. 

You rolled your eyes and pulled away from the hug. You smacked your hands onto both of his cheeks and squished them, "You silly boy. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here right now. I'm not leaving you any sooner, alright?" You pecked his lips and let go of his face, "Besides, we have some Netflixing to do." 

"God damn, I love you so much." Sehun kissed you passionately and carried you by the waist. You wrapped your legs around his waist. He carried you two the bedroom as the two of you shared another special night. Sure, Luhan made your heart beat in some type of way but Sehun made you tingle at every part of the body. You loved Oh Sehun and that was all that matters. He was your sunshine. 





TA DA! So this was the surprise that I wanted to give you HunHee shippers! I love you all as equally as I love the SunHan shippers. Besides, you guys deserve this for helping me by reading my story! I love you all! <3

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Chapter 3: I’m just team Sehun
SnowExoBang #2
Chapter 3: Okay! I was scared to accept a different ending before but damn....... It's so good!
I don't know why i feel sad that theirs interaction with Lu was so vague and random
Chapter 3: they're so cute and this chapter reallu funny haha I like it..
gyysaxokai #4
Chapter 3: You know I really appreciate the real ending when it has come to a story, bcs that's just acceptable for me. But anw, I kind of agree with people commented before, well Sehun would be a better pair in my opinion. Hehe but however you did a great job
MZ0077 #5
Chapter 3: i like this ending more because i found that the first ending a bit yeah you know because sehun just break up with her with that irrational reason, i found it weird becouse he always fight for her and out of the blue he give up so.. i like this more

Err, Luhan, you're ayt ;)
Chapter 3: loved the alternate ending more than the real ending, Hunhee is jjang ^^
nabi_devi #8
Chapter 3: yup yup yup definitely preferred sehun with her!!!!! omg I can't believe I hadn't realized there was an alternate ending!!!