What Did You Do ?

You're Different

>The Night When Minri Found Out About the Mission<

(V's POV)

I couldn't believe that Minri found out. That was the first time I saw her cry..... It broke my heart.

"Guys...... Minri just found out," Jimin softly said. We were all still in shock.

"What are we going to do now?" Suga asked. We all looked at each other and shrugged.

"Let's go back to the dorm. We'll solve everything tomorrow," J-Hope said. We nodded in agreement. 

We went back into the limo. On the way back, it was silent. No music nor talking. When we got to the dorm, Namjoon went up before us. Jimin wanted to talk to this chick and it took five of us to hold him back.

"Jimin! Don't you remember what happened at the party?!" Suga asked.

He sighed, "Fine.. Let's go."

We were walking up and when we got to our floor, we heard yelling. We ran to the direction of the yelling and found JYP hyung yelling at Namjoon.


"I DID NOTHING, HYUNG!" Namjoon yelled in fear.

JYP hyung looked at us and he was totally red out of anger. He walked to us and yelled the same thing. 

Suga mouthed, "Tell him the truth!"

I took a deep breath, "We made this mission to get to know Minri, I go out with her and then dump her right after...."

He looked more mad than ever. "You did WHAT?!"  I backed up in fear. "Who made up this mission?"

"I did, hyung," Jung Kook said.

JYP hyung laughed, "I can't believe I trusted you guys with my daughter. You can't call me hyung anymore. Call me only sunbaenim from now on. And get ready for more practice and scolding." He shoved me and Suga to get passed us.

I looked at J-Hope and he was shaking. "We have to work ten times harder now!" he complained.

"Let's go get our last peaceful night of sleep, guys," Jin sadly said.

>Two Weeks Later<

We just got done practicing all of our dances for 7 hours.

"You guys........ I don't think I can take this," J-Hope said. We were all laying on the floor almost lifeless.

"We have to do this... It's punishment for hurting Minri," Namjoon said.

"Minri hasn't came out of her dorm lately," Jin said.

"She probably gets out when we're not around," I said sadly.

I miss her. I miss her watching me dance. I miss hanging out with her. I miss her beautiful smile. I miss going to the roof garden. I miss..... Wait.. The roof garden!

I stood up and ran to the door. "I'll see you guys later!" I said before running to the elevator. 

I was already out of breath since I had 7 hours of nonstop dancing and singing. I got into the elevator and waited to get to the roof. When the doors opened, I ran to the garden.

"MINRI!" I yelled. "ARE YOU HERE?!" No answer. I sat on the bench and kicked a rock. "This is so frustrating."

I went to the floor where my dorm was. When I turned the corner, I saw JYP sunbaenim begging for Minri to come out. For a second, I saw a tear come out his eye. 

He looked at me and glared at me before begging Minri again. I looked down and opened the door.

"Taehyung," JYP sunbaenim said. I turned around. 

"Yes, sir?" I asked.

"If my daughter won't come out, I will make sure you're going to be in the hospital suffering," he said. He took a glance at me and walked away.

I entered the dorm and closed the door.

"That means he'll do that to us too," Suga said. He had a horrified face.

"I don't think she'll forgive us. Especially what happened to her when she was in America," Namjoon said.

"She's really depressed about this. Think about it. She hasn't came out of her dorm since who knows when?" Jin said.

"I think I need to talk to her," I said.

"V, you do know what will happen if she doesn't come out," J-Hope said.

"Of course he does. But I will get more pain since I was the one who made the plan," Jung Kook said.

"I'm going to go and try to talk to her," I said. The guys wished me luck before I was knocking on her door. "Minri. I know you're mad at me and the rest of BTS. We're truly sorry for what we did. Can you please come out?"

All I heard was loud music. She probably couldn't hear me. Maybe that's why she couldn't hear JYP sunbaenim begging her to come out. But I don't know...... I have a feeling that I need to go in there.

I went back inside my dorm. "I have a bad feeling," I said.

"That bad feeling is that she won't come out," Jin said. 

"No!" I said and rolled my eyes. "I have a legit feeling something is bad in there and I don't know what it is."

"Then take my master key," Jimin said. We all turned to him and gave him a WTF face. "What? Sometimes I want a snack but the cafeteria is locked!"

"Give me the key and you guys, come with me. That loud music is giving me a weird vibe," I said.

Jimin gave me the key and we all stood in front of Minri's dorm.

"Well?" J-Hope asked. "What are we waiting for?"

I took a deep breath and opened the door. We covered our ears because the music was ten times louder than it was when the door was closed.

I followed the music to the kitchen and turned it off.

"J-Hope, go look in Minri's room," I said. He nodded and ran to her room. He came back.

"She isn't in there," he said.

"Check the whole dorm," I said.

The dorm was bigger than a regular dorm. It had two floors instead of one. Probably because she was JYP's daughter.

I checked two bedrooms and she wasn't there. When I was walking down the hallway upstairs, I stepped in a puddle of water.

"What the?" I said. I looked around and saw where the water was coming from.The upstairs bathroom. 

I heard music coming from inside. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I turned the knob and it opened.

What I saw was something that made me break down. Something that made me realize I caused this. Something that will scar me for the rest of my life.

Minri was in a tub full of blood and the water was running.

"MINRI!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I ran to her and pulled her out the tub. I shook her. "MINRI! WHAT UP!"

The guys ran up to where I was and screamed from Minri's lifeless body.

"SOMEONE CALL 911!" I yelled. My whole body was shaking and my face was full of tears. "Minri.... Don't leave me.."

I hugged her tightly. "Please don't leave me," I whispered. My sobs were getting louder and louder as time passed by.

By the time the peramedics came, I already lost hope that Minri will be alive. JYP came and saw Minri's body being ran into the ambulance.

He started telling that that was his daughter.

"I'm sorry but this is an emergency. No people on here unless you're a doctor," one if the people in the ambulance said. He closed the door and the ambulance raced to the hospital.

JYP fell to his knees and started to cry. "My daughter! My only flesh and blood!" he screamed through his sobs.

We all went to him and cried together. We honestly didn't know how bad Minri was hurting over this. I guess this is our wake up call.

When we got ourselves together, we stood up while wiping our tears away.

"I'm going to the hospital," JYP said. He walked to his car and drove away.

"We should go to the hospital too," Jin said. We all agreed and got one of our drivers to drive us.

Minri, I'm sorry.

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PennyB912 #1
Chapter 38: Cute story! Thank you for sharing!!
xoxo_devilia #2
Chapter 38: <3 Omo this was so goood!!! PLEASE UPDATE :D
btslover1111 #3
Chapter 38: OMG feelsss everywhere!!! Minri you betta say yes! Say yes Say yes cause I need to know! And please update soon!! Had a great time reading! ^_^
Chapter 38: Minri such a luck girl! Say yes please ... V damns so cool. Urghh..... melted.
but, how about nana? Hope you still update this ff. I took 7 hour and 30 minute to read this ...
Chapter 38: OH my Gosh V....Daebak! Happy Guy!
xiumin120801 #7
Chapter 38: So this is the end? Omgggg Minri you better marry him!!!!! Taehyung, you're the luckiest man in the world whoooooa