
10 Things I Hate About You (Alternate Ending)

- Please read Chapter 33 to recap before proceeding - 

A soft rap came on your door in the dorm. You placed your bowl of popcorn down on the table before taking three long strides to the door. 

"OOF." You groaned as you were tackled to the ground. 

"Oh, my God! Sunshine, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!" Sehun pushed himself off of you and pulled you up to your feet. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." You dusted your pyjama pants and looked at Sehun. A pang of guilt hit you and you groaned before plopping onto the couch. 

"What's wrong, sunshine? Why are you sighing?" Sehun sat beside you, making you sigh again. Sehun frowned, "If it's about Christmas, I-" '

"No, Sehun." You pulled your knees to your chest and leaned back, "It's not about that. That's not the problem." 

"Then what is the problem? You know you can tell me anything." Sehun pulled you close to him. You looked up at him then looked down. 

"I got accepted to Harvard University, Sehun." You mumbled. 

There was silence. You bit your lower lip and played with your fingers as you felt Sehun's arms unwrap around your body. You saw him stand up at the corner of your eye and held your breath. 

"." Sehun muttered as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I didn't think it was real." 

"W-What?" You looked up at him. He had a distressed look on his face as he rubbed his chin. 

"Your parents called me." Sehun sighed. "They told me you got accepted into Harvard but I didn't think it was true." 

"They did?" You started and looked away, "I-I didn't think they'd tell you so soon-" 

"Then when were you planning on telling me, huh?" Sehun snapped. You flinched. Sehun gave a frustrated sigh, "SunHee, you didn't even tell me you applied to Harvard. If you haven't told me that, just when are you planning to tell me you're leaving? Especially if you have to leave two weeks before school starts? On the day before you're leaving? In the morning? When you're already on the plane?!"

"I didn't know how to tell you!" You stood up, tears streaming down your face. You could see the anger in Sehun's eyes. "I was afraid that if I told you, you wouldn't let me leave anyways. I applied after I found out about your freaking non-existent cancer. I figured that if you weren't even going to live to get into college with me, what was the point of me staying here anyway?! Until I found out about your stupid Christmas prank! Just how insensitive are you, Sehun?! And I thought you actually cared about my feelings." 

Guilt started to build up in Sehun. He stepped towards you to reach out to you when you stepped back. You looked away from him, choking back the sobs you had been keeping in. 

"Sunshine, I-" 

"All you have to do is trust me, Sehun. As much as you don't want to let me go, I need to. It's too late to stop me this time." You sighed.

Sehun grabbed you by the shoulders and wrapped his arms around your shoulders as he rested his chin on your head, "I do trust you, Sunshine. To tell you the truth, I'm just afraid. I'm afraid that if you leave so soon, I might not be able to take it that well. I'm not as strong as you are, Sunshine, you know that. But what I do know is,"

Sehun held you by the shoulders firmly and looked into your eyes, "Is that I love you more than you can ever imagine."

The tears that have not been dried accumulated as you realised that your fight with Sehun wasn't even worth your time. Sehun was too precious for you to lose. Who else was going to love you more than himself?

Without even saying a word, you took his face in your hands and crashed your lips onto his, not letting go of him any sooner. You loved the way he held you as if you were made out of porcelain, the way he treasured you as if you were his most prized possession and more than anything, the way he said how much he loves you as if you were going to leave him any second. You loved Oh Sehun and you were not going to let go of him.

You felt Sehun snake his arms around waist and under your shirt. You pulled away before anything got out of hand.

"Sehun," You breathed out and looked up at him, "Come with me to America. Please."

Sehun sighed, "Sunshine, there's nothing there for me. I'm not as smart as you to get into Harvard and besides, applications are closed." 

"Then you can get into an ordinary college nearby! You don't have get into a prestigious one like Harvard. Please, Sehun, I just want you to be with me. Call me overly attached whatsover, I don't intend on letting you go." You tightly held Sehun's hands. You silently hoped that the assurance you gave him was enough to persuade him to come with you. 

"I hope this crazy idea of yours will work, Sunshine." 

With that, you jumped into his arms and tightly held him, "I love you, Oh Sehun." 

"I love you to the moon and back." Sehun whispered into your ear. After a few minutes of silence, he broke by saying, "You don't want an explanation about the whole Christmas thing, do you?" 

"Don't ruin the moment, you idiot." 


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Chapter 3: I’m just team Sehun
SnowExoBang #2
Chapter 3: Okay! I was scared to accept a different ending before but damn....... It's so good!
I don't know why i feel sad that theirs interaction with Lu was so vague and random
Chapter 3: they're so cute and this chapter reallu funny haha I like it..
gyysaxokai #4
Chapter 3: You know I really appreciate the real ending when it has come to a story, bcs that's just acceptable for me. But anw, I kind of agree with people commented before, well Sehun would be a better pair in my opinion. Hehe but however you did a great job
MZ0077 #5
Chapter 3: i like this ending more because i found that the first ending a bit yeah you know because sehun just break up with her with that irrational reason, i found it weird becouse he always fight for her and out of the blue he give up so.. i like this more

Err, Luhan, you're ayt ;)
Chapter 3: loved the alternate ending more than the real ending, Hunhee is jjang ^^
nabi_devi #8
Chapter 3: yup yup yup definitely preferred sehun with her!!!!! omg I can't believe I hadn't realized there was an alternate ending!!!