Chapter 28

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

Baekhyun’s chest hurt by the non-stop thundering beats of his heart. He felt like puking all of his breakfast due to the massive nervousness. Honestly, if Yura wasn’t there, Baekhyun probably already ran out of Chanyeol’s apartment.

He had agreed to meet Chanyeol’s parents, and at that time, the thought of Chanyeol wanted to introduce him to his parents cloud his mind that he, without any second thought, agreed excitedly. Now that he was only minutes apart from meeting his boyfriend’s parents, Baekhyun somehow regretted his impulsive decision.


Baekhyun was pulled out from his trance when the girl sitting beside him called for his attention. “Y-yes, noona?”

Yura smiled softly and ruffled Baekhyun’s hair, “frowning too much is not good, you know. It’ll lead to the early wrinkles.”

Baekhyun blinked before he awkwardly laughed. He appreciated how Chanyeol’s sister has treated him well since Chanyeol left them alone. She made sure that Baekhyun wouldn’t get too burdened by all this meeting-parents-thingies, always talking and making him laugh, and reassuring him that everything would be okay.

Although this was the first time Baekhyun and Yura had been alone without Chanyeol, it wasn’t awkward at all. They did really good at chatting, having fun, and even cooking. Now that they had finished the cooking session, both of them sat comfortably in front of the TV, waiting for Chanyeol and the elder Parks.

“I’m just really nervous, noona,” Baekhyun sighed as he leaned back to the sofa, trying to relax himself.

“How many time I have to tell you that you shouldn’t be nervous. My parents might be strict but they’ll love you. Chanyeol and I love you, so they would love you too, Baekhyun-ah,” Yura rubbed Baekhyun’s shoulder tenderly, and Baekhyun replied her with a smile.

He usually had a great confidence. He was a students council president after all, and it was already in his nature to be easy going around other people. However, this was different, and Baekhyun certainly wasn’t trained for this kind of occasion.

The ticks of the clock on the wall sounded intimidating as Baekhyun could only shudder on his seat, hoping the sofa would eat him instead. But as the seconds and minutes went by, Baekhyun heard the sound of electric lock from the front door, and his breath hitched right away.

Baekhyun didn’t find himself having any strength to get up from the sofa. Beside him, he also could see Yura tensed before she quickly shifted her nervous look with a smile.

“They’re here,” Yura muttered as she got up.

Baekhyun gulped, trying to get himself together for the last time before he took one last deep breath and followed Yura. He could hear the sound of noises from the front door, and recognized one of them was Chanyeol’s. The other voices, which Baekhyun was sure they were belonged to Chanyeol’s parents, were rather faint, but they succeeded to make Baekhyun’s legs turned jelly.

When he and Yura arrived at the front door, Yura immediately ran and approached her parents, “Mom, dad, finally,” she shouted in delight as she hugged both of her parents. “I really miss you guys.”

Baekhyun watched in silent the sight of family reuniting in front of him. For a mere second, he forgot all of his anxiousness, and smiled softly instead. Chanyeol’s parents looked really nice and sweet as they received the hug from their oldest daughter. Baekhyun could totally get where Chanyeol got his tall and huge features, and where he got his handsome yet pretty face. Chanyeol got the best features from his parents, so was Yura.

Baekhyun’s gaze landed on Chanyeol who was already looking at him. He smiled at his boyfriend, but clearly, Baekhyun could see the troubled look on his face. Baekhyun replied his smile with a frail one, sending him a virtual hug and kiss from a far.

It was funny though. They were only 5 feet away, but it felt like they were separated miles away.

Yura released her parents from the hug, and at the same time, she remembered the small male standing behind her. “Oh, mom, dad,” Yura began to speak, and for a second, her stare met Chanyeol’s. “This is Baekhyun.”

Baekhyun held his breath at the exact moment Yura mentioned his name. He tried to collect himself as he immediately took a step closer toward the family, and plastered a smile on his face. Searching a cue from Yura, when the latter nodded slightly, Baekhyun bowed to the elders.

“Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Park,” Baekhyun greeted as he bowed more than 90 degree, and after a while, he stood straight again, eyes looking straight and full with respect to the said elders.

The silence lingered in the room, and Baekhyun can’t help himself to swallows his lump. Sensing the tension, Chanyeol’s mom stepped up, approaching Baekhyun.

“Oh, so you’re Baekhyun who Chanyeol was talking about,” Mrs. Park acknowledged, her tone was cheerful but Baekhyun could actually hear a thin layer of nervusness in her voice.

Baekhyun spared a glance at his boyfriend’s uneasy stature before he received the light embrace from Chanyeol’s mother. “I guess so? I’m pretty much sure that I was Baekhyun who he was talking about,” Baekhyun replied with the same tone as hers. And honestly, he was silently relief a sigh when Chanyeol’s mother seemed happy with his lame effort to brighten the mood. “I’m Byun Baekhyun. It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Park,” he continued.

Chanyeol’s mother smiled, and in an instant, the air grew less thicker. “You sure know how to talk sweetly, Baekhyun, unlike my son.”

All of them laughed except Chanyeol’s father, and it seemed that Mrs.Park had come to acknowledge that her husband was quiet, so she pulled her husband closer to her. “Honey, come right here. Meet Baekhyun.”

Chanyeol’s father did approach his wife, and Baekhyun got a closer look of him. His face kept stoic as before, and Baekhyun tried to shrug it off. So, Baekhyun bowed once again to the somehow intimidating man, and put his best smile. “Good afternoon, Mr.Park. I’m Byun Baekhyun. It’s nice to meet you, Sir.”

But Chanyeol’s father’s face muscles didn’t even move one bit, and he only replied Baekhyun with a vague nod.




Chanyeol had thought that it woud be inevitable to avoid the high or awkward tension. He had predicted that actually. But as soon as they all sat around the dining table, ready to eat their lunch made by Baekhyun and Yura, Chanyeol realized how miraculously great Baekhyun’s skill on talking was.

They were eating traditional Korean food. There were yukgaejang, bulgogi soup, and honey chickens on the table, and they were all great, in Chanyeol’s opinion. And during their lunch, not once the table filled on silent because Baekhyun kept talking and talking, since Chanyeol’s mother endlessly asked him questions. Some were ordinary questions, but some were odds and successfully made Chanyeol choke on his soup. But Baekhyun always managed to answer the entire question with friendly and cheerful voice of his, making the table lighten in his sweet voice. His mother seemed really like Baekhyun’s soothing voice, and so were Chanyeol and Yura, who also enjoy the conversation between the two. Sometimes Chanyeol and Yura in the chat, but it was immediately taken over again by Baekhyun or Mrs.Park.

The only thing that flocked up the complete joy was the fact that his father didn’t engage in the conversation at all. He absolutely focused on his meal, and looked like he shut his hearing off. Chanyeol can’t really read his expression. His father was always hard to read, only his own wife could do it, which explained why his wife was the one who did all the talking and questioning. Chanyeol was sure that his father was listening throughout the whole lunch session, and he had a feeling that it won’t be too long for his father to do his usual interrogation session.

They finished their lunch with smiles planted on their face, because good talk and good food always brought happiness. However, Chanyeol could feel the storm was coming, and he started to feel his food was coming back to his throat.

All the five of them decided to sit in the living room to continue the chat. But Chanyeol knew better. Living room meant his father was the one who was in charge now. Chanyeol subtly took Baekhyun’s hand and it softly, leading him to sit beside him on the long couch. Baekhyun gladly held Chanyeol’s hand back and smiled to him reassuringly, sending the silent message that he was okay.

It was their first direct interaction since his parents came, and Chanyeol didn’t realize how he long for his boyfriend’s touch. They even hadn’t uttered a single word to each other. Chanyeol just wanted to finish this quickly so he could hug and kiss the living day light out of his future husband. But he knew that there was an important matter here right now.

Chanyeol sent the last to Baekhyun’s palm before they took a seat, and he forcefully let go of Baekhyun’s hand. He tried to focus on his parents in front of them, with Yura sitting on the single couch at the side of them.

“So,” his father began, and Chanyeol slightly flinched at the sound of his father voice. It had started, Chanyeol thought. “Baekhyun, you’re Chanyeol’s boyfriend?”

Chanyeol suddenly felt like the sun was right above his head. All of a sudden the room temperature increased unbelievably hot, and he could feel the sweat roll down his spine. But Baekhyun seemed really calm beside as his lips slowly pulled into a smile.

“Yes, I’m Chanyeol’s boyfriend, Mr.Park,” Baekhyun answered politely with a head slightly down to respect the elder who was talking to him. His behavior was completely different with when he talked to Mrs.Park. And Chanyeol clapped his hand in silence at that ability of his boyfriend being able to adjust his way of talking or behaving in such short period of time.

During the talk session during lunch, Mrs.Park hadn’t mentioned or asked anything about their relationship or even a simple fact if Baekhyun was her son’s boyfriend. She knew that that wasn’t her area to touch. Mr.Park was always the one who interrogated the targets.

The deep and firm voice of Mr.Park continued, “how long have you date my son?”

Baekhyun replied it with a steady voice, “We’ve been dating for almost 6 months, Mr.Park. We started at the beginning of the semester.”

Chanyeol nervously played with his own fingers. He felt really bad that Baekhyun must answer the questions all by himself. But seriously, if Chanyeol bothered to in, he’ll be dead.

“Were you the one who asked my son to date you?” Chanyeol’s father shot, making all of them, especially Chanyeol surprised by the question.

What kind of question was that?

Chanyeol sat up straight, and this was the first time he had ever interrupted his father, “No, Dad. I’m-”

“I asked Baekhyun,” his father cut him off and glared at him. The his father shifted his attention to Baekhyun again.

Baekhyun shook his head once, “No, Chanyeol actually was the one who asked me out. In front of the whole school, in fact.”

Mr.Park raised his eyebrows, while Mrs.Park slightly jumped on her seat. Chanyeol knew that his mother was itching to ask, but she swallowed her words and decided to keep quiet instead.

“Oh really?” Chanyeol’s dad began again after he pressed his initial shock by Baekhyun’s statement. “I thought you asked him, since our son never dated a boy before,” he said as he folded his arms. “I don’t know that Chanyeol is also interested in boys.”

Chanyeol gritted his teeth and turned his palms into fists, but Baekhyun beside him was just lightly chuckled, “Actually, I also thought that Chanyeol was straight. And I was thinking for a moment to reject his confession since his reason to date me was weird. But,” Baekhyun stopped for a while and turned his head to Chanyeol. He smiled before he turned to Mr.Park again. “Chanyeol was a really great guy, and he turned out to be a really sweet boyfriend. And I’m grateful that I didn’t turn him down at that time.”

Chanyeol blinked at his boyfriend, and slowly smiled. He didn’t know how Baekhyun could be this calm and easy at handling as his father, but he did know that Baekhyun was definitely the first. The first who could calmly face his dad, could answer his father’s questions without wavering, and could make his father shut his mouth in the end.





Chanyeol pursed his lips, “What what?”

Baekhyun gave him a look, “why are you staring at me like that?”

“Like what, Baek?” Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows.

“Like you want to up my body into yours. I don’t know, you’ve been staring at me like that since we finished talking with your dad,” Baekhyun shrugged as he tightened his coat and looked up at the changing floor number at the elevator screen.

Chanyeol kept silent, and just stayed biting his lips. His knuckled turned white because of his tight fists. But he released them eventually as he raised his hand to reach Baekhyun’s back, and he slowly pulled him closer, eyes still hard on Baekhyun’s.

“Oh my God,” Baekhyun chuckled. “You do want to up my body.”

“I do,” Chanyeol said as he rest his hand on Baekhyun’s back, and another hand on Baekhyun’s nape, pulling him into his hug. “If I could, I would. But since I can’t, then I guess a hug could do a justice,” Chanyeol absently murmured into Baekhyun’s hair.

It had been a really tough day for Chanyeol. He was exhausted both physically and emotionally, and he couldn’t be more grateful that the day was finally over and he can’t breathe again freely. And Baekhyun’s hair sweet scent certainly made his nerve calm.

They stayed like that for a good a minute until the elevator dinged and they had to part in order to get out of the elevator. The orange light of sunshine had shined the apartment lobby, making Baekhyun’s skin somehow glowed, and Chanyeol’s hands were itching to touch it. So he did it.

Chanyeol caressed his boyfriend’s cheek, causing the older boy to blush a little. “Are you okay?” Chanyeol asked.

“What do you mean?”

Chanyeol pressed his lips, “Are you—’s my parents?”

Baekhyun was confused at first because Chanyeol seemed really nervous of what Baekhyun’s answers would be. It was weird though. Baekhyun was the one who supposed to worry about Chanyeol’s parents’ impression toward him. Not the other way around.

“They’re lovely,” Baekhyun answered. “Especially your mom. She reminded me a lot about your mother. And your father,” Baekhyun cleared his throat. “How should I say this, uhm, fierce? His expression was really hard that I almost pissed on my pants.”

Chanyeol didn’t say a word. He was too astonished by the fact that Baekhyun was in fact nervous back there. It was either Baekhyun had a great endurance or he was a great actor.

“Do you think your parents like me?” Baekhyun huffed as he leaned his cheek on Chanyeol’s touch. “ I swear I’ve done my best, Yeol. I tried to be sweet and-”

Baekhyun was cut off by a sudden pulled on his body. Baekhyun froze as his body bumped his taller boyfriend, arms clenching at Chanyeol’s loose jacket because Chanyeol was hugging him so tight that his short feature was unintentionally picked up.

“Ch-Chanyeol? I can’t brea-”

“You did really great. And I love you. I love you so much, I don’t care if my parents like you or not,” Chanyol pressed their body closer, breathing through the crook of Baekhyun’s neck. Baekhyun snickered, and when he coughed, Chanyeol loosened his cling on him.

“I love you, too. But Yeol, it’s important, okay. Your parents’ impression is important since, you know.”

Chanyeol shook his head, grip still tight around Baekhyun’s waist, “I’m going to marry you even without them liking you or without their permission.”

“You’re being ridiculous, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun grinned as he rubbed Chanyeol’s back.

Chanyeol thought that maybe Baekhyun was right. Maybe he was ridiculous, or crazy perhaps. But what’s new? He always felt like his life was just a dream since Baekhyun came to his life. His days were filled with happiness and delight, and the thought of losing Baekhyun...he didn’t even want to think about it.




A week after the family meeting rushed like lightning. The weather started to get warmer, and the students had put down their blazers on drawers and put on their vests instead. Chanyeol was more grateful now because the chance of Baekhyun getting sick was reduce, and he could bring Baekhyun anywhere without fearing his boyfriend would get cold.

Too bad that they really didn’t have much time to go to a real date since they were busy with studying for their university entrance exams. All the students started to get serious in their studies, whether staying an extra hour in class or getting a tutor.

In Chanyeol’s case, he was having a personal tutor slash his own boyfriend. This time it was different. Baekhyun wasn’t as harsh as before although still strict. And Chanyeol became more hard-working than before because there was no way he was going to disappoint Baekhyun, or himself, for the second time.

They were usually studying in between their lunch break in the school rooftop, or studying after school at Baekhyun’s house. Or sometimes Chanyeol’s apartment if he was sure that his parents wouldn’t come there.

And now Chanyeol was sitting on the floor with his back leaning on the wall, welcoming the beginning of spring wind at the rooftop. He sat comfortably as he yawned. He looked around, and it was just him. He was waiting for Baekhyun to come, and it had been 10 minutes after the bell rang, but Baekhyun still wasn’t here yet.

Chanyeol scrunched his nose and eyes closed as he tried to get rid off the drowsiness. The rooftop was too quiet, and the wind made him sleepy. He decided to walk around the rooftop instead of stayed still, wasting time until Baekhyun came.

He looked around the area and absently smiled. This place was holding so many memories of him and Baekhyun. It was like the rooftop was the witness of their relationship. Time sure flied really fast. He had been in a relationship with Baekhyun for half year, and Chanyeol honestly can’t wait to spend the years of his life with him.

Chanyeol was still spacing off in his mind when he heard the creak sound of the door. He turned around and found Baekhyun, with his ivory vest matching with his magenta locks, step in the rooftop.

The taller male smiled and walked toward his boyfriend who was just closing the steel door behind him, eyes downcast staring at his shoes.

“Hey, Baek. Why are you late?” Chanyeol chirped, jumping on his feet when he stood right in front of Baekhyun.

Baekhyun stayed still, not giving a single reaction. Realizing the strange behavior, Chanyeol stepped closer, and tried to lift the sharp chin of Baekhyun’s, but the latter flinched. It could only bring Chanyeol into a further suspicion.

“Baek? Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, trying to be gentle as possible when he once again put his rough finger on Baekhyun’s delicate face. Baekhyun didn’t flinch this time, and just like that, Chanyeol realized the moist on his fingers. “Baekhyun, are you crying?”

He immediately lifted Baekhyun’s face, and now he had a clear view. Baekhyun didn’t cry, but his eyes was red and his cheeks was puffy and damp.


“Don’t,” Baekhyun snapped Chanyeol’s hand away, and stepped backward, putting a painful distance between them.

Chanyeol opened his mouth to speak but no word can come out as he saw the smaller male was trying his best to hold his tears. His expression was covered with hurt, and his eyes were filled with pain, and guilt. Chanyeol can see that Baekhyun was in the verge of break down, and he tried to approach Baekhyun again. But to no avail, Baekhyun refused to stay on his feet.

“Seriously, Baek, what’s wrong?” Chanyeol frustratedly tried to grab Baekhyun’s hand, and he did get grasp Bakhyun’s wrist. “Your eyes are so red. You’ve been crying, I know. Don’t you dare to say no. What happened? Tell me, please.”

“Chanyeol, I-” Baekhyun’s voice was really faint that Chanyeol almost failed to catch it.

“What?” Chanyeol desperately replied.

Baekhyun’s lips trembled, and he looked up to Chanyeol’s concern and worried eyes. “Let’s break up, Yeol,” he choked out.

He could feel that his neck was being knot as the air left his lungs, and Chanyeol really thought he lost all the strength on his feet. “W-what?”

“Let’s break up,” Baekhyun sobbed and released his hand from Chanyeol’s grab. Chanyeol was too surprised to even realize that Baekhyun lost from his grip.

“What the hell are you talking about? Baek, what happened?” Chanyeol began to regain his sense, and anger started to creep in.

“I don’t know, okay? Let’s just break up. It’s the best for both of us.”

“Baek, you’re not making any sense. Calm down, you-”

“Stop,” Baekhyun snapped, and Chanyeol glued on his feet. “Stop being so nice. Don’t make this harder than it’s supposed to be,” Baekhyun cried harder.

Chanyeol started to lose his control. He was confused as hell, and he wanted to scream. He wanted to scoop Baekhyun on his arms, calming the smaller male down, but the latter kept walking backward avoiding him.

“I don’t understand,” Chanyeol whispered in great despair. “Baek, please.”

Baekhyun shook his head, “I’m sorry, Chanyeol.” He turned around and in a speed of light, he dashed out, leaving Chanyeol stunned with his eyes and jaws widely opened.

Chanyeol could feel his heart fell to the pit of his stomach.







i'm sorry for the late update but this chapter was so hard to write dammit. ugh I really hate drama.

and guys, please check Memoirs of Chanbaek. I'm one of the participant for the competition, and my fic is already up. Try to guess which one is mine ;) and happy reading all the glorious fic of Chanbaek. all of them are really really good!

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


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161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!