"Why not just... stay... the three of us?"

The Man in the Middle

Sungmin and Kyuhyun only stared at the older man.
Jongwoon nervously rubbed his neck, “… look…”
“Is this some kind of joke?” Sungmin asked, “Just what do you mean when you say, ‘You’re both right’?”

“You both called me your boyfriend. I- I am.”
“He called you Yesung.”
“Stagename.” Kyuhyun frowned, “I got so used to it, I never bothered to ask his real name.”
“Which is Kim Jongwoon.” Jongwoon said slowly, “But I answer to both… a lot of people only know me as Yesung…”

Sungmin glanced from Jongwoon to Kyuhyun and then back again.

“The other guy.” Sungmin said finally, “You’ve been dating and ing my best friend!?”

Jongwoon felt the restaurant go silent.
He shut his eyes a moment before looking at Sungmin, “This is not the place to have this conversation.”

Sungmin shoved back his chair and stood up, barking for his check.
Kyuhyun stared at the older man, his arms crossed and his face unreadable.
“Lee Sungmin-ah.” Jongwoon said, his voice soft, “Stop. The three of us are going to go to my place and we’re going to have a civil conversation as three adult men. So please… stop.”

Sungmin wrinkled his nose, clearly fighting the urge to make a venomous remark.
Please. Sit down.” Jongwoon turned as Sungmin flung himself into his seat and cast his gaze away to the floor and away from the other two men.
Kyuhyun remained silent.

A few moments passed and both young men realized that Jongwoon was settling their bill before returning to their table.
“If you’re finished, I would appreciate it if you both came with me.”

Sungmin jumped up from his chair and strode past the older man towards the exit.

Kyuhyun pushed his chair back and stood, not even sparing Jongwoon a look before following Sungmin out the door.
Jongwoon sighed and trailed after Kyuhyun.

Outside Sungmin was standing with his arms crossed over his chest but still waiting for the other two.
Jongwoon walked to the curb to signal for a passing taxi.
When it stopped, everyone got in silently, Kyuhyun choosing to ride in the front as Jongwoon gave the driver his address.

Fifteen tense minutes later found Jongwoon unlocking the door to his apartment and standing back to allow the two younger men in.

Kyuhyun sat on one end of the couch, his back ramrod straight and his hands in his lap.
His face remained impassive.
Sungmin flung himself onto the other end of the couch, arms still crossed over his chest and a deep frown marring his good looks.

Jongwoon took a deep breath and sat on the coffee table to face them.

“You both knew I was seeing another man.”
“I didn’t know you were ing my best friend!” Sungmin’s head whipped around to glare at Jongwoon.
“Neither did I.” Jongwoon said calmly, “I had no idea the two of you knew each other… let alone the fact that you are obviously close.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kyuhyun spoke up finally.

“I want to know why you both continued dating me even knowing I was seeing someone else.”

“Because!” Sungmin clenched his hands into his slacks and stared down, “Because you seemed to like me first. You- you weren’t ever shy about liking me, either. You made me feel… better about myself.” Jongwoon didn’t miss the way Sungmin glanced at Kyuhyun from the corner of his eye. “So I fell for you… even though you were seeing someone else, I- I didn’t want to lose you.”

“I didn’t have to worry.” Kyuhyun murmured softly.
“You were clear about your intentions and you could’ve lied about seeing two different men but you were always honest. You apologized when you were wrong. So I felt that even if I liked you, if we didn’t work out… then I wouldn’t have to worry about losing you. I wouldn’t have to be sad about losing a boyfriend and a… friend. But then… I was so jealous of… you… and him…” the man trailed off into silence.

“You know, you both told me about your best friend. The man who you had feelings for but were scared to lose so neither one of you attempted to approach the other.”Jongwoon looked from Sungmin to Kyuhyun, “It never occurred to me that out of all the people in Seoul, I would manage to find the two best friends who were in love with each other and fall for them both.”
He gave a self-deprecating chuckle and shook his head, “That seems to be just my luck.”

Jongwoon stood and stepped around the coffee table, hands in his pockets.

“Kyu-ah, y-you’re in love with me?”
Kyuhyun stared at Jongwoon even though it had been Sungmin who asked the question.
He turned his eyes to his friend, “Yes. For years… but I think I also love Jongwoon-hyung.”

Sungmin looked confused, twisting his hands in his lap, “What- so what do we do?”

The three grew silent until Jongwoon started laughing.
He leaned against the door way leading to his bedroom and laughed, covering his eyes.
Sungmin stared at him as though he’d lost his mind and Kyuhyun glanced around in confusion.

“What’s so funny?” Sungmin demanded as Jongwoon started turning pink.
The eldest shook his head, “I- I had an idea. It- it’s too ridiculous.” He managed to say between bouts of laughter, “I mean… what- what if we all just… stayed together?”

Kyuhyun gave an odd giggle, “Yeah… that’s- we couldn’t do that.”
Sungmin blinked, eyes darting from Kyuhyun to Jongwoon.
“Why not?”

The youngest gave his friend a weird look, “Because… we can’t. That’s not… normal.”

Jongwoon cleared his throat as he sobered up, “A lot of people would say being gay isn’t normal either but you still do that.”
Kyuhyun blushed, “That’s different. How would that even work? Being in a three-way relationship? Do you- what- do you go on dates with all three or… or what!?”

“Well… why not?” Sungmin asked again, “If you lo-er, like me and- and you also like Jongwoon-hyung… and- and I like you and also Jongwoon-hyung then… why not just… stay… the three of us?”
Kyuhyun stared at Sungmin then turned to Jongwoon, “Are you two serious? Do you hear yourselves? I mean… having two boyfriends. Seriously. Who does that?”

The two eldest exchanged a look before both pointed to Jongwoon.

Kyuhyun shook his head, “No- that’s- it’s different because- you see-“
“Kyu-ah,” Jongwoon spoke up, walking from the doorway to the coffee table to face the two again, “Do you or do you not like Min-ah? Because when I’d ask you about your mysterious best friend, you told me all about how you had feelings for him and he was seeing someone else and you were so jealous and sad and how y-“
“Hyung!” Kyuhyun pouted, “How could you?”

“Don’t be embarrassed. Min-ah did the same exact thing. He said he had-“
Sungmin reached over and pinched Jongwoon’s arm, “Ow!” the eldest yelped, moving to pinch Sungmin’s knee. The younger of the two winced and rubbed his knee, “Yeah, yeah, we get it- you got an earful of us two whining about each other.”

“I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.” Jongwoon explained gently, “It’s obvious you two have strong feelings for each other. The way you talk also suggests you have feelings for me, too and… I maintain that I still want to continue seeing the both of you. I wouldn’t mind, at all, if you two began seeing each other or- or if we- just- saw each other. Together.”

Sungmin raised his hand, as if to ask permission to speak up, “I- I would like to start seeing you, Kyu-ah and- and also see hyung.”

Kyuhyun looked from Sungmin to Jongwoon and then back again, “… really?”

The two eldest answered in unison, “Yeah.”


“You’re doing what?”
“I said I’ve started seeing Sungmin-hyung.”
“I know. But didn’t you say not five minutes ago that you spent the weekend at Yesung-ssi’s place?”
“Yeah. With Sungmin-ah. And Yesung-ssi. His name’s Kim Jongwoon-ssi. Can we call him that?”

Changmin stared at the man across the table, “You’re- you spent the weekend with your boyfriend and your best friend who you’ve always liked but is seeing someone else…?”
“OH.” Kyuhyun laughed, “Yeah. It turns out Sungmin-hyung was seeing Yesun-er- Jongwoon-hyung too.”
Huh? Wait- wait- let me get this straight. You were both seeing Yes-Kim Jongwoon-ssi… on purpose?”
“No, no, don’t be silly. It was an accident. He had no idea we were friends.”

“Just an accident, he says! Okay… but now you’re both seeing him together? On purpose…?”
“Yes. And each other.”
“… okay. Okay. So everyone’s cool with this. The three of you are… together. You’re all good.”

“You’re taking this better than anyone else I’ve told.”
“As long as you’re happy, healthy and not hurting anyone, Cho Kyuhyun, I don’t really care who you put your in.” Changmin said, looking over his menu, “I admit I’m surprised you’re taking this so well since you were always a little jealous about things.”

“Ah, yeah, I’m told. I thought I would be jealous but they’re both so eager to please-“
“Oh- no, I don’t need details,” Changmin shook his head, “You’re all very happy together. That’s all I need to know.”


A/N: The end... of the main story. I plan to write little drabbles of their lives together, the three of them.
I hope you enjoyed~

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I'm in the middle of the next chapter but atm I'm writing for KyuSungCentral so it may be a few more days before i update


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401 streak #1
Chapter 6: this is so weird~ and I'm so weird to like it (?) XD
Chapter 6: Crazy open relationship..
Chapter 2: These open-relationships are making me dizzy (I mean in real life, LOL).. but if it's for my biggest OTP KyuSung and the very rare but interesting YeMin, then why not! Hahahaha
Cenya14 #5
Chapter 6: Kyu'sreactions are funny. Good story
Chapter 6: This is too hilarious hahaha the end killed me kyu and max conversation is .. well really funny :v i like this xD
Chapter 6: my otp is kyusung and my second favourite is yemin so... i love this fic XD
the talk yesung had with ryeowook was so funny and changmin is too!
Ajhsbajhsbjas THIS IS SO Y. Yep. I loved it! I specially liked the part where Kyuhyun is all "are you guys going crazy?" while the other two have things so clear XDD And please let's give an applause to the epicness that is Shim Changmin in this fic XDD Can't wait to read more Yemin~ you are SO good bringing them to life, I like your Jongwoon above all *0* thank you so much for sharing! ♥
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Chapter 6: Ha! Changmin is such a goof xD Will he be making cameo one-liners in any drabbles? He's priceless!
This was really well done! It could have gone the wrong way fast, but you really made it all very awesome. You wrote it so there is that feeling that everyone really is okay with, well, everything and that it will work. Great job! OMG, I think I now ship SKY! =}
Whenever you get inspired, I'll be looking forward to those drabbles! {blush}
naye8134 #10
Chapter 6: OMG xD! so they have a relationship of three! cute and strange but I prefer that than one of them alone.

Ohh so in some way this is the end :/ is a little sad, I really love this story. I read one that is similar but I think this one is much better~~

I'm looking forward for the drabbles and maybe, I don't know, what about a ? lol
To be honest I never wanted or requested one, but they are so perfect. I didn't like the yemin before and I hated the idea of reading about kyuhyun and sungmin together, but after reading this I truly want a of them.Is a little embarrassing to admit that xD

Your stories are always good~~

Hope to read more of your fanfics in the future ^^