"Are you still okay with it?"

The Man in the Middle

Hi, sorry to miss your call. I’ll call you back soon, leave a message~
> BEEP <

“Hyung,” Kyuhyun sighed, “I thought we were gonna talk today? How come you don’t pick up your phone?” He hung up, frowning.

Two weeks Kyuhyun had been seeing Yesung and it had been as frustrating as Kyuhyun had thought it would be.
Usually Yesung was good about keeping appointments but there were a few times when he was with the other guy and was too distracted to pick up his phone or respond to Kyuhyun’s messages.
Kyuhyun was sure the same was true when Yesung was with him.
He wondered if the other guy felt as frustrated with the situation as he did.

That was a good word to use for Yesung.
It was a safe word because Kyuhyun preferred to use it rather than, ‘Yesung was having with someone else’.
Kyuhyun didn’t want to think about that aspect of Yesung’s relationship with the other guy.
He knew it was happening, after all, Yesung was having with him. It would only be fair that he also slept with the other guy.

Kyuhyun shook his head to clear his thoughts and dialed another number.
“Hey!” Sungmin’s voice answered softly, “What’s up?”
“Nothing. I was supposed to do something but I guess that’s not happening. Are you busy?”
“Yeah – I’m with Jongwoon-ssi. He just got up to use the bathroom but we’re watching a movie.”
“Oh… sorry I interrupted.”
“It’s fine, Kyunnie-ah, I’m sorry you’re bored. Did you want to come over and see the movie with us?”

Kyuhyun thought it over. Then his phone beeped indicating he had a second call coming through. He glanced at the screen, “Yesung
“Oh… no thanks, hyung, I have a call, I’ll talk to you later.”
“K, bye!”

Kyuhyun switched over, “Hyung-“
“Kyu-ah, I’m sorry- I forgot you said you were going to call to see if we could go out-“
“It’s just that he came over as a surprise-“
“It’s fine, hyung. I guess we can go out another day.”
“I’m really sorry! I’m free tomorrow-“
“I’m not. I have some things to do with my parents. I’ll see you later then… I guess.”

“I’ll leave right now- it’s not right of me to have forgotten your call, Kyu-ah. I’ll tell him what happened and leave, where are you?”
The thought of Yesung dropping the other guy to rush to his side seemed to assuage Kyuhyun’s annoyance.
He bit his lip knowing that if he responded in like, Yesung would do it.

“No,” Kyuhyun sighed dramatically, “I’ll be fine, hyung. You stay there and have fun. Tomorrow… after my other plans, we’ll spend time together. Okay?”
“Yes, really. You can beg me for forgiveness then.”
Yesung laughed in that sweet y way that could always make Kyuhyun squirm, “Then I will. I’ll do everything I can to make sure you forgive me completely.”

“Make sure you’re prepared. Write it down in your planner and set alarms, I expect to be properly pampered.”
“I promise.”

They said their goodbyes and Kyuhyun hung up with a smile on his face.


“You okay in there, hyung?”
“Yeah, sorry, I had to make a call.” Jongwoon walked back into the living room, “I was supposed to meet him today and I forgot cause you came over and surprised me.”
“Oh…” Sungmin frowned, “Does that mean you’re going to leave?”
“No,” Jongwoon crawled into Sungmin’s lap, “He said we can meet tomorrow instead.”

“Hyung… you said you’d go with me to a show tomorrow.”
Jongwoon nodded, “I know and I’m sorry, I have to cancel. It’s only fair, Min-ah. I canceled plans with him tonight to be with you.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sure you can ask another friend to go with you. What about that guy you said you grew up with?”

Sungmin shook his head, “He’s seeing someone now, he doesn’t have time for me much and then when he does, I’m busy with you.”
“Maybe he won’t be busy tomorrow.”
“Well… I’ll ask him. I dunno… it’s a little bit weird.”
“How’s that?”

Sungmin glanced at the older then away.
“Do you like him?”
Sungmin laughed, “How do you do that? Pinpoint things without me saying a word.”

Jongwoon smiled, “I’ve been through it all. So… if you like him, ask him out.”
“I can’t just ask him out. We’ve been friends too long. If he rejected me… no… I- besides, he’s seeing someone else.”

“So? Maybe the other person would be okay with an open relationship, like you are.”
Sungmin glanced away and Jongwoon chewed his lip, “Are you still okay with it?”
“It’s fine, hyung.” Sungmin turned to him and smiled brightly, “Let’s unpause the movie now, okay?”

“Min-ah, you can tell me-“
“Ah, really, hyung. Are you trying to get out of the rest of the movie? Did you want to do something else?” Sungmin chuckled and wrapped his arms around the man, drawing him in for a kiss.

Jongwoon giggled and nipped at the younger’s lips, “Min-ah, listen to me a second- I want you to be honest with me and-“
Sungmin groaned, “Why can’t you just believe me? Hyung, I like you. I like being with you! I’m okay!”


“I’m not okay.”
“Things aren’t working out the way you’d hoped, huh?” Donghee pat Sungmin’s back, “I’m sorry.”

“When Kim Jongwoon-ssi told me he wanted to start seeing other people, I thought… maybe this is a good way to experiment. I thought…” Sungmin shook his head, “Honestly? I thought he’d get tired of whoever this guy is and dump him. I thought- I thought I wasn’t enough for him. I- he keeps asking me if I’m okay with our… situation…”
Sungmin groaned, “Should I break up with him?”
“And let the other guy have him?”

Sungmin shook his head, “I still want to be with him but- I don’t want to be second.”
“Then tell him, Min-ah.” Donghee frowned, “If you want to be exclusive to each other, then tell him in no uncertain terms. If he can’t handle that then he doesn’t deserve you.”

Sungmin sighed and rested his chin in his hands, “Hyung… do you think I’m dumb for letting myself get in a relationship like this?”
“No,” Donghee reached over and gave the younger a smack upside the head.
“Ah, hyung!”
“Don’t do that to yourself. You like Kim Jongwoon-ssi, then have confidence in yourself. He obviously likes you, Lee Sungmin. Be honest with him. Don’t regret decisions in the past. There’s nothing you can do to change what’s already happened. But don’t let yourself be walked on as if you don’t deserve the things you want.”

Sungmin didn’t respond, instead staring out into space with a sad pout on his lips.
“Min-ah… have you thought about asking out Kyuhyun-ah?”

Sungmin blinked, “What? … No. He’s seeing someone. It’s… too late for us.” He shifted uncomfortably, “I’ll always love him but… things just don’t seem to work out for us.”
“You’ve never even tried.”
Sungmin shook his head again, “Can we talk about something else? How is the better half?”

Donghee sighed, “Min-ah, I worry for you.”
“I’ll figure things out, hyung.” Sungmin said, his bright smile returning.
“I know you better than to believe that smile, Lee Sungmin.”

The younger man ducked his head, “Honestly, hyung, I’ll figure things out.”



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I'm in the middle of the next chapter but atm I'm writing for KyuSungCentral so it may be a few more days before i update


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401 streak #1
Chapter 6: this is so weird~ and I'm so weird to like it (?) XD
Chapter 6: Crazy open relationship..
Chapter 2: These open-relationships are making me dizzy (I mean in real life, LOL).. but if it's for my biggest OTP KyuSung and the very rare but interesting YeMin, then why not! Hahahaha
Cenya14 #5
Chapter 6: Kyu'sreactions are funny. Good story
Chapter 6: This is too hilarious hahaha the end killed me kyu and max conversation is .. well really funny :v i like this xD
Chapter 6: my otp is kyusung and my second favourite is yemin so... i love this fic XD
the talk yesung had with ryeowook was so funny and changmin is too!
Ajhsbajhsbjas THIS IS SO Y. Yep. I loved it! I specially liked the part where Kyuhyun is all "are you guys going crazy?" while the other two have things so clear XDD And please let's give an applause to the epicness that is Shim Changmin in this fic XDD Can't wait to read more Yemin~ you are SO good bringing them to life, I like your Jongwoon above all *0* thank you so much for sharing! ♥
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Chapter 6: Ha! Changmin is such a goof xD Will he be making cameo one-liners in any drabbles? He's priceless!
This was really well done! It could have gone the wrong way fast, but you really made it all very awesome. You wrote it so there is that feeling that everyone really is okay with, well, everything and that it will work. Great job! OMG, I think I now ship SKY! =}
Whenever you get inspired, I'll be looking forward to those drabbles! {blush}
naye8134 #10
Chapter 6: OMG xD! so they have a relationship of three! cute and strange but I prefer that than one of them alone.

Ohh so in some way this is the end :/ is a little sad, I really love this story. I read one that is similar but I think this one is much better~~

I'm looking forward for the drabbles and maybe, I don't know, what about a ? lol
To be honest I never wanted or requested one, but they are so perfect. I didn't like the yemin before and I hated the idea of reading about kyuhyun and sungmin together, but after reading this I truly want a of them.Is a little embarrassing to admit that xD

Your stories are always good~~

Hope to read more of your fanfics in the future ^^