"Aren't you happy for me?"

The Man in the Middle

“So how’s the dancing program?”
“I’m exhausted… physically and mentally. My muscles ache constantly. I spend every free minute I have in the studio trying to perfect the routines. It’s amazing, Kyu-ah, I love it.”
Cho Kyuhyun laughed, “Maybe you’re a masochist.”
“Maybe.” Lee Sungmin chuckled, “But it’s totally true. Learning routines, practicing till they’re perfect, performing. It’s a constant rush. I don’t think I can imagine myself anywhere else.” He beamed at the younger man, “I’m… well… I have other news too but- first, tell me how you’re doing in the music program.”

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow but smiled, “I love it. I’m great at it… of course. But I love it. We’re even learning to compose. I’m excellent at composition.”
Sungmin smirked, “And you’re also so modest.”
Kyuhyun waved his hand with a laugh, “Anyway, we can talk more about me later. What’s your other news?”

The older of the two smiled widely, “I… met someone.”
Kyuhyun sat up straighter, “Oh?”
“He’s…” Sungmin cleared his throat then took a deep breath, “We’ve only started seeing each other. We’re not even exclusive yet but… wow. He’s- wow.”

“Well don’t leave me hanging, Minnie-hyung, tell me everything. Where’d you two meet?”
“At a coffee shop near the dance studio. He works there. He-“ Sungmin giggled, “Well, the first time I walked in there, he was walking past. He’s really good-looking but- when he looked at me, he kind of stared… and then walked into a chair.”
Kyuhyun snorted.
“And spilled the glass of water he was carrying down his shirt. He looked at the mess he made then he looked back at me and asked me for my number. It was… really funny. He changed into some extra clothes he had in the back and then took his break and sat down with me and we talked for a half hour before he realized he was 15 minutes late to return to work. He’s… really funny and handsome and y, Kyu-ah, he’s really y.”

“Wow. You have it so bad for him.”
“I know. I do.” Sungmin sighed, “We met a month ago. We’ve been seeing each other about three times a week.”

“A month? And you’re not tired of him?”
Sungmin pouted, “I don’t… get tired of people.”

Kyuhyun’s eyebrow rose and Sungmin glanced away, refusing to meet his eyes, “Anyway, it’s been a month and… I am more than happy to keep seeing him.”
“How many times have you slept with him?”

Sungmin cleared his throat, face going slightly pink, “What’s that got to do with anything…?”

“Just that when you get tired of guys, it’s after you’ve slept with them two or three times and decided they’re not satisfying enough. So… have you even slept with him yet?” Kyuhyun asked, nonchalantly.
He gazed at the older, expressionless.
He could always trust Sungmin to get tired of a fling. a guy two or three times and then toss him aside. It was almost comforting in its reliance.

Sungmin, however, narrowed his eyes and stared at the younger, “Aside from our first meeting… every single time we’ve met.”
Kyuhyun’s jaw dropped, “Y-you… really? You’ve slept with him more than three times and…?”

The older humphed and folded his arms over his chest, “You must think I’m a real .”
“No- hyung, that’s not it.” Kyuhyun frowned, “I just… you tend to get attached really quickly and then lose interest… also… quickly. I thought… this was just another guy.”
“Well it’s not.” Sungmin bit his lip, “I… don’t want him to be just… another guy. I really like him, Kyu-ah.”

Kyuhyun stared down at his drink.
“Aren’t you happy for me?”
The younger blinked, “What? Of- hyung, of course I’m happy for you. If- if you’re happy than I’m happy for you! Why would you think I wasn’t?”
Sungmin shook his head, “For a second… you looked like you weren’t happy for me.”

“I am. I promise. I want to meet your guy and see if he’s really good enough for you but… as long as you’re happy, hyung, then I won’t say a word.” Kyuhyun mimicked zipping his lips shut with a smile.
The older beamed, “Soon. I want you to meet him soon, okay?”

“So, you haven’t even told me his name.”
“Oh!” Sungmin giggled, “Kim Jongwoon-ssi.”
“Kim Jongwoon…” Kyuhyun repeated the name, “Sounds… nice.”


Kyuhyun checked his watch. It was only midnight. Sungmin had left early because he had to up early in the morning for classes.
Kyuhyun on the other hand had a free day the next morning and wanted to walk the bright lively city of Seoul to think before returning home to a noisy and nosey roommate.

Lee Sungmin was seeing someone new. Someone special enough to catch the man’s attention for longer than a week.
Kyuhyun sighed.

It was just one year ago when they’d decided to pursue their dreams.
Sungmin to dance and Kyuhyun to singing.

As serendipity would have it, they received their acceptance letters on the same day and had gone out and gotten stinking drunk to celebrate.
Years they’d been friends by then.
Kyuhyun had always admired the older man with his unfair good looks and sweet nature and seemingly able to be good at anything he tried.

It was Kyuhyun who made the first move that night, after several drinks to push him along.
Sungmin had responded… sloppily and it ended up they were both far too wasted to do anything more than kiss messily.

Sungmin woke up the next morning with a searing headache and no memory of the night’s events and Kyuhyun had chosen to pretend that nothing happened at all in fear of losing his friendship.

And now… Kyuhyun knew that he’d been too much of a coward.
Now he knew he’d lost him for good.

Kim Jongwoon. Kyuhyun wondered what he looked like.
Sungmin couldn’t stop gushing about how y he was. Was he super handsome? Was he model handsome? Maybe the only things he had going for him were good looks and the ability to keep Sungmin satisfied in bed for a month… or so.
Surely Sungmin would grow tired of him. Eventually.
Wouldn’t he?

Kyuhyun kicked at a pebble on the sidewalk and sighed again.
‘Where has my courage gone?’ Kyuhyun wondered to himself.
In the past Kyuhyun was outspoken and fearless.
But every time he thought about confessing to Sungmin, his entire body seemed to seize up.
What if Sungmin didn’t feel the same way? What if he looked at Kyuhyun with pity in his eyes?

Dwelling on his thoughts Kyuhyun soon lost track of his route and found himself on an unknown street. He shook his head and stopped, looking up and down the street for a passing taxi. Maybe it was time to go home after all.
As he caught sight of an approaching taxi he heard music welling up from within the bar behind him.

Then a voice.

Soft and husky. The voice seemed to catch him like a hook.
Kyuhyun recognized the song. It was an old classic rock song by a group called Boohwal.

Kyuhyun found himself turning away from the street and walking into the bar, eyes passing over everything in order to find the source of the voice.

The source was a smooth-faced young man on stage whose eyes were closed as he sang into a mic.
The mic blocked most of his face and from Kyuhyun’s position the lights of the stage seemed to glare just enough to obscure what little he could see.

So Kyuhyun closed his eyes too, letting the man’s voice fill his senses.
The song spoke of lost love, painful. Regrets and mistakes.
‘Just for tonight,’ Kyuhyun thought to himself, ‘Tomorrow you can be the good friend and congratulate him on his new love. But tonight is yours. Just let go. Just breathe.’

As he listened to the haunting lyrics and the powerful voice filling the air, Kyuhyun felt tears welling up and sliding down his cheeks.
The music swelled and the voice belted out the words, transfixing the whole room into an awed silence.

When the last note faded away the patrons of the bar applauded loudly, voices rising to chatter excitedly about the singer they’d just heard.
Kyuhyun took deep calming breaths to sooth his racing heart.

When he opened his eyes another man stood on stage, thanking the singer for his contribution.
Kyuhyun blinked several times, glancing side to side to see if he could catch sight of the performer.
The young man jumped slightly, head whipping around to come face-to-face with a smiling visage.

“I noticed you seemed to be upset when I was singing-“ the man began.
“Oh- was that you?” Kyuhyun interrupted, leaning in slightly to get a better look.
“Mm,” The singer was handsome, hair a little shaggy but the look was becoming on him.
He wore earrings and rings on his fingers and black eyeliner.

“Are you okay?” The man asked carefully.
Kyuhyun nodded slowly, “Yes… I’m just… having a rough night.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. I was a little worried you found my rendition awful and was weeping in frustration.”

Kyuhyun smiled at that, “No… you sang beautifully. I… I did wonder why you’re not on TV with a million fan girls screaming your name.”
The man laughed, the sound throaty and y.

“I’m Yesung.” The singer said, giving the other man a slight bow, “It’s my stage name. Maybe one day I will be on TV with a million fangirls and boys.”
Kyuhyun grinned, “Cho Kyuhyun. It’s my real name. I don’t have a stage name.” Kyuhyun extended his hand and Yesung smiled and shook his hand firmly.

“So, now that we’ve got introductions out of the way, Cho Kyuhyun-ssi, want to talk about what’s up? You had me very worried from the stage.”
“Oh… well… it’s kind of a dumb story… embarrassing.”
“I won’t judge you, Cho Kyuhyun-ssi.”

“Well…” Kyuhyun sighed, “It started a couple of years back…”


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I'm in the middle of the next chapter but atm I'm writing for KyuSungCentral so it may be a few more days before i update


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401 streak #1
Chapter 6: this is so weird~ and I'm so weird to like it (?) XD
Chapter 6: Crazy open relationship..
Chapter 2: These open-relationships are making me dizzy (I mean in real life, LOL).. but if it's for my biggest OTP KyuSung and the very rare but interesting YeMin, then why not! Hahahaha
Cenya14 #5
Chapter 6: Kyu'sreactions are funny. Good story
Chapter 6: This is too hilarious hahaha the end killed me kyu and max conversation is .. well really funny :v i like this xD
Chapter 6: my otp is kyusung and my second favourite is yemin so... i love this fic XD
the talk yesung had with ryeowook was so funny and changmin is too!
Ajhsbajhsbjas THIS IS SO Y. Yep. I loved it! I specially liked the part where Kyuhyun is all "are you guys going crazy?" while the other two have things so clear XDD And please let's give an applause to the epicness that is Shim Changmin in this fic XDD Can't wait to read more Yemin~ you are SO good bringing them to life, I like your Jongwoon above all *0* thank you so much for sharing! ♥
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Chapter 6: Ha! Changmin is such a goof xD Will he be making cameo one-liners in any drabbles? He's priceless!
This was really well done! It could have gone the wrong way fast, but you really made it all very awesome. You wrote it so there is that feeling that everyone really is okay with, well, everything and that it will work. Great job! OMG, I think I now ship SKY! =}
Whenever you get inspired, I'll be looking forward to those drabbles! {blush}
naye8134 #10
Chapter 6: OMG xD! so they have a relationship of three! cute and strange but I prefer that than one of them alone.

Ohh so in some way this is the end :/ is a little sad, I really love this story. I read one that is similar but I think this one is much better~~

I'm looking forward for the drabbles and maybe, I don't know, what about a ? lol
To be honest I never wanted or requested one, but they are so perfect. I didn't like the yemin before and I hated the idea of reading about kyuhyun and sungmin together, but after reading this I truly want a of them.Is a little embarrassing to admit that xD

Your stories are always good~~

Hope to read more of your fanfics in the future ^^